Kumpulan benang-benang halus
pada jamur disebut ….
Correct Answer
C. Miselium
The correct answer is "miselium". Miselium refers to a collection of fine threads or hyphae that make up the vegetative body of a fungus. It is responsible for the absorption of nutrients and the growth of the fungus. The other options, sporangium, askospora, and basidiospora, are all reproductive structures of fungi, but they do not specifically refer to the fine threads found in fungi.
Jamur bersifat eukariotik artinya.......
Correct Answer
D. Mempunyai membran inti
The correct answer is "mempunyai membran inti". This means that fungi have a nucleus that is surrounded by a membrane. This is a characteristic of eukaryotic organisms, which have cells that contain a nucleus enclosed within a membrane. Fungi are part of the eukaryotic domain and have complex cellular structures, including a membrane-bound nucleus where their genetic material is stored.
devisio jamur di atas adalah ....?
Correct Answer
A. Ascomycota
The correct answer is Ascomycota. Ascomycota is a phylum of fungi that includes sac fungi. These fungi produce spores in sac-like structures called asci. They are characterized by their unique sexual reproduction process and the presence of ascocarps. Ascomycota includes many important fungi such as yeasts, morels, and truffles.
devisio jamur di atas adalah ....?
Correct Answer
A. Basidiomycota
The correct answer is Basidiomycota. Basidiomycota is a phylum of fungi that includes mushrooms, puffballs, and bracket fungi. These fungi are characterized by the presence of basidia, which are reproductive structures that produce spores. Basidiomycota are also known for their complex fruiting bodies, such as the cap and stem of a mushroom. This phylum plays an important role in decomposition and nutrient cycling in ecosystems.
genus jamur di atas adalah...?
Correct Answer
D. Mucor
The correct answer is mucor. Mucor is a genus of fungi that belongs to the Mucoraceae family. It is commonly found in soil, plants, and decaying organic matter. Mucor species are characterized by their fast growth and ability to reproduce asexually through the production of spores. They are often involved in food spoilage and can cause infections in humans, particularly in individuals with weakened immune systems.
Miselium berfungsi untuk......?
Correct Answer
C. Menyerap makanan
Mycelium adalah bagian dari jamur yang berfungsi untuk menyerap makanan. Mycelium terdiri dari benang-benang tipis yang disebut hifa yang tumbuh ke dalam substrat dan menyerap nutrisi dari lingkungan sekitarnya. Proses penyerapan makanan ini penting untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan jamur. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang benar adalah "menyerap makanan".
Tubuh jamur tersusun dari benang-benang halus
yang disebut hifa.
Hifa membentuk jaringan/kumpulan
yang disebut miselium
Correct Answer
A. True
The explanation for the given correct answer is that the body of a fungus is composed of fine threads called hyphae, which come together to form a network or collection called mycelium. This statement accurately describes the structure of a fungus, making the answer "True" correct.
Rhizopus dan Mucor sebagai hama bibit
tanaman yang menyebabkan penyakit rebah semai.
Correct Answer
B. False
Rhizopus dan Mucor bukanlah hama bibit tanaman yang menyebabkan penyakit rebah semai.
Candida sp. penyebab
keputihan dan sariawan
pada manusia.
Correct Answer
A. True
Candida sp. is a type of fungus that can cause vaginal yeast infections (which can lead to abnormal vaginal discharge) and oral thrush (which can cause white patches in the mouth). Therefore, it is true that Candida sp. can cause both vaginal discharge and oral thrush in humans.
—Hifa pada jamur yang bersifat parasit biasanya
mengalami modifikasi
menjadi ............ yang merupakan organ
penyerap makanan dari substrat
dapat menembus jaringan substrat.
Correct Answer
Parasitic fungi often undergo modifications and develop haustoria, which are specialized organs that absorb nutrients from the substrate and can penetrate the substrate's tissues.
nama lainnya ...................(jamur yang tidak sempurna),
karena belum diketahui dengan pasti
cara perkembangbiakannya secara seksual.
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "imperfecti" or "imperfekti" because the question is asking for another name for a type of fungus that is not yet known how it reproduces sexually. The term "imperfecti" or "imperfekti" is used to classify fungi that do not have a known sexual reproductive stage or method.
Kebanyakan hifa dibatasi oleh dinding
melintang atau septa.
Septa mempunyai pori besar yang cukup
untuk dilewati ribosom, mitokondria,
dan kadangkala inti sel yang mengalir dari sel ke sel.
Akan tetapi, adapula hifa yang tidak bersepta atau ................
Correct Answer
hifa senositik
The correct answer is "hifa senositik". In the given passage, it is mentioned that most hyphae are restricted by transverse walls or septa. Septa have large pores that are sufficient for ribosomes, mitochondria, and sometimes even the flow of cell nuclei from cell to cell. However, there are also hyphae that do not have septa, and these are referred to as "hifa senositik" or "senositik".
Sebagai makhluk heterotrof, jamur
dapat bersifat parasit obligat,
parasit fakultatif, atau saprofit.
Correct Answer
A. True
As a heterotrophic organism, fungi can exhibit various modes of nutrition. They can be obligate parasites, meaning they rely on a host organism for survival, facultative parasites, meaning they can live as parasites or independently, or saprophytes, meaning they obtain nutrients from dead organic matter. Therefore, the statement that fungi can be obligate parasites, facultative parasites, or saprophytes is true.
Parasit obligat masih memiliki organ
fotosintetik yang berfungsi
secara normal sebagaimana
tumbuhan bukan parasit.
Correct Answer
B. False
The given statement is false. Obligate parasites do not possess photosynthetic organs and cannot carry out photosynthesis like non-parasitic plants. Obligate parasites rely entirely on the host organism for their nutrition and energy requirements. They obtain nutrients by tapping into the host's vascular system or by directly absorbing nutrients from the host's tissues. Therefore, they do not have the ability to perform photosynthesis.
Zygomycota hifanya bersekat
Correct Answer
B. False
Zygomycota does not form septa or cross walls in their hyphae. Instead, they have a continuous multinucleate cytoplasm. Therefore, the statement that Zygomycota forms septa is false.
Basidiomycota hifanya bersekat,
Correct Answer
A. True
Basidiomycota is a phylum of fungi that is characterized by the presence of specialized reproductive structures called basidia. These basidia are responsible for producing spores, which are then dispersed to reproduce. The term "bersekat" refers to the formation of septa or cross-walls within the hyphae of fungi. This characteristic is indeed true for Basidiomycota, as they typically have septate hyphae. Therefore, the correct answer is true.
Reproduksi secara aseksual, jamur menghasilkan spora.
Correct Answer
A. True
In asexual reproduction, fungi produce spores.
Jamur tidak bersifat eukariotik
Correct Answer
B. False
The given statement is "jamur tidak bersifat eukariotik" which translates to "fungi are not eukaryotic." This statement is false because fungi are indeed eukaryotic organisms. Eukaryotes are organisms whose cells have a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles, and fungi possess these characteristics. They have a distinct nucleus enclosed within a membrane and also contain other membrane-bound organelles like mitochondria and Golgi apparatus. Therefore, the correct answer is False.