Apabila pada radang akut didapatkan nekrosis jaringan maka sequelae yang akan terjadi adalah
Correct Answer
B. Repair dengan bentukan cicatrik
When acute inflammation results in tissue necrosis, the sequelae that will occur is repair with scar formation. This is because when tissue undergoes necrosis, the body's natural response is to replace the damaged tissue with scar tissue. Scar tissue is formed by fibroblasts, which produce collagen to fill in the damaged area. This process allows for the healing of the tissue, but it may result in the formation of a scar.
Demam dan leukocytosis disebabkan karena mediator kimia :
Correct Answer
TNF, or tumor necrosis factor, can cause fever and leukocytosis. TNF is a cytokine that is released by immune cells in response to infection or inflammation. It plays a role in the body's immune response by promoting inflammation and activating immune cells. TNF can stimulate the production of other inflammatory mediators, such as prostaglandins and bradykinin, which can contribute to fever and leukocytosis. Therefore, TNF is the correct answer as it is a mediator that can cause these symptoms.
Mekanisme yang menjelaskan awal proses jejas ireversibel pada sel-sel adalah
Correct Answer
C. Akumulasi ROS intrasel
The correct answer is "Akumulasi ROS intrasel". ROS stands for Reactive Oxygen Species, which are highly reactive molecules containing oxygen that can cause damage to cellular components such as DNA, proteins, and lipids. When ROS accumulate within cells, it can lead to oxidative stress and ultimately result in irreversible cell damage. This can contribute to various diseases and aging processes. Therefore, the accumulation of ROS intracellularly can explain the initial process of irreversible cell damage.
Erythema pada radang akut disebabkan oleh :
Correct Answer
B. Dilatasi vaskuler
Erythema pada radang akut disebabkan oleh dilatasi vaskuler. Ketika terjadi radang akut, pembuluh darah di area tersebut melebar atau mengalami vasodilatasi. Hal ini terjadi sebagai respons tubuh terhadap peradangan untuk meningkatkan aliran darah ke area yang terkena. Vasodilatasi ini menyebabkan peningkatan aliran darah ke area tersebut, yang pada gilirannya menyebabkan kemerahan atau erythema.
Cairan yang keluar dari vaskular ke interstitiel karena perubahan permeabilitas disebut :
Correct Answer
D. Eksudat
Cairan yang keluar dari vaskular ke interstitiel karena perubahan permeabilitas disebut eksudat.
Opsonisasi pada proses phagocytosis adalah
Correct Answer
E. Penggabungan antigen dengan Immunoglobulin atau Komplemen C3b
Opsonisasi adalah proses di mana antigen (misalnya bakteri) diubah menjadi lebih mudah dienfeksi oleh sel-sel fagositik seperti makrofag. Dalam proses ini, antigen bergabung dengan imunoglobulin atau komplemen C3b, yang membantu memperkuat ikatan antara antigen dan sel fagositik. Hal ini memfasilitasi proses phagocytosis, di mana sel fagositik seperti makrofag akan menelan dan mencerna antigen yang telah diopsonisasi. Oleh karena itu, penggabungan antigen dengan imunoglobulin atau komplemen C3b adalah jawaban yang tepat.
Inflamasi purulen atau radang suppuratif disebabkan oleh
Correct Answer
B. Bakteri pyogenik
Purulent inflammation, also known as suppurative inflammation, is characterized by the presence of pus, which is composed of dead white blood cells, bacteria, and tissue debris. This type of inflammation is typically caused by bacterial infections, particularly pyogenic bacteria that have the ability to induce the formation of pus. Other factors such as physical trauma or fungal infections may also cause inflammation, but in this case, the correct answer is specifically referring to bacterial pyogenic infections as the cause of purulent inflammation.
Wanita 48 tahun menderita kanker payudara. Pasien menjalani kemoterapi dengan hasil mengecilnya ukuran tumor melalui fragmentasi nukleus dan sitoplasma sel-sel tumor secara individual.Proses yang menjelaskan peristiwa di atas adalah?
