1. Dibawah
ini mana yang termasuk penyakit kulit menular ?
Correct Answer
A. Cacar, Panu, kudis
The correct answer is "Cacar, Panu, kudis." These three conditions are all contagious skin diseases that can be transmitted from person to person. Cacar refers to chickenpox, which is caused by the varicella-zoster virus. Panu, also known as tinea versicolor, is a fungal infection of the skin. Kudis, or scabies, is caused by the Sarcoptes scabiei mite. All three of these conditions can be spread through direct contact with an infected individual or by touching contaminated surfaces.
2. Di
bawah ini mana yang menjadi penyebab penyakit kulit ?
Correct Answer
C. Bakteri, Jamur
Bakteri dan jamur dapat menjadi penyebab penyakit kulit. Bakteri seperti Staphylococcus dan Streptococcus dapat menyebabkan infeksi kulit seperti impetigo atau selulitis. Jamur seperti dermatofit dapat menyebabkan infeksi jamur pada kulit seperti kurap atau panu. Virus juga dapat menyebabkan penyakit kulit seperti herpes atau cacar air, tetapi dalam opsi jawaban ini, hanya bakteri dan jamur yang disebutkan sebagai penyebab penyakit kulit. Luka memar tidak secara langsung menjadi penyebab penyakit kulit, tetapi dapat menyebabkan infeksi jika tidak diobati dengan baik.
3. Beberapa bulan yang lalu gunung merapi meletus, sehingga menimbulkan hujan debu/abu vulkanik yang dapat menyebabkan berbagai penyakit ....
Correct Answer
The eruption of Mount Merapi resulted in the release of volcanic ash and dust into the air. These particles can cause respiratory problems and lead to various respiratory diseases, including ISPA (Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Akut) or Acute Respiratory Infection.
4. Bencana
banjir dapat menimbulkan berbagai macam penyakit perut yang dapat menular.
Dibawah ini mana yang termasuk penyakit perut menular....?
Correct Answer
A. Cholera
Cholera is a contagious disease that affects the intestines and causes severe diarrhea and dehydration. It is caused by consuming food or water contaminated with the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. The symptoms of cholera include watery diarrhea, vomiting, and muscle cramps. Cholera can spread rapidly in areas with poor sanitation and hygiene, such as during floods or natural disasters. Therefore, cholera is a disease that can be transmitted through the digestive system, making it a contagious stomach disease.
5. Imunisasi
TCD diberikan agar bayi terhindar dari penyakit :
Correct Answer
C. Thypus
The correct answer is "Typhus". Typhus is a bacterial infection that can cause high fever, headache, body aches, and rash. It is spread by fleas and lice and can be prevented through vaccination. Immunization with the Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine (TCD) helps protect babies from contracting typhus and its associated symptoms.
6. Keadaan tubuh kehilangan cairan disebut :
Correct Answer
D. Dehidrasi
Dehidrasi adalah keadaan tubuh kehilangan cairan. Hal ini dapat terjadi ketika tubuh tidak mendapatkan cukup cairan atau kehilangan cairan lebih banyak dari yang dikonsumsi. Kekurangan cairan dapat menyebabkan berbagai gejala seperti haus, mulut kering, pusing, lelah, dan kurangnya energi. Jika tidak diatasi, dehidrasi dapat menjadi kondisi serius dan berbahaya bagi kesehatan. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk mengkonsumsi cukup cairan dan menjaga keseimbangan cairan tubuh agar terhindar dari dehidrasi.
7. Memasukkan
cairan (sari makanan) ke dalam tubuh melalui suntikan kedalam pembuluruh darah
disebut ....
Correct Answer
B. Infus
The process of injecting fluids (food extract) into the bloodstream through a tube is called infusion. It is a medical procedure commonly used to deliver medications, nutrients, or fluids to the body when oral intake is not possible or sufficient. Infusion is different from vaccination (imunisasi), which involves administering a vaccine to stimulate the immune system, and dehydration (dehidrasi), which refers to the lack of water in the body. Vaksotomi is not a recognized term or procedure.
