The Planting Of English America Chapter 2

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The Planting Of English America Chapter 2 - Quiz

The planting of english america

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Which 3 countries occupied areas in North America by 1610?

    • A.

      Spain, France, England

    • B.

      Spain, England, Portugal

    • C.

      England, France, New Netherlands

    Correct Answer
    A. Spain, France, England
    By 1610, Spain, France, and England had occupied areas in North America. Spain had established colonies in present-day Florida, New Mexico, and California. France had established colonies in present-day Canada, including Quebec and Acadia. England had established colonies in present-day Virginia, Massachusetts, and Newfoundland. These European powers were motivated by various factors such as expanding their empires, seeking resources, and spreading their religious beliefs.

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  • 2. 

    What was the main reason for delaying of early England colonization efforts?

    • A.

      Overpopulation of colonies

    • B.

      Religious Conflict

    • C.

      No food supply

    Correct Answer
    B. Religious Conflict
    Religious conflict was the main reason for the delay in early England colonization efforts. This refers to the conflicts and tensions arising from religious differences, particularly between Protestants and Catholics. These conflicts created instability and hindered the progress of colonization as resources and attention were diverted towards religious disputes rather than focusing on establishing and expanding colonies.

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  • 3. 

    Who was Sir Francis Drake?

    • A.

      He attempted to plant the first English settlement in Newfoundland

    • B.

      An English privateer, backed by Queen Elizabeth who was partially responsible for making England wealthy

    • C.

      Establishes the colony of Roanoke in 1585 in North Caroline

    Correct Answer
    B. An English privateer, backed by Queen Elizabeth who was partially responsible for making England wealthy
    Sir Francis Drake was an English privateer who was backed by Queen Elizabeth. He played a significant role in making England wealthy through his expeditions and raids on Spanish ships and colonies. His success in capturing Spanish treasure ships and disrupting their trade routes greatly contributed to England's economic growth. Drake's exploits also earned him a reputation as a skilled navigator and a national hero in England.

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  • 4. 

    Who attempted to plant the first English settlement but dies at sea?

    • A.

      Sir Walter Raleigh

    • B.

      Sir Francis Drake

    • C.

      Sir Humphrey Gilbert

    Correct Answer
    C. Sir HumpHrey Gilbert
    Sir Humphrey Gilbert attempted to plant the first English settlement but died at sea.

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  • 5. 

    Sir Walter Raleigh establishes the colony of Roanoke in North Carolina and is still a city today.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. False
    The colony mysteriously disappears

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  • 6. 

    Who launched a naval attack on Protestant England that caused even more conflicts?

    • A.

      Phillip II of Spain

    • B.

      King James I

    • C.

      King Charles II

    Correct Answer
    A. pHillip II of Spain
    Phillip II of Spain launched a naval attack on Protestant England that caused even more conflicts. He was the king of Spain during the late 16th century and had a strong Catholic belief. He saw England as a Protestant threat and aimed to restore Catholicism in the country. In 1588, he sent the Spanish Armada, a fleet of ships, to invade England. However, the attack was unsuccessful and resulted in further conflicts between Spain and England.

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  • 7. 

    What is the enclosure movement?

    • A.

      A time of religious war in Ireland where catholic land was seized and given to Protestant landlords

    • B.

      Law granting the eldest son property rights to the fathers land

    • C.

      Landowners began building fences to keep livestock in and squatters out

    Correct Answer
    C. Landowners began building fences to keep livestock in and squatters out
    The enclosure movement refers to a historical period when landowners started constructing fences to enclose their land. This was done with the intention of keeping livestock inside the designated area and preventing squatters from occupying the land. This practice was prevalent in agricultural societies, particularly in England, during the 18th and 19th centuries. The enclosure movement had significant social and economic consequences, as it led to the consolidation of landholdings, the displacement of small farmers, and the transformation of agriculture.

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  • 8. 

    Primogeniture is the law granting the eldest son property rights to the fathers land

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    Primogeniture refers to the legal system where the eldest son inherits the property rights to the father's land. This means that the eldest son has the exclusive right to inherit and control the family's land, while other siblings are excluded from this inheritance. Therefore, the statement "primogeniture is the law granting the eldest son property rights to the father's land" is true.

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  • 9. 

    Who gave the Virginia Company a charter to establish a colony?

    • A.

      King Charles I

    • B.

      King James I

    • C.

      John Smith

    Correct Answer
    B. King James I
    King James I gave the Virginia Company a charter to establish a colony. This charter, known as the Virginia Charter of 1606, granted the company the right to settle and govern a colony in the New World. The charter provided the company with certain rights and privileges, including the authority to govern the colony and establish laws. King James I hoped that the establishment of a colony would increase England's wealth and power, as well as spread Christianity to the indigenous people of the region.

