HESI Reading Comprehension Practice Test

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| By Sylvanbc
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HESI Reading Comprehension Practice Test - Quiz

This is the HESI Reading Comprehension Practice Test. You have thirty minutes to complete 20 questions. Please answer each question and read all directions before beginning a section.

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Blood PressureQuestions 1-4 are about the following passage. Lub-dub! Lub-dub! Lub-dub! This sound is made by the rapid contracting and extending of the chamber doors on the inside of the heart. This ventricular contracting injects roughly 70 milliliters of blood into a vascular system with a given volume at differing pressure. Blood pressure refers to the pressure in the arterial system and is typically taken in the brachial artery of the arm, because the pressure at different places along the circulatory route is different. Blood pressure is simply the force that the blood exerts in all directions within any given area and is the basis for the movement of blood from the heart, through the body, and back to the heart. This pressure is commonly expressed as a ratio of the systolic pressure over the diastolic pressure. The systolic pressure or "high peak" pressure takes place within the arterial system as ventricles contract and force blood into the arteries. The diastolic pressure or "low peak" pressure takes place within this arterial system just before the next ventricular contraction. An increase in blood pressure can occur if the arterial walls lose some of their elasticity with age or disease.What is the main idea of the passage?

    • A.

      Blood pressure overall measures the elasticity of the arteries near the heart as they stretch to accommodate expelled blood.

    • B.

      Blood pressure within the arterial system takes into account that pressure is different at varying locations.

    • C.

      Blood pressure is simply the force that the blood exerts in all directions within any given area, measured as a ratio.

    • D.

      Blood pressure represents the pulse difference between ventricular contractions.

    Correct Answer
    C. Blood pressure is simply the force that the blood exerts in all directions within any given area, measured as a ratio.
    The passage explains that blood pressure is the force exerted by blood in all directions within a given area and is measured as a ratio of systolic pressure over diastolic pressure. It also mentions that blood pressure is the basis for the movement of blood throughout the body. Therefore, the main idea of the passage is that blood pressure is the force exerted by blood and is measured as a ratio.

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  • 2. 

    Which statement is not a detail from the passage?

    • A.

      The ventricular contraction asserts capillary pressure that is about 70 mm Hg.

    • B.

      The pressures at different places in the circulatory system are different.

    • C.

      Increase in blood pressure can occur if arterial walls lose some of their elasticity.

    • D.

      Blood pressure is expressed as a ratio of systolic over diastolic pressure.

    Correct Answer
    A. The ventricular contraction asserts capillary pressure that is about 70 mm Hg.
  • 3. 

    What is the meaning of the word elasticity in the last paragraph?

    • A.

      Something that is able to resist and be flexible

    • B.

      Something that is like plastic

    • C.

      Something that is dynamic and electrifying

    • D.

      Something that is silly

    Correct Answer
    A. Something that is able to resist and be flexible
    The word "elasticity" refers to the ability of something to resist and be flexible. This means that the object or material can stretch or deform under pressure, but it can also return to its original shape once the pressure is released. It implies that the object has a certain degree of resilience and can withstand external forces without breaking or losing its form.

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  • 4. 

    What is the author's primary purpose in writing this essay?

    • A.

      To entertain

    • B.

      To analyze

    • C.

      To inform

    • D.

      To persuade

    Correct Answer
    C. To inform
    The author's primary purpose in writing this essay is to provide information. The essay is likely focused on presenting facts, explaining concepts, or describing a particular topic in order to educate the reader. The author's goal is to provide information and increase the reader's understanding of the subject matter, rather than entertain, analyze, or persuade.

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  • 5. 

    Blood Pressure RegulatorsQuestions 5-8 are about the following passage. The body is composed of systems that have evolved and diversified in order to maintain the natural functions and processes they regulate. One such system that has these regulators is the body's cardiovascular system. The body's pump, which regulates the flow of vitally needed oxygen to all cells of the body as well as the discard of carbon dioxide and other waste products, is the heart. Because blood pressure varies at different points withing the body, differing components are needed to keep the body's blood pressure regulated. Three of the basic components are baroreceptors, chemorecteptors, and the kidneys. Baroreceptors are stretch receptors composed of fine branching nerve endings and are contained along the walls of the arteries near the heart and in other areas of the body as well. Impulses are related to this stretching along the arterial walls, which causes these baroreceptors to send out even more impulses to the heart, arteries, and veins, causing the blood pressure to go either up or down. Chemoreceptors are located along the walls of the arteries and monitor changes in oxygen level, carbon dioxide, and pH. Just think! A fall in oxygen causes receptors to send impulses to raise the blood pressure. The kidneys play a role in regulating blood pressure by absorbing salts and water and removing wastes. Hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex cause the kidney to keep or let go of any salt and water. This has an influence on blood volume and consequently on blood pressure. What is the main idea of the passage?

