Thermal Energy Lesson: Key Concepts and Applications

Reviewed by Markus Amano
Markus Amano, PhD (Physics) |
Review Board Member
Markus Antonio Amano, PhD, is a theoretical physicist specializing in applied holography, hydrodynamics, and topological physics. With 10 years of teaching experience and multiple publications, he is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Henan University, focusing on Nuclear Matter from a holographic perspective. He holds a PhD from the University of Alabama and a BS in Engineering Physics from the Colorado School of Mines.
, PhD (Physics)
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Lesson Overview

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the definition of thermal energy and its role in everyday phenomena.
  2. Learn how to apply the thermal energy equation to calculate energy changes in various systems.
  3. Explore the principles of thermodynamics and how they govern thermal energy transfer.
  4. Examine the effects of thermal expansion and thermal conductivity in different materials.
  5. Discover the applications of thermocouples, Joule's law, and energy conversion in practical scenarios.

Introduction to Thermal Energy Lesson

Thermal energy is the energy we experience every day, whether it's warming our homes, cooking food, or powering engines. It refers to the internal energy of an object due to the motion of its particles. This thermal energy lesson explores how thermal energy is generated, transferred, and calculated, focusing on the thermal energy equation and the principles of thermodynamics.

We will also examine practical applications such as thermocouples, thermal expansion, and Joule's law, providing a clear understanding of how thermal energy impacts both natural and engineered systems. This foundational knowledge is crucial for grasping energy transfer and its real-world implications.

What Is Thermal Energy?

Thermal energy refers to the total internal energy contained within a substance due to the kinetic energy of its molecules. This energy is directly related to temperature, as higher temperatures correspond to greater molecular motion and, therefore, more thermal energy. Essentially, thermal energy is the energy that an object or substance possesses due to the vibration and movement of its molecules.

In scientific terms, thermal energy can be thought of as the sum of the kinetic energy of all particles in a system. This energy is distributed among the particles in the form of random, disordered motion, and it is responsible for the temperature of the substance. The concept of thermal energy is crucial in understanding how heat is transferred between objects and how energy is conserved in physical processes.

How Is Thermal Energy Calculated

Thermal energy can be calculated using the thermal energy equation, which relates the energy to the mass of the substance, its specific heat capacity, and the change in temperature.

The formula is given by


  • Q represents the thermal energy (in joules).
  • m is the mass of the substance (in kilograms).
  • c is the specific heat capacity of the substance (in joules per kilogram per degree Celsius).
  • ΔT is the change in temperature (in degrees Celsius).

This equation is fundamental in thermodynamics and is used to calculate the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of a substance or the amount of energy released as the substance cools down.

For example
To calculate the thermal energy required to heat 2 kilograms of water (with a specific heat capacity of 4,186 J/kg°C) from 20°C to 100°C

You would use the formula

Q=(2 kg)(4,186 J/kg°C)(100°C−20°C)

Q=669,760 J

This calculation shows that 669,760 joules of energy are required to heat the water to the desired temperature.

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What Are the Laws of Thermodynamics?

The laws of thermodynamics are a cornerstone of physics, providing a framework for understanding how energy behaves in all physical systems. These laws are fundamental to explaining the principles of energy conservation, transfer, and transformation, and they apply to a wide range of scientific and engineering disciplines.

First Law of Thermodynamics (Law of Energy Conservation)

The First Law of Thermodynamics, also known as the Law of Energy Conservation, states that energy cannot be created or destroyed in an isolated system. Instead, energy can only change forms. For example, chemical energy in fuel can be converted into thermal energy (heat) when burned, or mechanical energy when used to power a car. In the context of thermal energy, this law implies that the total amount of energy in a closed system remains constant, even as it is transferred between different forms. This principle is crucial in understanding how energy flows within a system, such as in engines, refrigerators, and power plants, where energy is continuously being converted from one form to another without any net loss or gain in the total energy of the system.

Mathematically, the First Law is often expressed as


  • ΔU is the change in the internal energy of the system,
  • Q is the heat added to the system,
  • W is the work done by the system.

This equation indicates that the change in a system's internal energy is equal to the heat added to the system minus the work done by the system on its surroundings. This law underpins many practical applications, such as calculating the efficiency of heat engines and understanding the energy requirements for heating and cooling systems.

Second Law of Thermodynamics

The Second Law of Thermodynamics introduces the concept of entropy, a measure of the disorder or randomness in a system, and states that in any energy transfer or transformation, the total entropy of a closed system will increase over time. This law reflects the natural tendency for systems to evolve towards a state of greater disorder or randomness. It explains why certain processes are irreversible and why energy transformations are never 100% efficient.

