Proper subject-verb agreement is one of the most fundamental aspects of English grammar. Let's understand it in this lesson.
Subject-verb agreement (also known as subject-verb concord) is a grammar rule that ensures the subject and verb in a sentence match in number.
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Here are the basic subject-verb agreement rules to remember:
A singular subject must always pair with a singular verb. This rule ensures that the subject and verb agree in number.
Example: The boy eats his lunch.
Here, "boy" is singular, so the verb "eats" is also singular.
A plural subject pairs with a plural verb to maintain agreement.
Example: The boys eat their lunch.
Since "boys" is plural, the verb "eat" reflects this plurality.
Words or phrases inserted between the subject and the verb should not affect the agreement. Focus only on the main subject.
Example: The bird with colorful feathers flies in the sky.
Here, the subject is "bird," which is singular, so the verb "flies" is singular, too.
When two subjects are connected by "and," the verb must be plural because it refers to more than one subject.
Example: John and Sarah play outside.
Both John and Sarah together form a plural subject, so the verb "play" agrees.
When subjects are joined by "or" or "nor," the verb agrees with the subject closest to it.
Example: Either the teacher or the students are ready.
(The verb agrees with "students," the nearest subject.)
Example: Neither the boys nor the girl is late.
(The verb agrees with "girl," the nearest subject.)
Indefinite pronouns such as "each," "everyone," "nobody," and "someone" are considered singular, so they take singular verbs.
Example: Everyone enjoys the show.
Here, "everyone" is singular, and so is the verb "enjoys."
Collective nouns like "team," "group," or "family" can take singular or plural verbs depending on whether they act as a unit or as individuals.
Example: The team is winning the match.
(The team acts as a single unit.)
Example: The team are arguing among themselves.
(The team members act as individuals.)
Uncountable nouns like "water," "information," or "advice" are treated as singular subjects.
Example: The information is accurate.
Titles of books, movies, or any creative works are considered singular, even if they sound plural.
Example: "The Chronicles of Narnia" is a popular series.
Understanding these rules helps to answer the question, "What is subject-verb concord?"
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Here are subject-verb agreement examples to make things clearer:
Subject | Verb | Sentence Example |
Singular (one person) | Singular verb | The dog barks at strangers. |
Plural (many people) | Plural verb | The dogs bark at strangers. |
Compound subject | Plural verb | Tom and Jerry are best friends. |
Indefinite pronouns | Singular verb | Someone is knocking on the door. |
Closest subject rule | Matches subject | Neither the boys nor the girl is tired. |
These examples show how verb concord works in different types of sentences.
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Complete the sentences by choosing the correct verb:
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