What Click Are You In?

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| By Greenstream420
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 2 | Total Attempts: 6,053
Questions: 16 | Attempts: 548

What Click Are You In? - Quiz

This Quiz is a detailed evaluation of what click you might have fit into durring high school. Choose your answeres carfully and honestly and don't be discouraged by your results! you are who you are and no one will change that. Have fun!

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Someone asks if your ready for the midterm tomorrow, what do you say?

    • A.

      I'm ditching tomorrow

    • B.

      I'm busy tonight, I'll study later

    • C.

      Already have a guy giving me the answers

    • D.

      I studied all week

    • E.

      I should do fine

    • F.

      I already know whats on the test

    • G.

      I'm sitting behind that nerdy kid for the midterm

    • H.

      Ignore them

    • I.


    • J.


    Rate this question:

  • 2. 

    A not so good looking Boy/Girl asks you to the Dance, what do you do?

    • A.

      I'm not going to the dance

    • B.

      You feel bad and take them to the dance

    • C.

      I hate dances

    • D.

      I'm busy I can't go

    • E.

      I was about to ask you the same thing

    • F.

      Ew! your like not my type

    • G.

      Find someone else

    • H.


    • I.

      Lie and say you've already been asked

    • J.

      I'm going with my Girlfriend/Boyfriend already

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  • 3. 

    Someone comes up to you at a party and says your outfit is ugly, what do you do?

    • A.

      Take off your shirt and show off a little

    • B.

      Laugh in their face because you know you look good

    • C.


    • D.

      Threaten them

    • E.

      Do I know you?

    • F.

      Ignore them

    • G.

      Cuss at them and walk away

    • H.

      I wouldn't be at the party in first place

    • I.

      You leave the party

    • J.

      Hide in the bathroom

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  • 4. 

    How does your morning usually go?

    • A.

      You wake up with just enough time to shower and then catch a ride in your friends car

    • B.

      Wake up, then get ready just in time for breakfast and then drive to school

    • C.

      Roll out of bed and run for the bus

    • D.

      Wake up late and use your parents car to drive to school

    • E.

      Figure out different ways to get dropped off at school everyday and only take the bus as a last resort

    • F.

      I'm usually the first one at the bus stop

    • G.


    • H.

      I usually ditch my first hour class so no rush

    • I.

      Gather last nights homework and drive to school a little early to get a good parking spot

    • J.

      Roll out of bed, take a long shower and then walk to the bus stop

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  • 5. 

    During the school play a stink bomb goes off, what would you be doing?

    • A.

      I'd sit back and smile as the kayos break out around me

    • B.

      I would just evacuate the auditorium

    • C.

      I would be trying to figure out who set off the stink bomb so I can meet them

    • D.

      I'd be on stage upset and relieved about what just happened in the middle of the show

    • E.

      I made the stink bomb

    • F.

      I would already be out of the theater

    • G.

      I would be laughing my ass off!

    • H.

      I was coincidentally sitting next to the stink bomb when it went off

    • I.

      I would be trying to work up the crowd and grab a few laughs

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  • 6. 

    During football games where would you be?

    • A.

      Playing the game of course!

    • B.

      Cheering for friends on the field!

    • C.

      I'm usually at home studying

    • D.

      Smoking under the bleachers

    • E.

      Checking out all the hot Cheerleaders/Football players and cheering of course

    • F.

      I usually never have time to see football games

    • G.

      I hate football games

    • H.

      I'm usually working the concession stands

    • I.

      In the back row of the bleachers

    • J.

      I'd be in the band

    Rate this question:

  • 7. 

    It's the middle of an assembly and the fire alarm goes off what do you bring with you? 

    • A.

      Who cares, no more assembly!

    • B.

      Anything I might need in the next hour

    • C.

      My glasses/inhaler

    • D.

      Anything I'm not suppose to have cannot be left unattended and must come with

    • E.

      Everything considering there's never actually a fire

    • F.

      Mainly my schoolwork so no one steals it

    • G.

      My phone so that when I get outside I can find my friends

    • H.

      Just my girlfriend/boyfriend

    • I.

      Nothing, just evacuate

    • J.

      Just some headphones

    Rate this question:

  • 8. 

    You and a few others end up getting locked in the library for over 6 hours, what do you do to pass the time?

    • A.

      Wander around the library bored and slightly hyper

    • B.


    • C.

      Text your girlfriend/boyfriend

    • D.

      Complain about the situation

    • E.

      Get some extra studying in

    • F.

      Talk on the phone

    • G.

      Start trouble

    • H.

      Browse for some books you want to check out

    • I.

      Kick it and chat with friends

    • J.

      Sleep with some headphones in

    Rate this question:

  • 9. 

