This is a Professional training test intended to measure knowledge & skills of the Pest control supervisor on how to manage effectively 'Pesticides spills' .The test contains 25 different types of questions . 

5 Sample Questions

Pesticide spills mean.......................

  • A.  Leaks out of chemical
  • B. Leaks from container
  • C. Leaks from sprayer
  • D. All the other answeers are correct

Check your pesticides containers regularly inform you .........................

  • A. To learn about label
  • B.  To learn about cleaning store
  • C.  To remove the leaking container from the store
  • D.  All answer are wrong

After the spill has been decontaminated, there are actions that should be taken to ensure that decontamination controlled : these actions such ...................................

  • A. Sample collection and analysis
  • B. Investigation of cause
  • C. Disposal of wastes
  • D. All other answers are correct

Certain pesticides can be degraded by treatment with bleach such as .....................

  • A. Ammonium hydroxide
  • B. Phenol
  • C. Sodium hypochlorite
  • D. Normal liquid soap

If Porous materials such as wood (may be contaminated ) so the solution is  to .................

  • A.  Remove and replace with new materials
  • B. Wash by water adequately
  • C.  Wash with soap and water
  • D. Soak inside sodium hypochlorite solution



This Professional Test From Ecopest is dedicated to measure  knowledge & skills of Pest control supervisors to qualify them as 'CERTIFIED FUMIGATION SUPERVISOR' certification.The test measures the Pest biology ,fumigants ,fumigation techniques ,safety and some management questions .The Test consists of 50 questions of different questions formats with the purpose to measure effectively the skills of Fumigation Supervison.You have 60 minutes and 3 attempts,then after pass (80%) you will award automaticaly a 'Certificate of Competency'  from Ecopest Global Training Center.   


It is Professional training Test about cockroach insects as pest .The test assesses the  areas such as recognizing ,signs of infestion,potential breeding sites and the factors inrease infestation of cockroaches. 


This Professional test to measure the skills and knowledge of the Pest controllers about how to stray animals effectively .The test qualifies the Pest controllers to be oriented of using biology and control methods of Pest control operations .

Public Services Clerk Test Ar.

ااختبار مهني لتأهيل موظفي خدمات الموارد البشرية والتوطين والاقامة والهوية والخدمات القضائية في مراكز خدمة المتعاملين ، يعمل على إكساب الموظف جودة الخدمة وسرعة الاداء واسعاد المتعاملين .


This Test  is designed to enhance your abilities within the Pest control learning .Our focus is to provide a professional development pathway for Pest control supervisors to be competent as Mosquito inspectors. 

إمتحان موظف خدمات تسهيل الم...

اختبار مهني لتأهيل موظفي خدمات الموارد البشرية والتوطين والاقامة والخدمات القضائية في مراكز خدمة المتعاملين ، يعمل على إكساب الموظف جودة الخدمة وسرعة الاداء واسعاد المتعاملين .