For example
When heat flows from a hot object to a cold one, the process increases the overall entropy of the system because the energy disperses more widely. This law also underlies the concept that heat cannot spontaneously flow from a colder body to a hotter body without external work being done. It is this principle that drives the design of heat engines, refrigerators, and other thermodynamic systems, which must operate in a way that accounts for the inevitable increase in entropy.

The Second Law can be mathematically expressed as:


  • ΔS is the change in entropy of the system.

In practical terms, the Second Law limits the efficiency of energy conversion processes. No machine or engine can convert all the input energy into useful work; some energy is always lost as waste heat, increasing the entropy of the surroundings.

Third Law of Thermodynamics

The Third Law of Thermodynamics states that as a system approaches absolute zero (0 Kelvin, or -273.15°C), the entropy of the system approaches a minimum, constant value. Absolute zero represents the theoretical point at which all thermal motion of particles ceases. At this point, a system is in its lowest energy state, and no further entropy can be extracted.

Mathematically, the Third Law is often represented as

S→0 as T→0 K

  • S is the entropy of the system,
  • T is the temperature in Kelvin.

This law implies that it is impossible to reach absolute zero through any finite series of processes, as each step towards absolute zero requires removing smaller and smaller amounts of energy, making it increasingly difficult to reduce the temperature further.

The Third Law has significant implications for cryogenics (the study of materials at extremely low temperatures) and for understanding the behavior of materials as they approach absolute zero. For example, it helps explain why certain materials, such as helium, do not solidify at low temperatures without the application of high pressure and why quantum mechanical effects become more prominent as temperatures decrease.

How Does Thermal Expansion Affect Materials

Thermal expansion is a fundamental physical property of materials that describes their tendency to change dimensions-such as length, area, and volume-when subjected to variations in temperature. This phenomenon occurs because, at the atomic level, an increase in temperature causes the atoms and molecules within a material to vibrate more vigorously. As these particles gain kinetic energy, they tend to move further apart, leading to an expansion of the material. Conversely, when a material is cooled, the particles lose kinetic energy, their vibrations decrease, and the material contracts.

Types of Thermal Expansion

Thermal expansion can be categorized into three primary types based on the dimension in which the expansion occurs

Linear Expansion
This refers to the change in length of a material as it is heated or cooled. Linear expansion is commonly observed in long structures such as metal rods, rails, or beams.

The linear expansion of a material is directly proportional to the temperature change and is described by the equation

               ΔL = α L0 ​ΔT

    • ΔL is the change in length,
    • α is the coefficient of linear expansion (specific to the material),
    • L0​ is the original length,
    • ΔT is the change in temperature.

    Area Expansion
    When materials expand in two dimensions (length and width), the change is referred to as area expansion. This is particularly relevant for thin sheets or membranes, where the surface area changes with temperature.

    The area expansion is calculated using the formula

    ΔA = 2α A0 ΔT

    • ΔA is the change in area,
    • α is the coefficient of linear expansion,
    • A0is the original area,
    • ΔT is the change in temperature.

    Volumetric Expansion
    Volumetric or cubic expansion refers to the change in volume of a material. This is important for fluids, gasses, and solid objects that change volume when subjected to temperature changes.

    The volumetric expansion is given by

    ΔV=β V0 ΔT

    • ΔV is the change in volume,
    • β is the coefficient of volumetric expansion,
    • V0 is the original volume,
    • ΔT is the change in temperature.

    Practical Implications of Thermal Expansion

    1. Railway Tracks and Bridges
      Thermal expansion causes metal railway tracks to expand in hot weather, potentially leading to buckling. Expansion joints in bridges allow for controlled expansion and contraction, preventing structural damage.
    2. Piping Systems
      In piping systems carrying hot fluids, expansion loops or bends are used to accommodate the expansion and contraction of pipes, preventing leaks or bursts.
    3. Construction and Manufacturing
      Designers must account for thermal expansion when joining different materials, as varying expansion rates can cause stress, deformation, or separation.
    4. Natural Processes
      Thermal expansion contributes to natural weathering processes, such as frost wedging, where expanding ice breaks apart rocks, shaping landscapes over time.

