1.Terletak dibagian dorsal dinding tubuh sebelah kiri dan kanan,memiliki panjang 10-12 cm,lebar 5-6 cm,tebal 3-4cm dan memiliki berat±140.merupakan cirri dari strukturorgan….
Correct Answer
C. Ginjal
The given description mentions that the structure is located on the dorsal side of the body, on both the left and right sides. It has specific dimensions and weight, indicating a specific organ. The organ that matches these characteristics is the kidney. Therefore, the correct answer is ginjal.
2.Epidermis kulit terdiri atas beberapa lapis,lapisan epidermis yang senantiasa membentuk sel-sel kulit disebut…
Correct Answer
E. Statum germinativum
The correct answer is "stratum germinativum." The stratum germinativum is the layer of the epidermis that constantly forms new skin cells. It is also known as the basal layer or the stratum basale. This layer is responsible for the production of keratinocytes, which are the main type of skin cells. These cells then move up through the other layers of the epidermis and eventually become the outermost layer of the skin, known as the stratum corneum.
Badan malpigi terdiri atas…
Correct Answer
C. Glomerulus dan kapsulbowman
The correct answer is "glomerulus dan kapsulbowman". The glomerulus and kapsulbowman are both parts of the renal corpuscle, which is the initial part of the nephron in the kidney. The glomerulus is a network of capillaries that filters blood, while the kapsulbowman surrounds the glomerulus and collects the filtrate. Together, they play a crucial role in the filtration of blood and the formation of urine in the kidney.
Aktivitas ADH mempengaruhi ....
Correct Answer
C. Produksi urine
ADH, atau hormon antidiuretik, adalah hormon yang diproduksi oleh kelenjar pituitari posterior di otak. Hormon ini berperan dalam mengatur keseimbangan air dalam tubuh. Ketika kadar air dalam tubuh rendah, ADH akan meningkatkan reabsorpsi air oleh ginjal, sehingga mengurangi produksi urine. Sebaliknya, ketika kadar air dalam tubuh tinggi, ADH akan menurun sehingga ginjal akan memproduksi lebih banyak urine. Oleh karena itu, aktivitas ADH mempengaruhi produksi urine.
Berikut yang merupakan proses ekskresi adalah....
Correct Answer
E. Pembuangan karbondioksida dari paru-paru
The correct answer is "pembuangan karbondioksida dari paru-paru" because it refers to the process of excretion, which is the removal of waste products from the body. Carbon dioxide is a waste product produced during cellular respiration, and it is eliminated from the body through the lungs during the process of breathing. This process helps maintain the balance of gases in the body and ensures the removal of metabolic waste.
Kulit berfungsi sebagai alat ekskresi karena...
Correct Answer
A. Mempunyai kelenjar keringat
The correct answer is "mempunyai kelenjar keringat" because sweat glands are present in the skin, which helps in the excretion of waste products from the body. Sweat contains water, salts, and other waste substances, which are eliminated through the skin pores.
Urine yang terkumpul di piala ginjal merupakan urine sekunder komposisinya adalah....
Correct Answer
D. Air-glukosa-amoniak-garam
The correct answer is "air-glukosa-amoniak-garam". Urine yang terkumpul di piala ginjal merupakan urine sekunder, yang artinya telah mengalami proses penyerapan dan pengeluaran zat-zat tertentu oleh ginjal. Komposisi urine sekunder ini terdiri dari air, glukosa, amoniak, dan garam.
Fungsi hati adalah….
Correct Answer
E. Mengeluarkan empedu
The liver functions to produce and release bile, which is stored in the gallbladder and then released into the small intestine to aid in the digestion and absorption of fats. Bile helps to break down fats into smaller molecules so that they can be easily absorbed by the body. The liver also plays a role in detoxification, metabolism, and the production of various substances necessary for normal body function. Therefore, the statement "mengeluarkan empedu" (releasing bile) accurately describes one of the functions of the liver.
Sel-sel khusus dalam hati yang bertugas merombak darah adalah....
Correct Answer
D. Histiosit
Histiosit adalah sel khusus dalam hati yang bertugas merombak darah. Sel ini berperan dalam membersihkan dan menghilangkan bahan-bahan asing, seperti bakteri dan sel-sel mati, dari darah. Histiosit juga berperan dalam merespons peradangan dan infeksi dalam tubuh.
Berikut ini yang bukan merupakan fungsi ginjal adalah
Correct Answer
A. Memperthahankan stabilitas suhu tubuh
The correct answer is "memperthahankan stabilitas suhu tubuh" because the main function of the kidneys is to filter waste products and excess fluids from the blood, regulate electrolyte levels, and maintain the body's acid-base balance. The kidneys do not play a direct role in regulating body temperature, as that is primarily controlled by the hypothalamus in the brain.