Baze Podataka Drugi Kol 1

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| By IgorA
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 1 | Total Attempts: 207
Questions: 64 | Attempts: 207

Baze Podataka Drugi Kol 1 - Quiz


Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Integritet entiteta je:

    • A.

      Trojka (tip podataka,duzinapodataka, uslov)

    • B.

      Nijedan deo niti ceo primarni kljuc ne mogu biti NULL

    • C.

      Spoljni kljuc je podskup skupa primarnog kljuca

    • D.

      Specialno ogranicenje domena, tako da obelezje moze imati i nedefinisanu vrednost

    Correct Answer
    B. Nijedan deo niti ceo primarni kljuc ne mogu biti NULL
    The correct answer states that neither a part nor the entire primary key can have a NULL value. This means that all components of the primary key must have a defined value, and cannot be left empty or undefined. This ensures the integrity of the entity by guaranteeing that each record in the entity has a unique identifier that is complete and not missing any crucial information.

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  • 2. 

    U kojoj je normalnoj formi relacija ako su sve vrednosti njenih atributa atomske

    • A.

      Boyce Codd-ovoj normalnoj formi

    • B.

      Prvoj normalnoj formi

    • C.

      Trecoj normalnoj formi

    • D.

      Ni u jednoj

    Correct Answer
    B. Prvoj normalnoj formi
    The correct answer is "Prvoj normalnoj formi" (First normal form). In the first normal form, all attributes in a relation must be atomic, meaning they cannot be further divided into smaller components. This ensures that each attribute contains only a single value, eliminating any multivalued or composite attributes. Therefore, if all the values of the attributes in a relation are atomic, it is in the first normal form.

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  • 3. 

    Na slici je prikazana koj kardinalnost 

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. M:M
    The correct answer is M:M. This notation represents a many-to-many cardinality relationship between two entities. It means that multiple instances of one entity can be associated with multiple instances of another entity.

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  • 4. 

    Entiteti su:

    • A.

      Skup Baze

    • B.

      Elementarni Objekti

    • C.


    • D.

      Skup tabela

    Correct Answer
    B. Elementarni Objekti
    The correct answer is "Elementarni Objekti". This is because "Entiteti su" translates to "Entities are" in English, and the given options are "Skup Baze" (Set of Database), "Elementarni Objekti" (Elementary Objects), "Tabele" (Tables), and "Skup tabela" (Set of Tables). Among these options, "Elementarni Objekti" best fits the context of entities, as it refers to the basic or fundamental objects in a system or database.

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  • 5. 

    Ako postoji korespondencija jedan prema vise od atributa A1 tebele A ka atributu B1 tabele B, onda:

    • A.

      Svakoj vrednosti atributa A odgovara vise od jedne vrednosti atributa B

    • B.

      Svakoj vrednosti atributa A odgovaraju nula, jedan ili vise vrednosti atributa B

    • C.

      Svakoj vrednosti atributa A odgovara jedna vrednost atributa B

    • D.

      Sakoj vrednosti atributa A odgovaraju jedna ili vise vrednosti atributa B

    Correct Answer
    B. Svakoj vrednosti atributa A odgovaraju nula, jedan ili vise vrednosti atributa B
    If there is a one-to-many correspondence between attribute A1 of table A and attribute B1 of table B, it means that each value of attribute A can correspond to zero, one, or multiple values of attribute B.

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  • 6. 

    Slabi objekti koji samo egzistencijalno zavise od nekog cvrstog objekta

    • A.

      Mogu, ali ne moraju imati slozeni primarni kljuc, ciji je deo kljuc cvrstog objekta

    • B.

      Nemaju primarni kljuc

    • C.

      Imaju slozeni primarni kljuc

    • D.

      Imaju primarni kljuc u ciji sastav ne ulazi kljuc cvrstog objekta

    Correct Answer
    A. Mogu, ali ne moraju imati slozeni primarni kljuc, ciji je deo kljuc cvrstog objekta
    The given correct answer states that weak objects, which only existentially depend on a strong object, can have a composite primary key that includes a part of the strong object's key. This means that it is possible for weak objects to have a primary key that is composed of multiple attributes, where one of those attributes is derived from the strong object's key. However, it is not necessary for weak objects to have such a composite primary key.

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  • 7. 

    Odnos broja objekata koji se povezuju je

    • A.


    • B.

      Stepen veze

    • C.