    Thermal Expansion in Different Materials

    1. Metals
      Metals like steel and aluminum have high coefficients of thermal expansion, causing them to expand significantly when heated, which must be accounted for in engineering designs.
    2. Glass and Ceramics
      These materials have lower coefficients of thermal expansion but are brittle, making them prone to cracking from slight expansions, especially under rapid temperature changes.
    3. Composite Materials
      Composites, made from multiple materials, have complex thermal expansion behaviors, requiring careful design to ensure components expand and contract uniformly.
    4. Specialty Materials
      Some materials, like borosilicate glass, are engineered to have low thermal expansion coefficients, making them resistant to thermal shock and suitable for high-temperature applications.

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    What Is Thermal Conductivity?

    Thermal conductivity is a material property that describes the ability of a substance to conduct heat. It is a measure of how quickly heat energy is transferred through a material when there is a temperature difference.

    Materials with high thermal conductivity, such as metals, are efficient at transferring heat. For example, copper and aluminum are commonly used in heat sinks and cooking utensils because they quickly transfer heat from one area to another.

    On the other hand, materials with low thermal conductivity, such as wood, plastic, and rubber, are poor conductors of heat and are often used as insulators. These materials slow down the transfer of heat, making them useful for applications where heat retention or protection from heat is needed.

    Thermal conductivity is an important factor in many applications, including building insulation, electronic device cooling, and designing energy-efficient systems.

    How Are Thermocouples Used in Measuring Thermal Energy

    A thermocouple is a device used to measure temperature by converting thermal energy into an electrical signal. It consists of two different metals joined at one end, creating a junction. When this junction is exposed to a temperature difference, it generates a voltage that can be measured and interpreted as a temperature reading.

    Thermocouples are widely used in industrial applications due to their wide temperature range, durability, and fast response time. They are commonly used in processes where accurate temperature measurements are crucial, such as in furnaces, engines, and chemical plants.

    The accuracy and reliability of thermocouples make them essential tools for monitoring and controlling temperature in various systems, ensuring safety, efficiency, and optimal performance.

    What Is Joule's Law and Its Relation to Thermal Energy?

    Joule's Law relates to the conversion of electrical energy into heat energy in a conductor. It states that the amount of heat produced in a conductor by an electric current is directly proportional to the square of the current, the resistance of the conductor, and the time the current is applied.

    The formula is given by


    • Q is the heat energy (in joules).
    • I is the current (in amperes).
    • R is the resistance (in ohms).
    • t is the time (in seconds).

    This equation illustrates that the heat energy (Q) generated in a conductor is directly proportional to the square of the current (I^2), the resistance (R), and the time (t) for which the current is applied.

    Understanding the Proportionalities

    1. Current (I²)
      The heat produced is proportional to the square of the current. This means that even a small increase in current can lead to a significant increase in the amount of heat generated. For instance, doubling the current would result in four times the heat energy being produced, all else being equal. This aspect of Joule's Law is particularly important in the design of electrical systems, where excessive current can lead to overheating and potential damage to components.
    2. Resistance (R)
      The resistance of the conductor also plays a crucial role in the generation of heat. A higher resistance results in more heat being produced for a given current. Materials with high resistance, such as nichrome, are commonly used in applications like heating elements because they efficiently convert electrical energy into heat.
    3. Time (t)
      The duration for which the current is applied also affects the total heat generated. The longer the current flows through the conductor, the more heat is produced. This is why devices like electric heaters take time to warm up-they continuously convert electrical energy into thermal energy as long as they are powered.

    Practical Applications of Joule's Law

    Joule's Law is fundamental to many practical applications where electrical energy is intentionally converted into heat

    1. Electric Heaters
      In devices like space heaters, water heaters, and electric stoves, resistive elements are used to convert electrical energy into heat. These devices typically use materials with high resistance, ensuring efficient heat production according to Joule's Law.
    2. Incandescent Light Bulbs
      In an incandescent bulb, an electric current passes through a thin tungsten filament. Due to its high resistance, the filament heats up and emits light along with a significant amount of heat. This is why incandescent bulbs are much less efficient than LED bulbs, which produce light with minimal heat loss.
    3. Fuses and Circuit Protection
      Joule's Law is also important in the design of fuses and other protective devices in electrical circuits. Fuses are designed to "blow" or break the circuit if the current exceeds a safe level, preventing overheating and potential fires. The heat generated by excessive current melts the fuse wire, interrupting the circuit.
    4. Thermal Management in Electronics
      In electronic devices, the heat generated by resistive components must be managed to prevent damage. This is why devices like computers and smartphones are equipped with heat sinks and cooling systems to dissipate heat effectively, ensuring the components operate within safe temperature ranges.
    5. Welding and Soldering
      In welding and soldering, electrical current is passed through resistive materials to generate heat, which is then used to join metal components together. The precise control of current and resistance is critical to achieving the desired temperature for effective bonding.