Correct Answer
E. Apoptosis
The given scenario describes a 48-year-old woman with breast cancer who undergoes chemotherapy. The chemotherapy treatment results in the reduction of tumor size through the fragmentation of the nucleus and cytoplasm of individual tumor cells. This process is known as apoptosis, which is a programmed cell death mechanism. Apoptosis is a natural process that occurs in multicellular organisms to eliminate damaged or unnecessary cells. It is characterized by cell shrinkage, DNA fragmentation, and the formation of apoptotic bodies. Therefore, the correct answer is apoptosis.
Laki-laki 53 tahun mengalami nyeri dada selama 6 jam terakhir. Hasil lab menunjukkan serum troponin I 10 ng/mL. Angiogram dari arteri koronaria menunjukkan adanya 90% blokade. Jejas irreversible yang paling mungkin terjadi pada sel otot jantung yang mengalami hypoxia dan ischemia pada kasus ini adalah?
Correct Answer
D. Nukleus mengalami karyorrhexis
The most likely irreversible damage that occurs in cardiac muscle cells experiencing hypoxia and ischemia in this case is the nucleus undergoing karyorrhexis. Karyorrhexis refers to the fragmentation of the nucleus, which is a characteristic feature of cell death. In this case, the severe blockage in the coronary artery has led to inadequate oxygen and nutrient supply to the cardiac muscle cells, resulting in hypoxia and ischemia. This lack of oxygen and nutrients causes cellular injury and ultimately leads to the fragmentation of the nucleus, indicating irreversible damage.
Emigrasi aktif dari sel radang akut (neutrofil) menuju tempat stimulus radang disebabkan adanya kemotaktik faktor yaitu
Correct Answer
C. Komplemen Faktor C5a dan C3a
The correct answer is "Komplemen Faktor C5a dan C3a". The complement system is a part of the immune system that helps to enhance the inflammatory response. C5a and C3a are chemotactic factors produced during inflammation that attract neutrophils to the site of inflammation. Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell that is involved in the acute inflammatory response. Therefore, the active emigration of neutrophils from the inflamed tissue towards the site of inflammation is caused by the presence of complement factors C5a and C3a.
Amir 12 tahun didiagnosis dokter mengalami marasmus karena kekurangan asupan protein dalam makanan sehariharinya. Bentuk adaptasi yang terjadi pada sel-sel otot Amir yang paling mungkin adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. Pengerutan nukleus karena proses denaturasi sel otot
The most likely form of adaptation that occurs in Amir's muscle cells due to protein deficiency is the shrinking of the nucleus due to denaturation of muscle cells.
Contoh penyakit yang memiliki gambaran radang kronik granulomatik
Correct Answer
B. Leprosy
Leprosy is a chronic granulomatous disease that affects the skin, nerves, and mucous membranes. It is caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium leprae. The disease presents with characteristic granulomas, which are collections of immune cells that form in response to the infection. These granulomas can cause damage to the affected tissues and lead to the symptoms of leprosy, such as skin lesions, nerve damage, and deformities. Therefore, leprosy is the correct answer as it is a disease that exhibits the characteristic features of chronic granulomatous inflammation.
Setelah mengalami jejas kontinyu berupa paparan asap kendaraan bermotor, karyawan bengkel sepeda motor mengalami batuk kronis yang disebabkan karena perubahan bentuk sel epitel bronkus sebagai bentuk adaptasi sel.
Bentuk adaptasi yang terjadi pada bronkus yang dimaksud adalah
Correct Answer
D. Metaplasia
The correct answer is metaplasia. Metaplasia refers to the reversible change in which one adult cell type is replaced by another adult cell type. In this case, the continuous exposure to vehicle exhaust fumes has caused the epithelial cells of the bronchus to undergo metaplasia, changing their shape and adapting to the new environment. This change in cell type is a protective mechanism in response to the harmful effects of the fumes.
