
Catholic Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Welcome to our Catholic trivia quizzes to test your catholic faith knowledge. Catholicism is the most widely adopted faith worldwide as part of Christianity. It can be found in countries all over the globe, from South America to small countries in Asia. Hundreds of millions go to a catholic church, but how well do you know Catholicism? Are you a catholic or want to explore more about the Catholic faith? What was the year when the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church split? When was the term Catholic used for the first time in history?

In how many groups can we split Christians that consider themselves Catholics? Take these Catholic trivia quizzes and evaluate yourself. Can you answer the questions we have included in our catholic trivia quizzes? Show us what you know about the Catholic faith and the Catholic Church, and solve the trivia.

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Questions: 71  |  Attempts: 30206   |  Last updated: Nov 1, 2024
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    What does the term Doctor of the Church mean?
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The Catholic Church agreed on which writings should go into the Bible at the Council of Rome in 382 AD during the time of Pope Damascus. It has seven extra books unlike the commonly used Christian bible. What more do you know...

Questions: 16  |  Attempts: 11545   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
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    What is scripture?
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Are you ready to test your knowledge of Catholicism and see how much you truly know about the faith? The "Are You A True Catholic? Quiz" is designed to challenge your understanding of the core beliefs, traditions,...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 2065   |  Last updated: Sep 13, 2024
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    What is the central act of worship in the Catholic Church?
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Do you feel attracted to the Catholic religion? Take this 'Should I convert to Catholicism' quiz and see if you should change your religion to Catholicism or not. As we all know, Catholicism is a popular Christian...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 5122   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2022
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    Do you believe in the ideology that there's a Supreme Being called God or God the Father, who resides in heaven and watches over and guides everything on earth?  
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Are you a follower of the Catholic religion? How Catholic are you, actually? If you play this quiz and answer some simple questions with honesty, you can get to know that right here, right now. Just being born into a Catholic...

Questions: 15  |  Attempts: 849   |  Last updated: Nov 16, 2023
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    Are your family members Catholic?
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