Membrana celulară:
Correct Answer
A. Delimitează citoplasma
The correct answer is "delimitează citoplasma". The cell membrane acts as a barrier, separating the cytoplasm from the external environment. It controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell, maintaining the integrity of the cytoplasm. It is present in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, serving the same function of enclosing the cytoplasm. The statement that it contains cellulose is incorrect, as cellulose is a component of the cell wall, not the cell membrane.
Organitele celulare cu membrană dublă sunt:
Correct Answer
B. Mitocondriile
Mitochondria are cellular organelles with a double membrane. They are responsible for producing energy in the form of ATP through cellular respiration. The double membrane of mitochondria allows for compartmentalization and efficient functioning of the organelle. The inner membrane is highly folded, forming structures called cristae, which increase the surface area for ATP synthesis. The presence of a double membrane distinguishes mitochondria from other cellular organelles, such as ribosomes or vacuoles, which have a single membrane or no membrane at all. Therefore, mitochondria are the correct answer in this case.
ADN se găseşte în:
Correct Answer
B. Mitocondrii
ADN se găsește în mitocondrii. Mitocondriile sunt organele celulare responsabile pentru producerea de energie prin respirația celulară. Acestea au propriul lor ADN, numit ADN mitocondrial, care este separat de ADN-ul nuclear găsit în nucleul celulei. ADN-ul mitocondrial este transmis doar de la mamă la copii și este implicat în reglarea funcționării mitocondriilor și în producerea de proteine necesare pentru funcționarea lor corectă.
Correct Answer
A. Conţin ARN şi proteine
The correct answer is "conţin ARN şi proteine". This is because ribosomes are composed of both RNA (ribonucleic acid) and proteins. Ribosomes are responsible for protein synthesis in the cell and can be found either free in the cytoplasm or attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum. They are not called lysosomes, which are organelles involved in cellular digestion, and they do not have a double membrane.
Constituent celular specific celulei vegetale este:
Correct Answer
C. Peretele celular
The correct answer is "peretele celular" (the cell wall). The cell wall is a rigid structure that surrounds the cell membrane in plant cells. It provides support and protection to the cell, helping to maintain its shape and prevent it from bursting under pressure. The cell wall is made up of cellulose and other polysaccharides, and it is unique to plant cells.
Correct Answer
B. Sunt sediul fotosintezei
Cloroplastele sunt organele celulare responsabile de fotosinteză, procesul prin care plantele produc energie chimică folosind lumina solară. Acestea conțin pigmenți, cum ar fi clorofila, care absorb lumina și o transformă în energie. Prin intermediul fotosintezei, cloroplastele produc glucoză și oxigen, esențiale pentru supraviețuirea plantelor. Prin urmare, afirmația conform căreia cloroplastele sunt sediul fotosintezei este corectă.
Constituentul celular cu rol în sinteza proteinelor este:
Correct Answer
D. Ribozomul
The correct answer is ribozomul. Ribosomes are cellular structures responsible for protein synthesis. They are composed of RNA and proteins and are found in the cytoplasm of cells. Ribosomes read the genetic information in messenger RNA (mRNA) and use it to assemble amino acids into proteins. Therefore, ribosomes play a crucial role in protein synthesis within cells.
Membrana celulelor animale conţine:
Correct Answer
C. Fosfolipide şi proteine
The correct answer is "fosfolipide şi proteine". The cell membrane of animal cells is composed of a phospholipid bilayer, which forms a barrier that separates the inside of the cell from its external environment. The phospholipids have hydrophilic heads and hydrophobic tails, allowing them to arrange themselves in a way that creates a stable membrane. Proteins are also embedded within the phospholipid bilayer, serving various functions such as transport of molecules, cell signaling, and structural support. Together, the phospholipids and proteins make up the main components of the cell membrane in animal cells.
Centrul celular (centrozomul):
Correct Answer
C. Se situează în apropierea nucleului
The correct answer is "se situează în apropierea nucleului." This means that the centrosome is located near the nucleus.
Centrul celular (centrozomul):
Correct Answer
A. Conţine 1-2 corpusculi numiţi centrioli
The correct answer is "conţine 1-2 corpusculi numiţi centrioli." This is because the centriole is a small structure found in the centrosome, which is also known as the cellular center. The centrosome is not present in nerve cells and is located outside the nucleus. It is not referred to as centromer.
