Di bawah ini yang bukan termasuk software Animasi yaitu ........
Correct Answer
C. C. Photoshop
Photoshop is a software primarily used for image editing and manipulation, whereas the other options mentioned, such as 3D Max, Pivot, Image Ready, and Swish Max, are all software commonly used for animation purposes. Therefore, Photoshop does not belong to the category of animation software.
Dalam menu bar terdapat pilihan di bawah ini, kecuali ........
Correct Answer
E. E. Print
The given question is asking for an option that is not found in the menu bar. The menu bar typically consists of options such as File, Edit, View, and Modify, which are all listed in the answer choices. However, the option "Print" is not typically found in the menu bar. Therefore, the correct answer is e. Print.
File bar terdapat sub menu pilihan sebagai berikut yaitu .........
Correct Answer
A. A. New
The file bar contains a submenu with options such as "New". This option is typically used to create a new file or document.
Gambar di samping ini disebut .........
Correct Answer
B. B. Tools
The image shown is a collection of different tools that can be used for various purposes. Therefore, the correct answer is b. Tools.
Panah diatas menunjukan gambar ........ tool.
Correct Answer
D. D. Pencil
The panah (arrow) above indicates the pencil tool.
Panah diatas menunjukan gambar yang disebut ........ tool.
Correct Answer
E. E. Hand
The correct answer is e. Hand. The image shown above represents the hand tool, which is used in graphic design software to move or navigate around the workspace. This tool allows users to click and drag to move the canvas or zoom in and out of the image.
Ink bottle tool berfungsi untuk .........
Correct Answer
C. C. Memberi garis tepi
The correct answer is c. Memberi garis tepi. The ink bottle tool in design software is used to apply an outline or stroke to an object or shape. It allows the user to select a color, thickness, and style for the outline, which can be applied to enhance the visual appearance of the object or to create a defined border around it.
Ikon tool berikut A digunakan untuk membuat ............
Correct Answer
E. E. Text
The correct answer is e. Text. The given tool is used to create or add text to a document or design.
Cara cepat membuat gambar free transform menggunakan key ..........
Correct Answer
B. B. Q
The correct answer is "b. Q". When using Adobe Photoshop, the shortcut key "Q" is used to activate the Free Transform tool. This tool allows users to resize, rotate, skew, and distort an image or selection. By pressing "Q", users can quickly access the Free Transform tool and make adjustments to their images.
Key B digunakan untuk .............
Correct Answer
A. A. Brush
Key B is used for the brush tool.
Import terdapat dalam menu bar berikut yaitu ...........
Correct Answer
D. D. File
The correct answer is "d. File" because the question is asking for the menu bar where the import option is located. The import function is typically found under the "File" menu, allowing users to import files or data into the current program or project.
Menampilkan Windows Flash Player atau test movie, dilakukan dengan menekan ..........
Correct Answer
C. C. Ctrl + Enter
To display Windows Flash Player or test a movie, you need to press Ctrl + Enter. This keyboard shortcut is commonly used in multimedia applications to preview or play the content. Pressing Ctrl + Enter will initiate the playback or display of the Flash Player or test movie, allowing you to view and test the content without having to navigate through menus or use other commands.
Format save type bawaan dari Flash 8, yaitu ..........
Correct Answer
B. B. *.fla
The correct answer is b. *.fla. The question is asking for the default save format in Flash 8, which is *.fla. FLA is the file extension used by Adobe Flash for its editable project files. This format allows users to save their work and make further edits to their projects in Flash.
Membuat objek secara bebas dengan titik sebagai penghubung merupakan fungsi dari ........ tool.
Correct Answer
C. C. Pen
The correct answer is c. Pen. The pen tool allows users to create freeform objects by connecting points. It is commonly used in graphic design and illustration software to create precise and custom shapes.
Frame rate standar dari flash 8 yaitu ......... fps
Correct Answer
A. A. 12
The frame rate standard for Flash 8 is 12 frames per second (fps). This means that in Flash 8, the animation will display 12 frames every second, creating a smooth and continuous motion.
Untuk mengeluarkan atau menyembunyikan panel properties dapat digunakan shortcut….
Correct Answer
D. D. Ctrl + F3
The correct answer is d. Ctrl + F3. This shortcut is used to toggle the display of the properties panel. By pressing Ctrl + F3, users can show or hide the properties panel in the application.
Untuk mengubah atau memutar bentuk objek sesuai keinginan adalah . . . . . .
Correct Answer
C. C. free transform
The correct answer is c. free transform. Free transform is a feature in design software that allows users to manipulate and change the shape, size, and orientation of objects. It gives users the freedom to transform objects according to their desired specifications.
