يقصد بالنظام مجموعة الاجزاء متبادلة العلاقة والتى بدمجها سويا تكون شيئا متكاملا
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement is saying that a system refers to a collection of interconnected parts that, when combined together, form a complete entity. This means that the parts of the system are interdependent and work together to achieve a common goal or function.
يوجد نوع واحد من الانظمة وهو الانظمة الطبيعية
Correct Answer
B. False
The given statement states that there is only one type of system, which is natural systems. However, this is not true as there are various types of systems such as social systems, economic systems, and technological systems, among others. Therefore, the correct answer is false.
من اهم مايميز نظم دعم القرار هو عدم المرونة
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement suggests that one of the important features of decision support systems is their lack of flexibility. However, this is not true. Decision support systems are designed to be flexible and adaptable to different situations and user needs. They provide tools and resources to assist in decision-making processes, allowing for analysis, modeling, and visualization of data. Therefore, the correct answer is false.
الهدف الاساسى من نظم المعلومات هو عدم اعداد وتنمية المهارات التخصصية للافراد العاملين فى مجال تظم المعلومات بالاجهزة الادارية
Correct Answer
B. False
The main objective of information systems is not to develop and enhance specialized skills for individuals working in the field of information systems in administrative devices.
باستخدام نظم المعلومات يمكن انشاء نظم وبنوك معلومات تخدم منظمات واجهزة خدمية وانتاجية
Correct Answer
A. True
Using information systems, it is possible to create information systems and databases that serve organizations and service and productive devices.
تعمل نظم دعم القرار على عدم تحسين الاداء الادارى
Correct Answer
B. False
Decision support systems are designed to improve administrative performance by providing tools and information to aid in decision-making processes. Therefore, the statement that decision support systems do not improve administrative performance is incorrect.
تعمل نظم دعم القرار على تحسين القرارات وتقرير الاولويات والرقابة على الموارد
Correct Answer
A. True
Decision support systems are designed to enhance decision-making, prioritize tasks, and monitor resources.
عند استخدام نظم المعلومات الفورية يمكنك استرجاع وتحديث اى من البيانات المخزنة فى اى وقت
Correct Answer
A. True
When using real-time information systems, it is possible to retrieve and update any stored data at any time.
ترتبط نظم الخبرة Expert systemارتباط وثيق بنظم الذكاء الاصطناعى AI
Correct Answer
A. True
Expert systems are a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that are designed to mimic the decision-making abilities of human experts in a specific domain. These systems use knowledge and rules to analyze and solve complex problems. Therefore, it is correct to say that expert systems are closely related to AI.
نظم دعم القرار هى احدث التطورات فى مجال نظم المعلومات
Correct Answer
A. True
Decision support systems are indeed the latest developments in the field of information systems. These systems are designed to assist individuals or organizations in making informed decisions by providing them with relevant data, analysis tools, and models. Decision support systems help in analyzing complex problems, evaluating different scenarios, and identifying the best possible course of action. They are valuable tools for improving decision-making processes and enhancing overall organizational performance.
تهتم مرحلة فحص النظام بالدقة فى توفير المعلومات
Correct Answer
A. True
The explanation for the given correct answer is that the system examination phase focuses on providing accurate information. This means that during this phase, the system is thoroughly checked and evaluated to ensure that all the information provided is precise and reliable.
تهدف مرحلة التحليل الى تحليل مفصل عن النظام وذلك لتحديد العناصر اللازم توافرها فى النظام
Correct Answer
A. True
The analysis phase aims to conduct a detailed analysis of the system in order to identify the necessary elements that should be present in the system.
من اهم مايميز نظم دعم القرار هو التعامل مع القرارات المبرمجة فقط
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement suggests that one of the most important features of decision support systems is dealing with programmed decisions only. However, this is not true. Decision support systems are designed to assist in both programmed and non-programmed decisions, providing support and analysis for decision-making processes.
من المراحل الاساسية لاعداد النظام ( مراحل ميكنة النظام ) تصميم – تحليل – تطبيق
Correct Answer
A. True
The given answer is true. The stages mentioned, design, analysis, and implementation, are indeed basic stages in system development. These stages involve designing the system, analyzing its requirements and functionalities, and then implementing the designed system.
تفاعل المدير مع القرارات الموجهة اليه تندرج فى صورة تقارير
Correct Answer
A. True
The manager's interaction with directed decisions is in the form of reports.