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  • 10. 

    What was the reason the Virginia Co. established a colony in the New World?

    • A.

      To make a place for more slave workers

    • B.

      To find a Northwest passage through it

    • C.

      To establish a trade route

    Correct Answer
    B. To find a Northwest passage through it
    The Virginia Company established a colony in the New World to find a Northwest passage through it. The Northwest passage was believed to be a direct route to Asia, which would have opened up new trade opportunities and increased profits for the company. The search for this passage was driven by the desire to find a quicker and more efficient trade route to compete with other European powers. By establishing a colony in the New World, the Virginia Company hoped to gain a strategic foothold and secure their position in the race for exploration and trade dominance.

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  • 11. 

    Why were colonists dying of disease and starvation in Jamestown?

    • A.

      The colonists were too busy looking for gold

    • B.

      The weather was bad and crops wouldn't grow

    • C.

      The diseases were getting passed from the natives to them

    Correct Answer
    A. The colonists were too busy looking for gold
    The colonists in Jamestown were too preoccupied with searching for gold, neglecting the necessary tasks for survival such as farming and securing food sources. This lack of focus on essential needs led to a shortage of food and resources, resulting in starvation and disease among the colonists.

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  • 12. 

    What did Captain John Smith say to try to make the colony successful?

    • A.

      "He who shall not work, shall not get paid"

    • B.

      "He who is strong cannot win without being wise"

    • C.

      "He who shall not work, shall not eat" "He who shall not work, shall not eat"

    Correct Answer
    C. "He who shall not work, shall not eat" "He who shall not work, shall not eat"
    Captain John Smith's statement "He who shall not work, shall not eat" suggests that in order for the colony to be successful, everyone must contribute and work. This implies that there is a need for individuals to actively participate and contribute their efforts towards the survival and prosperity of the colony. Smith's statement emphasizes the importance of hard work and productivity, implying that those who do not work should not expect to receive the benefits or rewards of the colony's resources and provisions.

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  • 13. 

    Why did Lord De La Warr come to Jamestown?

    • A.

      To make a profit

    • B.

      To establish order and institute military regime

    • C.

      To convert Indians to Catholicism

    Correct Answer
    B. To establish order and institute military regime
    Lord De La Warr came to Jamestown to establish order and institute a military regime. This suggests that there was likely a lack of order and authority in Jamestown that needed to be addressed. By implementing a military regime, Lord De La Warr aimed to bring discipline and control to the settlement. This would help ensure the safety and security of the colonists and protect their interests.

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  • 14. 

    How did the First Anglo Powhatan War begin?

    • A.

      Lord De La Warr declared war on the Indians due to orders from the VA. Co. so they began raiding their food supplies and burning the villages

    • B.

      One of the colonists killed the leader Powhatan and then the natives became furious

    • C.

      The natives declared a war so they can gain territory in England

    Correct Answer
    A. Lord De La Warr declared war on the Indians due to orders from the VA. Co. so they began raiding their food supplies and burning the villages
    Lord De La Warr declared war on the Indians due to orders from the VA. Co. This led to the colonists raiding the Indians' food supplies and burning their villages. This action by Lord De La Warr was a direct cause of the First Anglo Powhatan War.

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  • 15. 

    What did the peace treaty as a result of the Second Anglo Powhatan War state?

    • A.

      It stated that the Natives must work for the English to stay at their colonies

    • B.

      The land was divided between the Indians and the English

    • C.

      It banished the Indian tribes off of their settlements

    Correct Answer
    C. It banished the Indian tribes off of their settlements
    The correct answer states that the peace treaty as a result of the Second Anglo Powhatan War banished the Indian tribes off of their settlements. This means that the Native Americans were forced to leave their homes and were not allowed to continue living on their ancestral lands.

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  • 16. 

    Why is John Rolfe the savior of Jamestown?

    • A.

      He began rice cultivation which revolutionized agricultural practices

    • B.

      He began tobacco cultivation which required more and more land and starts the war with the Powhatan tribe

    • C.

      He's the first to find gold in Jamestown

    Correct Answer
    B. He began tobacco cultivation which required more and more land and starts the war with the Powhatan tribe
    John Rolfe is considered the savior of Jamestown because he introduced tobacco cultivation, which became a profitable cash crop for the colony. This cultivation required more land, leading to the expansion of Jamestown's territory. However, this expansion also led to conflicts with the Powhatan tribe, ultimately resulting in the start of a war. Despite the negative consequences, Rolfe's introduction of tobacco cultivation played a crucial role in the economic success and survival of Jamestown.