Untuk memunculkan atau menyembunyikan panel action digunakan shortcut . . . . . .
Correct Answer
A. A. F9
The correct answer is F9. Pressing the F9 key is used to show or hide the action panel.
Di bawah ini yang termasuk komponen Toolbox adalah …….
Correct Answer
E. E. Line
The correct answer is e. Line. The toolbox in a computer software refers to a collection of tools or functions that can be used to perform specific tasks. In this case, the question is asking which of the options is a component of the toolbox. Among the given options, "Line" is a tool that is commonly found in graphic design or drawing software, and it allows users to create straight lines or line segments.
Animasi motion shape dibedakan menjadi 2 yaitu ……
Correct Answer
B. B. Statis dan Dinamis
The correct answer is b. Statis dan Dinamis. This is because the question is asking about the two types of motion shape animation. "Statis" refers to animation that does not involve any movement or change in position, while "Dinamis" refers to animation that involves movement or change in position. Therefore, the correct answer is b. Statis dan Dinamis.
Yang termasuk kegunaan layer, kecuali ………
Correct Answer
C. C. Mengatur ukuran background.
Layer digunakan untuk menyimpan objek-objek grafis atau tombol, menulis skrip atau bahasa pemrograman flash, memainkan objek yang diberi animasi, dan menempatkan objek dalam stage agar dapat diolah dengan objek lain. Mengatur ukuran background bukanlah fungsi utama dari layer, tetapi lebih merupakan fungsi dari alat pengaturan tampilan atau pengaturan latar belakang.
Di bawah ini yang bukan merupakan salah satu bagian panel yaitu . . . . . .
Correct Answer
A. A. Menu bar
The correct answer is a. Menu bar. The menu bar is not a part of the panel but rather a separate component located at the top of the screen or application window. It typically contains a series of drop-down menus that provide access to various functions and features of the software. The panel, on the other hand, refers to a section of the user interface that contains tools, options, or information related to a specific task or function within the software.
Stage digunakan memainkan objek-objek yang akan diberi animasi, nama lain Stage adalah . . . .
Correct Answer
A. A. Layar atau panggung
The stage is used to play objects that will be animated. It can also be referred to as the screen or stage.
Untuk menyimpan objek-objek berupa grafik/ gambar/ tombol menggunakan panel …..
Correct Answer
D. D. Library
The correct answer is d. Library. A library is a collection of pre-designed objects, such as graphics, images, buttons, etc., that can be used in a panel. By using a library, users can easily access and insert these pre-designed objects into their panel without having to create them from scratch. This saves time and effort in designing and creating graphical elements for the panel.
Di bawah ini sub menu yang terdapat pada menu insert, kecuali . . . . .
Correct Answer
A. A. Save
The given options are all submenus that can be found under the "Insert" menu, except for the option "Save". This implies that "Save" is not a submenu under the "Insert" menu, making it the correct answer.
Pada gambar disamping no.26 nama tool nya adalah . . . . . tool
Correct Answer
A. A. Free Transform
The correct answer is a. Free Transform. The question is asking for the name of the tool shown in the image, and the correct answer is Free Transform.
Pada gambar disamping no.27 nama tool nya adalah . . . . . tool
Correct Answer
B. B. Lasso
The correct answer is b. Lasso. The explanation for this answer is that the tool shown in the picture is the Lasso tool. The Lasso tool is commonly used in graphic design and image editing software to make selections by drawing freehand shapes around the desired area. This tool allows the user to make precise selections and isolate specific parts of an image for editing or manipulation.
Pada gambar disamping no.28 nama tool nya adalah . . . . . tool
Correct Answer
C. C. Ink bottle tool
The correct answer is c. Ink bottle tool. The question asks for the name of the tool represented by the image labeled as number 28. Based on the given options, the tool that is most likely to be represented by the image is the ink bottle tool.
Pada gambar disamping no.29 nama tool nya adalah . . . . . tool
Correct Answer
B. B. Fill
The correct answer is b. Fill. The tool shown in the image is used to fill in areas with color or patterns. It is commonly used in graphic design and image editing to add or change the background color or fill in shapes and text.
Pilihan save as type export di Macromedia Flash adalah berikut, kecuali . . . .
Correct Answer
C. C. *.doc, *.xls
The save as type export options in Macromedia Flash include file formats such as *.swf, *.avi, *.mov, *.gif, *.jpg, *.bmp, *.eps, and *.png. However, *.doc and *.xls are not supported file formats for export in Macromedia Flash.