بدات المرحلة الدستورية الثانية في الاردن بصدور دستور عام
Correct Answer
A. 1946
The correct answer is 1946. The second constitutional stage in Jordan began with the issuance of the general constitution in 1946.
تاسس في الاردن عام 1946 ويعتبر من الاحزاب الاسلامية
Correct Answer
A. حزب الاخوان المسلمين
The correct answer is "حزب الاخوان المسلمين". This party was founded in Jordan in 1946 and is considered one of the Islamic parties.
اتسم موقف الشريف الحسين من الدولة العثمانية قبل اعلان الثورة
Correct Answer
A. العداء للاتحاديين
The correct answer is "العداء للاتحاديين". This means that the Sherif Hussein's stance towards the Ottoman Empire before the revolution was hostility towards the Unionists.
اتسمت حياة القرية الاردنية التقليدية ب
Correct Answer
A. التضامن الاجتماعي
The correct answer is "التضامن الاجتماعي" which translates to "social solidarity" in English. This refers to the strong sense of community and mutual support that characterized traditional Jordanian village life. In these villages, people relied on one another and worked together for the common good, fostering a sense of unity and cooperation among community members.
احدى المؤسسات التالية لا تعد من مؤسسات المجتمع المدلي
Correct Answer
A. الجامعات
اصبحت الكرك عاصمة الدولة المملوكية زمن
Correct Answer
A. السلطان قطز
تمثل قواعد تحكم سلوك المجتمع الاخلاقي
Correct Answer
A. التقاليد
التقاليد تمثل قواعد تحكم سلوك المجتمع الأخلاقي.
تمثل رسالة المجلس الاعلى للسكان ب
Correct Answer
A. الاصلاح السياسي
The correct answer is "الاصلاح السياسي". This is because the message of the Supreme Council for Population represents political reform, which is a process of making changes to the political system in order to improve its functioning and address any existing issues or challenges.
التسامح مفهوم يدعو الى
Correct Answer
A. احتكار الحقيقة
The correct answer is "احتكار الحقيقة". This is because the concept of tolerance does not involve monopolizing or controlling the truth. Tolerance is about respecting others and their beliefs, even if they differ from our own. It is about accepting diversity and promoting understanding and coexistence. Monopolizing the truth goes against the principles of tolerance as it implies a lack of acceptance and open-mindedness towards different perspectives.
مما يميز دستور عام 1952 عن دستور 1947
Correct Answer
A. استناد السلطة التشريعية ل ملجس الأمة
The 1952 constitution differed from the 1947 constitution in that it based the legislative authority on the People's Council. This means that the legislative power was vested in the People's Council, making the executive authority accountable to the legislative authority. This is in contrast to the 1947 constitution where the executive authority was not directly accountable to the legislative authority. Therefore, the statement "استناد السلطة التشريعية ل ملجس الأمة" (based the legislative authority on the People's Council) is correct.
تكمن اهمية التنشئة السياسية ب
Correct Answer
A. تنظيم علاقة المواطن بالسلطة
The correct answer is "تنظيم علاقة المواطن بالسلطة" which means "organizing the relationship between the citizen and the authority." This is an important aspect of political socialization as it helps establish a system of governance where citizens have rights and responsibilities and the authority is held accountable. By organizing this relationship, political socialization ensures that power is not abused and that citizens have a voice in the decision-making process. It helps maintain social order and stability by creating a framework for interaction between the government and its citizens.
ترتبط عملية التغيير الاجتماعي ب
Correct Answer
A. الانظمة السياسية
ترتبط عملية التغيير الاجتماعي بالأنظمة السياسية. يعني هذا أن السياسة والحكومة والقوانين والمؤسسات السياسية تلعب دورًا حاسمًا في تشكيل وتوجيه التغيير الاجتماعي. فعلى سبيل المثال، قد تتغير القوانين والسياسات الحكومية لدعم المساواة وحقوق الإنسان، مما يؤدي إلى تغييرات اجتماعية إيجابية في المجتمع. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يمكن أن تؤثر الأنظمة السياسية في توزيع الموارد والفرص والقدرات، مما يؤثر بدوره على التغيير الاجتماعي.
ترتبط الهجرات الداخلية في الاردن ب عوامل
Correct Answer
A. اقتصادية
The correct answer is "اقتصادية" (economic). Internal migrations in Jordan are primarily driven by economic factors such as job opportunities, better living conditions, and access to basic services. People often move from rural areas to urban centers in search of employment and improved economic prospects. Economic factors play a significant role in shaping internal migration patterns in Jordan.
واجهت وحدة ضفتي الاردن
Correct Answer
A. تاييد عربي
The correct answer is "تاييد عربي" which translates to "Arab support." This suggests that the unit in question received support or approval from Arab entities or countries.
من عوامل صدور دستور عام 1952
Correct Answer
B. وحدة الضفتين
One of the factors that led to the issuance of the 1952 general order was the unity of the two banks (referring to the unity of the eastern and western banks of the Nile River). This was an important aspect of the revolution as it aimed to unite the country and eliminate the division between the two banks. This unity was seen as a crucial step towards achieving independence and strengthening the Egyptian army. Therefore, the correct answer is "وحدة الضفتين" which translates to "unity of the two banks".
يرجع السبب في انخفاض معدلات الانجاب في الاردن بعد منتصف القرن العشرين الى
Correct Answer
A. التعليم
The reason for the decline in fertility rates in Jordan after the mid-20th century is education.
من مظاهر التغير التي طرأت على طبيعة المجتمع الاردني الحديث
Correct Answer
A. الامن والاستقرار
One of the main changes that have occurred in the nature of modern Jordanian society is the improvement in security and stability. This can be seen in the decrease in crime rates and the overall sense of safety and peace that people experience in their daily lives. The government's efforts to maintain law and order, as well as the implementation of effective security measures, have contributed to this positive change. This has also had a significant impact on various aspects of society, including the economy, tourism, and social cohesion.
تستند عملية اتخاذ القرار السياسي السليم الى
Correct Answer
A. حرية الصحافة
The correct answer is "حرية الصحافة" (freedom of the press). This is because a sound political decision-making process relies on the presence of a free press that can provide accurate and unbiased information to the public. Freedom of the press ensures transparency, accountability, and the ability to hold those in power accountable. Without a free press, decision-makers may not have access to all the necessary information, leading to flawed decision-making processes.
ظهرت ملامح المدينة الاردنية في العديد من المناطق نتيجة العوامل
Correct Answer
A. سياسية
The correct answer is "سياسية" (political). The question states that the features of the Jordanian city appeared in many areas as a result of certain factors. The word "سياسية" (political) is one of the factors mentioned in the question, along with "اقتصادية" (economic) and "ثقافية" (cultural). Therefore, the correct answer is "سياسية" (political), as it is one of the factors that contributed to the appearance of the city's features in various areas.
القبيلة وحدة اجتماعية تقف على راس هيكل النظام الاجتماعي في
Correct Answer
B. الريف
The correct answer is "الريف" (the countryside). This is because the question is asking about the tribe, which is a social unit that stands at the top of the social system in a specific location. The options given are "المدينة" (the city), "الريف" (the countryside), "البادية" (the desert), and "جميع ما ذكر صحيح" (all of the above are correct). Out of these options, "الريف" is the most suitable answer as it refers to the countryside where tribes are commonly found and play a significant role in the social structure.