Which Fate Servant Are You?

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| By Brightstar689
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 1 | Total Attempts: 16,432
Questions: 20 | Attempts: 16,535

Which Fate Servant Are You? - Quiz

It is said that inside every person, there dwells the spirit of a hero. Take this quiz and find out which fate servant you are. The spirit guides us during our greatest moments and comforts us during our greatest tragedies. Find out which FGO servant you are. This quiz contains many exciting questions bound to get you excited about knowing the answer. If you like the quiz, do share it with your friends and family. All the best!

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

        While having a good time with your friends you indulge a bit to much and black out. When you wake up you are covered in blood and one of your friends lays dead next to you. You think you might have killed him in the night vaguely remembering an argument over something. But you aren't sure and it doesn't sound like you.

    • A.

      I turn myself in. I wasn't in my right mind so I probably won't be held responsible.

    • B.

      I don't tell anyone. I probably wasn't me. I'll work on an alibi just in case.

    • C.

      I tell my other friends. They might know what we did.

    • D.

      I tell my other friends. They probably know anyway and could help me hide things.

    • E.

      I turn myself in. The police might find something I can't to prove my innocence.

    • F.

      I tell my other friends. Depending on how they act, I might find out if one of them did it.

    • G.

      I don't tell anyone. It'll haunt me forever, but going to prison wouldn't help bring him back.

    • H.

      I turn myself in. If I broke the law I need to be punished.

    • I.

      I don't tell anyone. I start investigating to see if it was really me though.

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  • 2. 

    A man has killed one of the people closest to you. He is caught and although you are sure of his guilt, the system lets him go judging the man as innocent. What would you do?

    • A.

      I demand justice! I will challenge him and force him to fight me in fair one on one combat. I don't care if I am punished later for my actions. I know what is right.

    • B.

      It's not enough to kill him... First I would go for the people closest to the mongrel. Only after he has felt my pain ten fold would I give him a death as slow as I could design.

    • C.

      I would likely not be able to control my rage and perhaps after a night of drinking I would head out to find him and kill the dog in cold blood. Perhaps I could get off in court too.

    • D.

      We all have a few friends who are loyal to the end. Ones who are like brothers. I would gather mine and we would end it once and for all. I would take all the blame if we were ever caught.

    • E.

      I would kill him, but only after time has passed so that no one suspects me. I would plan it well and make it look like an accident and I would have an alibi.

    • F.

      I would find the man and kill him. But more so then that anyone who had a part to play must be punished as well. That includes the faulty justice system that let him go!

    • G.

      I would gather my family, and the family of my friend so that we could discuss what needed to be done. If the system can't do what is right then we will through backyard justice!

    • H.

      It both angers and saddens me, but the laws are there for a very good reason. It's best for me to find some closure and move on with my life.

    • I.

      If it was a crime they are likely to commit again I would need to stop them for the better of the community. However if it was just a crime of passion then I would try and move on.

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  • 3. 

    The battle overwhelms you. The end is here and there is nothing you can do about it. Would you rather...

    • A.

      Die alone with enemies cursing and laughing all around you. So long as those close too you are safe. Even if they believe the lies that spread knowing they are safe is enough.

    • B.

      It will be quick and your friends will join you. You shall all be martyrs, and perhaps your deaths will serve a purpose. Even as you watch both adults and children being led up... You know the world will also see and that your cause will live on.

    • C.

      Die alone or with others... It makes no difference to you. So long as you can etch yourself as a nightmare in the minds of those who see your fury. They will wake in cold terror for the rest of their lives.

    • D.

      Die alone with enemies cursing and laughing all around you. You lived a just life and held true to the end. People will remember it and even as pain is etched into your very soul, you can't help but laugh along with your tormenters.

    • E.

      Die alone or with others... It makes no difference to you. Death is death and we all must face it. You will face it without fear knowing that all must do the same in time. If you must die you will do so without regret or apology.

    • F.

      It will be quick and painless and your family and friends will join you. With your brothers at your side you can face anything. They follow you to the grave as loyally as they fallowed you through life.

    • G.

      Die alone with enemies cursing and laughing all around you. You know karma will come back ten fold on them. The world wasn't ready for your ideal. But someday people will remember you as a hero.

    • H.