      Red veze

    • D.

      Broj veze

    Correct Answer
    B. Stepen veze
    The correct answer is "stepen veze" because it refers to the degree of relationship between objects. In other words, it measures the number of connections or links between objects. The term "kardinalnost" is related to the cardinality of a set, "red veze" translates to "order of the relationship," and "broj veze" means "number of relationships." However, these options do not accurately describe the concept of the degree of relationship.

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  • 8. 

    Opsti oblik select upita glasi

    • A.

      Select,From,Having,Order by,Group by,Where

    • B.

      Select,From,Having,Group by,Where,Order by

    • C.

      Select,From,Where,Order by,Group by,Having

    • D.

      Select,From,Where,Group by,Having,Order by

    Correct Answer
    D. Select,From,Where,Group by,Having,Order by
    The correct answer is "Select, From, Where, Group by, Having, Order by". In SQL, the general form of a SELECT query consists of the SELECT clause, which specifies the columns to be retrieved, the FROM clause, which specifies the table(s) to retrieve data from, the WHERE clause, which specifies the conditions for filtering rows, the GROUP BY clause, which groups the result set based on one or more columns, the HAVING clause, which specifies conditions for filtering grouped rows, and the ORDER BY clause, which determines the order of the result set.

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  • 9. 

    Na slici je prikazana koja kardinalnost

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. 1:1
    The image shows the cardinality of a relationship between two entities. In a 1:1 cardinality, each entity in one set is associated with exactly one entity in the other set. This means that for every entity in one set, there is a unique corresponding entity in the other set, and vice versa.

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  • 10. 

    Ako upiti nad tabelom radnik<idbr#,ime,posao>SELECT DISTINCT ime,posao From radnik;iSELECT ALL ime,posao From radnikvracaju jednak broj zapisa, onda vazi sledece

    • A.

      U tabeli RADNIK ne postoje radnici sa istim poslom

    • B.

      U tabeli RADNIK ne postoji vise radnika koji imaju isto ime i isti posao

    • C.

      U tabeli RADNIK ne moze postojati vise radnika koji imaju isto ime

    • D.

      U tabeli RADNIK postoji vise radnika koji imaju isto ime i posao

    Correct Answer
    B. U tabeli RADNIK ne postoji vise radnika koji imaju isto ime i isti posao
    The correct answer suggests that in the table RADNIK, there are no workers with the same name and same job. This means that each worker in the table has a unique combination of name and job.

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  • 11. 

    Imamo definisane objekte RACUN<brojracuna#, iznos,......> i STAVKA <brojstavke#, brojracuna#, kolicina,cijena,....>. Sta je od dole navedenog tacno u E-R modelu?

    • A.

      RACUN je cvrsti objekat, a Stavka slabi

    • B.

      I RACUN i STAVKA su slabi objekti

    • C.

      RACUN i STAVKA su cvrsti objekti

    • D.

      RACUN je slabi objekat, a STAVKA cvrsti

    Correct Answer
    A. RACUN je cvrsti objekat, a Stavka slabi
    In the given E-R model, the statement "RACUN je cvrsti objekat, a Stavka slabi" means that the entity RACUN (account) is a strong entity, meaning it can exist independently and has a unique identifier (brojracuna#), while the entity STAVKA (item) is a weak entity, meaning it depends on the existence of RACUN and does not have a unique identifier on its own, but rather relies on the identifier of RACUN (brojracuna#) to distinguish different instances of STAVKA.

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  • 12. 

    Data je tabela GRADANIN<matbr, ime, prezime, matbr2>. Atribut matbr predstavlja maticni broj osobe, a matbr2maticni broj bracnog druga osobe koja je opisana u jednom zapisu. Izmedu n-torki tabele GRADANIN postoje:

    • A.

      Unarne veze1:N

    • B.

      Unarne veze 1:1

    • C.

      Binarne veze 1:1

    • D.

      Unarne veze M:N

    Correct Answer
    B. Unarne veze 1:1
    The correct answer is "unarne veze 1:1". This means that there is a one-to-one relationship between the tuples in the GRADANIN table. Each tuple represents a person, and there is a one-to-one correspondence between the matbr attribute (representing the personal identification number) and the matbr2 attribute (representing the personal identification number of the spouse). This implies that each person in the table has a unique spouse, and vice versa.

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  • 13. 