8. Menyuntikkan
vaksin (bibit penyakit yang telah dilemahkan) ke dalam tubuh agar tubuh
memperoleh kekebalan terhadap suatu penyakit disebut....
Correct Answer
D. Imunisasi
Imunisasi is the correct answer because it refers to the process of injecting a weakened or killed virus or bacteria into the body to stimulate the immune system and develop immunity against a specific disease. This process helps the body recognize and fight off the disease in the future, providing protection and reducing the risk of getting sick from that particular disease.
9. Dibawah
ini mana yang termasuk penyakit tidak menular ?
Correct Answer
B. Kutil, alergi, jerawat
Kutil, alergi, dan jerawat termasuk penyakit tidak menular karena mereka tidak dapat ditularkan dari satu individu ke individu lainnya. Penyakit tidak menular merujuk pada penyakit yang tidak disebabkan oleh infeksi dari organisme seperti bakteri, virus, atau parasit, dan tidak dapat menyebar melalui kontak langsung antara individu. Kutil, alergi, dan jerawat adalah kondisi yang umumnya dipicu oleh faktor genetik, lingkungan, atau kebersihan pribadi.
penyakit kulit melalui kulit yang terjadi akibat sentuhan antar kulit termasuk
penularan ...
Correct Answer
A. Langsung
The correct answer is "Langsung" because it states that the transmission of skin diseases occurs through direct contact between the skin. This means that the disease can be spread from one person to another through physical touch or contact with infected skin.
bisul dalam bahasa kedokteran sering disebut dengan nama ....
Correct Answer
B. Abses
An abscess is a localized collection of pus that occurs due to an infection. It is a common medical condition that can develop in any part of the body and is characterized by swelling, pain, and redness. The term "bisul" in Indonesian refers to an abscess. Scabies, variola, and borok are different medical conditions and are not synonymous with an abscess.
kelopak mata dalam bahasa kedokteran sering disebut dengan nama...
Correct Answer
A. Blepahirtis
Infeksi kelopak mata dalam bahasa kedokteran sering disebut dengan Blepahirtis.
bola dalam permainan bola basket disebut....
Correct Answer
C. Drible
Dribbling is the correct answer because it refers to the act of moving the ball by bouncing it on the floor while maintaining control. In basketball, players often dribble the ball to advance it up the court, evade defenders, or create scoring opportunities. Dribbling requires good ball-handling skills and coordination.
langkah tipu dalam permainan Bola basket disebut....
Correct Answer
A. Pivot
Pivot is the correct answer because it refers to a move in basketball where a player keeps one foot planted while rotating on the other foot to change direction. This move is often used to create space from defenders or to set up a shot or pass. It is a deceptive move because it allows the player to quickly change direction without the defender being able to anticipate the move.
15. Memasukkan bola sambil berlari langkah lebar disebut....
Correct Answer
B. Lay-Up shoot
Lay-up shoot is the correct answer because it refers to a basketball move where a player drives towards the basket while dribbling and then jumps off one foot to shoot the ball off the backboard and into the hoop. This move is commonly used when a player is close to the basket and wants to avoid defenders or make a high-percentage shot.
dalam permainan bola basket disebut ....
Correct Answer
D. Passing
In basketball, an "operand" refers to a player who receives a pass from a teammate. This term is commonly used to describe the player who is the target of a pass and is expected to catch the ball and make a play. Passing is an essential skill in basketball as it allows players to move the ball quickly and effectively to create scoring opportunities.
jumlah pemain bola basket dalam satu regu saat bertanding....
Correct Answer
B. 5 Pemain
The correct answer is 5 Pemain. In a basketball game, each team consists of 5 players on the court at a time.
orang pemain atau lebih memegang bola secara bersama-sama dalam waktu lama
kejadian ini dalam bola basket disebut ....
