You're heard of the jungle cubs right? Kaa, Bagheera, Shere Khan, Hathi, Louie, and Baloo. Well answer these questions as truthful as you can and you will find out which character you would be
Tell them you can't and start studying for your test. Its always good to be prepared.
Tell your friends you can't and then take a nap on your couch or bed. You can always study later or tomorrow. Besides you need your energy!
Put your studying aside and go to the movies. Its more fun to watch a movie than study!
Go to the movies with your friends because they also have the test but they aren't studying. Its always good to do what your friends are doing
You are usually more of a loner; going to the movies is cub stuff. I have more important things to do such as make myself some dinner.
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Gather your other friends and convince them to go somewhere else. Its not fair not everyone has a suit except your friend; he/she will be left out!
Push your friend into the pool and laugh because you think its funny that they don't have any dry clothes and now your wet
Your not really in the mood to swim either so you convince your friends that swimming is a stupid idea and that going bowling sounds more entertaining. Besides you rock at bowling and its always a good idea to go somewhere where you can shine.
Your a little tired and you also feel bad for your friend so you decide to give your friend your suit while you take a nice long nap in the sun.
Your not sure how to help your friend so you don't say anything and hope that another one of your friends offers a solution.
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Even though you don't want to ski down hard trails you don't want to look week in front of your friends so you go along with whatever they want to do.
Use your tenacity and convince your friends to do whatever you want to do. This way you don't look week and go on and have fun. "Hah Double diamonds are way to easy for me lets try something more difficult like learning to snowboard, now thats a challenge!"
Any type of skiing is fun! Maybe we can do both some easy trails and some hard trails. Hanging out with my friends is all that matters
Its way to dangerous to ski down double diamonds. We could get hurt or worse crash into a tree and break our necks. I'm staying on the easier trails. Thats the smart thing to do
Well this is a hard decision to make. I will ski on diamonds with you as long as we all stay together and then later on go on the easier trails.
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Yikes! this looks dangerous but I don't want to disappoint my friends I guess i'll suffer through it.
Lets get something to eat instead, My stomach is rumbling and id rather eat then puke!
Bring it on I live for Danger. I need to look the bravest in front of my frineds
This is insane, i'm not going on that. It could fall off the track and kill us. I'm staying put safe on the ground.
I can do this! As long as we're all together having fun
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Quickly organize a plan with your other friends and pull your friend out yourself
Even though you are afraid of slipping on the ice, you know your friend is in trouble and needs help
You think its so funny that your friend fell in and your laughing so hard you don't realize he/she is in danger
Jump in reguardless of how cold the water is and try to rescue your friends. That way you will look brave and strong in front of your other friends.
Extend your hand to your friend, pull him/her out and give her/him a warm hug.
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Buy another vase similar to the original and hope your Mom doesn't notice
Ask your other friends what you should do since you don't have a solution
Stop playing DDR, since you are tired of dancing and you don't want to break anything else. Then hide the vase and hope your Mom won't notice. If she does confess
Place the pieces in a neat pile and confess to your Mom that it was an accident. Its never a good idea to tell a lie because when your Mom finds out she will be even angrier.
Work together on cleaning up the mess and then try gluing all the pieces back together. Maybe its fixable.
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Try going back to sleep. Its just a movie and I am stronger than this. I can't tell my friends they will think I am a scardy cat!
Try to think of it in a funny way so instead of shaking you will be laughing
Convince your friends to stay up with you all night. since you can't sleep.
Its never good to say up all night so its a good idea to ask your friends advice for the solution.
Its almost morning maybe I should stay up so the dream won't come back.
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Such it up its just pain and looking weak in front of my pals isn't smart
Try your best to get up so you don't make your friends late for the concert. Even though you are in deep pain its better to make your friends happy
Ask your friends for help. If you broke your leg it needs to be taken care of right away or else it will get infected.
Close your eyes and take a nap that way your leg wont hurt anymore and you will have energy when you wake up.
Ask your friends to call 911 and work together to make you feel better.
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Try another way this time by marking each tree this way you will know if you are really lost or not.
Confess to your frineds that you don't know which way to go besides if you don't you may get lost even further.
Go back the other way and look closely at the tree maybe they are different you aren't lost
Continue to lead your friends in the same direction. I never get lost, the trees just look the same!
Gather your friends and tell them that we are lost and if we all work together we can find a way out of it
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Change your score with the eraser so your not in last place anymore
Try to make your friends laugh while they are hitting their ball so they mess up and that way you will be ahead of them
Continue to play the game fairly and just admit to yourself that you suck at mini golf
Ask your friends to take a break and have some lunch maybe thats all the energy you need to play better
Hey guys this is not fair lets play something else. I stink at this game
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Well its needs a lot more sugar and a little less flour. Why don't you try again because I have to tell you the truth it doesn't taste very good
Well its interesting, why don't we all help you make the cake together.
This cake stinks( spits cake in napkin) Your the worst baker ever
Try to make a joke out of your answer so you don't hurt your friends feeling as much
Its not that bad, food is food and my stomach will love it.
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Don't say anything and hope your friends don't say anything either.
Confess to your friends that it was your fault and that you are sorry you cost them the game.
Blame your loss on one of your teammates so you don't get blamed. I am the king of soccer it was obviously someone else fault
Oh my goodness did you see the way I feel. Right on my bottom. laugh and chuckle with friends
I'm sorry guys I guess I wasn't in the game zone, i was really tired, I didn't sleep too well last night
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Use up all the Sun tan lotion on yourself so you are extra protected.
Take a nice long nap in the shade where by avoiding the sun all together
Give all your sun tan lotion to your friends. Its better they are protected and happy
Guys your crazy going into that sun. You could get badly burned and worse..... Why don't we come back later when there is no sun
Alright if we each divide the sun tan lotion evenly at least we will all have some protection
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Get the tattoo if its makes your friends happy that's all that matters
I'm too tired to get one maybe next time
Yeah a henna tattoo bring it on. Give me the biggest one you got
Tattoos aren't the greatest thing to get. Lets get a banana split insted
Well I don't know my skin is pretty sensitive, I think i'll just watch
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I'm gonna go back to this later right now i'm hungry
Hmm where could they be I guess I will keep looking I don't want to ruin my friends fun
Trick your friends into comming out of their hiding places
Guys its getting dark lets continue this tomorrow you never know what comes out at night
Keep looking I know I will find them if I keep trying
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