    • A.

      Blood pressure can be treated only by monitoring baroreceptors.

    • B.

      Blood pressure can be treated only by monitoring chemoreceptors.

    • C.

      Blood pressure can be treated only by monitoring the kidneys.

    • D.

      Blood pressure can be regulated through baroreceptors, chemoreceptors, and the kidneys.

    Correct Answer
    D. Blood pressure can be regulated through baroreceptors, chemoreceptors, and the kidneys.
    The main idea of the passage is that blood pressure can be regulated through the use of baroreceptors, chemoreceptors, and the kidneys. These components play a role in monitoring and adjusting blood pressure levels in the body. Baroreceptors detect stretching along the arterial walls and send impulses to regulate blood pressure. Chemoreceptors monitor oxygen levels, carbon dioxide levels, and pH, and send impulses to raise or lower blood pressure accordingly. The kidneys also play a role in regulating blood pressure by absorbing salts and water and removing wastes. Therefore, all three components are necessary for maintaining blood pressure regulation.

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  • 6. 

    Which statement is not a detail from the passage?

    • A.

      Baroreceptors are rigid and static nerve endings that are contained along the arterial walls and send out messages along the nerve pathway.

    • B.

      Chemoreceptors are located along the walls of the arteries and monitor changes in oxygen level.

    • C.

      The kidneys play a role in regulating blood pressure by absorbing salts and water.

    • D.

      The heart is the body's pump, which regulates the flow of vitally needed oxygen to cells of the body.

    Correct Answer
    A. Baroreceptors are rigid and static nerve endings that are contained along the arterial walls and send out messages along the nerve pathway.
  • 7. 

    What is the meaning of the word evolved in the first paragraph?

    • A.

      To spread

    • B.

      To gradually develop

    • C.

      To revolve

    • D.

      To shift

    Correct Answer
    B. To gradually develop
    The word "evolved" in the first paragraph means to gradually develop. This suggests that something has changed and progressed over time, indicating a process of growth or advancement.

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  • 8. 

    What is the writer's primary purpose in writing this essay?

    • A.

      To analyze

    • B.

      To inform

    • C.

      To entertain

    • D.

      To persuade

    Correct Answer
    B. To inform
    The writer's primary purpose in writing this essay is to inform the reader. The essay is likely focused on presenting factual information, explaining a topic, or providing details about a specific subject matter. The writer's goal is to educate the reader and enhance their understanding of the topic at hand.

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  • 9. 

    Doppler Effect Questions 9-12 are about the following passage.Have you ever wondered why the whistle of a traveling, distant locomotive predicts its approach several yards before anyone actually sees it? Or why an oncoming ambulance's screaming siren is heard momentarily several feet before the ambulances comes into full view, before it passes you, and why its siren is still heard faintly well after the ambulance is out of sight? What you are witnessing is a scientific phenomenon known as the Doppler effect. What takes place is truly remarkable. In both of these instances, when the train or ambulance moves toward the sound waves in front of it, the sound waves are pulled closer together and have a higher frequency. In either instance the listener positioned in front of the moving object hears a higher pitch. The ambulance and locomotive are progressively moving away from the sound waves behind them, causing the waves to be farther apart and to have a lower frequency. These fast-approaching modes of transportation distance themselves past the listener, who hears a lower pitch. What statement is not listed as a detail in the passage?

    • A.

      The oncoming sound waves have a higher pitch owing to high frequency and closeness of waves.

    • B.

      The oncoming sound waves have a higher pitch owing to low frequency and closeness of waves.

    • C.

      The whistling sound of the locomotive as it approaches and passes can be explained by the Doppler effect.

    • D.

      The high-pitched sound of the ambulance as it approaches and passes can be explained by the Doppler effect.