    Skup svih vrednosti elementarnih obelezja koja se odnose na jedan objekat predstavlja

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Zapis
    The correct answer is "Zapis" because it refers to the collection of all the values of the elementary features that are related to an object. "Zapis" can be translated as "record" or "entry" in English, and it represents a set of data or information that is associated with a specific object. In this context, it implies that the collection of values of the elementary features is recorded or stored as a single entity.

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  • 14. 

    Svakom elementarnom obelezju pripisuje se

    • A.

      Tacno jedan elementarni podatak

    • B.

      Najmanje jedan elementarni podatak

    • C.

      Tacno jedan zapis

    • D.

      Tacno jedan atribut

    Correct Answer
    A. Tacno jedan elementarni podatak
    Each elementary characteristic is associated with exactly one elementary data.

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  • 15. 

    Veze tipa M:N mogu se realizovati bez vezne tabele u:

    • A.

      Hijerarhijskom modelu baze podataka

    • B.

      Relacionom modelu baze podataka

    • C.

      Mreznom modelu baze podataka

    • D.

      Objektnom modelu baze podataka

    Correct Answer
    C. Mreznom modelu baze podataka
    In the network model of a database, M:N relationships can be implemented without the need for a junction table. In this model, records are connected through pointers, allowing for direct relationships between entities. This means that multiple records can be directly linked to multiple records without the use of an intermediary table. Therefore, in the network model, M:N relationships can be established without the need for a separate junction table.

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  • 16. 

    Minimalna kardinalnost odreduje

    • A.

      Neodreden broj instanci koji moraju da ucestvuju u vezi

    • B.

      Maksimalan broj instanci entiteta kojimoraju da ucestvuju u vezi

    • C.

      Minimalan broj instanci entiteta koji mogu a ne moraju da ucestvuju u vezi

    • D.

      Minimalan broj instanci entiteta koji morajuda ucestvuju u vezi

    Correct Answer
    C. Minimalan broj instanci entiteta koji mogu a ne moraju da ucestvuju u vezi
    The correct answer is "minimalan broj instanci entiteta koji mogu a ne moraju da ucestvuju u vezi". This means that the minimal cardinality determines the minimum number of instances of an entity that can optionally participate in a relationship. In other words, these instances are not required to be present in the relationship, but they can be if needed.

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  • 17. 

    Spoljni kljuc je podskup skupa primarnog kljuca je definicija za:

    • A.

      Integritet atributa

    • B.

      Integritet domena

    • C.

      Integritet entiteta

    • D.

      Referencijalni integritet

    Correct Answer
    D. Referencijalni integritet
    Referencijalni integritet je definicija koja se odnosi na spoljni ključ koji je podskup skupa primarnog ključa. Ova definicija se koristi za osiguravanje da se vrednosti u spoljnim ključevima podudaraju sa vrednostima u pripadajućim primarnim ključevima. Na taj način se održava konzistentnost podataka i sprečava se unos nevalidnih ili nekonzistentnih vrednosti u bazu podataka.

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  • 18. 

    Realizacija informacionog sistema pocinje:

    • A.

      Realizacijom komunikacionog modela prema korisnicima

    • B.

      Fizickom realizacijom usvojenog modela baze podataka

    • C.

      Bilo kojim postupkom

    • D.

      Realizacijom aplikacionog dela baze podataka

    Correct Answer
    B. Fizickom realizacijom usvojenog modela baze podataka
    The correct answer is "fizickom realizacijom usvojenog modela baze podataka" which means "physical implementation of the adopted database model". This answer suggests that the implementation of an information system starts with the physical realization of the adopted database model. This involves creating the actual database structure, tables, and relationships based on the conceptual model that has been designed.

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  • 19. 

    Za distribuiranje baze podataka vezana je prvenstveno:

    • A.

      Vertikalna normalizacija

    • B.


    • C.

      Prva normalna forma

    • D.

      Horizontalna normalizacija

    Correct Answer
    D. Horizontalna normalizacija
    The correct answer is horizontalna normalizacija (horizontal normalization). Horizontal normalization refers to the process of organizing data in a database to eliminate redundancy and improve efficiency by dividing it into multiple tables based on the functional dependencies of the data. This helps in reducing data duplication and ensures that each table contains only the necessary attributes. By distributing the database horizontally, the overall performance and scalability of the system can be improved.

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  • 20. 

