
Each team member will create a minimum two-page entry for each exceptionality assigned to your Learning Team. Each document should be a clear, concise, and comprehensive resource about the exceptionality. Complete your portion of the exceptionality by clicking on the assignment file tab and submit it into the assignment tab.


Here is what you will need to include in your exceptionality paper:

Title of Exceptionality Primary Author: Team:
Include the following on your page. You may use these bullets below as subtitles for your minimum 2-page paper, single-spaced. You may single space this document in this assignment. Refer to the first message below to find the exceptionalities for your team, and arrange to research one of them, etc.

The names of your team members At least one content-relevant graphic, infographic, or diagram Main characteristics of the exceptionality Causes of the exceptionality Identification process for the exceptionality Prevalence of the exceptionality Learning characteristics of students with this exceptionality Accommodations and modifications that can be used in the classroom for the exceptionality Least Restrictive Environment for students with this exceptionality Assistive technology resources that may enhance learning for students with the exceptionality: Explain how the resource may be used and why it might be enhance student learning. Link to professional organizations for additional information about the exceptionality. Three to five APA-formatted references
As a class, you will create individual documents about student exceptionalities to share with each other. Each individual is assigned an exceptionality. The audience for your page is all of your classmates. When completed, this should be a clear, concise, and comprehensive resource about a variety of exceptionalities, and how teachers can create and facilitate learning opportunities for students with these exceptionalities.

Table of Contents

Exceptionalities: Hearing Impairments


Each team member will create a minimum two-page entry for each exceptionality assigned to your Learning Team. Each document should be a clear, concise, and comprehensive resource about the exceptionality. Complete your portion of the exceptionality by clicking on the assignment file tab and submit it into the assignment tab.


Here is what you will need to include in your exceptionality paper:

  • Title of Exceptionality
  • Primary Author:
  • Team:

Include the following on your page. You may use these bullets below as subtitles for your minimum 2-page paper, single-spaced. You may single space this document in this assignment. Refer to the first message below to find the exceptionalities for your team, and arrange to research one of them, etc.

  • The names of your team members
  • At least one content-relevant graphic, infographic, or diagram
  • Main characteristics of the exceptionality
  • Causes of the exceptionality
  • Identification process for the exceptionality
  • Prevalence of the exceptionality
  • Learning characteristics of students with this exceptionality
  • Accommodations and modifications that can be used in the classroom for the exceptionality
  • Least Restrictive Environment for students with this exceptionality
  • Assistive technology resources that may enhance learning for students with the exceptionality: Explain how the resource may be used and why it might be enhance student learning.
  • Link to professional organizations for additional information about the exceptionality.
  • Three to five APA-formatted references

As a class, you will create individual documents about student exceptionalities to share with each other. Each individual is assigned an exceptionality. The audience for your page is all of your classmates. When completed, this should be a clear, concise, and comprehensive resource about a variety of exceptionalities, and how teachers can create and facilitate learning opportunities for students with these exceptionalities.

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