Puritan Literature Quiz Questions

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| By L Valko
L Valko
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Quizzes Created: 1 | Total Attempts: 1,705
Questions: 25 | Attempts: 1,711

Puritan Quizzes & Trivia

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    The Puritans who settled in Massachusetts came to America to ___.

    • A.

      Improve their financial situations

    • B.

      Establish a society where all religious beliefs were tolerated

    • C.

      Obtained free farmland

    • D.

      Gain freedom to follow the Puritan religion

    Correct Answer
    D. Gain freedom to follow the Puritan religion
    The Puritans who settled in Massachusetts came to America to gain freedom to follow the Puritan religion. The Puritans were a religious group that sought to reform the Church of England and establish a more pure and strict form of Protestantism. They faced persecution and restrictions on their religious practices in England, so they sought a new home where they could freely worship and practice their faith according to their own beliefs. Massachusetts provided them with the opportunity to establish a society based on their religious values and principles, where they could freely follow the Puritan religion.

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  • 2. 

    The Cavaliers who settled colonial Virginia were given ______________.

    • A.

      Small land grants in the Shenandoah Valley

    • B.

      Large land grants in eastern Tidewater Virginia

    • C.

      Town charters throughout the colony

    • D.

      Fishing rights along the Virginia coast

    Correct Answer
    B. Large land grants in eastern Tidewater Virginia
    The Cavaliers who settled colonial Virginia were given large land grants in eastern Tidewater Virginia. This was because the Cavaliers were wealthy English aristocrats who were granted large amounts of land by the King of England as a reward for their loyalty and service. These land grants allowed the Cavaliers to establish large plantations and become the dominant social and political class in colonial Virginia. The fertile land in eastern Tidewater Virginia was particularly suitable for agriculture, which further contributed to the Cavaliers' wealth and influence.

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  • 3. 

    In which region did the Dutch, Quakers, and German settlers contribute to a diverse and tolerant social structure?

    • A.

      New England colonies

    • B.

      Middle Atlantic colonies

    • C.

      Southern colonies

    • D.

      Western colonies

    Correct Answer
    B. Middle Atlantic colonies
    The Dutch, Quakers, and German settlers contributed to a diverse and tolerant social structure in the Middle Atlantic colonies. These colonies, which included New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware, attracted a wide range of settlers from different backgrounds and religious beliefs. The Dutch brought their own cultural influences, the Quakers promoted religious tolerance, and the German settlers added to the diversity. This mix of cultures and beliefs created a more accepting and inclusive society in the Middle Atlantic colonies compared to other regions.

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  • 4. 

    The _______that the Puritans formed was based on the __________.

    • A.

      New religion-Mayflower Compact

    • B.

      Convent community- Mayflower Compact

    • C.

      New church- Plymouth Compact

    • D.

      Religious community- Plymouth Compact

    Correct Answer
    B. Convent community- Mayflower Compact
    The correct answer is "convent community- Mayflower Compact". The Mayflower Compact was a document created by the Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower ship in 1620. It established a social and legal contract among the settlers, outlining their commitment to creating a self-governing community based on religious principles. The term "convent community" suggests a group of individuals who are bound together by a shared religious belief and commitment, which aligns with the purpose and nature of the Mayflower Compact.

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  • 5. 

    __________________________ established Jamestown in 1607 as a business venture.

    • A.

      Virginia House of Burgesses

    • B.

      Virginia Company of London

    • C.

      Plymouth Company of London

    • D.

      Dodge Company of London

    Correct Answer
    B. Virginia Company of London
    The Virginia Company of London established Jamestown in 1607 as a business venture. The company was granted a charter by King James I to establish colonies in the New World and make a profit through trade and exploration. Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement in North America and was founded with the goal of finding gold and other valuable resources. The Virginia Company of London played a crucial role in the early colonization of America and the establishment of English presence in the New World.

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  • 6. 

    The ______________colonies developed an economy based on shipbuilding, fishing, lumbering, small-scale subsistence farming, and eventually industry.

    • A.

      New England colonies

    • B.

      Middle Atlantic colonies

    • C.

      Southern colonies

    • D.

