As you continue the journey towards being a result oriented marketer you should ensure you know all there is about advertising. This 4th quiz is designed to test your understanding on sales promotion so far. Give it a try and share your score in the comment section. All the best!
Stimulates short term demand
Encourages brand switching
Encourages trial usage
Obtain virtually immediate, measurable results
All of the above
Makes people wanna buy your product
Encourages brand loyalty
Sets your product apart from your competitors
Stimulates long term demand
Creates a price orientation
Borrows from future sales
Alienates customers
Time, expense and legality
All of the above
Contests and sweepstakes
Price off deals
Window and door signs
Motion display
Counter-shelf units
Dump bin
All are types of POP
Sales promotion
Relevant messages, more precisely
Point of purchases
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