Contraception is:
Correct Answer
B. Never permissible, no matter what the circumstances
Sin is:
Correct Answer
E. All of the above
Sin denies our relationship with God and also goes against the design of the world.
Venial sins:
Correct Answer
E. All of the above
Venial sin wounds our relationship with God but does not sever it. In the Penitential Rite, when the priest says "May Almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins and lead us to everlasting life" we receive absolution from our venial sins but NOT our mortal sins. However, we should still confess the venial sins in reconciliation.
The morning after pill is
Correct Answer
B. Never permissible, no matter what the circumstances
The morning after pill, like contraception, is always immoral and does not become moral because of the situation. The morning after pill can cause an abortion because it will not allow a fertilized egg (a new life) to implant in the wall of the uterus.
Which of the following is not a criteria for a sin to be a mortal sin?
Correct Answer
C. The sin must be a sin against another person and not God
A mortal sin is often against God, such as apostasy. One must commit a serious sin, know that it is a serious sin and do this willingly.
The church's teachings on birth control, extramarital relations, and homosexual acts are:
Correct Answer
B. Moral laws that cannot be broken without grave sin
All sexual sins are found in scripture and are all serious sins when committed with full knowledge and willingly.
Moral statements are primarily:
Correct Answer
A. Statements of fact or truth (e.g. "Murder is wrong" means "It is a fact that murder is wrong").
Moral statements are Church teachings of the Laws of God. They are not our own personal insights, beliefs or opinions.
Which of the following political issues is disqualifying issue meaning that it is one which is of such gravity and importance that cannot be acceptable?
Correct Answer
C. Abortion
Abortion is ALWAYS wrong and a mortal sin so it cannot be justified in any case. The other issues are encouraged by the Church but are not absolutes in determining whether a candidate can be chosen based on these criteria.
Which of the following is NOT a criterion for a war to be just?
Correct Answer
E. All of the above ARE criteria
The Church has a narrow definition of what constitutes a just war because it realizes that all war is a failure of God's commandment to love one another.
Whether an act is morally right or wrong depends solely on the intention of the person doing the action. If a person has a good intention in doing an act, then the act is morally right.
Correct Answer
B. False
No one may commit evil act with a good intention and not sin. The end does not justify the means. One may not do evil even if the intention is the good that may result from it.
The passions (the emotions of love, hatred, joy, sadness, anger, fear, daring, desire, dislike, despair, hope) are neither morally good nor bad in themselves.
Correct Answer
A. True
In themselves passions are neither good nor evil. It is how they are used that determines whether something is moral or not. Even then, the passion is not immoral rather the act upon that passion is immoral
The Church teaches that BEING homosexual is not in itself sinful, although it is sexual disorientation. The Church teaches that homosexual ACTIVITY is sinful.
Correct Answer
A. True
It is not the inclination to something that is sinful rather the actions we perform that makes something sinful.
It is not a sin to desire to do good in order to gain the respect or esteem of others.
Correct Answer
B. False
You should not be doing what you do for the sake of a pat on your back. This is a sin against pride.
A soldier who kills an enemy who is attacking him has committed a mortal sin.
Correct Answer
B. False
While the soldier has killed another person, he had not committed a mortal sin provided that he killed the person in self-defense. He has the right to defend his own life even at the expense of the other because we are called to respect ourself and preserve our own life.
Mortal sin is a sin specifically against God, while venial sin is a sin against another person.
Correct Answer
B. False
Mortal sin destroys charity in the heart of man by a grave violation of God's law; it turns man away from God, who is his ultimate end and his beatitude, by preferring an inferior good to him. Venial sin allows charity to subsist, even though it offends and wounds it.
MORAL SCENARIO A man, 85 years old, is in the hospital suffering from cancer. The pain is excruciating. The doctor is giving him painkillers to ease his suffering, but the dosage must be increased in order to continue to relieve his pain. The doctor knows that the increased dosage is necessary if the pain is to continue to be relieved, but that it also may be lethal to the man, even though neither the patient nor the doctor desires his death. With the patient's consent, the doctor gives the dosage and the patient dies. Was this action morally allowable according to Catholic moral theology?
Correct Answer
A. Yes
YES: the death of the patient was not willed as an end by either the doctor or the patient, nor was the death of the patient the means by which the pain of the patient was to be relieved. Therefore it was not intended to cause death and is not a willful act to commit sin.
MORAL SCENARIO There are three presidential candidates on the ballot. The first is pro-abortion with few limits. The second candidate supports abortion but only in the first trimester. The third candidate personally opposes abortion but sometimes votes for it if it is the will of the people he represents. The third candidate opposes abortion except in cases of incest or rape. Is it acceptable to vote for the third candidate even though he is not completely pro-life?
Correct Answer
A. Yes
YES: John Paul II stated that "…when it is not possible to overturn or completely abrogate a pro-abortion law, an elected official, whose absolute personal opposition to procured abortion was well known, could licitly support proposals aimed at limiting the harm done by such a law and at lessening its negative consequences at the level of general opinion and morality. This does not in fact represent an illicit cooperation with an unjust law, but rather a legitimate and proper attempt to limit its evil aspects.” Logically, it follows from these words of the Pope that a voter may likewise vote for that candidate who will most likely limit the evils of abortion or any other moral evil at issue
MORAL SCENARIO A Catholic has liver disease and his liver is severely damaged. There is a liver donor who is a match for the Catholic. The surgery will be dangerous but a successful surgery will save the life of the Catholic. Is the Catholic morally obliged to have the surgery?
Correct Answer
B. No
NO: There is no obligation to have an organ transplant because it is considered a extraordinary medical treatment.
In the Catholic Church, what is the sacrament that involves the confession of sins and receiving forgiveness from a priest?
Correct Answer
D. Reconciliation
Reconciliation, also known as Confession or Penance, is one of the seven sacraments in the Catholic Church. It involves a Catholic confessing their sins to a priest, who then provides absolution, meaning that the person's sins are forgiven by God through the ministry of the priest. This sacrament is practiced based on the belief in the power of Jesus to forgive sins through his apostles, as described in the New Testament.