Iman kepada Rasul Allah merupakan rukun iman yang ke ...
Correct Answer
D. D. empat
Iman kepada Rasul Allah merupakan rukun iman yang keempat. This means that believing in the Prophet Muhammad is one of the pillars of faith in Islam. The other pillars include believing in Allah, the angels, and the holy books. Believing in the Prophet Muhammad is essential as he is the final messenger sent by Allah to guide humanity and deliver the message of Islam.
Jumlah Nabi dan Rasul yang wajib diimani adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. A. 25
The correct answer is 25 because in Islam, it is believed that there were a total of 25 Prophets and Messengers who are considered to be the most important and must be believed in. These include Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, among others.
Jumlah Nabi dan Rasul yang memiliki ketabahan luar biasa ada ...
Correct Answer
C. C. 5 orang
There are five Prophets and Messengers who are known for their extraordinary perseverance.
Siapakah Nabi dan Rasul yang pertama ?
Correct Answer
C. C. Nabi Adam AS
The correct answer is c. Nabi Adam AS. According to Islamic belief, Nabi Adam (Adam) was the first prophet and messenger of Allah. He was also the first human being created by Allah and the father of all mankind. He was chosen by Allah to guide and teach his descendants about the worship of Allah and the righteous way of life.
Nabi dan Rasul yang memiliki ketabahan luar biasa disebut ...
Correct Answer
B. B. ulul azmi
The correct answer is "b. ulul azmi." Ulul azmi refers to the prophets and messengers who possess extraordinary perseverance and determination in carrying out their missions. They are known for their unwavering commitment and steadfastness in the face of challenges and hardships.
Penutup para Nabi dan Rasul adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. B. Nabi Muhammad SAW
The correct answer is Nabi Muhammad SAW. Nabi Muhammad SAW is considered the final prophet and messenger in Islam. He is believed to be the last in a long line of prophets sent by Allah to guide humanity. His teachings and revelations are recorded in the Quran, which is considered the holy book of Islam. Nabi Muhammad SAW is highly revered and respected by Muslims worldwide for his role in spreading the message of Islam and establishing the Islamic faith.
Tugas utama Nabi dan Rasul adalah mengajarkan manusia untuk mengakui Allah sebagai Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Istilah itu disebut dengan ...
Correct Answer
A. A. tauhid
The main task of Prophets and Messengers is to teach people to recognize Allah as the One and Only God. This concept is known as "tauhid" in Islam. Tauhid emphasizes the belief in the oneness of Allah and the rejection of any form of polytheism or associating partners with Allah. It is the foundation of Islamic faith and the central principle of monotheism. Through teaching tauhid, Prophets and Messengers guide people towards the worship and obedience of Allah alone.
Rasul mengingatkan manusia akan janji mereka di hadapan Allah ketika mereka berada di alam ...
Correct Answer
C. C. azali
The correct answer is c. azali. Azali refers to the eternal life after death. Rasul is reminding people of their promise to Allah when they are in the eternal realm.
Orang yang diberi wahyu namun tidak wajib mengajarkannya kepada manusia disebut ...
Correct Answer
C. C. nabi
A nabi is someone who receives divine revelations but is not obligated to teach them to others. They are chosen by God to deliver His message to the people and guide them in following His commands. While a rasul is also a messenger of God, they have the additional duty of conveying a new scripture or set of laws. Ulama refers to religious scholars who have deep knowledge of Islamic teachings and provide guidance to the community. Wali is a term used for a saint or a righteous person who has a close relationship with God and is believed to have special spiritual powers.
Nabi dan Rasul menyampaikan kabar gembira untuk ummatnya dengan surga Allah. Permberian kabar gembira dalam Al Quran diistilahkan dengan ...
Correct Answer
B. B. بشير
In the given question, the term "kabar gembira" is mentioned, which means "good news" or "glad tidings". The correct answer, بشير (bushra), translates to "bearer of good news" or "messenger of glad tidings" in Arabic. This term is often used in the Quran to refer to prophets and messengers who brought the glad tidings of paradise to their communities.