"Halo! Selamat siang! Bisa bicara dengan Susi?"
Kalimat yang tepat untuk melengkapi
percakapan telepon tersebut adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. "Selamat siang! Ya, saya sendiri!"
The correct answer is "Selamat siang! Ya, saya sendiri!" because it is a proper response to the greeting and request to speak with Susi. It acknowledges the time of day and confirms that the person being spoken to is indeed Susi.
Kisah hidup manusia yang dipentaskan di
atas panggung melalui dialog atau gerak
disebut ....
Correct Answer
B. Drama
The correct answer is drama because drama refers to a performance or play that showcases the life of humans through dialogue or movement on a stage. It involves actors portraying characters and telling a story through their actions and words. Tari (dance), pidato (speech), and film are not suitable answers as they do not specifically involve the portrayal of human life on stage through dialogue or movement.
“Pendengar setia di seluruh Nusantara,
selamat pagi! Berita pagi ini diawali oleh
berita kecelakaan bus yang terjadi di
ruas Jalan Puncak, Bogor."
Penyiar tersebut berbicara melalui ....
Correct Answer
C. Radio
The passage mentions that the news is being delivered in the morning, which suggests that it is a radio broadcast. Additionally, the phrase "Pendengar setia di seluruh Nusantara" translates to "Loyal listeners throughout the archipelago," which further supports the idea that the message is being conveyed through the radio.
Leli : "Aku tak bisa lagi melihat
senyum ibuku yang manis
Fadly : "Memangnya mengapa?”
Leli : "Karena ibuku telah tiada. Dia
telah kembali kepada-Nya."
Dialog Leli dalam cuplikan drama
tersebut menggambarkan ....
Correct Answer
C. Kesedihan
The dialogue between Leli and Fadly shows Leli expressing her inability to see her mother's sweet smile anymore because her mother has passed away. This indicates a feeling of sadness and grief, which is reflected in the dialogue. Therefore, the correct answer is kesedihan (sadness).
Kak Rika : "Kalau kamu mau, kamu dapat memberikan kado hasil kreasi sendiri."
Rini : "Membuat sendiri, Kak?"
Kak Rika : "Iya. Kakak yakin kamu bisa membuat sendiri sebuah hadiah yang bagus untuk
Mona. Misalnya, lukisan karyamu sendiri. Kamu kan jago melukis."
Rini : "Wah, benar juga. Kok, tidak terpikir olehku, ya.”
Watak Kak Rika dalam kutipan percakapan
tersebut adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Bijaksana
In the conversation, Kak Rika suggests to Rini that she can create a gift for Mona by using her own artistic skills, specifically mentioning her talent in painting. This shows that Kak Rika is wise and thoughtful in her suggestion, considering Rini's abilities and encouraging her to use them to create a meaningful gift. Therefore, the correct answer is bijaksana (wise).
Roni : "Dani, apakah kamu
akan latihan?”
Dani : "Ya, tentu! Hari Perpisahan
telah dekat."
Roni : "Bagaimana dengan
Dina dan Tini?"
Dani : "Mereka akan datang pada saat
latihan kesenian nanti."
Tema dari percakapan Roni dan Dani
adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Kehadiran dalam latihan
The conversation between Roni and Dani is about the presence in the practice. Dani mentions that Dina and Tini will come during the art practice session. Therefore, the theme of the conversation is the presence in the practice.
Aku merasa ... karena Ani tidak datang
pada pesta ulang tahun.
Correct Answer
A. Sedih
The correct answer is "sedih" because the speaker feels sad that Ani did not come to the birthday party.
Awalnya, komik biasa ditemukan
dalam surat kabar. Isinya terdiri atas
tiga atau empat kolom gambar yang
menceritakan beberapa tokoh cerita.
Komik di surat kabar kali pertama
muncul pada tahun 1892.
Paragraf tersebut menceritakan tentang
Correct Answer
C. Awal munculnya komik
The paragraph explains that initially, comics were found in newspapers and consisted of three or four columns of pictures that told a story about various characters. It also mentions that comics in newspapers first appeared in 1892. Therefore, the correct answer is "awal munculnya komik" which means the beginning of the emergence of comics.
... adalah perintah, nasihat, permintaan,
atau amanat yang disampaikan lewat
orang lain.
Correct Answer
B. Pesan
The given statement describes "pesan" which means a message or communication that is conveyed through another person. It can be a command, advice, request, or mandate.
Saya memetik jambu ... adik memungutinya.
Kata sambung yang tepat untuk kalimat
tersebut adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Dan
The correct answer is "dan" because it is a conjunction that is used to connect two actions or ideas that are happening at the same time. In this sentence, the speaker is picking the guava and their sibling is picking it up. The conjunction "dan" is used to show that these two actions are happening simultaneously.
Lembar pengumuman, imbauan, atau
ajakan ini disertai gambar menarik.
Biasanya, dipasang di tempat-tempat
umum. Benda ini disebut ....
Correct Answer
B. Poster
This announcement, warning, or invitation is accompanied by an attractive image and is usually displayed in public places. This object is called a poster.
Apabila akan menuangkan isi hati,
kamu dapat menuliskannya dalam ....
Correct Answer
D. Buku harian
A buku harian is a diary where one can pour out their thoughts and feelings. It is a personal and private space where one can express themselves freely without any judgment or restrictions. Unlike a buku pelajaran (textbook) or buku tugas sekolah (school assignment book), a buku harian is not meant for educational purposes but rather for personal reflection and emotional release. Similarly, a buku alamat (address book) is used to store contact information and is not suitable for pouring out one's heart. Therefore, a buku harian is the most appropriate choice for expressing one's innermost thoughts and emotions.
Ketika hari kenaikan kelas, Ibu Guru
membagikan tabungan. Rencananya,
besoknya akan aku tabungkan di bank.