Plastidele sunt organite celulare întâlnite la:
Correct Answer
C. Monocotiledonate
Plastidele sunt organite celulare întâlnite la monocotiledonate. Acestea sunt plante cu flori care se caracterizează prin prezența unui singur cotiledon în embrionul lor. Plastidele sunt responsabile pentru fotosinteză și conțin pigmenți verzi numiți cloroplaste. Prin urmare, plastidele sunt prezente în celulele plantelor monocotiledonate pentru a permite producerea de energie prin fotosinteză.
Tonoplastul delimitează:
Correct Answer
D. Vacuola
The correct answer is "vacuola" because the tonoplast is a membrane that surrounds and encloses the vacuole in plant cells. The vacuole is a large, fluid-filled organelle that stores water, nutrients, and waste products. The tonoplast helps to maintain the integrity and function of the vacuole by regulating the movement of molecules in and out of the vacuolar space. Therefore, the tonoplast plays a crucial role in defining and separating the vacuole from the rest of the cell components.
George Emil Palade a descoperit:
Correct Answer
C. Ribozomii
George Emil Palade discovered ribosomes.
Correct Answer
C. Stochează energia în molecule de ATP
Mitocondriile stochează energia în molecule de ATP. Aceasta este una dintre principalele funcții ale mitocondriilor. ATP (adenozin trifosfat) este o moleculă care conține energia necesară pentru activitățile celulare. Mitocondriile produc ATP prin procesul de respirație celulară, în care substanțele nutritive sunt descompuse și energia este eliberată. ATP este apoi utilizat în diferite procese celulare, cum ar fi sinteza proteinelor, contracția musculară sau transportul de substanțe în celule.
Leucoplastele au rol în:
Correct Answer
D. Depozitare
Leucoplastele au rol în depozitare. Leucoplastele sunt organite celulare prezente în celulele vegetale, care sunt responsabile de stocarea substanțelor nutritive, cum ar fi amidonul, uleiurile și proteinele. Acestea se găsesc în special în celulele semințelor, rădăcinilor și tuberculilor, unde asigură rezervele de substanțe necesare pentru germinare, creștere și supraviețuire. Prin urmare, leucoplastele sunt implicate în procesul de depozitare a substanțelor nutritive în celulele vegetale.
Lizozomii conţin:
Correct Answer
D. Enzime
Lizozomii sunt organite celulare care conțin enzime. Aceste enzime sunt responsabile de degradarea și reciclarea materialelor celulare, precum și de distrugerea bacteriilor și a altor particule străine. Prin urmare, prezența enzimelor în lizozomi este esențială pentru funcționarea corectă a acestor organite și pentru menținerea homeostaziei celulare.
Correct Answer
B. Are rol în sinteza proteinelor
The correct answer is "has a role in protein synthesis." The ribosome is responsible for the synthesis of proteins in the cell. It acts as a site where amino acids are assembled into polypeptide chains according to the instructions provided by the messenger RNA (mRNA). Ribosomes are found in the cytoplasm of the cell and can also be attached to the endoplasmic reticulum, where they synthesize proteins that are destined to be secreted or inserted into the cell membrane.
Correct Answer
C. Prezintă stromă şi grane
The correct answer is "prezintă stromă şi grane". This statement explains that chloroplasts have stroma and grana. Stroma is the fluid-filled space inside the chloroplast where various metabolic reactions occur, while grana are stacks of thylakoid membranes where chlorophyll molecules are located and where the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis take place. This distinguishes chloroplasts from other organelles and highlights their role in photosynthesis.
Tipuri funcţionale de proteine din membrana celulară:
Correct Answer
A. Enzime, canale şi receptori
The correct answer is enzymes, channels, and receptors. This is because enzymes play a crucial role in catalyzing various chemical reactions in the cell membrane. Channels are responsible for the transport of ions and molecules across the membrane, while receptors are involved in signal transduction and cellular communication. Actin and myosin are contractile proteins found in muscle cells, nucleoproteins are involved in DNA packaging, and myoglobin and hemoglobin are oxygen-binding proteins found in muscle and blood cells, respectively. Therefore, only the proteins mentioned in the correct answer are directly related to the functional roles of the cell membrane.