    Correct Answer
    B. The oncoming sound waves have a higher pitch owing to low frequency and closeness of waves.
    The correct answer is "The oncoming sound waves have a higher pitch owing to low frequency and closeness of waves." This statement is not listed as a detail in the passage. The passage explains that when a train or ambulance moves towards the listener, the sound waves are pulled closer together and have a higher frequency, resulting in a higher pitch. Therefore, the oncoming sound waves have a higher pitch owing to high frequency and closeness of waves.

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  • 10. 

    What is the main idea of the passage?

    • A.

      Trains and ambulances make distinctly loud noises.

    • B.

      Low-frequency waves make high-pitched sounds.

    • C.

      High-frequency waves make low-pitched sounds.

    • D.

      The Doppler effect explains the rationale for why the sound is heard initially more strongly and then faintly after a moving object has passed.

    Correct Answer
    D. The Doppler effect explains the rationale for why the sound is heard initially more strongly and then faintly after a moving object has passed.
    The main idea of the passage is that the Doppler effect explains why a sound is initially heard more strongly and then becomes fainter after a moving object has passed.

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  • 11. 

    What is the meaning of the word phenomenon in the second paragraph?

    • A.

      Something that is lifeless to the senses

    • B.

      Something that is nonchalant

    • C.

      Something that is significant but unusual

    • D.

      Something that is chemical in origin

    Correct Answer
    C. Something that is significant but unusual
    The word "phenomenon" in the second paragraph refers to something that is significant but unusual. This suggests that the word is used to describe an event or occurrence that is noteworthy or remarkable, but not commonly observed or experienced. It implies that the subject being discussed in the paragraph is something out of the ordinary or exceptional in some way.

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  • 12. 

    What is the author's primary purpose in writing this essay?

    • A.

      To entertain

    • B.

      To inform

    • C.

      To analyze

    • D.

      To persuade

    Correct Answer
    B. To inform
    The author's primary purpose in writing this essay is to provide information. They aim to convey facts, details, and knowledge about a particular topic or subject. The essay may present information in a neutral and objective manner, without attempting to persuade or analyze. The author's intention is to educate and enlighten the reader, rather than entertain or convince them.

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  • 13. 

    Electrocardiogram Questions 13-16 are about the following passage.Beep!...Beep!...Beep! is the audible rhythmic sound made as the strength of the heart muscle is measured. The signal cadence has a characteristic record that varies in every individual. This record is called an electrocardiogram, or ECG. In the body an array of systemic neural responses constantly occur, sending out electrical currents, The electrical currents can be detected on the surface of the body, and if a person is hooked to an amplifier, these impulses are recorded by an electrocardiograph. Most of the information obtained is about the heart because the heart sends out electrical currents in waves. This "wave of excitation" emmitted spreads through the heart wall and is accompanied by electrical changes. The wave takes place in three distinct steps. Initially the wave of excitation accompanied by an electrical change lasts for approximately 1 to 2 seconds after contraction of the cardiac muscle. The electrical impulses are discharged rhythmically from the sinoatrial (SA) node, the pacemaker of the heart. This spread of excitation over the muscle of the atrium indicates that the atrium has contracted. Next, the peak of the ECG reading is due to the atrioventricular or AV node causing the ventricle to become excited. Finally, the ventricles relax, and any changes in the wave indicate to trained medical staff any abnormalities within the heart. What is the author's primary purpose in writing the essay?

    • A.

      To persuade

    • B.

      To entertain

    • C.

      To inform

    • D.

      To analyze

    Correct Answer
    C. To inform
    The author's primary purpose in writing the essay is to inform the reader about electrocardiograms (ECGs) and how they are used to measure the strength of the heart muscle. The passage provides a detailed explanation of how ECGs work, including the process of detecting electrical currents on the surface of the body and recording them with an electrocardiograph. The author also explains the different steps of the "wave of excitation" that occurs in the heart and how changes in the wave can indicate abnormalities. Overall, the passage is focused on providing information about ECGs and their role in understanding the heart's electrical activity.

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  • 14. 

    Which statement is not listed as a detail within the passage?

    • A.

      Changes in the ECG are typically used for diagnosis of abnormal cardiac rhythm.

    • B.

      The signal has a characteristic record called the electrocardiogram.

    • C.

      The wave of excitation starts at the SA node.

    • D.

      The wave of excitation spreads through the heart wall and is accompanied by electrical changes.