من اهم مايميز خصائص نظم دعم القرار هى اشراك المستخدم النهائى
Correct Answer
A. True
One of the important characteristics of decision support systems is the involvement of the end user. Decision support systems are designed to assist users in making informed decisions by providing them with relevant information and analytical tools. This involvement of the end user ensures that the decisions made are based on their knowledge, experience, and preferences, leading to more effective and satisfactory outcomes.
يمكن الاستغناء عن افراد النظام فى نظم دعم القرار
Correct Answer
B. False
Individuals are an essential component of decision support systems. They provide input, analyze data, and make decisions based on the information provided by the system. Without individuals, the decision-making process would be incomplete and ineffective. Therefore, it is not possible to do away with individuals in decision support systems.
مدخلات اى نظام لايمكن الاستفادة منها
Correct Answer
B. False
This statement is false because it states that the inputs of any system cannot be utilized. However, in most systems, the inputs are essential for the system to function and produce an output. The inputs provide the necessary information or data for the system to process and generate a desired outcome. Without utilizing the inputs, the system would be unable to perform its intended function. Therefore, the statement is incorrect.
النظام الفرعى للنماذج يسهل لرجل الادارة اتخاذ القرارت مثل البرمجة الخطية
Correct Answer
A. True
The given statement is true. The sub-system of models makes it easier for a manager to make decisions, such as linear programming. This suggests that the use of models and sub-systems can assist managers in making informed and efficient decisions by providing them with a structured and systematic approach to problem-solving.
من انواع نظم دعم المعلومات
Correct Answer
G. كل ماسبق
The correct answer is "كل ماسبق" because it includes all the mentioned types of information support systems. It implies that all of the mentioned systems, such as electronic data processing systems, administrative information systems, real-time information systems, office automation systems, expert systems, and decision support systems, are considered as types of information support systems.
نظم تعتمد على استخدام الحاسب الالى فى معالجة العمليات واداء المهام المهيكلة او الروتينية
Correct Answer
A. نظم التشغيل الالكترونى
The correct answer is "نظم التشغيل الالكترونى" (Electronic Operating Systems). This is because electronic operating systems rely on the use of computers to process structured or routine tasks and perform operations. These systems are responsible for managing computer hardware and software resources, providing a user interface, and facilitating the execution of programs and processes.
هيكل ادارى متكامل من قواعد البيانات والمعلومات المتعلقة بتجميع وتبادل وعرض المعلومات للمستويات الادارية المختلفة
Correct Answer
A. نظم المعلومات الادارية
The given correct answer is "نظم المعلومات الادارية" (Administrative Information Systems). This is because the question is asking for an explanation of a comprehensive administrative structure that includes databases and information related to the collection, exchange, and display of information for different administrative levels. Administrative Information Systems are specifically designed to manage and process information for administrative purposes, making them the most suitable answer.
تعتمد نظم الية المكاتب على مجموعة من البرامج من اهمها
Correct Answer
D. كل ماسبق
The given question is asking about the programs that office automation systems rely on. The correct answer, "كل ماسبق" (which translates to "all of the above"), indicates that all of the mentioned programs (word processing, desktop publishing, and electronic spreadsheets) are important for office automation systems.
نظم تعمتد على مجموعة من الخدمات التى يتم تنفيذها نتيجة التكامل بين الحاسب ووسائل الاتصالات المختلفة
Correct Answer
A. نظم المعلومات الادارية
The given answer, "نظم المعلومات الادارية" (Administrative Information Systems), is the correct answer because it aligns with the description provided. The description mentions that these systems rely on a set of services that are executed as a result of integration between computers and various communication means. Administrative Information Systems are a type of system that integrates computer technology and communication means to support administrative functions and processes within an organization.
من الخدمات التى تقدمها نظم ميكنة المكاتب
Correct Answer
E. كل ماسبق
The correct answer is "كل ماسبق" which translates to "all of the above" in English. This means that all of the services mentioned in the options (distributed data processing, email, voice mail, electronic organization) are provided by office automation systems.
مجموعة من من برامج الحاسب التى يعدها خبراء فى مجال معين والتى تستخدم نفس الاساليب التى يستخدمها الانسان فى حل المشكلة
Correct Answer
A. نظم الخبرة
The given statement describes a group of computer programs that are developed by experts in a specific field and use the same problem-solving methods as humans. This concept aligns with the idea of "نظم الخبرة" or expert systems, which are computer programs that mimic the decision-making capabilities of human experts in a particular domain. These systems use knowledge and rules to provide solutions or recommendations to specific problems or tasks. Therefore, "نظم الخبرة" is the correct answer.
