Pengertian dari kata ikhlas adalah ….
Correct Answer
C. Mencari rido Allah
The correct answer is "Mencari rido Allah." This means seeking the pleasure of Allah. This explanation suggests that the true meaning of ikhlas is to perform actions solely for the sake of pleasing Allah, without seeking praise or recognition from others.
Agar diterima Allah, saat memberikan sesuatu kepada orang lain harus disertai …
Correct Answer
D. Ikhlas
When giving something to someone else, it should be accompanied by sincerity. This means that one should give without expecting anything in return or without any ulterior motives. Being sincere in giving shows that one is doing it solely for the sake of pleasing Allah and not for personal gain or recognition.
Menolong orang tanpa ingin disanjung adalah contoh sikap...
Correct Answer
B. Ikhlas
Ikhlas adalah sikap yang muncul ketika seseorang membantu orang lain tanpa mengharapkan pujian atau penghargaan. Sikap ini muncul dari niat yang tulus untuk membantu dan memberikan manfaat kepada orang lain tanpa pamrih. Dalam konteks ini, menolong orang tanpa ingin disanjung adalah contoh sikap ikhlas, karena seseorang tidak mencari pengakuan atau pujian atas tindakan baik yang dilakukan.
Berbuat ikhlas harus diniati dalam...
Correct Answer
A. Hati
Berbuat ikhlas harus diniati dalam hati, karena hati merupakan tempat terdalam di mana niat dan motivasi berasal. Ikhlas adalah suatu tindakan yang dilakukan dengan tulus dan tanpa mengharapkan imbalan atau pujian dari orang lain. Dalam konteks ini, berbuat ikhlas haruslah dimulai dari hati yang tulus dan ikhlas, sehingga perbuatan, sikap, dan perilaku yang dilakukan akan mencerminkan ketulusan dan keikhlasan hati tersebut.
Ria' adalah tanda-tanda dari orang …
Correct Answer
A. Munafik
The word "Munafik" means hypocrite in Indonesian. It refers to someone who pretends to have certain beliefs or virtues but does not actually possess them.
Ria adalah tanda-tanda orang …
Correct Answer
A. Munafik
The correct answer is "Munafik". The given options are different types of people. "Munafik" refers to a hypocrite or someone who pretends to have certain qualities or beliefs that they do not actually possess.
Jika orang lain yang telah kita tolong tidak mengucapkan terimakasih sebaiknhya kita....
Correct Answer
C. Biasa saja
When someone we have helped does not say thank you, it is normal to feel indifferent or unaffected by it. It is not necessary to react by complaining (menggerutu), forcing them to say thank you (memaksanya), or making sarcastic remarks (menyindirnya). The most appropriate response in this situation is to remain unaffected and not let it bother us, hence the answer "Biasa saja" (normal/ordinary).
Dalam belajar kita juga harus ikhlas.
Ketika guru menjelaskan kita harus…
Correct Answer
D. Mendengarkannya
In learning, it is important to be sincere. When the teacher is explaining, we should listen attentively and sincerely.
Orang yang ikhlas maka dalam melakukan pekerjaan akan …
Correct Answer
C. Merasa ringan dan senang hati
When someone is sincere, they will feel light and happy while doing their work. This is because sincerity brings a sense of fulfillment and contentment, making the task enjoyable and effortless. When we are genuinely committed to what we are doing, we are not burdened by negative emotions such as laziness or feeling overwhelmed. Instead, we approach the task with enthusiasm and a positive mindset, leading to a lighter and happier experience.
Beramal supaya didengar manusia, kemudian diharapkan memujinya, adalah arti dari ....
Correct Answer
B. Ria
The correct answer is "Ria". Ria means to act or behave in a way that seeks attention and praise from others. This aligns with the given explanation that states "Beramal supaya didengar manusia, kemudian diharapkan memujinya" which translates to "to do good deeds in order to be heard by people, and then hope to be praised". Ria reflects the desire for recognition and admiration from others for one's actions.
Perthatikan pernyataan berikut
- Tidak mengungkit-ngungkit perbuatan baik
- Memeperindah bacaan Al Quran karena Allah
- Memperbagus salat karena dilihat guru
- Tidak mengharapkan balasan saat memberi
Correct Answer
A. 1
Mengerjakan perintah guru harus dilandasi sikap …
Correct Answer
A. Ikhlas
The correct answer is "Ikhlas" because when completing tasks given by a teacher, it is important to approach them with sincerity and without any ulterior motives. Being sincere in following the teacher's instructions shows respect and a genuine desire to learn and grow. It also helps in building a positive relationship with the teacher and enhancing the learning experience.
Ikhlas atau tidak nya seseorang beramal tidak ditentukan oleh ada atau tidak adanya imbalan materi yang didapat, tapi ditentukan oleh …
Correct Answer
D. Hati
The sincerity of a person's actions is not determined by whether or not they receive material rewards, but by the state of their heart. The true intention and purity of the heart are what determine the sincerity of one's deeds.
Berbangga diri dengan amal-amalnya merupakan pengertian dari …
Correct Answer
A. Ujub
Ujub is the correct answer because it means being proud and boastful of one's good deeds. This term refers to a sense of self-importance and arrogance that comes from believing that one's actions are superior to others. It is important to note that ujub is considered a negative trait in Islam, as it goes against the principle of humility and sincerity in performing good deeds.
Zat yang mengabulkan doa setiap makhluk adalah ...
Correct Answer
D. Allah SWT
The correct answer is Allah SWT because Allah is believed to be the one who grants every creature's prayers. In Islamic belief, Allah is considered the ultimate and supreme being who has the power to fulfill the wishes and prayers of all beings. This answer aligns with the understanding of Allah's omnipotence and his role as the creator and sustainer of the universe.
Contoh doa baik adalah meminta hal-hal dibawah ini , kecuali ....
Correct Answer
D. Pujian
The given options are examples of good prayers, except for "Pujian" which means praise. Pujian is not a request or a supplication, but rather an expression of admiration or appreciation towards a higher power. Therefore, it does not fit the category of prayers that ask for safety, health, or healing.
Senjata orang yang beriman adalah …
Correct Answer
B. Sabar dan berdoa
The correct answer is "Sabar dan berdoa". This is because patience (sabar) is a virtue that helps individuals endure and persevere through challenges and difficulties. It is important for believers to have patience in order to maintain their faith and trust in God's plan. Additionally, prayer (berdoa) is a fundamental aspect of a believer's life as it allows them to communicate with and seek guidance from God. By combining patience and prayer, believers can find strength, solace, and guidance in their faith journey.
Orang yang enggan berdoa memohon pertolongan kepada Allah termasuk orang yang …
Correct Answer
B. Sombong
Orang yang enggan berdoa memohon pertolongan kepada Allah termasuk orang yang sombong. Ini karena mereka tidak merasa perlu meminta bantuan kepada Allah dan merasa bahwa mereka dapat mengatasi segala masalah sendiri tanpa bantuan-Nya. Sikap ini menunjukkan sikap sombong dan meremehkan kekuasaan dan pertolongan Allah.
Memohon pertolongan kepada selain Allah disebut …
Correct Answer
A. Musyrik
Musyrik is the correct answer because it refers to the act of seeking help or worshiping someone or something other than Allah. In Islam, this is considered a major sin as it goes against the belief in the oneness of Allah and the concept of Tawhid. Muslims are taught to seek help and worship only Allah and not associate any partners with Him. Therefore, the act of seeking help from anyone other than Allah is considered an act of shirk or polytheism, which is strictly prohibited in Islam.