    Correct Answer
    A. Changes in the ECG are typically used for diagnosis of abnormal cardiac rhythm.
    The passage mentions that the signal has a characteristic record called the electrocardiogram, the wave of excitation starts at the SA node, and the wave of excitation spreads through the heart wall and is accompanied by electrical changes. However, it does not mention that changes in the ECG are typically used for diagnosis of abnormal cardiac rhythm.

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  • 15. 

    What is the meaning of the word emitted as it is used in the second paragraph?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Released
    The word "emitted" in the second paragraph means "released". It suggests that something was sent out or discharged, possibly in the context of energy or particles.

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  • 16. 

    What is the main idea of the passage?

    • A.

      Electrical currents within the body are due to electrostatic charges set off by the heart.

    • B.

      The electrocardiogram systematically and rather quickly measures the stages at which the wave of excitation occurs within the heart and records it.

    • C.

      The wave of excitation is detected on the surface of the body and measures the atrial excitation of the heart.

    • D.

      The electrical currents within the body are in direct relation to the wave of excitation measured by the electrocardiogram.

    Correct Answer
    B. The electrocardiogram systematically and rather quickly measures the stages at which the wave of excitation occurs within the heart and records it.
    The passage discusses the process of measuring the stages of the wave of excitation within the heart using an electrocardiogram. It states that the electrocardiogram systematically and quickly records the stages of the wave of excitation. Therefore, the main idea of the passage is that the electrocardiogram is used to measure and record the stages of the wave of excitation in the heart.

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  • 17. 

    The Water Cycle Questions 17-20 are about the following passage.Water is needed to sustain practically all life functions on planet Earth. A single drop of this compound is composed of an oxygen atom that shares its electrons with each of the two hydrogen atoms. The cycle starts when precipitation such as rain, snow, sleet, or hail descends form the sky onto the ground. Water not absorbed immediately from the precipitation is known as runoff. The runoff flows across land and collects in groundwater reservoirs, rivers, streams, and oceans. Evaporation takes place when liquid water changes into water vapor, which is a gas. Water vapor returns to the air from surface water and plants. Ultimately, condensation happens when this water vapor cools and changes back into droplets of liquid. In fact, the puffy, cotton clouds that we observe are formed by condensation. When the clouds become heavily laden with liquid droplets, precipitation ensures. What is the meaning of the word composed in the first paragraph?

    • A.

      To consist of

    • B.

      To be uniquely discovered

    • C.

      To be set apart

    • D.

      To be surprised

    Correct Answer
    A. To consist of
    The word "composed" in the first paragraph means "to consist of". It refers to the fact that a single drop of water is made up of an oxygen atom sharing its electrons with two hydrogen atoms.

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  • 18. 

    What is the main idea of this passage?

    • A.

      The formation of water from the joining of two hydrogen atoms to one atom of oxygen

    • B.

      The versatility and importance of water as a universal solvent

    • C.

      The explanation of the different components of the water cycle

    • D.

      Rain is a trivial part of the life cycle

    Correct Answer
    C. The explanation of the different components of the water cycle
    The main idea of the passage is to explain the different components of the water cycle. The passage discusses the formation of water from the joining of hydrogen atoms to one atom of oxygen, the versatility and importance of water as a universal solvent, and the role of rain in the water cycle. Therefore, the correct answer is "The explanation of the different components of the water cycle."

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  • 19. 

    Which statement is not a detail from the passage?

    • A.

      A single drop of water is made of a couple of hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms.

    • B.

      Evaporation takes place when liquid water changes into water vapor.

    • C.

      Water not absorbed is runoff.

    • D.

      Condensation fails to happen when water vapor cools and changes back into droplets of liquid.

    Correct Answer
    D. Condensation fails to happen when water vapor cools and changes back into droplets of liquid.
    The passage discusses various details about water, including its composition, the process of evaporation, and the concept of runoff. However, it does not mention anything about condensation failing to happen when water vapor cools and changes back into droplets of liquid.

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  • 20. 

    What was the author's primary purpose for writing this essay?

    • A.

      To entertain

    • B.

      To persuade

    • C.

      To analyze

    • D.

      To inform

    Correct Answer
    D. To inform
    The author's primary purpose for writing this essay is to inform the readers. The essay is likely focused on presenting factual information, explaining a topic, or providing details about a specific subject. The aim is to educate and enhance the reader's understanding of the subject matter rather than entertain, persuade, or analyze.

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