Agen yang menyebabkan timbulnya injury (jejas) pada jaringan atau sel dalam kontek ilmu Patologi disebut:
Correct Answer
A. Etiology
Etiology refers to the study of the causes or origins of diseases or injuries. In the context of pathology, it specifically focuses on identifying the agents or factors that lead to the development of injury or damage in tissues or cells. It helps in understanding the underlying mechanisms and risk factors associated with a particular condition, which can then guide the development of preventive measures or targeted treatments.
Pada mikroskopik abscess ovarii terdapat granuloma
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement is false because abscess ovarii refers to an abscess or collection of pus in the ovary, while granuloma refers to a mass of immune cells. Therefore, it is not accurate to say that granuloma is present in abscess ovarii.
Pada Lymphadenitis Tuberculosa terdapat foreign body giant cell
Correct Answer
B. False
In Lymphadenitis Tuberculosa, there is no presence of foreign body giant cells.
Appendix yang mengalami radang akut akan tampak berlumen sempit dengan dinding fibrotic
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement is false. When the appendix experiences acute inflammation, it will appear with a narrow lumen and fibrotic wall.
Pada hydrosalphinx terdapat atrophy rugae tubae karena tekanan cairan
Correct Answer
A. True
Pada hydrosalphinx, terdapat atrophy rugae tubae karena tekanan cairan. Ini berarti bahwa ada penurunan atau kehilangan lipatan-lipatan pada saluran tuba falopi karena tekanan cairan yang berlebihan. Penyebab umum dari hydrosalphinx adalah infeksi saluran reproduksi yang tidak diobati, seperti penyakit radang panggul. Tekanan cairan yang meningkat dapat menyebabkan kerusakan dan perubahan struktural pada tuba falopi, termasuk atrofi rugae tubae. Oleh karena itu, pernyataan bahwa pada hydrosalphinx terdapat atrophy rugae tubae karena tekanan cairan adalah benar.
Pada lymphadenitis TBC terdapat nekrosis koagulasi
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement is false. In lymphadenitis TBC (Tuberculosis), there is no presence of coagulation necrosis. Coagulation necrosis is a type of cell death characterized by the denaturation of proteins and the formation of a firm, dry, and pale tissue. In tuberculosis lymphadenitis, the lymph nodes typically show caseous necrosis, which is a type of necrosis characterized by a cheesy, friable, and granular appearance. Therefore, the correct answer is false.
Pada appendicitis chronis terdapat lympholicle prominent
Correct Answer
A. True
In chronic appendicitis, there is a prominent presence of lymph follicles. This indicates that there is inflammation and infection in the appendix, which is a characteristic feature of chronic appendicitis.
Jaringan granulasi terdiri dari neovaskularisasi, proliferasi fibroblast, dan sel datia Langhans
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement is false because the correct answer should be "True". The correct answer states that the granulation tissue consists of neovascularization, fibroblast proliferation, and Langhans cells.
Soft tubercle terdiri dari nekrosis kaseosa, sel epitheloid, sel datia Langhans dan limfosit
Correct Answer
A. True
Soft tubercle terdiri dari nekrosis kaseosa, sel epitheloid, sel datia Langhans, dan limfosit. This statement is true because soft tubercle is a characteristic feature of tuberculosis infection. Soft tubercle refers to a granuloma that contains caseous necrosis, epithelioid cells, Langhans giant cells, and lymphocytes. These components are commonly seen in tuberculosis infection and are indicative of an immune response to the Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria.
Pada hyperplasia endometrium kelenjar dilatasi irregular, dilapisi ≥ 2 lapis sel epithel columnar
Correct Answer
A. True
In hyperplasia endometrium, the glands are irregularly dilated and are lined by at least two layers of columnar epithelial cells. This suggests that the statement "Pada hyperplasia endometrium kelenjar dilatasi irregular, dilapisi ≥ 2 lapis sel epithel columnar" is true.
Dinding abscess terdiri dari 4 lapisan. Bagian terluar adalah jaringan fibrosis.
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement is false because the outer layer of a wall abscess is not fibrous tissue. The correct answer is false.