Correct Answer
D. Held Ball
In basketball, when two or more players hold the ball together for an extended period of time, it is called a "held ball". This occurs when both players have a firm grip on the ball and are unable to make a move or pass. The referee will then call for a jump ball situation to determine which team will gain possession of the ball.
terjadi pernyataan pada nomor 18 maka wasit akan melakukan....
Correct Answer
C. Jump Ball
If a statement is made in number 18, the referee will perform a jump ball.
seorang pemain melakukan operan ke arah temannya yang berada di daerahnya
sendiri, sedangkan dia telah memasuki daerah lawan, hal ini merupakan
pelanggaran yang disebut ...
Correct Answer
B. Back ball
When a player passes the ball to their teammate who is in their own area, but they themselves have entered the opponent's area, it is called a "Back ball" violation.
pertahanan ada 3 macam diantaranya pertahanan daerah, dalam permainan bola
basket pertahanan ini sering disebut dengan nama ....
Correct Answer
D. Zone defence
Zone defense is a type of defense in basketball where each player is responsible for guarding a specific area or zone on the court, rather than guarding a specific player. This type of defense is commonly used in basketball and is effective in preventing opponents from scoring by clogging passing lanes and forcing difficult shots. It requires good communication and teamwork among players to effectively cover the entire zone and disrupt the opponent's offense.
second rule dalam permainan bola basket maksudnya....
Correct Answer
A. Peraturan 3 detik
The correct answer is "Peraturan 3 detik." In basketball, the three-second rule refers to a rule that prohibits an offensive player from remaining in the key (also known as the paint) area for more than three consecutive seconds. This rule is in place to prevent offensive players from camping out near the basket and gaining an unfair advantage. Violating the three-second rule results in a turnover and possession of the ball being awarded to the opposing team.
pemukul bola dalam permainan bulu tangkis disebut ....
Correct Answer
C. Raket
The correct answer is "Raket". In the game of badminton, the tool used to hit the shuttlecock is called a "raket". This tool is similar to a tennis racket but is specifically designed for playing badminton. It has a long handle and a round or oval-shaped head with strings stretched across it. The player uses the racket to hit the shuttlecock over the net and into the opponent's court.
24. Bola
yang digunakan dalam permainan bulu tangkis sering disebut dengan nama....
Correct Answer
C. Shuttlecock
The correct answer is "Shuttlecock." Shuttlecock is the name commonly used to refer to the ball used in the game of badminton. It consists of a rounded cork base with feathers attached to it. The term "bola bulu" refers to a feathered ball in Indonesian, but "shuttlecock" is the more widely recognized term internationally. "Sherlukok" and "Shendercuck" are not valid terms and do not refer to the ball used in badminton.
diatas termasuk dalam tehnik memegang ...
Correct Answer
B. Bersalaman
The image above is a depiction of a handshake, which is a common greeting gesture in many cultures. The correct answer, "Bersalaman," is a term in Indonesian language that refers to the act of shaking hands. This explanation is based on the information provided in the question and the options given.
diatas termasuk dalam tehnik memegang ...
Correct Answer
D. Grip Backhand
The image above is showing the technique of holding a backhand grip. This grip is commonly used in sports like tennis, badminton, and squash, where players need to hit shots with a backhand swing. The backhand grip involves placing the base knuckle of the index finger on the bevel of the racket handle, allowing for better control and power when hitting backhand shots.
diatas termasuk dalam tehnik memegang ( ibu jari dan telunjuk menempel pada
permukaan tangkai yang gepeng (pipih)....
Correct Answer
A. Cara Amerika
The given answer "Cara Amerika" is correct because the image shows a hand grip where the thumb and index finger are touching the flat surface of the handle. This grip is commonly used in American technique.
dibawah ini tehnik service
Correct Answer
A. Forehand
The correct answer is "Forehand". The question is asking for the technique used in the given image, which is the forehand technique.
dibawah ini tehnik service
Correct Answer
C. Backhand
The correct answer is "Backhand". The question is asking for the technique used in the given picture. Since the picture is showing a player hitting the ball with their non-dominant hand on the opposite side of their body, it is a backhand shot.
menukik tajam dan keras dalam permainan bulu tangkis disebut....