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  • 17. 

    A miniature Parliament is created in Jamestown, allowed by the VA. Co. What is it called?

    • A.

      The House of Legislatures

    • B.

      The Supreme Court of Justice

    • C.

      The House of Burgesses

    Correct Answer
    C. The House of Burgesses
    The correct answer is The House of Burgesses. The House of Burgesses was a miniature Parliament created in Jamestown and allowed by the Virginia Company. It was the first representative assembly in the American colonies and played a significant role in the development of self-government in the colonies.

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  • 18. 

    Who makes Jamestown a royal colony?

    • A.

      King Phillip II

    • B.

      King Charles I

    • C.

      King James I

    Correct Answer
    C. King James I
    King James I makes Jamestown a royal colony. This is because he granted a royal charter to the Virginia Company, which established the colony of Jamestown in 1607. As a royal colony, Jamestown was under the direct control and authority of the English monarch, with the king appointing a governor to oversee the colony. This allowed King James I to exert his influence and maintain control over the colony's affairs, ensuring that it served the interests of the crown.

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  • 19. 

    Who receives a charter to establish the colony of Maryland?

    • A.

      Lord De La Warr

    • B.

      Lord Baltimore

    • C.

      Oliver Cromwell

    Correct Answer
    B. Lord Baltimore
    Lord Baltimore received a charter to establish the colony of Maryland. A charter is a legal document that grants certain rights and privileges to an individual or group. In this case, Lord Baltimore was given permission by the English monarch to establish a colony in the area that is now known as Maryland. This charter granted Lord Baltimore the authority to govern the colony and establish laws and regulations. Lord Baltimore played a significant role in the founding and development of Maryland as a British colony.

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  • 20. 

    What is the reason for the establishment of Maryland?

    • A.

      To be used as a Catholic haven and hopes of financial gains

    • B.

      In hopes of gold

    • C.

      To allow religious freedom

    Correct Answer
    A. To be used as a Catholic haven and hopes of financial gains
    The reason for the establishment of Maryland was to create a safe haven for Catholics and to pursue financial gains. Maryland was founded as a refuge for Catholics who faced persecution in England and other Protestant colonies. Additionally, the colony's founders, Lord Baltimore and his family, hoped to profit from the cultivation of tobacco and other agricultural ventures. This combination of religious freedom and economic opportunities drove the establishment of Maryland.

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  • 21. 

    What kind of society does the founder of Maryland want in Maryland?

    • A.

      A feudal society

    • B.

      A democratic society

    • C.

      A communist society

    Correct Answer
    A. A feudal society
    The founder of Maryland wanted to establish a feudal society in Maryland. This means that he desired a social system where land and resources are controlled by a small group of nobles or landowners, who grant the use of land to others in exchange for loyalty and services. In a feudal society, there is a clear hierarchy with the nobles at the top, followed by vassals and peasants. This system was prevalent during the medieval period and was characterized by a lack of social mobility and a rigid class structure.

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  • 22. 

    Why was the Act of Toleration passed in Maryland?

    • A.

      People wouldn't agree to come to Maryland if they couldn't be Protestants

    • B.

      Many Catholics were converting to Protestantism

    • C.

      The number of Protestants was outnumbering the Catholics

    Correct Answer
    C. The number of Protestants was outnumbering the Catholics
    The Act of Toleration was passed in Maryland because the number of Protestants was outnumbering the Catholics. This suggests that in order to maintain religious harmony and attract settlers, the government of Maryland needed to ensure that both Protestants and Catholics were allowed to practice their faith without persecution or discrimination. By passing the Act of Toleration, the government aimed to protect the rights and freedoms of both religious groups, thereby encouraging people from different religious backgrounds to settle in Maryland.

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  • 23. 

    What allowed England to colonize islands in the West Indies?

    • A.

      They found a cheap route to get there

    • B.

      There was an internal conflict within Spain

    • C.

      England discovered it before anyone else has

    Correct Answer
    B. There was an internal conflict within Spain
    During the time of England's colonization of the West Indies, Spain, which had previously claimed the islands, was experiencing internal conflict. This internal conflict weakened Spain's control over its colonies, creating an opportunity for England to establish its own presence in the West Indies. With Spain's attention diverted and its resources stretched thin, England was able to take advantage of the situation and successfully colonize the islands.

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  • 24. 

    What was the rich mans crop in the Caribbean area?

    • A.

      Sugar Cane

    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    A. Sugar Cane
    Sugar cane was the rich man's crop in the Caribbean area because it was a highly profitable and valuable crop during that time. The Caribbean region had the perfect climate and soil conditions for growing sugar cane, making it a lucrative business for wealthy landowners. The production and export of sugar cane brought immense wealth to these rich individuals, allowing them to maintain their status and power in society.

