What is the relationship between troubles with development in the Middle East and Israel?
Describe self-sufficiency; its positives and negatives.
Describe the problems of the International Trade option.
Which region of the world would have the lowest HDI?
Correct Answer
C. Sub-Saharan Africa
Anglo-America and the South Pacific are incorrect because they are more developed regions. In Latin America, there are only a few countries with an HDI of less than 0.7, while every other country in that region does. In the Middle East, there is only one country with an HDI of less than 0.5, while every other country in that region does. Sub-Saharan Africa has many countries with an HDI less than 0.5 with no countries with an HDI over 0.69. (Page 293 Map)
Which country has the highest HDI in the world in recent years?
Correct Answer
C. Norway
Norway has had the highest HDI in recent years with an HDI of 0.963. (Page 293)
Which is not the main factor in creating the HDI?
Correct Answer
A. Health Expenditure
Health Expenditure values are not added to the HDI. The other four are added. (Page 293)
To get the GDP, geographers get the incomes of everyone working in the country and average them together.
Correct Answer
B. False
To get the GDP, geographers find the value of the total goods and products created by a country, and divide it by the population. (Page 294)
What is the average GDP per capita for MDCs?
Correct Answer
D. About $27000
The average GDP per capita for MDCs is $27000. (Page 294)
What is the average GDP per capita for LDCs?
Correct Answer
D. About $4000
The average GDP per capita for LDCs is $4000. (Page 294)
Numerically, the GDP per capita rose more in MDCs than in LDCs from 1990 to 2005.
Correct Answer
A. True
The GDP per capita for MDCs rose $10000 while it only rose $4000 in LDCs. (Page 294)
As a percentage, the GDP per capita rose more in MDCs than in LDCs from 1990 to 2005.
Correct Answer
B. False
Although the GDP per capita rose more numerically in MDCs, the GDP per capita as a percentage rose more in LDCs because the value of the GDP per capita in 1990 wasn't much to start with anyway. (Page 294)
The GDP per capita of all LDCs grow at the same rate.
Correct Answer
B. False
China's GDP per capita rose much faster than most African countries. (Page 294)
If a country has a very high GDP, that means every citizen is living in a luxurious state.
Correct Answer
B. False
There are still poor people in countries with high GDP per capita. There are also wealthy people in countries with low GDP per capita. (Page 294)
What is the value of a particular product compared to the amount of labor needed to make it known as? (Capitalization does not matter)
Correct Answer
productivity, Productivity
Page 295
What is the gross value of the product minus the costs of raw materials and energy known as? (Capitalization does not matter)
Correct Answer
value added, Value Added, Value added, value Added
Page 295
What has enabled MDCs to produce materials with a high value added? (Check all that apply)
Correct Answer(s)
A. Machines
B. Tools
E. Equipment
MDCs have technological improvements, so mechanical products assist in producing for the countries. (Page 295)
What kind(s) of power do LDCs depend on for production of resources?
Correct Answer(s)
B. Human
C. Animal
LDCs do not have technological improvements, so they are not able to use solar panels, machines, or turbines. (Page 295)
European countries get resources from the ground. To ensure that there is an adequate supply of raw materials, what did the countries do?
Correct Answer
B. They formed colonies in Africa and Asia
Africa and Asia held many supplies of raw materials, so they were able to provide the European countries with them. (Page 295)
LDCs are able to benefit from selling raw materials to MDCs.
Correct Answer
A. True
The income from selling raw materials provides money for development. (Page 295)
Technological improvements diffused from _________________ areas to __________________ areas in LDCs. (Put a semicolon (;) and a space between the two words) (Capitalization does not matter)
Correct Answer
urban; rural, Urban; rural, urban; Rural, Urban; Rural
Technology was used in urban areas of LDCs before they started diffusing to the rural areas. (Page 296)
What is/are the social factor(s) of the HDI? (Check all that apply)
Correct Answer(s)
A. Education
D. Literacy
Income is an economic factor. Health expenditure and calorie intake are used to compare MDCs and LDCs. (Page 297-298)
What is/are the demographic factor(s) of the HDI? (Check all that apply)
Correct Answer
A. Life Expectancy
Life expectancy is the only value that is inserted to calculate a country's HDI. The others are only used to compare MDCs and LDCs. (Page 299-300)
The world is divided by a line that runs from the east to the west at about 30° north latitude into two regions in which MDCs take the northern section and the LDCs take the southern section. Which more developed region does not follow this description?
Correct Answer
E. South Pacific
East Asia, South Asia, and the Middle East are all less developed regions. Eastern Europe is a more developed region but it is above 30° north latitude. The South Pacific is not only not above 30° north latitude but also below 30° south latitude. (Page 301 Map)
Anglo-Americans speak ________________ and adhere to _______________________. (Place a semicolon (;) and a space between the terms (ex. a; b)) (Capitalization DOES matter)
Correct Answer
English; Christianity
Page 302
Anglo-America is the world's largest manufacturer.