      Western colonies

    Correct Answer
    A. New England colonies
    The New England colonies developed an economy based on shipbuilding, fishing, lumbering, small-scale subsistence farming, and eventually industry. This region had access to abundant natural resources such as timber and fish, which allowed for the growth of shipbuilding and fishing industries. The rocky soil and harsh climate made large-scale agriculture difficult, leading to small-scale subsistence farming. Over time, the New England colonies also became centers of industrialization, with the development of textile mills and other manufacturing industries.

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  • 7. 

    The ______ prohibited settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains, a region that was costly for the British to protect.

    • A.

      Articles of Confederation

    • B.

      Appalachian treaty

    • C.

      Proclamation of 1763

    • D.

      Stamp Act

    Correct Answer
    C. Proclamation of 1763
    The Proclamation of 1763 prohibited settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains. This was done to prevent conflicts between colonists and Native American tribes in the region, as well as to control and regulate westward expansion. The British government also wanted to avoid the expense of protecting settlers in this costly and potentially dangerous area.

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  • 8. 

    Those Americans who opposed independence for the colonies were labeled _______and those who favored it were labeled ________.

    • A.

      Whigs -Tories

    • B.


    • C.

      Patriots- Loyalists

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Loyalists-Patriots
    During the American Revolution, those Americans who opposed independence for the colonies were labeled Loyalists, as they remained loyal to the British crown. On the other hand, those who favored independence were labeled Patriots, as they fought for the freedom and sovereignty of the colonies. These terms were used to distinguish between the two opposing sides and their political allegiances during the revolutionary period.

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  • 9. 

     As a result of the French and Indian war, Britain ________.

    • A.

      Allowed colonists to move west

    • B.

      Levied new taxes on the colonists

    • C.

      Helped land speculators

    • D.

      Built 150 forts along the Mississippi

    Correct Answer
    B. Levied new taxes on the colonists
    As a result of the French and Indian war, Britain levied new taxes on the colonists. This war was costly for Britain and left them in a significant amount of debt. To help pay off this debt, Britain implemented various taxes on the American colonists, such as the Sugar Act, Stamp Act, and Townshend Acts. These taxes were met with strong resistance from the colonists and eventually led to the American Revolution.

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  • 10. 

    What Enlightenment thinker wrote about about the rights of people to control their property and their relationship to their rulers?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Locke
    Locke is the correct answer because he wrote extensively about the rights of individuals to control their property and their relationship to their rulers. In his influential work, "Two Treatises of Government," Locke argued that all individuals have natural rights, including the right to life, liberty, and property. He believed that government's primary purpose is to protect these rights, and that if a government fails to do so, the people have the right to rebel and establish a new government. Locke's ideas on property rights and the social contract greatly influenced the development of modern democratic societies.

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  • 11. 

    American colonists, dressed as Native Americans, staged a protest against British taxation at the ________.

    • A.

      Boston Massacre

    • B.

      Boston Tea Party

    • C.

      Battle of Lexington

    • D.

      Battle of Concord

    Correct Answer
    B. Boston Tea Party
    The American colonists staged a protest against British taxation by dressing up as Native Americans and dumping tea into the Boston Harbor. This event became known as the Boston Tea Party. The colonists were protesting against the Tea Act, which they believed was unfair and violated their rights to representation. The Boston Tea Party was a significant event in the lead-up to the American Revolution and played a crucial role in uniting the colonists against British rule.

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  • 12. 

    _________, the commander of the American Army, avoided any situation that threatened the destruction of his army.

    • A.

      George Washington

    • B.

      Benjamin Franklin

    • C.

      Thomas Jefferson

    • D.

      Charles Cornwallis

    Correct Answer
    A. George Washington
    George Washington, as the commander of the American Army, prioritized the safety and preservation of his army above all else. He was cautious and strategic, avoiding any circumstances that could potentially lead to the destruction of his forces. This approach allowed him to effectively lead the American troops during the Revolutionary War and ultimately achieve victory.

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  • 13. 

    _______ is called the “Father of the Constitution because of his role in the Constitutional Convention

    • A.

      George Washington

    • B.

      James Madison

    • C.

      Thomas Jefferson

    • D.

      Benjamin Franklin

    Correct Answer
    B. James Madison
    James Madison is called the "Father of the Constitution" because of his significant role in the Constitutional Convention. He was instrumental in drafting the United States Constitution and played a key role in shaping its content and structure. Madison's contributions include the Virginia Plan, which formed the basis for the Constitution, his active participation in debates and discussions, and his authorship of the Federalist Papers. His knowledge of political theory and his dedication to creating a strong and balanced government earned him the title of the "Father of the Constitution."