      Die alone or with others... It makes no difference to you. You only wish to die a clean death to a worthy foe. As long as you can die fighting all that matters is the moment.  You even wish the man who ended you well in life.

    • I.

      It will be quick and painless and your family and friends will join you.  What matters is you completed your goals and the pain your executioners have felt at your groups hands makes your deaths seam like drops in the ocean.

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  • 4. 

     A great shining being appears before you and offers you a choice of a personal blessing. What would you desire for yourself?

    • A.

      Charity so I could better help others.

    • B.

      Strength and power in battle.

    • C.

      To be very successful.

    • D.

      The admiration and loyalty of others.

    • E.

      A silver tongue when I speak.

    • F.

      The ability to punish others.

    • G.

      Long life and youth.

    • H.

      Wisdom to know whats right.

    • I.

      Intelligence beyond all others..

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  • 5. 

     You find an odd section in a dusty old book store. Inside is what appears to be magic books that teach powerful spells. You have enough money to buy only one of the books. what type would you check out to study?

    • A.

      Healing - The ability to cure illness and affliction and to save lives.

    • B.

      Enhancement - The ability to strengthen both yourself and materials around you.

    • C.

      Divination - The ability to see the future, past, and present.

    • D.

      Summoning - The ability to call on magic servants to fight for you and to do your bidding.

    • E.

      Manipulation - The ability to control people and the world around you.

    • F.

      Curses - The ability to punish and harm others as well as those around them.

    • G.

      Geomancy - The ability to command the forces of nature including animals and plant life.

    • H.

      Alchemy - The ability to change the properties of anything as you desire.

    • I.

      Enchantment - The ability to bestow magic properties on things both animate and inanimate.

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  • 6. 

    A long time enemy stands before you utterly defeated. He has been a thorn in your side for as long as you can remember. He falls to his knees and begs you for mercy with tears in his eyes as your men cheer around you. He states he has been in the wrong and offers an apology that seams pretty sincere. What would you do?

    • A.

      I offer the man kindness and left him up from the dirt. I will show him mercy, love and protection so that he will be my enemy no more.

    • B.

      I offer him the chance to die on his feet in one on one combat against me. If he refuses then I take him prisoner. I don't kill broken men.

    • C.

      I offer him the chance to die on his feet in one on one combat against me. If he refuses then I end his shame quickly and painlessly.

    • D.

      I offer the man kindness and left him up from the dirt. I will still execute him for his crimes but I wont be cruel to him needlessly.

    • E.

      I enjoy his begging and allow him to say his peace. After he is done I remind him of all he has done and tell him he must serve me as recompense.

    • F.

      I enjoy his begging and allow him to say his peace. After he is done I remind him of all he has done and how he must die for his actions.

    • G.

      I enjoy his begging and allow him to say his peace. After he is done I remind him of all he has done, before I take him as my prisoner.

    • H.

      I offer the man kindness and left him up from the dirt. He will become my prisoner and I'll make sure he gets a fair trial to be judged.

    • I.

      I offer him the chance to die on his feet in one on one combat against me. If he refuses then I will let him go. He isn't worth my time.

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  • 7. 

    Which of the fallowing alignments best describes you as a person?

    • A.

      Lawful Good

    • B.

      Lawful Neutral

    • C.

      Lawful Evil

    • D.

      Neutral Good

    • E.

      True Neutral

    • F.

      Neutral Evil

    • G.

      Chaotic Good

    • H.

      Chaotic Neutral

    • I.

      Chaotic Evil

    Rate this question:

  • 8. 

    Of the things on this list, which is most important to you?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    • F.


    • G.


    • H.


    • I.


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  • 9. 

    You have been challenged to a dual, but can not use combat to settle the dispute. Which of the fallowing would you rather use to decide the victor?

    • A.

      I would let them pick so I could beat them at their own game.

    • B.

      An arm wrestling contest to test our strength.

    • C.

      A drinking competition to test our stamina.

    • D.

      A game of chess to test our strategic skills.

    • E.

      A scavenger hunt to test our exploration abilities.

    • F.

      A game of riddles to test our cleverness.

    • G.

      A game of dice to test our luck.

    • H.

      A vote of our peers to see who is more popular.

    • I.

      A game of cards to test our ability to read each other.