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    How Does Energy Conversion Relate to Thermal Energy

    Energy conversion is the process of transforming energy from one form to another, and thermal energy is a crucial component in many of these conversions. The relationship between energy conversion and thermal energy is foundational in understanding how various systems, from power plants to everyday appliances, function. Thermal energy, often generated as heat, plays a key role in converting other forms of energy-such as chemical, mechanical, or electrical-into usable forms of energy, particularly in industrial and technological applications.

    Thermal Energy in Power Generation

    One of the most common and significant examples of energy conversion involving thermal energy occurs in power plants, where chemical energy from fuel sources is converted into electricity.

    This process typically involves several stages

    1. Combustion
      In fossil fuel power plants, the chemical energy stored in fuels such as coal, natural gas, or oil is released through combustion. During combustion, the fuel reacts with oxygen, producing a large amount of heat (thermal energy). This heat is then used to convert water into steam.
    2. Steam Generation
      The thermal energy from combustion is transferred to water in a boiler, causing it to boil and produce steam. The high-pressure steam is then directed to a turbine. This phase is crucial, as the steam's thermal energy is what drives the next step in energy conversion.
    3. Mechanical to Electrical Energy
      As the steam expands and flows over the blades of a turbine, it causes the turbine to spin. This mechanical energy is then converted into electrical energy using a generator, where the rotating turbine turns a magnet inside a coil of wire, inducing an electric current.
    4. Heat Dissipation and Efficiency
      After passing through the turbine, the steam is typically condensed back into water to be reused in the system. However, not all the thermal energy is converted into mechanical or electrical energy; some of it is lost as waste heat. The efficiency of the power plant depends on how much of the initial thermal energy is converted into electrical energy versus how much is lost.

    This process of converting chemical energy to thermal energy, and then to mechanical and electrical energy, is central to the operation of most conventional power plants. The efficiency of these conversions, governed by the laws of thermodynamics, determines how much of the input energy is ultimately converted into usable electricity.

    Thermal Energy in Renewable Energy Systems

    Thermal energy also plays a role in renewable energy systems, particularly in solar thermal and geothermal power generation

    1. Solar Thermal Energy
      Solar thermal power plants use mirrors or lenses to concentrate sunlight onto a receiver, which absorbs the sunlight and converts it into thermal energy. This thermal energy is then used to heat a fluid, typically water or a molten salt, which can store the heat or use it to produce steam for driving turbines and generating electricity. The conversion process here transforms solar energy into thermal energy, which is then converted into mechanical and electrical energy.
    2. Geothermal Energy
      In geothermal power plants, thermal energy from the Earth's interior is harnessed to generate electricity. Hot water or steam from underground reservoirs is brought to the surface, where it is used directly to drive turbines or to heat another fluid that then vaporizes and drives a turbine. This process converts the Earth's internal thermal energy into mechanical and electrical energy, providing a renewable source of power.

    Thermal Energy in Mechanical Systems

    Thermal energy is also involved in energy conversions within mechanical systems.

    For instance, in internal combustion engines found in cars

    1. Chemical to Thermal Energy
      The chemical energy in the fuel (gasoline or diesel) is released through combustion inside the engine's cylinders. This rapid release of energy generates high-temperature gasses.
    2. Thermal to Mechanical Energy
      The thermal energy of these gasses increases their pressure, pushing against the engine's pistons and causing them to move. This motion is converted into mechanical energy, which drives the wheels of the vehicle.

    In these engines, the efficiency of energy conversion is limited by how effectively the thermal energy can be converted into mechanical energy. Some of the thermal energy is inevitably lost to the surroundings as waste heat, highlighting the importance of cooling systems in managing the engine's temperature and preventing overheating.

    Thermal Energy in Everyday Appliances

    In everyday appliances, thermal energy is often a byproduct of energy conversion processes

    1. Electric Heaters
      In electric heaters, electrical energy is converted directly into thermal energy through resistive heating elements. This conversion is governed by Joule's Law, where the current passing through a resistive element generates heat, which is then used to warm a room.
    2. Refrigerators and Air Conditioners
      These appliances rely on the conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy (via compressors) and then into thermal energy to remove heat from a space. The refrigerant absorbs thermal energy from inside the refrigerator or room and releases it outside, effectively lowering the temperature inside.
    3. Cooking Appliances
      In stoves and ovens, electrical or chemical energy (from gas) is converted into thermal energy, which is then used for cooking food. The efficiency of these appliances depends on how well they convert the input energy into the thermal energy required for cooking.

    What Is Heat Capacity and Its Importance?