    After school what is the first thing you do?

    • A.

      Go on Facebook, play video games and kick it later with friends

    • B.

      Change out of my school clothes, make a snack and possibly catch a movie with friends

    • C.

      Make food, do homework and watch TV

    • D.

      Smoke a bowl, kick it with friends and play some music.

    • E.

      Change out of my school clothes and then go on Facebook and make plans with friends

    • F.

      Do homework and then play video games

    • G.


    • H.

      Spend time with your girlfriend/boyfriend while you kick it with friends

    • I.

      Do homework, eat dinner and watch TV

    • J.


    Rate this question:

  • 10. 

    One day at lucnh you recieve a fresh copy of the school newspaper. On the front cover is a story and picture of your best friend throwing up in the middle of last weeks assembly. People laughing around you ask if that's YOUR bestfriend?

    • A.

      Ignore them and walk away

    • B.

      Tell them it's not funny and then use your extra pink slip from the front office to escort your friend out of their class

    • C.

      Find your friend and ditch school together

    • D.

      Ignore them and go find your friend who is probably already crying in the arms of all your friends

    • E.

      Yes it is. Later you hack the school newspaper hard drives and delete all files and then give your friend the scoop

    • F.

      I don't really talk to them anymore

    • G.

      Ignore them as you are already plotting revenge

    • H.

      Stand up and start a food fight, then find your friend. Nothing like a good distraction

    • I.

      Walk away and start spreading some false rumors to make this time period less painful for your friend

    • J.

      Try to laugh it off with your friend but also try to cheer them up

    Rate this question:

  • 11. 

    Some random kid asks if your going to the big party tonight?

    • A.

      Yeah I can't wait to start beer pong already!

    • B.

      Duh, my friend is hosting it

    • C.

      I wasn't invited

    • D.

      Fuck no!

    • E.

      Um yeah all the popular kids are going

    • F.


    • G.

      If I have time

    • H.

      So I can hand out with a bunch of losers I don't think so

    • I.

      I don't go to parties

    • J.

      Ignore them

    Rate this question:

  • 12. 

    While walking back to your table from the lunchline some kid wipes out on the floor in front of you with their lunch tray. What do you do?

    • A.

      Ignore them

    • B.

      Help them gather their food

    • C.

      Smile and keep walking

    • D.

      Accidentally laugh out loud at them

    • E.

      Tell them it's ok and help them up

    • F.

      You feel bad but don't help them up

    • G.

      Call them a loser

    • H.

      Help them up and then give them your clean shirt from your locker

    • I.

      Say that sucks and keep walking

    • J.

      Look in disgust and keep wlaking

    Rate this question:

  • 13. 

    A fight breaks out during lunch, where would you be? 

    • A.

      In the fight

    • B.

      Cheering on the fight!

    • C.

      Getting beat up

    • D.

      Trying to get in the fight

    • E.

      Watching in shock

    • F.

      Complaining about how many fights there are every week

    • G.

      Minding my business

    • H.

      Standing on a table far away trying to see the fight

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  • 14. 

    You come to class with no Homework, what is your excuse? 

    • A.

      I left it at home

    • B.

      I didn't know we had homework...

    • C.

      My dog ate it again. (Not Lying)

    • D.

      No responce

    • E.

      I left it in my car

    • F.

      Don't need an excuse, I never forget my homework

    • G.

      I've been rehearsing all week!

    • H.

      I didn't finish it, can I turn it in tomorrow?

    • I.

      I don't have it "Usually I do so no big deal"

    • J.

      Hand in the homework but it's only 25% done

    Rate this question:

  • 15. 

    On a half day of school what do you do for the rest of the day?

    • A.


    • B.

      Grab some lunch and do some homework

    • C.

      Enjoy the weather at the park with friends

    • D.

      To the movies

    • E.

      Finish all my homework and then start studying

    • F.

      To the mall

    • G.

      Go to the kickback in your friends basement/garage

    • H.

      Lay around with friends unsure what to do

    • I.

      Kick it with friends while you guys try to find something to do that night

    • J.

      Play video games/athletic activities

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  • 16. 

    What kind of music do you listen to?

    • A.

      I'm cool with mainstream, some rap, rock and techno

    • B.


    • C.

      I don't really have a style of music, I like certain songs but most people think my music is old

    • D.

      Black Metal/Rock/Metal

    • E.


    • F.


    • G.

      I have specific bands I like but but I don't mind hearing a soundtrack here and there

    • H.


    • I.

      I like a little bit of everything, sometimes I just listen to the radio

    • J.


    Rate this question:

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  • Current Version
  • Mar 20, 2022
    Quiz Edited by
    ProProfs Editorial Team
  • Oct 03, 2012
    Quiz Created by

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