Correct Answer
B. Conţine acizi nucleici
The correct answer is "conţine acizi nucleici." This is because the nucleolus is a structure within the nucleus of a cell that is involved in the production and assembly of ribosomes. It contains DNA, RNA, and proteins, including ribosomal RNA (rRNA) which is essential for the synthesis of ribosomes. Therefore, it can be said that the nucleolus contains nucleic acids.
Lipidele din membrana celulară:
Correct Answer
A. Se distribuie în două straturi in care sunt înglobate proteine
The lipids in the cell membrane are distributed in two layers, also known as bilayers, in which proteins are embedded. This arrangement forms a trilaminar structure with a hydrophilic interior. The hydrophilic parts of the lipids form the middle layer, while the hydrophobic parts are oriented towards the exterior of the membrane.
Sunt organite celulare autodivizibile:
Correct Answer
C. Mitocondriile
Mitochondria are cellular organelles that are capable of undergoing self-division. They have their own DNA and can replicate independently within the cell. Mitochondria are responsible for generating energy in the form of ATP through cellular respiration. Their ability to divide is essential for maintaining a sufficient number of mitochondria in cells, as well as for ensuring the proper functioning of cellular processes that rely on energy production. Therefore, mitochondria fit the description of being cellular organelles that are capable of self-division.
Correct Answer
B. Au rol în biogeneza ribozomilor
The correct answer is "au rol în biogeneza ribozomilor" which translates to "have a role in ribosome biogenesis". The nucleoli are involved in the production and assembly of ribosomes, which are essential for protein synthesis. They contain the genes and proteins necessary for ribosome formation and play a crucial role in the synthesis of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and the assembly of ribosomal subunits. Therefore, the statement that nucleoli have a role in ribosome biogenesis is accurate.
Peretele celular:
Correct Answer
D. Cuprinde celuloză în cazul celulelor vegetale
The correct answer is "cuprinde celuloză în cazul celulelor vegetale". This is because the cell wall in plant cells is composed of cellulose, which provides structural support and rigidity to the cell. Chitin is not present in prokaryotes, and it does not contribute to the hardness of bone tissue. The fluid mosaic model refers to the arrangement of molecules in the cell membrane, not the cell wall.
Sunt organite celulare autodivizibile:
Correct Answer
C. Cloroplastele
Cloroplastele sunt organite celulare autodivizibile deoarece au capacitatea de a se multiplica prin diviziune celulară. Aceste organite se găsesc în celulele plantelor și algelor și sunt responsabile de fotosinteză, procesul prin care energia solară este convertită în energie chimică. Diviziunea celulară este esențială pentru reproducerea și creșterea organismelor, iar cloroplastele pot suferi diviziune pentru a se asigura că fiecare celulă fiică primește o cantitate adecvată de cloroplaste.
Sinteza proteică are loc la nivelul:
Correct Answer
D. Ribozomilor
Protein synthesis occurs at the level of ribosomes. Ribosomes are the cellular organelles responsible for the translation of mRNA into proteins. They are composed of RNA molecules and proteins and can be found either freely floating in the cytoplasm or attached to the endoplasmic reticulum. Ribosomes play a crucial role in the process of protein synthesis by decoding the genetic information carried by mRNA and assembling amino acids into polypeptide chains. Therefore, the correct answer is ribosomes.
Organitul celular care conţine doi centrioli este:
Correct Answer
C. Centrozomul
The correct answer is centrozomul because it is the cellular organelle that contains two centrioles. Centrioles are cylindrical structures involved in cell division and play a crucial role in the formation of the mitotic spindle during cell division. They are found in pairs within the centrozome, which acts as the main microtubule organizing center of the cell. Therefore, centrozomul is the organelle that fits the description given in the question.
Componentă structurală a celulei vegetale, absentă la celula animală este:
Correct Answer
A. Peretele celular
The correct answer is "peretele celular" (cell wall). The cell wall is a structural component found in plant cells that provides support and protection. It is made up of cellulose and is absent in animal cells. The cell wall helps maintain the shape of the cell and prevents it from bursting under pressure. It also acts as a barrier against pathogens and provides rigidity to the plant. Animal cells, on the other hand, have a flexible cell membrane but lack a cell wall.
