Në histori llogaritja e kohës bëhët me vite, dekada,shekuj, dhe mileniume. Sa kohë përfshihet brenda një mileniumi?
Correct Answer
C. Një milenium ka 1000 vite
A millennium consists of 1000 years.
Shqiptarët e hershëm(Arbërit) kishin një kultur të zhvilluar materjale. Si quhet kultura e hershme materjale e shqiptarve?
Correct Answer
A. Kultura e Komanit
Krahas ilirve cilët janë popujt më të vjetër të Ballkanit ?
Correct Answer
B. Grekët dhe thrakët
The correct answer is "grekët dhe thrakët" (Greeks and Thracians). This is because the question is asking which are the oldest peoples in the Balkans, and historically, both the Greeks and the Thracians have ancient roots in the region. The Romans and Turks are relatively more recent arrivals in the Balkans compared to the Greeks and Thracians.
Çka kuptojmë me termin “Popull nomadë”?
Correct Answer
D. Popull që nuk ka vendbanim të përhershëm qëndrimi
The term "Popull nomad" refers to a population that does not have a permanent place of residence. This means that they do not have a fixed or permanent settlement and instead move from one place to another. They do not have a permanent dwelling and are constantly on the move. Therefore, the correct answer is "Popull që nuk ka vendbanim të përhershëm qëndrimi" which translates to "A population that does not have a permanent place of residence."
Cilat janë dy partitë politike kryesore kryesore që zotrojnë skenen politike të SHBA-ve
Correct Answer
B. Partia demokratike dhe Partia republikane
The correct answer is "Partia demokratike dhe Partia republikane" because these are the two main political parties that dominate the political scene in the United States. The Democratic Party and the Republican Party have been the two major parties in the US for many years, with candidates from these parties competing in presidential elections and holding the majority of seats in Congress.
Gjatë Luftës së Dytë Botërore Kosova përkunder bashkimit me Shqiperinë mbeti e ndarë në tri zona okupuese.Cilat ishin ato zona?
Correct Answer
A. Zona okupuese italiane,gjermane dhe bullgare
During the Second World War, Kosovo was divided into three occupied zones: Italian, German, and Bulgarian. This division occurred as a result of the Axis powers' occupation and control over the region. The Italian zone represented the Italian Fascist regime's influence, the German zone represented Nazi Germany's control, and the Bulgarian zone represented Bulgaria's occupation of Kosovo during the war.
Organizata e Kombeve të Bashkuara –UNESKO u formu në vitin 1945 dhe në të marrin pjesë shumica e shteteve të botës.Cili është misioni i UNESKO-së në botë?
Correct Answer
C. Ruajtja e vlerave të sistemit kapitalist në tërë botën
The correct answer is "Ruajtja e vlerave të sistemit kapitalist në tërë botën" which means "Preserving the values of the capitalist system worldwide". This answer aligns with the mission of UNESCO, which was formed in 1945 and aims to promote peace, security, and sustainable development by fostering international collaboration in the fields of education, science, culture, and communication. However, it is important to note that UNESCO's mission is not specifically focused on preserving the values of the capitalist system, but rather on promoting cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue, and the protection of cultural heritage.
Me 18 janar 1919 në Versajë u mbajtë :
Correct Answer
B. Konferenca e Paqes
On January 18, 1919, the Versailles Conference took place. This conference was held in Versailles, France and was convened to negotiate the terms of peace after World War I. It involved representatives from various countries, including the victorious Allied powers and the defeated Central Powers. The conference resulted in the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, which imposed harsh conditions on Germany and redrew the map of Europe. Therefore, the correct answer is "Konferenca e Paqes" (Conference of Peace).
Kush ishte autori i abetares së parë në gjuhën shqipe „Evetari“ të botuar më 1844?
Correct Answer
D. Naum Veqilharxhi
Naum Veqilharxhi is the correct answer because he was the author of the first primer in the Albanian language called "Evetari" published in 1844. He played a significant role in the development of the Albanian alphabet and language during the Albanian National Awakening movement. His work was instrumental in promoting literacy and education among the Albanian population.
Papa i Romës i dha Skenderbeut titullin „Kapiten i përgjithshëm i Selisë së Shenjtë“.Çfarë plane kishte Papati për Skenderbeun ?
Correct Answer
A. Synohej krijimi i një koalicioni antiosman në krye me Skenderbeun
The correct answer suggests that the Pope in Rome wanted to create a coalition against the Ottoman Empire, with Skanderbeg as the leader. This indicates that the Pope saw Skanderbeg as a powerful figure who could lead a resistance against the Ottoman forces. The creation of this coalition would have aimed to unite various factions against the common enemy and potentially weaken the Ottoman influence in the region.