Decimals are essential in mathematics and everyday life, helping us work with numbers that are not whole. They are used in situations like measuring lengths, calculating money, or tracking time.
Decimals provide precision, making them crucial for comparing, adding, or subtracting values accurately.
In mathematics, decimals are numbers that consist of a whole number and a fractional part, separated by a decimal point. The decimal point acts as a divider between these two parts.
For example, in the number 72.3, the whole number part is 72, and the fractional part is 3.
The decimal point helps us represent numbers between whole numbers. For instance, 72.3 means a little more than 72 but less than 73.
Another example:
Here is the number "twelve and five-tenths" written as a decimal number:
The decimal point goes between Ones and Tenths.
12.5 has 1 Ten, 2 Ones, and 5 Tenths.
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Decimals can be categorized based on their characteristics. The main types are:
Each type of decimal has its unique characteristics, and understanding them helps in solving mathematical problems with precision.
Decimals follow specific rules when multiplied or divided. These properties include:
The place value system assigns a value to each digit in a number, based on its position. This helps us understand how the number is formed and what it represents.
Let's consider the number 372.
As we move left, each place value becomes 10 times bigger:
Ones → Tens → Hundreds
Now, what happens if we go to the right of the Ones place?
We use a decimal point (".") to separate whole numbers from parts smaller than one
Example with Decimal:
Consider 372.48.
We can expand 372.48 as:
(3 × 100) + (7 × 10) + (2 × 1) + (4 × 0.1) + (8 × 0.01).
Each digit is multiplied by its respective power of 10, showing the importance of the position in determining the value of a number.
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Converting between decimals and fractions is easy when you follow simple steps. Let us explore both methods below:
Decimals represent tenths, hundredths, thousandths, and so on, depending on the digits after the decimal point. To convert a decimal to a fraction, write the decimal in expanded form and simplify it.
Convert 0.6 to a fraction.
Step 1: Write the decimal as a fraction. 0.6 can be written as 6/10.
Step 2: Simplify the fraction. Find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 6 and 10, which is 2.
Now, divide both the numerator and the denominator by 2:
6/10 = 6/10 ÷ 2/2 = 3/5
Step 3: Final Answer. So, 0.6 as a fraction is 3/5.
To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the numerator (top number) by the denominator (bottom number).
Convert 5/4 to a decimal.
Step 1: Perform the division. Divide 5 by 4:
5 ÷ 4 = 1.25
Step 2: Final Answer . So 5/4 as a decimal is 1.25.
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Divide 3 by 8.
3 divided by 8 equals 0.375.
Thus, 3/8 equals 0.375.
Write 2.5 as 25 times 1/10 = 25/10.
Simplify 25/10 to 5/2.
Thus, 2.5 equals 5/2.
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Example 1: Adding Decimals
+ 0.75
+ 0.75
Example 2: Subtracting Decimals
- 1.2
- 1.2
Example 3: Multiplying Decimals
Example 4: Dividing Decimals
Example 5: Converting Decimals to Fractions
Answer: 0.75 is equivalent to 3/4.
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