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  • 10. 

    You have been defeated and your castle is about to be sacked. Outside pillars of smoke rise high into the air as the sound of the battering ram hitting your gate echo in the air. Your men have abandoned you and your servants are looting your house of all the valuables before they flee. You sit all alone as you wait for the inevitable.

    • A.

      I would meet them one last time. I would buy my men and servants time while they fled. No need for others to die with me.

    • B.

      I would meet them one last time. I would sound one final call for those around me who wern't cowards to join me and I would rush to death and glory.

    • C.

      They won't get any satisfaction. I would offer my treasures and anything else the enemy desired to cease the siege and leave me alone.

    • D.

      I will surrender my sword when they come for me. They are the rightful victors and I know when I've been beaten fair and square.

    • E.

      I will surrender my sword when they come for me. I will try to appeal to their better nature and survive so that I may fight another day.

    • F.

      I would meet them one last time. I would take up my sword and smite all who would defy me. That includes the deserters and servants.

    • G.

      They won't get any satisfaction. I would find my most loyal remaining servant and force them to take my place long enough for me to escape.

    • H.

      I will surrender my sword when they come for me. I would however punish my servants before the enemy arrive. Desertion is never to be tolerated.

    • I.

      They won't get any satisfaction. I would rather submit to my own blade then submit to my enemy. At least it's my choice.

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  • 11. 

    Which of these things scares you the most?

    • A.

      Loosing people close to you.

    • B.

      Being weak.

    • C.

      Growing old.

    • D.

      Poverty and debt.

    • E.

      Having no control.

    • F.

      Being mocked by others.

    • G.

      Everyone changing without you.

    • H.

      People betraying you.

    • I.

      Failing at your goals.

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  • 12. 

    Refugees desire sanctuary in your country. The place they come from it torn by chaos and violence, and generally does not have the highest opinion of your own country. There is a strong possibility that if allowed in that your enemies will use the opportunity to infiltrate your society. At the same time though if you don't let them in those same enemies will kill the refugees in mass. It is also certain many will try to sneak in anyway to escape the killing once it starts.

    • A.

      Not everyone should be aloud in. By carefully checking each person we can insure only people who will benefit our own country will be let in. We can also use this opportunity to capture some of the enemy.

    • B.

      We should do our part to help them in their time of need. This will also help the worlds view of our country in the long run. We can deal with infiltrators as needed.

    • C.

      We should do our part to help them in their time of need. Though we may face challenging trials ahead, in the long run extra diversity will be beneficial to our country.

    • D.

      We should do our part to help them in their time of need. It's our duty to help and show love when we can, and letting innocent people suffer is both cruel and wrong.

    • E.

      It's unfortunate that these people have to suffer, but our first priority should be keeping our enemies out. We can help by fighting that enemy on their ground and not ours.

    • F.

      Not everyone should be aloud in. They are very different then us no doubt and only those willing to change to our ideals and who speak our language should be let in. The rest can go elsewhere.

    • G.

      It's unfortunate that these people have to suffer, but if they dislike us that much then who cares if they suffer. Let them fight for their own lives, or find someplace else to go.

    • H.

      It's unfortunate that these people have to suffer, but that isn't the concern of my country. I would keep them out. If any tried to sneak in I would capture them and punish them accordingly.

    • I.

      Not everyone should be aloud in. It could have negative effects on our economy to let so many in. Instead we should let only a few in after rigorous background checks and a study of each person.

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  • 13. 

     It is time for you to pass on and for your body to return to the earth. Regardless of your personal or religious thoughts on the subject of the afterlife, if you could choose your own idea of the afterlife what would it be?

    • A.

      I want an afterlife where everyone can be happy and at peace. Where those who were evil would see the error of their ways and become good.

    • B.

      A place full of fun and free of consequences without any type of damnation. Perhaps where each afterlife is what that person desires.

    • C.

      A place with mansions and treasure that will be a party for all eternity. All those you hold close would be there to share it with you.

    • D.

      A place where those who worked extra hard could be given extra benefits. People who lived poorly shouldn't have it as well as those who were great in life.

    • E.

      I would like an afterlife where you can earn your way up if you didn't do well in life. That way people who had the odds stacked against them could still find peace.

    • F.