    Posmatraju se objekti RACUN i STAVKA nekog racuna. Objekat STAVKA zavisi od objekta RACUN

    • A.

      Samo egzistencijalno

    • B.

      Samo identifikacijski

    • C.

      Nazavisna je od objekta RACUN

    • D.

      Egzistencijalno i identifikacijski

    Correct Answer
    D. Egzistencijalno i identifikacijski
    The given answer "egzistencijalno i identifikacijski" means that the object STAVKA depends on the existence and identification of the object RACUN. This implies that without the existence of the RACUN object, the STAVKA object cannot exist, and furthermore, the STAVKA object is identified based on its association with the RACUN object.

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  • 21. 

    Koja klauzula je uvek poslednja u SELECT bloku?

    • A.


    • B.

      GROUP BY

    • C.


    • D.

      ORDER BY

    Correct Answer
    The ORDER BY clause is always the last clause in the SELECT block. It is used to sort the result set based on specified columns or expressions. The HAVING clause is used to filter the result set after grouping has been applied. The GROUP BY clause is used to group the result set based on specified columns. The WHILE clause is not a valid clause in the SELECT block.

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  • 22. 

    U naredbe jezika za definisanje podataka (Data Control Language ) spadaju

    • A.

      Create table, drop view, commit work

    • B.

      Create view, create index, create table

    • C.

      Create table, create view, begin transaction

    • D.

      Grant, revoke, rollback work

    Correct Answer
    D. Grant, revoke, rollback work
    The correct answer is "grant, revoke, rollback work". These are examples of commands in the Data Control Language (DCL) used to manage access and permissions within a database. The "grant" command is used to give users certain privileges or permissions, the "revoke" command is used to remove those privileges, and the "rollback work" command is used to undo any changes made to the database since the last "commit" command.

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  • 23. 

    Imenovana virtuelna tabela cija se definicija cuva kao objekat u bazi se naziva

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Pogled
    A named virtual table whose definition is stored as an object in the database is called a "pogled" or a "view". Views are used to simplify complex queries and provide a virtual representation of data from one or more tables. They allow users to access specific data without exposing the underlying structure or complexity of the database. By storing the definition as an object, views can be easily referenced and reused in queries, providing a convenient and efficient way to retrieve data.

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  • 24. 

    Domen atributa je

    • A.

      Iskaz definisan jednom prostom recenicom

    • B.

      Novi podatak koji poseduje relevantnu novinu, neko novosaznanje, a rezultat je obrada poznatih podataka

    • C.

      Nesto sto postoji i sto se moze jednoznacno identifikovati

    • D.

      Skup dozvoljenih vrednosti koje neki atribut moze uzeti

    Correct Answer
    D. Skup dozvoljenih vrednosti koje neki atribut moze uzeti
    The correct answer is "Skup dozvoljenih vrednosti koje neki atribut moze uzeti" which translates to "A set of allowable values that an attribute can take." This explanation suggests that the domain of an attribute refers to the range of values that the attribute can have.

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  • 25. 

    Kojom klauzolom je moguce izdvojiti samo neke atribute

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Group by

    Correct Answer
    A. Select
    The correct answer is "Select." In SQL, the SELECT statement is used to retrieve data from a database. It allows you to specify which attributes or columns you want to retrieve in the result set. The other options (WHERE, FROM, GROUP BY) are used for filtering, specifying the table or tables to retrieve data from, and grouping the result set, respectively. However, only the SELECT statement allows you to choose specific attributes to be included in the result set.

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  • 26. 

    Dodavanje novih n-torki u postojece relacije se izvodi naredbom

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Group by

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Update
    The correct answer is "Update". This is because the action of adding new tuples to existing relations is typically done through the use of the UPDATE command in a database management system. The UPDATE command allows for modifying existing data within a table, including adding new tuples or updating existing ones. The other options listed (Create, Group by, Insert) are not typically used for adding new tuples to existing relations.

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  • 27. 

    Koja naredba pripada grupi naredbi za upravljacke funkcije

    • A.


    • B.

      Alter Table

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Grant
    The correct answer is "Grant". Grant is a command used in database management systems to give specific privileges or permissions to a user or a group of users. It is a part of the set of commands that are used for managing and controlling access to the database. The other options mentioned (Alter Table, Delete, and Select) are not considered as commands for managing access control and user privileges.

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  • 28. 

    Redudansa je

    • A.