Correct Answer
D. Smash
In the game of badminton, a sharp and powerful downward hit is known as a smash. This shot is executed with a lot of force and speed, aiming to make the shuttlecock travel steeply downwards towards the opponent's court, making it difficult for them to return. The smash is an aggressive offensive shot that is often used to score points or put pressure on the opponent. It requires good timing, technique, and power to execute successfully.
31. Pukulan untuk mengawali permainan dalam bulu tangkis
Correct Answer
B. Service
The correct answer is "Service". In badminton, the term "service" refers to the action of hitting the shuttlecock to start the game. It is the first shot that a player makes, where they hit the shuttlecock diagonally over the net into the opponent's court. The service is crucial as it determines the initial advantage in the game and sets the pace for the rally.
32. Tujuan
utama permainan Fusal adalah...
Correct Answer
B. Memasukkan bola kedalam gawang lawan sebanyak-banyaknya
The main objective of Futsal is to score as many goals as possible by putting the ball into the opponent's goal. This is the ultimate goal of the game and the primary focus of the players. By scoring more goals, a team increases their chances of winning the game.
pemain Futsal adalah....
Correct Answer
B. 5 Pemain
The correct answer is 5 players. Futsal is a variant of football played indoors with a smaller team and field. In futsal, each team consists of 5 players, including a goalkeeper. This smaller team size allows for faster gameplay and emphasizes skill and technique.
permainan Futsal apabila bola keluar
lapangan maka akan dilakukan....
Correct Answer
D. Tendangan ke dalam
In a game of Futsal, when the ball goes out of the field, a "Tendangan ke dalam" or "Kick-in" is performed. This means that the team who did not touch the ball last will kick the ball back into play from the sideline. This is done by placing the ball on the sideline and kicking it back onto the field, similar to a throw-in in soccer.
35. Yang tidak termasuk teknik dengan bola pada permainan futsal adalah
Correct Answer
C. Teknik Offside
The correct answer is "Teknik Offside". Offside is a rule in soccer that determines whether a player is in an offside position or not. It is not a technique or skill that involves using the ball in futsal. The other options mentioned, such as "Operan satu dua" (one-two pass), "Tendangan kedalam" (kick-ins), and "Tendangan Sudut" (corner kicks), are all techniques that involve using the ball in futsal.
36. Pada
permainan Futsal, Setelah unggul 2 gol biasanya pada menit-menit akhir pelatih
akan merubah formasi menyerang 1 – 1 – 3
menjadi bertahan dengan formasi ....
Correct Answer
B. 1 - 3 - 1
In the game of Futsal, when a team is leading by 2 goals, the coach usually changes the attacking formation of 1-1-3 to a defensive formation. The most suitable defensive formation among the given options is 1-3-1. This formation allows for an extra defender in the midfield to help protect the lead and maintain control of the game.
Gambar dibawah ini adalah rangkaian gerakan tehnik dasar ..... pada bola voli.
Correct Answer
A. Passing bawah
The correct answer is "Passing bawah" because the picture shows a player using their forearms to pass the ball low and close to the ground. This technique is known as passing bawah in volleyball.
38. Gambar dibawah ini adalah rangkaian gerakan tehnik dasar ..... pada bola voli.
Correct Answer
C. Passing atas
The correct answer is "Passing atas." The image shows the basic technique of "passing atas" or "overhead pass" in volleyball. This technique is used to receive and control the ball with both hands above the head, directing it to the desired location on the court.
39. Gambar 9 diatas
adalah posisi pemain bola voli. Dalam permainan bola voli kita mengenal sistim
WM, sistim WM ini digunakan untuk ....