      Good people would go to a place that was paradise, but those who were evil would have to suffer forever and ever in torment beyond comprehension.

    • G.

      I don't really care how evil is punished or good rewarded as long as it's pleasant for me, and i can be with those I care about.

    • H.

      I want an afterlife where only those who are good and just will live. Trouble makers should cease to exist and would never be spoken of again.

    • I.

      I don't want an afterlife at all. The idea of an afterlife removes the significance of life itself. I think all things should pass in time including us.

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  • 14. 

    While passing through a town you see a lawman harassing one of the towns folk. They seam to have done nothing wrong and as far as you can tell he is acting way to hot headed. When you approach and try to calm things down a bit, he draws his weapon and shouts for you to mind your own bussiness. What would you do?

    • A.

      I draw my own weapon and threaten him with equal force. I don't want to have to hurt him, but I will if he makes me.

    • B.

      I attack before he has time to really react. Bullying innocent people is bad enough... But he'll not do so to me without consequences.

    • C.

      I draw my own weapon and threaten him with equal force. I'll gladly teach this lawman that he's no better then the rest of us.

    • D.

      I do as he says and mind my own business. I do make a note of him as well as his name so I can report him later.

    • E.

      I do as he says and mind my own business. The person might have done something to warrant his anger anyway.

    • F.

      I attack before he has time to really react. I'm glad to kill someone who threatens the week with his abuse of power.

    • G.

      I draw my own weapon and threaten him with equal force. When the law stops serving people then it needs to be broken.

    • H.

      I do as he says and mind my own business. The man is a representative of the law and his word is to be obeyed.

    • I.

      I attack before he has time to really react. Men like him degrade the world and should be put down without mercy.

    Rate this question:

  • 15. 

      Someone invaded your homeland and proceeded to engage in the largest genocide in human history. Only when other world powers stepped in did the killing stop. The enemy country now rules you completely. Many of their civilians now have settled over in your country. All your people are treated as second class citizens and cheep labor, but things are slowly getting better as time goes by. How would you handle this life?

    • A.

      I would remain neutral. I would not oppose the government. At the same time I would try and stop wrong doings an abuse. That includes vigilantes trying to hurt the new civilians or government workers.

    • B.

      I would remain neutral. We have been beaten and I would take advantage of the new system while it is young. It'll be awhile till they can truly rule our people. In the meantime might makes right. I shall do well under those rules.

    • C.

      Make peace with our new rulers. I would try things out for awhile and see how they work. If their is no improvement then I would migrate to another country that will treat me better.

    • D.

      An eye for an eye. I would make my way over to their homeland, and sow chaos and death from there to avoid more backlash for my people at home.

    • E.

      I would remain neutral. The world is changing and I want no part of the conflicts that will take place. I will keep my head down and avoid trouble. I look out for me and my family only.

    • F.

      An eye for an eye. I would make it my life's goal to kill as many of them as possible. This includes their civilians. They killed enough of ours.

    • G.

      An eye for an eye. I would start or join a rebel fighter movement dedicated to fighting the new government and obtaining freedom from the new power.

    • H.

      Make peace with our new rulers. I would join the new law structure and try to improve things for my people from the inside. It would be slow but we could survive.

    • I.

      Make peace with our new rulers. A country powerful enough to destroy us may actually bring lots of benefits like protection and new advancements.

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  • 16. 

     You are forced into war with an enemy you have never faced before and know nothing about. There is only so much time to gather info before you must push into the opponents land. If you could learn one thing about this new opponent what would it be?

    • A.

      I would want to know about the enemy leaders morel views and ideals.

    • B.

      I would want to know about the past wars of the country.

    • C.

      I would want to know what his greatest weakness is.

    • D.

      I would want to know what his greatest strength is.

    • E.

      I would want to know about the political structure of the country.

    • F.

      I would want to know what the leader and his people fear most.

    • G.

      I want to know about any internal conflicts in the nation I'm invading.

    • H.

      I want to know about the local laws that govern the land and enemy army.

    • I.

      I would want to know about the geography of the new land.

    Rate this question:

  • 17. 

     You suspect your spouse or significant others is seeing someone behind your back. It is getting to the point where they are not just flaunting it in front of you, but in front of your friends and family as a way to mock you and laugh at you. At the same time they are draining all your funds. You have the ear of the local municipal so anything you do will probably be enforced and aided.

