Commenced in 1977, Lincoln High School is a comprehensive four-year public high school located in Shinnston, West Virginia. The school has been highly successful in the athletic department in recent years. With over 700 21st century students from around the world, the school has boasted six state titles since 2003 and four state runner-up positions.
We have over 125 classroom students and over 700 students from around the world and needed a mechanism for these students to visit our science website and take tests. We used to carry out tests on paper, but paper-based tests are hard to grade and time-consuming. We had worked with six other websites and were still looking for an automated and simple solution.
ProProfs Quiz Maker has made test construction so easy and flexible to use for us. With ProProfs, students enjoy taking online tests because we allow them a maximum of 4 times to make a higher grade. The best part is that our teachers can be as creative as possible using colors, images, videos, font type, size, etc. They can spend more time helping their students with their learning problems. The old way of grading papers would take about 5 hours to grade all of our tests, which is now automatic. We can construct tests on various levels based upon our student 504 Plans or I.E.P. (Individual Educational Plans). Best of all - parents can also be involved in helping students learn the materials while taking the tests on ProProfs. is the best technology for test construction. Over 700 quizzes created and nearly 30k quiz attempts so far and counting. There is no comparison to the service to other website test generators. Please keep up the excellent work!
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