نظام معلومات يعتمد على قاعدة معرفية ( الخبرة) تحتوى على الحقائق والقواعد ومرتبطة بنظم الذكاء الاصطناعى Artificial intelligence
Correct Answer
A. نظم الخبرة
The given correct answer is "نظم الخبرة" (Expert Systems). This is because the question states that the information system is based on a knowledge base that includes facts and rules and is associated with artificial intelligence. Expert systems are a type of information system that utilizes knowledge and rules to simulate human expertise in a specific domain. They are designed to provide solutions and make decisions based on the knowledge and experience of human experts.
يمر اعداد نظام المعلومات بمجموعة من الخطوات
Correct Answer
F. كل ماسبق
The correct answer is "كل ماسبق" because it means "all of the above" in Arabic. It suggests that all of the steps mentioned in the previous sentences are part of the process of information system development.
يمكن جمع المعلومات عن طريق
Correct Answer
E. كل ماسبق
The correct answer is "كل ماسبق" which means "all of the above" in Arabic. This answer suggests that all of the mentioned methods (interviews, surveys, publications, observations) can be used to gather information.
من عمليات المعالجة التى تتم على البيانات
Correct Answer
D. كل ماسبق
The correct answer is "كل ماسبق" which translates to "All of the above" in English. This means that all of the mentioned operations (addition, update, deletion) are included in the data processing activities.
من مكونات نظم دعم القرار
Correct Answer
F. كل ماسبق
The correct answer is "كل ماسبق" (all of the above). This is because all of the mentioned components (inputs, computer hardware, software, system procedures, and system personnel) are essential components of decision support systems. Each component plays a role in gathering and processing data, providing analysis and recommendations, and supporting decision-making processes.
القرارات التى تحكمها قوانين واضحة ومترتبة على اجزاء معينة او هى اجراءات القرار
Correct Answer
A. القرارات المهيكلة
The given correct answer is "القرارات المهيكلة" which translates to "structured decisions" in English. This answer is appropriate because the question is asking for the type of decisions that are governed by clear laws and procedures and are based on specific parts. Structured decisions refer to decisions that can be made by following a set of well-defined rules or procedures, where the information needed to make the decision is readily available and the outcome can be predicted. Therefore, "القرارات المهيكلة" is the most suitable answer among the options provided.
الشخص المسئول عن تحديد الاهداف والخطط العامة مسئول عن حسن سير العمل بالنظام المعلومات
Correct Answer
A. مدير النظام المعلوماتى
The person responsible for setting goals and general plans is responsible for the smooth running of work in the information system. This role is typically held by the "مدير النظام المعلوماتى" or the Information System Manager. They are responsible for overseeing the overall functioning of the information system and ensuring that it aligns with the organization's objectives and plans. They play a crucial role in coordinating and managing the various components of the system to ensure its effectiveness and efficiency.
شخص مسؤل عن الانشطة اليومية لنظام المعلومات
Correct Answer
D. مدير المعلومات
The correct answer is "مدير المعلومات" because this person is responsible for the daily activities of the information system. They oversee the management, planning, and implementation of information technology within an organization. They ensure that the system is functioning efficiently, securely, and effectively to meet the organization's needs and objectives.
شخص مسؤل عن وضع المشاريع الجديدة والحفاظ على برمجيات قواعد البيانات
Correct Answer
A. مدير النظم
The correct answer is "مدير النظم" because this person is responsible for both the development of new projects and the maintenance of database software. The role of a system manager involves overseeing the implementation and operation of computer systems within an organization, which includes managing projects and ensuring the smooth functioning of databases. This role requires a deep understanding of both project management and database management, making "مدير النظم" the most suitable choice.
الشخص المسؤل عن الحفاظ على قاموس البيانات وتجديد وصيانة الهيكل المادى لقاعدة البيانات توفير القدرة على تحديث وتغيير قاعدة البيانات
Correct Answer
C. مدير قاعدة البيانات
The correct answer is "مدير قاعدة البيانات" (Database Manager). The explanation for this is that the person responsible for maintaining the data dictionary and updating and maintaining the physical structure of the database is the Database Manager. They are responsible for ensuring the ability to update and change the database.