    • A.

      I would stay with them because marriage is a lifetime vow and I won't let it fail without a fight.. I would demand that the behavior cease altogether though. I would use my connections to protect my funds.

    • B.

      I would stay with them and try to work things out. It's probably my fault and I have done something too to make them run to another persons arms without even realizing it.

    • C.

      I would leave them and use it as an opportunity to find someone much desirable and flaunt my new squeeze in front of them whenever I could.

    • D.

      I would leave them, but I would never get over it. I would find a way to hurt them worse then I was hurt. Their complaints would be ignored because of my connections.

    • E.

      I would leave them, but I would try and sit down and have a rational talk about it so we could leave on better terms. I don't want to burn a bridge in case it has any value to me later.

    • F.

      I would leave them, but first I would prepare to use the law against them in any way possible to do whatever damage I could. I would leave them with nothing. Then I would forget they ever existed.

    • G.

      I would stay with them, and I would find out who this new person is. I would make an example of them, and my spouse would know I am not to be messed with. If it happens enough people will be afraid to talk to my spouse.

    • H.

      I would kill the person who did that to me. I would wait until I could catch them in the act so I could blame the double murder on a moment of passion and rage. My connections would help me get away.

    • I.

      I would stay with them for political reasons such as kids or personal image, and would devise a deal so we could both do as we pleased in an open marriage, but still maintain the look of a healthy house.

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  • 18. 

     You will be given a small group of highly trained men to cut deep into enemy territory. While there, the chances of surviving will be low and you will be cut off from any help or communication with the outside. Whether you live or die will be determined be each other. Though each man will be picked for skill and loyalty, what type of person would you rather each one be?

    • A.

      Good men with a high sense of morals. Some deeds just aren't worth our own lives.

    • B.

      I want them to be able to do horrible things while still realizing the actions are wrong.

    • C.

      Cold and calculated killers. I want men efficient at doing whats needed to be done.

    • D.

      I don't care as long as they are loyal to me and obey my iron will without question.

    • E.

      The personal beliefs of the men doesn't not matter as long as they know who's boss.

    • F.

      I would prefer a group of loners so that that we can cover more area. Morals are irrelevant.

    • G.

      I don't mind if they hurt a few civilians. But we all just need to get along well.

    • H.

      The men must hold to all the written laws of combat and war. Those will be their morals.

    • I.

      Nothing matters besides the mission. I don't care what horrible things happen in enemy territory to others.

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  • 19. 

     You have shown great fortitude and have gained victory in your life's conquests. With this has come glory and fame beyond what you could have ever imagined. You are gifted property, status and wealth of the highest measure. As an added bonus you are to be recorded in history by being immortalized by one of the greatest living artists, so that long after your death you will be remembered and talked about. What type of art would you ideally like to be famous in?

    • A.

      I would humbly turn down the offer.

    • B.

      A powerful stone statue by a stone cutter.

    • C.

      A catchy song written by a bard.

    • D.

      A colorful fresco by a painter.

    • E.

      I'd rather have more of the other stuff instead of art.

    • F.

      A thrilling epic by a story teller.

    • G.

      A rustic wood statue made by a carver.

    • H.

      I would let the people commissioning it choose and be thankful for whatever it is.

    • I.

      Rather then my image, I'd rather a sturdy iconic building was dedicated to me.

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  • 20. 

    You have been caught unawares and are being dragged off to spend the next year in prison. The prison is a 10ft by 10ft concrete box with no way out and no human contact. Before you go in, the warden offers you a means of entertainment and self expression to take with you. What would keep you entertained the most for the next year?

    • A.

      Musical instrument. I can't live without music for that long.

    • B.

      Training sword and a target to keep my combat skills sharp.

    • C.

      Art utensils to make a few masterpieces.

    • D.

      A deck of cards so I can play games with myself.

    • E.

      Small knife and lots of wood to carve.

    • F.

      Writing utensils so I can work on a bestselling book

    • G.

      Training weights so I can buff up in the next year.

    • H.

      Pictures of girls/guys... It's going to get lonely in here...

    • I.

      I can keep entertained by singing to myself.

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