      Dupliciranje podataka

    • B.

      Nekompatibilnost formata fajlova

    • C.

      Razdvojenost i izolovanost podataka

    • D.

      Zavisnost programa od organizacije podataka

    Correct Answer
    A. Dupliciranje podataka
    The correct answer is "Dupliciranje podataka" which translates to "Data duplication" in English. This means that the explanation for the correct answer is that redudansa (redundancy) refers to the duplication of data.

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  • 29. 

    Ako atribut A1 tabele A jednoznacno identifikuje atribut B1 tabele B, onda za tebele A i B vazi sledece:

    • A.

      Nalaze se u vezi 1:1

    • B.

      Nalaze se u drugoj normalnoj formi

    • C.

      Nalaze se u vezi 1:N

    • D.

      Nalaze se u drugoj normalnoj formi

    Correct Answer
    A. Nalaze se u vezi 1:1
    The correct answer is "they are in a 1:1 relationship". This means that for each record in table A, there is only one corresponding record in table B, and vice versa. This type of relationship ensures that the attribute A1 in table A uniquely identifies the attribute B1 in table B, indicating a one-to-one mapping between the two tables.

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  • 30. 

    Relacija se nalazi u trecoj normalnoj formi ako se nalazi u 2NF i

    • A.

      Ako nekljucni atributi u tebeli nisu tranzitivno zavisni od kljucnih atributa

    • B.

      Ako su svi nekljucni atributi u tabeli i funkcionalno i tranzitivno zavisni od kljucnih atributa

    • C.

      Ako svi nekljucni atributi nisu medusobno funkcionalno zavisni

    • D.

      Ako su svi nekljucni atributi u tabeli medusobno tranzitno zavisni

    Correct Answer
    A. Ako nekljucni atributi u tebeli nisu tranzitivno zavisni od kljucnih atributa
    The correct answer states that a relation is in the third normal form if the non-key attributes in the table are not transitively dependent on the key attributes. This means that there should be no indirect dependencies between non-key attributes through other non-key attributes. In other words, the non-key attributes should only depend on the key attributes directly and not through any intermediate attributes. This ensures that the relation is well-structured and avoids redundancy and anomalies in the data.

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  • 31. 

    Imamo sledece modele:1.relacioni model2.hijerarhijski i mrezni model3.objektno orijentisani model4.model zasnovan na programskim jezicimaNavesti redosled kojim su se pojavili od prve generacije do cetvrte:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. 4,2,1,3
    The correct answer is 4,2,1,3. This order represents the chronological appearance of the different models. The relational model (1) was the first to be introduced, followed by the hierarchical and network models (2). The object-oriented model (3) came next, and finally, the model based on programming languages (4) was introduced.

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  • 32. 

    U operatore pogodne za azuriranje spadaju

    • A.

      Unije,presek i razlika

    • B.

      Selekcija, projekcija i dekartov proizvod

    • C.

      Unija, presek i spajanje

    • D.

      Selekcija, projekcija i spajanje

    Correct Answer
    A. Unije,presek i razlika
    The correct answer is "unije, presek i razlika." This is because "unije" refers to the union operation, which combines two sets and returns a new set containing all the elements from both sets. "Presek" refers to the intersection operation, which returns a new set containing only the elements that are common to both sets. "Razlika" refers to the difference operation, which returns a new set containing the elements from one set that are not present in the other set. These three operations are commonly used in database management systems for updating and modifying data.

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  • 33. 

    Pravila integriteta se definisu u okviru

    • A.

      Baze podataka

    • B.


    • C.

      Operativnog sistema

    • D.

      Ne definisu se

    Correct Answer
    A. Baze podataka
    The rules of integrity are defined within a database.

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  • 34. 

    Vrste entiteta su

    • A.

      Primarni, sekundarni, vezni(slabi)

    • B.

      Redovi u tabeli

    • C.

      Realni entiteti, apstraktni entiteti, tebele, pogledi

    • D.

      Realni objekat, apstraktni pojam, dogadaj, asocijacija

    Correct Answer
    D. Realni objekat, apstraktni pojam, dogadaj, asocijacija
    The correct answer includes a list of different types of entities: real objects, abstract concepts, events, and associations. These are all different categories or classifications of entities that can exist in a given context or system.

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  • 35. 