În celula vegetală, rol în depozitarea amidonului au:
Correct Answer
D. Leucoplastele
Leucoplastele sunt organite specializate în celulele vegetale care sunt responsabile de sinteza și depozitarea amidonului. Acestea sunt prezente în țesuturile vegetale care au nevoie de rezerve energetice, cum ar fi semințele și tuberculii. Rolul lor principal este de a converti glucoza în amidon și de a-l stoca pentru a fi utilizat ulterior în metabolismul celular. Mitocondriile, dictiozomii și lizozomii au alte funcții în celula vegetală și nu sunt implicate în depozitarea amidonului.
Enzime hidrolitice se găsesc în:
Correct Answer
A. Lizozomi
Enzimele hidrolitice sunt enzime care ajută la descompunerea substanțelor chimice prin hidroliză. Acestea se găsesc în lizozomi, care sunt organite prezente în celulele animale și vegetale. Lizozomii conțin enzime hidrolitice care ajută la digestia și reciclarea materialelor celulare, precum și la distrugerea bacteriilor și a altor organisme străine. Prin urmare, enzimele hidrolitice se găsesc în lizozomi.
Centrozomul are rol în:
Correct Answer
B. Formarea fusului de diviziune
The correct answer is "formarea fusului de diviziune." The centrosome plays a crucial role in cell division by organizing and forming the spindle fibers, which are essential for separating the duplicated chromosomes during mitosis or meiosis. The centrosome contains a pair of centrioles and acts as the main microtubule organizing center in animal cells. It helps in the proper alignment and segregation of chromosomes, ensuring the accurate distribution of genetic material to daughter cells.
Lizozomii au rol în:
Correct Answer
A. Digestia intracelulară
Lysosomes play a role in intracellular digestion. They contain enzymes that break down large molecules, such as proteins and carbohydrates, into smaller components that can be used by the cell. This process is important for recycling cellular components, as well as for digesting materials taken up by the cell through endocytosis. Lysosomes fuse with the vesicles containing the ingested material, releasing their enzymes to break it down. The resulting smaller molecules can then be transported to other parts of the cell for further use or excreted.
Reticulul endoplasmic neted:
Correct Answer
D. Transportul intracelular
The correct answer is "transportul intracelular". The endoplasmic reticulum is involved in the transport of proteins and other molecules within the cell. It acts as a network of interconnected membranes that extends throughout the cytoplasm, allowing for the movement of substances from one part of the cell to another. This transportation process is essential for various cellular functions, such as delivering proteins to their correct destinations and facilitating the movement of lipids and other molecules.
Correct Answer
A. Au rol secretor
The given options describe different roles of Dictiozomii. The correct answer is "au rol secretor" which means they have a secretory role. This implies that Dictiozomii are involved in the secretion of substances or molecules.
Sunt constituenţi specifici plantelor:
Correct Answer
A. Plastide, vacuole, perete celular
Plastids, vacuoles, and cell walls are specific constituents of plants. Plastids are organelles found in plant cells that are responsible for various functions such as photosynthesis and storage of pigments. Vacuoles are large membrane-bound sacs filled with fluid that play a role in maintaining the cell's shape, storing water and nutrients, and regulating the cell's internal environment. Cell walls are rigid structures surrounding plant cells that provide support and protection. Therefore, the correct answer is plastide, vacuole, perete celular (plastids, vacuoles, cell walls).
Correct Answer
B. Conţine nucleoplasmă cu acizi nucleici
The correct answer is "conţine nucleoplasmă cu acizi nucleici". This is because the nucleoplasm is the fluid inside the nucleus of a cell, and it contains the genetic material of the cell, which is made up of nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA. The other options are incorrect because they either do not accurately describe the nucleus or are not specific to plant cells.
Nucleul este sediul celular al:
Correct Answer
D. Eredităţii nucleare
The correct answer is "eredităţii nucleare". The nucleus is the cellular headquarters for genetic information, which is passed down from one generation to the next. It contains DNA, the molecule that carries the instructions for building and maintaining an organism. Through processes such as DNA replication and gene expression, the nucleus ensures that the genetic information is faithfully transmitted and utilized by the cell. Therefore, the nucleus is responsible for the inheritance of genetic traits, making it the site of nuclear heredity.