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  • 14. 

    During and proceeding the American Revolution, American distrust of a strong central government was best shown by _________.

    • A.

      A lack of debate over the ratification of the Constitution

    • B.

      Adoption of the Articles of Confederation

    • C.

      Development of a federal court system

    • D.

      Constitutional provision for a strong president

    Correct Answer
    B. Adoption of the Articles of Confederation
    The adoption of the Articles of Confederation best shows American distrust of a strong central government during and proceeding the American Revolution. The Articles of Confederation established a weak central government with limited powers, as the American colonists were wary of creating a government that could potentially become tyrannical. The Articles decentralized power, giving more authority to the individual states, which reflected the desire to prevent the concentration of power in a central government. This distrust of a strong central government ultimately led to the eventual replacement of the Articles with the Constitution, which aimed to strike a balance between a strong central government and protection of individual liberties.

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  • 15. 

    In order to secure ratification of the Constitution, the federalists had to promise_______.

    • A.

      More power to the states than to the Federal government

    • B.

      Create a national Supreme Court

    • C.

      To add a Bill of Rights

    • D.

      A political principle that favors democratic policies

    Correct Answer
    C. To add a Bill of Rights
    The federalists had to promise to add a Bill of Rights in order to secure ratification of the Constitution. This was necessary because many anti-federalists were concerned about the potential for the new government to infringe upon individual rights. By promising to add a Bill of Rights, the federalists were able to alleviate these concerns and gain the support needed for ratification.

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  • 16. 

    The _________ proposed a federal government of three separate branches

    • A.

      Virginia Plan

    • B.

      Bill of Rights

    • C.

      Great Compromise

    • D.

      Federalists Papers

    Correct Answer
    A. Virginia Plan
    The Virginia Plan proposed a federal government of three separate branches. The plan was put forward by delegates from Virginia during the Constitutional Convention in 1787. It called for a strong central government with three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. This plan served as the foundation for the structure and powers of the federal government outlined in the United States Constitution. The Virginia Plan aimed to address the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and establish a more effective and balanced system of government.

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  • 17. 

    The _______ was proposed to forbid practice of government support for one favored church.

    • A.

      Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom

    • B.

      United States Bill of Rights

    • C.

      Virginia Declaration of Rights

    • D.

      Virginia Constitution

    Correct Answer
    A. Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom
    The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom was proposed to forbid the practice of government support for one favored church. This statute, drafted by Thomas Jefferson and passed by the Virginia General Assembly in 1786, was a significant precursor to the religious freedom protections later enshrined in the United States Constitution's First Amendment. It established the principle of separation of church and state and ensured that individuals had the freedom to practice their chosen religion without interference or preference from the government.

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  • 18. 

    Who was the author of the Virginia Declaration of Rights?

    • A.

      Patrick Henry

    • B.

      George Mason

    • C.

      James Madison

    • D.

      Thomas Jefferson

    Correct Answer
    B. George Mason
    George Mason was the author of the Virginia Declaration of Rights. This document was adopted by the Virginia Convention on June 12, 1776, and served as a precursor to the United States Bill of Rights. George Mason, a prominent American statesman and Founding Father, played a crucial role in the drafting and adoption of this influential declaration. His work on the Virginia Declaration of Rights helped establish the fundamental principles of individual liberties and limited government that would later be enshrined in the United States Constitution.

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  • 19. 

    The _________ offered a great opportunity for expansion because it doubled the size of the United states Government.

    • A.

      War of 1812

    • B.

      Northwest Ordinance

    • C.

      Louisiana Purchase

    • D.

      Gadsen Purchase

    Correct Answer
    C. Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase is the correct answer because it refers to the acquisition of the Louisiana Territory by the United States from France in 1803. This purchase effectively doubled the size of the United States, providing vast new lands for settlement and expansion. It also secured control of the Mississippi River and New Orleans, important for trade and access to the Gulf of Mexico. The Louisiana Purchase was a significant event in American history, allowing for the westward expansion and growth of the United States.

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  • 20. 

    This act of Congress created a civil government in the territories once it possessed over 5000 "free male inhabitants of full age"

    • A.

      Northwest Ordinance of 1787

    • B.

      Land Ordinance of 1785

    • C.