    Digitalna slika realnog dela sveta, koja je od značaja za informacioni sistem je

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Model-objekat
    A digital image of a real-world object that is important for an information system is a model-object. This is because a model-object represents a real-world object in a digital form and can be used to store and manipulate data related to that object within an information system. It allows for efficient storage, retrieval, and analysis of information, making it a crucial component of an information system.

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  • 36. 

    Za razliku od hijerarhijskog modela informacionog sistema, mrežni model dozvoljava

    • A.

      Formalno-matematičku interpretaciju tabela

    • B.


    • C.

      Veze tipa 1:N

    • D.

      Veze tipa M:N

    Correct Answer
    D. Veze tipa M:N
    The correct answer is "veze tipa M:N" (relationships of type M:N). The explanation for this answer is that unlike the hierarchical model, the network model allows for many-to-many relationships between entities. In the network model, records are connected through sets of relationships, and each record can have multiple parent and child records. This flexibility allows for more complex data structures and better representation of real-world relationships between entities.

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  • 37. 

    Kardinalnost relacije je

    • A.

      Broj atributa koji čine složen primarni ključ

    • B.

      Skup dozvoljenih vrednosti primarnog ključa

    • C.

      Broj dozvoljenih vrednosti primarnog ključa

    • D.

      broj n-torki jedne tabele koji su u relaciji sa jednom n-torkom druge tabele

    Correct Answer
    D. broj n-torki jedne tabele koji su u relaciji sa jednom n-torkom druge tabele
    The correct answer is "broj n-torki jedne tabele koji su u relaciji sa jednom n-torkom druge tabele" (the number of tuples of one table that are related to one tuple of another table). This answer accurately describes the cardinality of a relationship in a database, which refers to the number of tuples in one table that are associated with one tuple in another table.

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  • 38. 

    U SQL upitu

    • A.

      Klauzula SELECT odgovara operatoru selekcije, klauzula HAVING operatoru projekcije, a klauzula GROUP BY operatoru spajanja

    • B.

      Klauzula SELECT odgovara operatoru projekcije, klauzula WHERE operatoru selekcije, a klauzula GROUP BY operatoru spajanja

    • C.

      Klauzula SELECT odgovara operatoru projekcije, klauzula WHERE operatoru selekcije, klauzula FROM operatoru spajanja

    • D.

      Klauzula SELECT odgovara operatoru selekcije, klauzula WHERE operatoru projekcije, a klauzula FROM operatoru spajanja

    Correct Answer
    C. Klauzula SELECT odgovara operatoru projekcije, klauzula WHERE operatoru selekcije, klauzula FROM operatoru spajanja
    The correct answer states that the SELECT clause corresponds to the projection operator, the WHERE clause corresponds to the selection operator, and the FROM clause corresponds to the join operator. This means that the SELECT clause is used to specify the columns to be included in the result set, the WHERE clause is used to filter the rows based on certain conditions, and the FROM clause is used to specify the tables to be joined together.

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  • 39. 

    Data je tabela tab1 sa atributom ime. Koji upit vraća spisak svih imena koja sadržemala slova "a" i "b" ?

    • A.

      SELECT ime FROM tab1 WHERE ime LIKE "%a%b%" OR ime LIKE "%b%a%";

    • B.

      SELECT ime FROM tab WHERE ime LIKE ""a?b?" OR ime LIKE "?b?a?";

    • C.

      SELECT ime FROM tab WHERE ime LIKE "%a%b%";

    • D.

      SELECT ime FROM tab WHERE ime LIKE '%b%a%";

    Correct Answer
    A. SELECT ime FROM tab1 WHERE ime LIKE "%a%b%" OR ime LIKE "%b%a%";
    The correct answer is SELECT ime FROM tab1 WHERE ime LIKE "%a%b%" OR ime LIKE "%b%a%". This query returns a list of all names that contain both the letters "a" and "b". The LIKE operator is used to search for patterns in the "ime" attribute, and the "%" wildcard is used to represent any number of characters. By using two LIKE conditions with the OR operator, the query ensures that it returns names that contain both "a" and "b" in any order.

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  • 40. 

    Data je tabela radnik <idbr, posao, ime, prezime, brod>. Koji je upit od siedećih ispravan ?

    • A.

      SELECT brod, posao, count(*) FROM radnik GROUP BY brod, posao HAVING count(*)>1;

    • B.

      SELECT brod, count(*) FROM radnik GROUP BY posao HAVING count(*)>1;

    • C.