Aku menyimpannya di laci lemari. Pada
saat akan aku ambil, ternyata uangnya
sudah tidak ada. Aku sudah mencari
ke mana-mana tetapi tidak kutemukan.
Aku sedih sekali telah kehilangan uang
Pengalaman tersebut termasuk
pengalaman ....
Correct Answer
C. Menyedihkan
The passage describes a sad experience of losing money that was meant to be saved. The narrator expresses their sadness and disappointment at losing their savings. This aligns with the word "menyedihkan," which means "sad" or "disheartening" in English.
Ibu : "Tolong sampaikan kepada
Bu Guru bahwa hari ini Andi
sakit. Jadi, dia tidak dapat
masuk sekolah."
Helmi : "Iya, Bu."
Isi pesan yang disampaikan oleh Ibu
adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Andi tidak dapat masuk sekolah
karena sakit
The message that the mother wants to convey to Helmi is that Andi is unable to attend school because he is sick.
Dalam keadaan ..., bantuan cepat dan
tenang sangat penting diberikan.
Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi
kalimat tersebut adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Darurat
In the given sentence, it is mentioned that quick and calm assistance is important in a certain situation. The word "darurat" means emergency in Indonesian. Therefore, the word "darurat" is the correct choice to complete the sentence as it conveys the sense of urgency and the need for immediate help in a critical situation.
Jika kamu ingin mengetahui nomor
telepon rumah sakit, kamu dapat
mencarinya di ....
Correct Answer
C. Buku panduan telepon
To find the telephone number of a hospital, you can consult a telephone directory or a phone book. It contains a list of phone numbers for various establishments, including hospitals. Therefore, the correct answer is "buku panduan telepon" which translates to "phone book" in English.
Buku "Jangan Takut Menulis" memberi
kita motivasi untuk menulis.
Persamaan kata motivasi adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Dorongan
The correct answer is "dorongan". The passage states that the book "Jangan Takut Menulis" provides motivation for writing. The word "dorongan" in Indonesian means "encouragement" or "impetus", which aligns with the idea of motivating someone to write. Therefore, "dorongan" is the most suitable word to describe the similarity in meaning to "motivasi" (motivation) in the passage.
Kalimat poster yang tepat adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Merokok merusak kesehatan!
The given sentence "Merokok merusak kesehatan!" is the correct answer because it states a fact that smoking damages one's health. The other sentences are either statements of need or general information about certain topics, but they do not directly convey a negative consequence like the harmful effects of smoking on health.
Orangtuaku sehat-sehat saja.
Kalimat tersebut merupakan jawaban
yang tepat untuk kalimat tanya ....
Correct Answer
C. Bagaimana keadaan orangtuamu?
The correct answer is "Bagaimana keadaan orangtuamu?" because the statement "Orangtuaku sehat-sehat saja" directly addresses the question by stating that the speaker's parents are in good health.
Ketam : "Jangan kau pandang rendah
ukuran tubuhku. Meski
kecil, capitku tajam untuk
menyobek kulitmu. Tubuhku
juga keras seperti baja. Tidak
satu binatang pun di daerah ini
yang sanggup melukaiku."
Bagaimana sifat Ketam dalam penggalan
drama tersebut ....
Correct Answer
A. Percaya diri
The given excerpt from the drama portrays the Ketam as confident and self-assured. It emphasizes its small size but sharp claws, indicating that it is not to be underestimated. The Ketam also claims to have a tough body like steel, suggesting a strong belief in its own strength and invincibility. Therefore, the correct answer is "percaya diri" (confident).
(1) Mula-mula ia memasak air.
(2) Setelah mendidih, air dituangkan
ke dalam gelas.
(3) Pagi itu, Risma disuruh Bapak
membuat kopi.
(4) S e belum air mendidih, ia
menyiapkan gula dan kopi.
Urutan kegiatan yang benar adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. (3) – (1) – (4) – (2)
The correct order of activities is (3) - (1) - (4) - (2). First, Risma is asked by her father to make coffee in the morning (3). Then, she starts by boiling water (1). While waiting for the water to boil, she prepares the sugar and coffee (4). Finally, after the water has boiled, she pours it into a glass (2).
Pedagang kaki lima bermandikan
keringat karena kepanasan.
Arti kata bermandikan adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Banyak mengeluarkan
The correct answer "banyak mengeluarkan" means "to release a lot" or "to excrete a lot". In the context of the sentence, it implies that the street vendor is sweating a lot due to the heat.
Indonesia .... di kawasan Asia Pasifik.
Kata berimbuhan yang tepat untuk
melengkapi kalimat tersebut adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Terletak
The correct answer is "terletak". This is because the sentence is discussing the location of Indonesia in the Asia Pacific region. "Terletak" means "located" in Indonesian, which accurately describes the position of Indonesia in the given context.
Kalimat yang mengandung imbuhan
ter- adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Barang pusaka ini tidak ternilai
The correct answer is "Barang pusaka ini tidak ternilai harganya." This sentence contains the prefix "ter-" which is used to indicate a high degree or intensity. In this case, the word "ternilai" means "priceless" or "invaluable." The prefix "ter-" emphasizes the value or importance of the object, indicating that it cannot be measured or valued in monetary terms.
Percakapan antara dua pemain atau
lebih dalam drama disebut ....
Correct Answer
B. Dialog
The correct answer is "dialog." In a drama, a conversation between two or more players is referred to as a dialog. It is a crucial element in storytelling as it allows characters to interact, exchange ideas, and move the plot forward. Dialogues help in developing characters, revealing their thoughts, emotions, and motivations. They also create tension, conflict, and build relationships between characters. Therefore, "dialog" is the appropriate term to describe a conversation between two or more players in a drama.