    Heat capacity is a fundamental physical property of matter that describes the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of a given quantity of a substance by one degree Celsius (°C) or one Kelvin (K). This property plays a crucial role in understanding how different materials respond to changes in temperature and how they store and transfer heat.

    Understanding Heat Capacity

    The heat capacity (C) of an object or substance is defined as

    C = QΔT 

    • Q is the amount of heat energy added to the substance (in joules, J),
    • ΔT is the change in temperature (in degrees Celsius or Kelvin).

    The heat capacity of an object depends on both its mass and the material from which it is made. Larger objects or those made from materials with high heat capacities require more energy to achieve the same temperature change as smaller objects or those made from materials with lower heat capacities.

    Specific Heat Capacity

    A related concept is the specific heat capacity, often referred to as specific heat (ccc). Specific heat is the heat capacity per unit mass of a material and is expressed as:

    c = Cm =  QmΔT 

    • c is the specific heat capacity (in joules per kilogram per degree Celsius, J/kg°C)
    • m is the mass of the substance (in kilograms).

    The specific heat capacity is a more intrinsic property of a material, meaning it is independent of the amount of the substance. It describes how much energy is needed to raise the temperature of one kilogram of the material by one degree Celsius.

    Importance of Heat Capacity in Thermodynamics

    Heat capacity is a key concept in thermodynamics because it determines how much energy is required to change the temperature of a substance.

    This has several important implications

    1. Temperature Regulation
      Materials with high specific heat capacities can absorb or release large amounts of heat with only small changes in temperature. For example, water has a very high specific heat capacity (approximately 4.18 J/g°C), which makes it excellent for regulating temperature. This is why water is used in cooling systems for engines and industrial processes. Its ability to absorb significant amounts of heat without rapidly increasing in temperature helps prevent overheating.
    2. Climate and Environmental Impact
      The high specific heat capacity of water also plays a critical role in the Earth's climate. Large bodies of water, such as oceans and lakes, absorb heat from the sun during the day and release it slowly at night. This moderating effect prevents extreme temperature fluctuations and helps stabilize coastal climates. Similarly, the heat capacity of the atmosphere and the land influences weather patterns and seasonal changes.
    3. Material Selection in Engineering
      Engineers and designers often need to consider the heat capacity of materials when developing products and systems. For instance, materials with low heat capacities may be used in applications where quick temperature changes are desirable, such as in cooking utensils or electronic components. Conversely, materials with high heat capacities are selected for applications requiring thermal stability, such as in thermal insulation or heat storage systems.
    4. Energy Storage
      The concept of heat capacity is also important in designing energy storage systems, particularly in thermal energy storage. Materials with high specific heat capacities can store large amounts of thermal energy for later use. This is utilized in systems like solar thermal power plants, where heat is stored during the day and then used to generate electricity at night or during cloudy periods.

    Applications of Heat Capacity

    1. Cooling and Heating Systems
      In residential and industrial heating and cooling systems, the heat capacity of materials is a key factor in designing efficient systems. For example, water is often used as a coolant in radiators and HVAC systems because it can absorb a lot of heat from the environment or machinery before its temperature rises significantly.
    2. Climate Control in Buildings
      Building materials with high heat capacities, such as concrete and brick, help maintain stable indoor temperatures by absorbing heat during the day and releasing it slowly at night. This reduces the need for artificial heating and cooling, leading to energy savings.
    3. Thermal Management in Electronics
      In electronics, components like CPUs and GPUs generate significant amounts of heat during operation. Heat sinks and thermal pads, often made from materials with high specific heat capacities, are used to absorb and dissipate this heat, preventing the components from overheating and ensuring stable performance.
    4. Cooking and Food Storage
      The specific heat capacity of food and cookware affects how quickly they heat up and cool down. For example, cast iron pans have a high heat capacity, which means they retain heat well and cook food evenly, while materials like aluminum heat up quickly but lose heat just as fast.

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    As we conclude this lesson on thermal energy, you've gained a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental principles that govern heat and its transfer in various systems. This lesson has introduced you to key concepts such as the nature of thermal energy, how it is calculated using the thermal energy equation, and the laws of thermodynamics that dictate energy behavior in physical systems.

    You explored how thermal expansion affects materials and learned about the critical role of Joule's law in converting electrical energy into heat. The lesson also highlighted the practical applications of these principles, from energy conversion in power plants to the design of everyday devices. This knowledge forms a vital foundation for further exploration in physics and engineering, providing you with the tools to understand and apply thermal energy concepts in both academic and real-world contexts.

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