Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Introduction
It is a proven fact that the people with good assertive skills achieve success in personal and professional in life. Many times though, we are afraid to ask for what we need, feeling we are pushing or being rude to others. Today’s business environment requires that we have the flexibility to step up to those challenges we are dealt with to win. Assertive behaviour is a necessity. This assertiveness skills online course helps delegates understand that expressing needs, utilising strong vocal and non-verbal communication skills and saying NO are critical to success.
Let's start the course to learn about the assertive communication skills.
Chapter 2 - Recognising Behaviours
In this chapter, you will learn typical examples of different behaviour and dialogue. Ideally, we would all like to become more assertive in our daily lives, both in and out of work (family, friends etc) but what does assertive, passive or aggressive behaviours look like and sound like?
Let’s examine these in more detail.
Chapter 3 - Practical Assertiveness Skills
I hope you’ve now decided that assertive behaviour is the preferred response and, to be honest, most people are able to demonstrate assertive behaviour. Some are more assertive at home than in the workplace or vice versa. Assertive behaviour is very situational; your response changes depending on the situation you are in. Everybody has the potential to be assertive and we are assertive far more often than we think.
In this chapter, you will learn when to be assertive.
Chapter 4 - Assertive Communication
In this chapter you will learn how to start to become assertive. If you’ve decided that you need to communicate more assertively, the following 10 points will give you a start. The key to becoming assertive is to pick one or two techniques and practice them regularly until they become a habit.