      SELECT posao, count(*) FROM radnik GROUP BY brod HAVING count(*)>1;

    • D.

      SELECT brod, count(*) FROM radnik GROUP BY brod, posao HAVING count(*)>1;

    Correct Answer
    A. SELECT brod, posao, count(*) FROM radnik GROUP BY brod, posao HAVING count(*)>1;
    The correct answer is the first option: SELECT brod, posao, count(*) FROM radnik GROUP BY brod, posao HAVING count(*)>1. This query selects the columns "brod" and "posao" from the table "radnik" and counts the number of occurrences for each combination of "brod" and "posao". The GROUP BY clause groups the results by "brod" and "posao", and the HAVING clause filters the groups to only include those with a count greater than 1. This query will return the "brod" and "posao" combinations that have more than one occurrence in the table.

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  • 41. 

    Pogled je

    • A.

      Neimenovana virtuelna tabela

    • B.

      Virtuelna tabela sa imenom

    • C.

      Neimenovana fizička tabela

    • D.

      Fizička tabela sa imenom

    Correct Answer
    B. Virtuelna tabela sa imenom
    The correct answer is "virtuelna tabela sa imenom". This means that the "Pogled" (view) is a virtual table with a name. In a database system, a view is a virtual table that does not physically exist but is created based on the query definition. It behaves like a table and can be used for querying data, but it is stored as a query in the database. The fact that it has a name indicates that it can be referenced and used in queries just like a regular table.

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  • 42. 

    Date su tabele NASTAVNIK i PREDMET. Pod uslovom da jedan nastavnik može dapredaje više predmeta, između zapisa ovih tabela ostvarene su

    • A.

      Unarne veze tipa 1:N

    • B.

      Unarne veze tipa 1:1

    • C.

      Binarne veze tipa 1:1

    • D.

      Binarne veze tipa 1:N

    Correct Answer
    D. Binarne veze tipa 1:N
    The correct answer is "binarne veze tipa 1:N" because it states that there is a binary relationship between the tables NASTAVNIK and PREDMET, where one NASTAVNIK can teach multiple PREDMET. This means that each record in the NASTAVNIK table can be associated with multiple records in the PREDMET table, but each record in the PREDMET table can only be associated with one record in the NASTAVNIK table.

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  • 43. 

    Prilikom prevođenja E-R modela na relaconi oblik

    • A.

      Svaki objekat i svaka veza postaju relacije

    • B.

      Svi čvrsti objekti postaju relacije a slabi objekti i veze ne

    • C.

      Svi objekti postaju relacije a svaka veza može ali ne mora da postane relacija

    • D.

      Svi čvrsti objekti postaju relacije a slabi objekti i veze mogu ali ne moraju ca postanu relacije

    Correct Answer
    C. Svi objekti postaju relacije a svaka veza može ali ne mora da postane relacija
    The correct answer is that all objects become relations, and each relationship can, but does not have to, become a relation. This means that during the translation of an E-R model into a relational form, every object is transformed into a relation, but not every relationship is necessarily transformed into a relation. This implies that some relationships may be represented through attributes or other means in the resulting relational model.

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  • 44. 

    Prilikom prevođenja E-R modela, za binarne veze važi sledeće

    • A.

      Binarne veze tipa 1:1 i 1:N se iskazuju spoljnim kijučem a veze tipa M:N veznom tabelom

    • B.

      Binarne veze tipa 1:1 se iskazuju spoljnim ključem a veze tipa L:N i M:N veznom tabelom

    • C.

      Sve binarne veze se iskazuju spoljnim ključem

    • D.

      Sve unarne veze se iskazuju veznom

    Correct Answer
    A. Binarne veze tipa 1:1 i 1:N se iskazuju spoljnim kijučem a veze tipa M:N veznom tabelom
    When translating an E-R model, binary relationships of type 1:1 and 1:N are expressed with foreign keys, while relationships of type M:N are expressed with a linking table. This means that for 1:1 and 1:N relationships, the primary key of one entity is used as a foreign key in the other entity to establish the relationship. On the other hand, for M:N relationships, a separate table is created to store the relationship between the entities, with foreign keys referencing the primary keys of the related entities.

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  • 45. 

