
Comprehension Quizzes, Questions & Answers

If you’re reading this message, you’re displaying some level of comprehension. Reading comprehension is a skill taught early in school. It is defined as someone reading text and understanding its meaning. Comprehension involves many characteristics, including the age of the reader, their skill level, language, and prior knowledge of the subject.
The reader will ask themselves: “Why should I read this?” and “Do I need to read more to understand?” Do you know the definition of phonics? It is an important aspect of comprehension. Another important part of comprehension is visualization – visualizing the words and their meaning while reading. Are you ready to put your comprehension skills to the test? Take one of our comprehension quizzes to see if you comprehend its true meaning!

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How good are you at reading comprehension? Want to test your reading skills? Take up this English comprehension quiz and check your skills!  Basically, reading comprehension is the ability to understand the text. Here,...

Questions: 24  |  Attempts: 73597   |  Last updated: Jan 21, 2025
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    The word “widely” could most easily be replaced by...
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Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 1784   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
  • Sample Question
    Read carefully the passages in each number and choose one of the best answers!   The following passage is for questions 1 to 4. HUMMINGBIRDS Hummingbirds are amazing birds for many reasons.  They fly like helicopters: backward or floating in the air.  They move from side to side.  The hummingbirds zoom straight up into the sky or dive straight down.  They spin their wings in circles.  If their babies are in danger, they will even attack eagles.  To build nests, they will pick fuzz off your sweater. When they are awake, hummingbirds spend most of their day eating food.  Hummingbirds are always on a quest for insects to eat.  They need them for protein.  Hummingbirds are always looking for objects from which to drink the juice.  They fly into brightly-colored objects that they think are food.  Sometimes they even try to get juice from stop signs!  They also drink nectar from flowers.  Every day they visit up to 1,000 flowers to drink the juice! Hummingbirds have special tongues.  The fronts of their tongues are split in half.  They have sharp edges.  These edges help soak up the juice from flowers.  Their tongues lick flowers.  As they hunt for insects, this tongue grabs the bugs and insects quickly. Tongues, flying, and eating habits are just three of the things that make the hummingbird an unbelievable creature.
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Given below is a comprehension passage; a story of a school-going girl called Emma. Read the passage below and answer the questions in the quiz. Emma rode on her bike on the way home from school and began to shed tears with...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 2066   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
  • Sample Question
    What does Emma ride to school?  
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Welcome to the "Quiz for Reading Comprehension," an exciting journey into the world of understanding and interpreting written content. Reading comprehension is one of the most important topics covered in the subject...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 717   |  Last updated: Jan 12, 2024
  • Sample Question
    Fort Knox, Kentucky, is the site of a U.S. army post, but it is even more renowned for the fort Knox Bullion Depository, the massive vault that contains the bulk of the U.S government’s gold deposits. Completed in 1936, the vault is housed in a two-story building constructed of granite, steel, and concrete; the vault itself is made of steel and concrete and has a door that weighs more than twenty tons. Naturally, the most  up-date security  device available are in the place at Fort Knox, and the army post nearby provides further protection. Which of the following best describe the topic of the passage?
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Please study before taking the test

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 9047   |  Last updated: Oct 28, 2024
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    1.King Minos asks Daedalus to build him a new 
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     This quiz contains reading passages that focus on various manifestations of reading comprehension. It consists of three selections and 15 questions intended to measure your literal, inferential, and...

Questions: 15  |  Attempts: 5191   |  Last updated: Oct 9, 2023
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    Rothko wanted to be an artist
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Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 1701   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
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    Why was Rosa Parks' mother unhappy when Rosa was born?
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