Paman pergi bersama bibi ke Balai Kota siang ini, yang merupakan objek (O) pada kalimat disamping adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Bersama bibi
The object in the sentence is "bersama bibi". This is because "bersama bibi" is the phrase that describes who Paman went with to Balai Kota. It indicates that Paman went together with his aunt to Balai Kota.
Saat liburan, kami mengunjuingi kakek dan nenek di Jogja, pola kalimatnya adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. K-S-P-O-K
The correct answer is "K-S-P-O-K". This pattern represents the correct sentence structure in Indonesian. "K" stands for "kami" (we), "S" stands for the subject of the sentence, "P" stands for the predicate, and "O" stands for the object. The "K" at the end represents the conjunction "dan" (and). Therefore, the correct sentence structure is subject-predicate-object-conjunction.
Hadirin bertepuk tangan melihat pemain drama yang berbaju merah, pola kalimatnya adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. S-P-O-K
The correct answer is S-P-O-K. This is because the question is asking for the pattern of the sentence structure used when the audience applauds the drama player in a red shirt. The pattern S-P-O-K represents Subject-Verb-Object-Complement, which is a common sentence structure used to describe actions or events.
Ibu Mira memberiku tiket konser musik di Senayan, yang menunjukkan predikat (P) pada kalimat disamping adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Memberiku
The word "memberiku" in the sentence indicates that someone (Ibu Mira) gave the speaker (the person answering the question) a concert ticket at Senayan. The word "memberiku" is a verb in Indonesian, which means "gave me" in English. Therefore, the correct answer is "memberiku" because it shows the action of giving the concert ticket.
Setiap siswa menyelesaikan tugas Matematika tepat waktu, keterangan (K) yang terdapat pada kalimat tersebut menunjukkan ....
Correct Answer
C. Keterangan waktu
The correct answer is "Keterangan waktu" because the phrase "tepat waktu" indicates that the students complete their Mathematics assignments on time, which is a time-related information.
Sore hari burung pulang ke sarangnya di pohon, pola kalimatnya adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. K-S-P-K-K
The correct answer is K-S-P-K-K. This pattern represents the sentence structure in Indonesian language, where K stands for Kata Kerja (verb), S stands for Subjek (subject), and P stands for Predikat (predicate). The pattern K-S-P-K-K indicates that the sentence starts with a verb, followed by the subject, then the predicate, and finally two additional verbs.
Rudi gembira melihat ibunya datang dari pasar, pola kalimatnya adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. S-K-P-O-P-K
The correct answer is S-K-P-O-P-K. This sentence pattern indicates that Rudi is happy to see his mother coming from the market. The pattern starts with the subject (S) "Rudi", followed by the verb (K) "gembira" (happy), then the object (P) "ibunya" (his mother), and finally the verb (O) "datang" (coming) from the market. The pattern is repeated with the verb (K) "polah" (see), and the object (P) "ibunya" (his mother) again.
Ayah berangkat ke kantor pukul lima pagi, pola kalimatnya adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. S-P-O-K
The correct answer is S-P-O-K. This is because the sentence structure follows the subject-predicate-object-verb pattern. "Ayah" is the subject, "berangkat ke kantor" is the predicate, "pukul lima pagi" is the object, and "berangkat" is the verb.
Malam ini di restauran, Lisa merayakan ulang tahun, pola kalimatnya adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. K-K-S-P-O
The correct answer is K-K-S-P-O. This pattern follows the structure of a sentence in Indonesian language, where the subject (Lisa) is followed by the verb (merayakan), then the object (ulang tahun), and finally the place (restauran) and time (malam ini).
Hardi bermain bola dengan Ali di lapangan, pola kalimatnya adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. S-P-O-O-K
The correct answer is S-P-O-O-K. This pattern represents the sentence structure "Subject-Predicate-Object-Object-Complement". In this case, "Hardi" is the subject, "bermain bola" is the predicate, and "dengan Ali" is the object. The additional "lapangan" is the second object, and it is followed by the complement "spook".
Petani mencangkul sawah dengan semangat, pola kalimatnya adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. S-P-K-K
The correct answer is S-P-K-K. This pattern represents the sentence structure "Subject-Verb-Object-Object" which is commonly used in Indonesian language. In this case, the subject is "Petani" (farmer), the verb is "mencangkul" (to hoe), and the objects are "sawah" (rice field) and "dengan semangat" (with enthusiasm).
Ibu membeli kue-kue di toko kue tadi pagi, pola kalimatnya adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. S-P-O-K-K
The correct answer is S-P-O-K-K. This is because the pattern in the sentence structure follows the Subject-Verb-Object-Object-Verb (S-P-O-O-K-K) pattern. The subject (Ibu) is followed by the verb (membeli), then the objects (kue-kue) are placed before the second verb (tadi pagi).
Budi dan Rima berlarian di sawah mengejar katak, pola kalimatnya adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. S-P-K-P-O
The correct answer is S-P-K-P-O. This pattern represents the subject (Budi dan Rima) followed by the verb (berlarian) and then the object (di sawah) before ending with another verb (mengejar) and the object (katak).
Presiden mengunjungi daerah terpencil, pola kalimatnya adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. S-P-O
The correct answer is S-P-O. This pattern indicates that the subject (presiden) performs an action (mengunjungi) towards the object (daerah terpencil). This sentence structure follows the typical subject-verb-object pattern in Indonesian language.
Nelayan berlayar dan menjaring ikan di laut, pola kalimatnya adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. S-P-P-O-K
The correct answer is S-P-P-O-K. This pattern represents the sentence structure in Indonesian where S stands for Subject, P for Predicate, O for Object, and K for Complement. In this case, the subject is "Nelayan" (fisherman), the predicate is "berlayar dan menjaring ikan di laut" (sailing and fishing in the sea), the object is "ikan" (fish), and the complement is not provided in the given sentence.