    Postupak dekompozicije tabeia s ciljem postizanja dobrih osobina relacionog modela iuklanjanja moguće pojave nekontrolisane redundanse je

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Normalizacija
    The correct answer is "normalizacija." Normalizacija is a process of decomposition of a table in order to achieve a good relational model and eliminate any possible occurrence of uncontrolled redundancy. This process helps in organizing the data efficiently and reduces data redundancy, thereby improving the overall performance and integrity of the database.

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  • 46. 

    Anomalije pri upisu, brisanju i izmeni podataka javljajuse kao posledica

    • A.

      Nekontrolisane redundanse

    • B.

      Horizontalne normalizacije

    • C.

      Vertikalne normalizacije

    • D.

      Prisustva veza reda većeg od 3

    Correct Answer
    A. Nekontrolisane redundanse
    The correct answer is "nekontrolisane redundanse". This means that anomalies in data entry, deletion, and modification occur as a result of uncontrolled redundancies. Redundancy refers to the unnecessary repetition of data, which can lead to inconsistencies and anomalies in the database. When redundancies are not properly controlled or managed, it can cause issues in data integrity and reliability.

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  • 47. 

    Ako svaki atribut koji nije ključni potpuno funkcionalno zavisi od primarnog ključa,relacija se nalazi u

    • A.

      Prvoj normalnoj formi

    • B.

      Drugoj normalnoj formi

    • C.

      Trećoj normalnoj formi

    • D.

      četvrtoj normalnoj formi

    Correct Answer
    B. Drugoj normalnoj formi
    The given statement suggests that every non-key attribute in the relation is functionally dependent on the primary key. This condition satisfies the requirements for the second normal form (2NF). In 2NF, the relation must already be in 1NF and every non-key attribute must be functionally dependent on the whole primary key. Therefore, the relation is in the second normal form.

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  • 48. 

    Dovoljni i potrebni uslovi koje atribut mora da ispunjava da bi mogao bitikandidat za primami ključ su

    • A.

      Jedinstvenost i nepromenljivost

    • B.

      nepromenljivost i raspoloživost

    • C.

      Jedinstvenost i raspoloživost

    • D.

      Jedinstvenost i minimalnost

    Correct Answer
    D. Jedinstvenost i minimalnost
    The correct answer is "jedinstvenost i minimalnost" (uniqueness and minimality). In order for an attribute to be a candidate for a primary key, it must be unique (jedinstvenost) to ensure that each record in the table can be uniquely identified. Additionally, it must be minimal (minimalnost), meaning that no subset of the attribute can uniquely identify the records. This ensures that the primary key is as concise and efficient as possible.

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  • 49. 

    Ime relacije, vrednost primarnog ključa i ime atributa relacije jednoznačnoidentifikuju

    • A.


    • B.

      Skup zapisa

    • C.

      Atomarni podatak

    • D.

      Skup atomarnih podataka

    Correct Answer
    C. Atomarni podatak
    The given statement suggests that in a relation, the combination of the relation's name, the primary key value, and the attribute name uniquely identifies an atomic data. This means that a single atomic data can be uniquely identified and distinguished from others within the relation based on these three factors.

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  • 50. 

    Pravilo referencijalnog integriteta glasi

    • A.

      Skup vrednosti spoljnog ključa relacije R1 mora biti nadskup skupa vrednosti primarnog ključa relacije R2, pri čemu relacije R1 i R2 ne moraju biti različite

    • B.

      Skup vrednosti spoljnog ključa relacije R1 mora biti podskup skupa vrednosti primarnog ključa relacije R2, pri čemu relacije R1 i R2 ne moraju biti različite

    • C.

      Skup vrednosti spoljnog ključa relacije R1 mora biti nadskup skupa vrednosti primarnog ključa relacije R2, pri čemu relacije R1 i R2 moraju biti različite

    • D.

      Skup vrednosti spoljnog ključa relacije R1 mora biti podskup skupa vređnosti primarnog ključa relacije R2, pri čemu relacije R1 i R2 moraju biti različite

    Correct Answer
    B. Skup vrednosti spoljnog ključa relacije R1 mora biti podskup skupa vrednosti primarnog ključa relacije R2, pri čemu relacije R1 i R2 ne moraju biti različite
    The correct answer states that the set of values of the foreign key of relation R1 must be a subset of the set of values of the primary key of relation R2, without the requirement that relations R1 and R2 must be different. This means that the values in the foreign key column of R1 can be a subset of the values in the primary key column of R2, even if R1 and R2 are the same relation.

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