Hvad hedder skulpturen?
Correct Answer
B. Cristo Redentor
The correct answer is "Cristo Redentor." Cristo Redentor is the name of the famous statue located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is also known as the Christ the Redeemer statue and is one of the most iconic landmarks in the world. The statue depicts Jesus Christ with open arms, symbolizing his embrace and protection of humanity.
Hvor står statuen henne?
Correct Answer
D. Rio de Janeiro
The correct answer is Rio de Janeiro because the question is asking where the statue is located, and Rio de Janeiro is the only option that is a city. Beijing, Berlin, and Sao Paulo are also cities, but they are not known for having a famous statue like Rio de Janeiro is known for the statue of Christ the Redeemer.
Hvad er statuen et symbol på?
Correct Answer
B. Et symbol på brasilianernes kristne tro
The statue is a symbol of the Christian faith of the Brazilians.
Hvilken religiøs gruppe er størst i Brasilien?
Correct Answer
A. Den katolske kirke
The correct answer is the Catholic Church. Brazil has the largest Catholic population in the world, with approximately 123 million Catholics. The Catholic Church has a long history in Brazil and has played a significant role in shaping the country's culture and society.
Hvilken type religion er kristendommen?
Correct Answer
D. Monoteistisk religion
The correct answer is "Monoteistisk religion". This means that Christianity is a monotheistic religion, which believes in the existence of only one God. This is in contrast to polytheistic religions, which believe in multiple gods, and bibelsk religion, which refers to a religion based on the Bible.
Hvilken af disse forbinder man ikke med treenigheden?
Correct Answer
B. Moderen
In Christianity, the concept of the Holy Trinity refers to the belief in one God who exists in three persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. The term "Mother" is not traditionally associated with the Trinity, as the three persons are typically referred to using masculine language. The question asks which one is not associated with the Trinity, and the correct answer is "Moderen" (Mother).
Hvilken missionær gjorder danskerne kristne?
Correct Answer
B. Munken Ansgar
Munken Ansgar gjorde danskerne kristne.
Hvilket monoment beviser at danskerne er kristne?
Correct Answer
A. Jellingestenene
Jellingestenene er et monument, der beviser, at danskerne er kristne. Dette skyldes, at stenene blev rejst af Harald Blåtand i det 10. århundrede for at ære sin far, Gorm den Gamle, og sin mor, Thyra. På stenene er der indskrifter, der viser, at Harald Blåtand konverterede til kristendommen og gjorde den til Danmarks officielle religion. Derfor er Jellingestenene et vigtigt bevis på danskernes kristne tro og historie.
Hvor mange procent af den danske befolkning betragter sig som troende?
Correct Answer
C. Ca. 70%
Approximately 70% of the Danish population considers themselves as believers. This suggests that a significant majority of the Danish population identifies with a religious belief or affiliation. It indicates that religion plays a significant role in the lives and identities of a large portion of the Danish population.
Hvor udbredt er kristendommen i dag?
Correct Answer
A. Det den største verdensreligion
Christianity is the largest religion in the world today. With over 2 billion followers, it has the highest number of adherents compared to any other religion. It originated in the 1st century AD and has spread across the globe through missionary work and colonization. Christianity is particularly dominant in the Americas, Europe, and sub-Saharan Africa. Its influence can be seen in various aspects of society, including culture, politics, and ethics.