Menyeimbangkan cahaya dalam fotografi dikenal dengan istilah:
Correct Answer
D. Exposure
Exposure refers to the amount of light that enters the camera and reaches the image sensor. It is an essential aspect of photography as it determines the brightness or darkness of an image. By adjusting the exposure, photographers can control the overall lighting of their photos, ensuring that the subject is properly illuminated. This can be achieved by manipulating the camera's settings, such as the aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. White balance, on the other hand, refers to the adjustment of colors in an image to make them appear natural under different lighting conditions.
Depth of field adalah:
Correct Answer
C. Jumlah fokus dan ketajaman dalam sebuah foto.
Depth of field refers to the amount of focus and sharpness in a photo. It determines how much of the image is in sharp focus, from the foreground to the background. A shallow depth of field means that only a small portion of the image is in focus, while a deep depth of field means that a larger portion of the image is in focus. This concept is important in photography as it allows photographers to control the visual impact and storytelling of their images by selectively focusing on certain elements and blurring out others.
Depth of field dikontrol oleh:
Correct Answer
B. Ukuran bukaan aperture.
Depth of field refers to the range of distance in a photograph that appears to be in sharp focus. It is controlled by the size of the aperture, which is the opening in the lens that allows light to pass through. A larger aperture (smaller f-number) results in a shallower depth of field, meaning that only a small portion of the image will be in focus. On the other hand, a smaller aperture (larger f-number) increases the depth of field, resulting in more of the image being in focus. Therefore, the size of the aperture directly affects the depth of field in a photograph.
Istilah mana yang digunakan untuk alat di dalam lensa yang fungsinya mengontrol jumlah cahaya yang masuk?
Correct Answer
B. Diafragma
The correct answer is "Diafragma." The term "diafragma" is used to refer to the device inside a lens that controls the amount of light entering the camera. It is typically made up of a series of overlapping blades that can be adjusted to create a larger or smaller opening, thus controlling the amount of light that passes through the lens. By adjusting the size of the aperture, photographers can control the depth of field and the amount of light reaching the camera's sensor.
Filter mana yang kamu gunakan untuk membuat langit tampak lebih gelap sementara awan akan terlihat lebih jelas?
Correct Answer
A. Neutral Density filter
A Neutral Density filter is used to darken the sky while making clouds appear more distinct. This filter reduces the amount of light entering the camera without affecting the color balance. By blocking some of the light, it allows for longer exposures, which can create a more dramatic effect in the sky by blurring any movement such as clouds. This filter is commonly used in landscape photography to enhance the contrast and details in the sky.
Jumlah area terang dan gelap dalam sebuah foto dikenal dengan istilah:
Correct Answer
C. Kontras
Kontras adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan perbedaan antara area terang dan gelap dalam sebuah foto. Semakin tinggi kontras, semakin jelas perbedaan antara area terang dan gelap dalam foto tersebut. Hal ini dapat menciptakan efek visual yang menarik dan membuat foto terlihat lebih tajam dan berwarna.
Jika memotret dengan kondisi low light atau cahaya redup, maka ISO sebaiknya:
Correct Answer
C. Antara 400 hingga 800.
In low light or dim lighting conditions, it is recommended to set the ISO between 400 and 800. This is because increasing the ISO sensitivity allows the camera to capture more light, resulting in brighter and clearer images. However, setting the ISO too high can introduce noise or graininess in the image, so it is important to find the right balance between capturing enough light and maintaining image quality.
Exposure yang sempurna adalah hasil gabungan yang tepat dari:
Correct Answer
D. Aperture + shutter speed + ISO
The correct answer is Aperture + shutter speed + ISO. This is because aperture, shutter speed, and ISO are the three main factors that determine the exposure of a photograph. Aperture refers to the size of the opening in the lens, which controls the amount of light that enters the camera. Shutter speed determines the length of time that the camera's shutter remains open, affecting how much light reaches the camera's sensor. ISO refers to the sensitivity of the camera's sensor to light. By adjusting these three settings, photographers can achieve the desired level of exposure in their photographs.
Apakah satuan ukuran cahaya dalam fotografi?
Correct Answer
C. Stop
In photography, "stop" is a term used to describe the measurement of exposure. It refers to the doubling or halving of the amount of light entering the camera. Adjusting the exposure by one stop either increases or decreases the amount of light by a factor of two. This can be achieved by changing the aperture size, shutter speed, or ISO sensitivity. Therefore, "stop" is the correct answer as it represents the unit of measurement for exposure in photography.
Dalam ukuran apa bukaan aperture dihitung?
Correct Answer
C. F/
Aperture dihitung dalam ukuran f/. The f/ number represents the ratio of the focal length of the lens to the diameter of the aperture. A smaller f/ number indicates a larger aperture opening, allowing more light to pass through the lens. This affects the depth of field and the amount of light that reaches the camera's sensor.