Organisasi yang ada di sekolah adalah....
Correct Answer
The correct answer is OSIS because OSIS stands for Organisasi Siswa Intra Sekolah, which translates to Student Organization within the School. It is a common organization found in schools that represents and serves the student body.
Organisasi yang bergerak dalam bidang ekonomi di sekolah yaitu ....
Correct Answer
B. Koperasi Siswa
Koperasi Siswa adalah organisasi yang bergerak dalam bidang ekonomi di sekolah. Koperasi siswa merupakan wadah bagi siswa untuk belajar tentang pengelolaan keuangan, berbisnis, dan mengembangkan keterampilan ekonomi. Melalui koperasi siswa, siswa dapat belajar tentang pentingnya kerjasama, tanggung jawab, serta nilai-nilai ekonomi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Tujuan Pramuka adalah membentuk manusia ....
Correct Answer
A. Pemberani
The correct answer is "Pemberani" because the purpose of Pramuka (Scouting) is to develop individuals who are brave and courageous. Scouting activities involve various challenges and adventures that require participants to overcome their fears and take risks. By promoting bravery, Pramuka aims to shape individuals who are not afraid to face challenges and have the courage to take action in various situations.
Membantu orang yang mengalami kecelakaan adalah sikap ....
Correct Answer
A. Mulia
Membantu orang yang mengalami kecelakaan adalah sikap mulia karena menunjukkan kepedulian dan empati terhadap orang lain yang sedang dalam kesulitan. Tindakan ini menunjukkan bahwa seseorang memiliki hati yang baik dan siap untuk membantu sesama tanpa mengharapkan imbalan. Hal ini juga mencerminkan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan yang tinggi dan kepedulian terhadap keselamatan dan kesejahteraan orang lain.
Keputusan bersama tidak boleh diambil jika ....
Correct Answer
C. Bersikap memaksa
The correct answer is "bersikap memaksa". This means that a joint decision should not be made if it is done forcefully or coercively. In order for a decision to be truly collaborative and effective, it should be made voluntarily and with the agreement of all parties involved. Making decisions under duress or through force can lead to resentment and dissatisfaction among the individuals affected, ultimately undermining the success of the decision-making process.
Keputusan bersama dibuat dengan cara .
Correct Answer
C. Musyawarah atau voting
Keputusan bersama dapat dicapai melalui musyawarah atau voting. Musyawarah adalah proses diskusi dan perundingan antara beberapa pihak untuk mencapai kesepakatan bersama. Voting adalah proses pemungutan suara untuk memilih opsi atau keputusan yang paling disetujui oleh mayoritas. Dalam kedua metode ini, keputusan diambil berdasarkan kesepakatan mayoritas atau suara terbanyak.
Orang yang melanggar keputusan bersama akan mendapatkan....
Correct Answer
B. Hukuman
When someone violates a collective decision, they will receive a punishment as a consequence of their actions.
Berhasilnya sebuah organisasi bisa dilihat dari ....
Correct Answer
C. Majunya mutu organisasi
The success of an organization can be determined by the advancement of its organizational quality. This means that the organization is continuously improving and enhancing its processes, products, and services to meet the needs and expectations of its stakeholders. The advancement of organizational quality reflects the organization's ability to adapt to changes, innovate, and deliver high-quality outcomes. It also indicates that the organization is focused on continuous improvement and excellence, which are crucial factors for long-term success and sustainability.
PMR adalah organisasi siswa yang bergerak dalam bidang ....
Correct Answer
B. Kemanusiaan
PMR stands for Palang Merah Remaja, which is the Indonesian abbreviation for the Youth Red Cross. The Youth Red Cross is an organization that focuses on humanitarian activities and initiatives. They work towards promoting and supporting humanitarian causes, such as disaster relief, health education, and community service. Therefore, the correct answer for this question is "Kemanusiaan" (humanitarian).
Voting dilakukan dalam mengambil keputusan bila ....
Correct Answer
A. Musyawarah mengalami jalan buntu
Voting is conducted when a discussion or deliberation reaches a deadlock or impasse, and a decision cannot be reached through consensus or musyawarah. It is a way to break the deadlock and move forward with a decision-making process.