Correct Answer
B. False
Anglo-America was the world's largest manufacturing, but now Japan, Western Europe, and China have surpassed Anglo-America as the world's largest manufacturer. (Page 302)
Western Europeans speak a(n) ______________________ (name of a language family, branch, or group) language and adhere to __________________________. (Place a semicolon (;) and a space between the terms (ex. a; b)) (Capitalization DOES matter)
Correct Answer
Indo-European; Christianity, Indo European; Christianity
There is uniformity because the people speak languages from the same language family and adhere to one type of religion, but there are many branches of both. This creates conflict in this region. (Page 302)
What two wars have resulted from the multiple nationalities in Western Europe? (Place a semicolon (;) and a space between the terms (ex. a; b)) (Do not use abbreviations, spell the terms out)
Correct Answer
World War 1; World War 2, World War I; World War II
Page 302
What kind of people have been offsetting the cultural uniformity that has been in place since the end of World War 2? (Both are needed, separated by the word "and") (Capitalization does matter)
Correct Answer
Hindus and Muslims, Muslims and Hindus
Western Europeans blame Hindus and Muslims for the economic problems in the region. (Page 302)
What is the main reason that Western European countries produce high value goods and services?
Correct Answer
C. To pay for importation of raw materials
Western Europe relies on the imports of raw materials from other countries, especially food. Therefore, to pay for the resources, it exports high value goods. (Page 302)
The HDI has dropped in Eastern Europe since 1990, when the index was created by the UN.
Correct Answer
A. True
Eastern Europe is the only region in which the HDI has dropped since 1990. (Page 302)
What did the Soviets emphasize to the countries in Eastern Europe that could possibly improve development rates? (Check all that apply)
Correct Answer(s)
A. Heavy industry, such as machines
B. Transportation
C. Mining and other primary sector jobs
D. Spread of factories to lessen the vulnerability of vital industries
E. Locate manufacturing sites near raw materials
The Gosplan developed 5-year plans that helped plan each country's road to development and made goals for each country's development. (Page 303)
Eastern European countries rejected the Soviet plan because they had experienced central planning before. What did they experience before? (Check all that apply)
Correct Answer(s)
B. Eastern Europe did not have efficient agricultural practices
C. They had to import much food from other regions
E. The orders sent from the government were often not put into effect
F. There was much pollution
Scarce funds were used for short term projects, so there was not enough money to be spent on long term investments such as technology.
The government did not have time to check all of the factories.
The citizens did not try to pressurize their government into controlling the pollution rates.
(Page 303)
Japan has a very high ______________________ density. (Capitalization does not matter)
Correct Answer(s)
physiological, Physiological
Japan has a very high population to resources ratio. The land is intensely farmed upon. (Page 304)
Japanese people are abundant and work at very low wages to provide high-quality, high-value products.
Correct Answer
A. True
Page 304
Japan spends twice as much money as the United States on research and development.
Correct Answer
A. True
Page 305
Austrailia and New Zealand were colonies of which country?
Correct Answer
E. United Kingdom
More than 90% of the population of Australia and New Zealand are descendants of British settlers. (Page 305)
What two languages do most Latin Americans speak? (Check two)
Correct Answer(s)
B. Spanish
C. Portuguese
Most Latin Americans speak Spanish and Portuguese. Spanish is the most widely spoken language in Latin America, with the majority of countries using it as their official language. Portuguese is primarily spoken in Brazil, which is the largest country in Latin America. While English may be spoken by some Latin Americans, it is not as widely spoken as Spanish and Portuguese in the region. Spanglish is a hybrid language that combines Spanish and English, but it is not as commonly spoken as the other two languages. Brazilian is not a language, but rather refers to the nationality or language spoken in Brazil, which is Portuguese.
Latin Americans tend to live in ________________ areas, unlike all other less developed regions. (Capitalization does not matter)
Correct Answer(s)
urban, Urban
Mexico City, São Paulo, and Buenos Aires are three of the top ten largest cities in the world, and they are found in this region. (Page 305)
China has had the world's largest population through recorded history.
Correct Answer
A. True
Page 305
What retailer does China have a bond with? (Capitalization does matter)
Correct Answer
Wal-Mart, Wal Mart, WalMart, Walmart, Wal-mart, Wal mart
Page 305
What is/are the main global effect(s) of having a large population working in factories under low wages producing low-cost products? (Check all that apply)
Correct Answer(s)
C. Lowering wages
D. Lowering product costs produced by other factories
Page 305
What is the main resource found in the Middle East that the countries in that region use to sell to MDCs for a profit? (Check all that apply)
Correct Answer
A. Petroleum
Page 306-307
All Middle Eastern countries are able to gain profits off of petroleum.
Correct Answer
B. False
Petroleum reserves are not found everywhere in the Middle East. Note that when Kuwait was invaded by Iraq in 1990, most people in the Middle East did not have sympathy for it. (Page 307)
What did the UN create that helped create information based on the lack of resources for women in the Middle East? (Acronym and what it stands for; separated by semicolon and space) (Capitalization does matter)
Correct Answer
AHDI; Alternative Human Development Index, AHDI; Alternative human development index
Page 307
What is the most populous country in Southeast Asia?
Correct Answer
C. Indonesia
Page 307
What does this region produce that boosts its development?
Correct Answer
D. Textiles
Page 308
What is needed for agriculture every year in South Asia?
Correct Answer
B. Monsoon Rains
Monsoon rains are needed EVERY YEAR for successful harvests. The Green Revolution occurred only once, and that provided "miracle" seeds. Fertile soil is there because of the volcanic ash, but it is not needed to grow crops.
What does India provide the most?
Correct Answer
B. Services
Page 308
What does GDI stand for? (Capitalization does matter)
Correct Answer
Gender-Related Development Index
Gender Related Development Index
Gender-related Development Index
Gender-related development index
Gender related development index
Page 309
What does GEM stand for? (Capitalization does matter)
Correct Answer
Gender Empowerment Measure
Gender empowerment measure
Page 309