      Popular Sovereignty

    • D.

      Gadsen Purchase

    Correct Answer
    A. Northwest Ordinance of 1787
    The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 created a civil government in the territories once they had reached a population of over 5000 "free male inhabitants of full age". This meant that once a territory had enough people, it could establish its own government and begin the process of becoming a state. The Northwest Ordinance was an important piece of legislation that helped to shape the development of the United States by establishing a process for admitting new states into the Union.

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  • 21. 

    During the 1787 Constitutional Convention, the Connecticut or Great Compromise solved the problem of congressional representation by ___.

    • A.

      Granting each state two senators, but basing representation in the house on state population

    • B.

      Guaranteeing an equal number of Northern and Southern states in Congress

    • C.

      Establishing a popularly elected Senate and House based upon state population

    • D.

      Giving greater influence to the larger states in the Senate and greater influence to smaller states in the House

    Correct Answer
    A. Granting each state two senators, but basing representation in the house on state population
    The Connecticut or Great Compromise resolved the issue of congressional representation by granting each state two senators, ensuring equal representation for all states in the Senate. However, representation in the House of Representatives was based on state population, giving larger states more influence. This compromise balanced the interests of both larger and smaller states, ensuring fair representation in both chambers of Congress.

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  • 22. 

    _______________ is the Supreme Court case for the basis for the concept of Judicial Reviev.

    • A.

      McCulloch v. Maryland

    • B.

      Gibbons v. Ogden

    • C.

      Worcester v. Georgia

    • D.

      Marbury v. Madison

    Correct Answer
    D. Marbury v. Madison
    Marbury v. Madison is the correct answer because this Supreme Court case established the concept of judicial review. In this case, the Supreme Court asserted its power to declare laws unconstitutional, giving the judiciary the authority to interpret the Constitution and determine the constitutionality of legislative and executive actions. This landmark decision solidified the Court's role as the final arbiter of the Constitution and greatly expanded its power in the American system of government.

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  • 23. 

    This Federalists believed in a strong national government and industrial economy to be supported by bankers and business interests in the Northeast.

    • A.

      Thomas Jefferson

    • B.

      Patrick Henry

    • C.

      George Mason

    • D.

      Alexander Hamilton

    Correct Answer
    D. Alexander Hamilton
    Alexander Hamilton is the correct answer because he was a prominent Federalist who strongly believed in a strong national government and an industrial economy. He advocated for a centralized government with strong executive power and supported policies that favored bankers and business interests in the Northeast. Hamilton's economic plans, such as the establishment of a national bank, were aimed at promoting economic growth and development. His ideas and policies aligned with the principles of the Federalist Party, making him the most fitting choice among the given options.

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  • 24. 

    This founding father won the Presidental Election of 1800.

    • A.

      Alexander Hamilton

    • B.

      Thomas Jefferson

    • C.

      James Madison

    • D.

      John Adams

    Correct Answer
    B. Thomas Jefferson
    Thomas Jefferson won the Presidential Election of 1800. He was one of the founding fathers of the United States and a key figure in the drafting of the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson was a member of the Democratic-Republican Party and defeated the incumbent president, John Adams, in the election. His victory marked the first peaceful transfer of power between political parties in the United States. Jefferson's presidency was characterized by his belief in limited government, agrarianism, and the expansion of the United States through the Louisiana Purchase.

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  • 25. 

    Which was an NOT a Federalists belief?

    • A.

      A strong national government would tend to usurp the powers of the state governments.

    • B.

      A strong national government would concentrate too much power at the national level and too little at the state and local levels.

    • C.

      A national Bill of Rights was necessary.

    • D.

      A large republic would protect liberty because numerous political factions would check each other and prevent any one faction from gaining too much power.

    Correct Answer
    C. A national Bill of Rights was necessary.
    The Federalists believed that a strong national government would tend to usurp the powers of the state governments and that a large republic would protect liberty by preventing any one faction from gaining too much power. However, they did not believe that a national Bill of Rights was necessary. They argued that the Constitution itself provided sufficient protections for individual rights and that adding a Bill of Rights might imply that the government had the power to infringe upon rights not listed.

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  • Current Version
  • Mar 22, 2023
    Quiz Edited by
    ProProfs Editorial Team
  • Oct 06, 2009
    Quiz Created by
    L Valko
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