Correct Answer
D. Pertahanan terhadap service
The correct answer is "Pertahanan terhadap service". In the game of volleyball, the WM system is used to defend against the opponent's service. The WM system involves positioning the players in a specific formation to effectively receive and defend against the serve. This system helps the team to anticipate and react quickly to the opponent's serve, ensuring that the ball is successfully received and allowing for a better chance of setting up an attack.
sistim WM bila posisi 3 sebagai tosser maka posisinya akan di gantikan oleh pemain
posisi ....
Correct Answer
C. 6
In the WM system, when position 3 is the tosser, it will be replaced by player position 6.
41. Dalam
sistim WM bila posisi 2 sebagai tosser maka posisinya akan di gantikan oleh pemain
posisi ....
Correct Answer
D. 1
In the given question, it is stated that in the WM system, if position 2 is the tosser, then it will be replaced by player position 1.
42. Dalam
sistim WM bila posisi 4 sebagai tosser maka posisinya akan di gantikan oleh pemain
posisi ....
Correct Answer
B. 5
In the given question, it is stated that in a WM system, if position 4 is the tosser, then it will be replaced by position 5. This means that in the WM system, the tosser at position 4 will be moved to position 5. Therefore, the correct answer is 5.
sistim WM bila posisi 1 sebagai tosser maka posisinya akan maju mendekati pemain
di posisi ....
Correct Answer
A. 2
In the WM system, when position 1 is the tosser, it will move closer to the player in position 2.
44. Dalam
sistim WM bila posisi 6 sebagai tosser maka posisinya akan maju mendekati pemain
di posisi ....
Correct Answer
C. 3
In the given question, it is stated that in the WM system, when position 6 is the tosser, it will move closer to the player in position 3. Therefore, the correct answer is 3.
45. Dalam
sistim WM bila posisi 5 sebagai tosser maka posisinya akan maju mendekati pemain
di posisi ....
Correct Answer
B. 4
In the WM system, when position 5 is the tosser, it will move closer to the player in position 4.
46. Pernyataan
yang benar dari gambar diatas adalah.....
Correct Answer
C. 2 tosser di posisi 3, 4 smash di posisi 2, 3 smash bayangan di posisi 4
The correct answer is 2 tosser di posisi 3, 4 smash di posisi 2, 3 smash bayangan di posisi 4. This answer is correct because it matches the information given in the statement. It states that there are 2 tossers in position 3, 4 smashes in position 2, and 3 shadow smashes in position 4.
47. Pernyataan
yang benar dari gambar diatas adalah.....
Correct Answer
B. 4 tosser diposisi 3,3 smash di posisi 4, 2 smash bayangan diposisi 3
The correct answer is option 2. It states that there are 4 tossers at position 3, 3 smashes at position 4, and 2 shadow smashes at position 3.
Jump Roop untuk melatih ....
Correct Answer
D. Kelincahan
The correct answer is "Kelincahan". Jump rope is a great exercise for improving agility and coordination. It requires quick and precise movements of the feet and body, which helps to enhance overall agility. By practicing jump rope regularly, individuals can improve their ability to change direction quickly, react to different stimuli, and maintain balance and coordination. Therefore, jump rope is an effective training method for developing agility.
Latihan angkat barbel untuk melatih ....
Correct Answer
B. Kekuatan
The correct answer is "Kekuatan". This is because lifting barbells is a form of strength training exercise that helps to build and improve muscular strength. It involves lifting heavy weights and requires the muscles to generate force against resistance, thereby increasing their strength.
Latihan kayangl untuk melatih ....
Correct Answer
C. Kelentukan
The correct answer is "Kelentukan". The question is asking for the type of training that can improve flexibility. Flexibility refers to the ability to move joints and muscles through a full range of motion. Kelentukan, which translates to flexibility in English, is the most suitable answer as it directly relates to improving flexibility through training. Endurance, kekuatan, and kelincahan do not specifically address flexibility.