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  • 25. 

    What gave masters complete control over their slaves?

    • A.

      The Barbados Slave Code

    • B.

      The First Amendment

    • C.

      The Mayflower Compact

    Correct Answer
    A. The Barbados Slave Code
    The Barbados Slave Code gave masters complete control over their slaves. This code, enacted in 1661, was a set of laws that regulated the treatment and control of slaves in the British colony of Barbados. It granted masters extensive powers, allowing them to treat slaves as property and exert complete control over their lives. The code established harsh punishments for slaves who disobeyed their masters, ensuring that masters had absolute authority and control over their enslaved individuals.

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  • 26. 

    Who dismisses Parliament and is beheaded by Oliver Cromwell?

    • A.

      James I

    • B.

      Charles II

    • C.

      Charles I

    Correct Answer
    C. Charles I
    Charles I is the correct answer because he was the king of England, Scotland, and Ireland from 1625 until his execution in 1649. He dismissed Parliament multiple times and his conflicts with Parliament eventually led to the English Civil War. Oliver Cromwell, a prominent military and political leader, led the Parliamentarian forces against Charles I and ultimately beheaded him in 1649.

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  • 27. 

    What becomes the major cash crop of South Carolina?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Sugar cane

    Correct Answer
    B. Rice
    Rice became the major cash crop of South Carolina. The climate and soil conditions in South Carolina were ideal for growing rice, which led to its widespread cultivation. The profitability of rice cultivation attracted many planters to the region, and it became a significant economic activity. The labor-intensive nature of rice cultivation also contributed to the establishment of a large enslaved population in South Carolina. The success of rice as a cash crop shaped the economy and society of South Carolina during this period.

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  • 28. 

    Carolina was very aristocratic

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    The given statement suggests that Carolina possessed aristocratic qualities or characteristics. This implies that she belonged to a higher social class, had refined manners, and possibly came from a wealthy or noble background. Therefore, the correct answer is "True" as it aligns with the statement provided.

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  • 29. 

    Where does Carolina begin importing the African Slaves from?

    • A.


    • B.

      South Africa

    • C.

      West Indies

    Correct Answer
    C. West Indies
    Carolina begins importing African slaves from the West Indies. The West Indies refers to the islands in the Caribbean Sea, which were colonized by various European powers. These islands became major hubs for the transatlantic slave trade, with enslaved Africans being brought to work on plantations and in other industries. Carolina, a British colony in North America, relied on the West Indies as a source of enslaved labor to support its growing agricultural economy, particularly in the cultivation of rice and indigo.

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  • 30. 

    Which city becomes a major sea port?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    A. Charleston
    Charleston becomes a major sea port because of its strategic location along the Atlantic coast. It is situated at the confluence of three rivers, making it an ideal location for trade and shipping. Additionally, Charleston has a natural deepwater harbor, allowing large ships to easily access the port. Over time, the city's port facilities and infrastructure have developed, attracting businesses and contributing to its growth as a major sea port.

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  • 31. 

    What kind of place does North Carolina become because of its humble foundations?

    • A.

      Very strict, harsh, military based

    • B.

      Very democratic and independent

    • C.

      Very aristocratic

    Correct Answer
    B. Very democratic and independent
    North Carolina becomes a very democratic and independent place because of its humble foundations. This suggests that the state values individual freedoms, equality, and self-governance. The term "humble foundations" implies that North Carolina started from modest beginnings and has developed a strong democratic and independent spirit over time. This could be attributed to the state's history of advocating for democratic principles and its commitment to upholding the rights and liberties of its residents.

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  • 32. 

    Who are squatters?

    • A.

      Another word for indentured servants

    • B.


    • C.

      Outcasts from VA who moved south into NC

    Correct Answer
    C. Outcasts from VA who moved south into NC
    Squatters are individuals who were outcasts from Virginia and relocated to North Carolina. They were not welcomed in Virginia and chose to move south to find new opportunities. Squatters typically settled on unoccupied or disputed land without legal ownership or permission. They established their own communities and often faced challenges from the government and landowners. This answer accurately describes the historical context and circumstances of squatters in North Carolina.

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  • 33. 

    Carolina stays in one colony but eventually becomes a royal colony

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. False
    Colony splits to 2 and then becomes a royal colony

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  • 34. 

    Why was Georgia created?

    • A.

      To grow more sugar cane and gain more land for slaves

    • B.

      To protect South Carolina from the Spanish and the French

    • C.

      To find gold

    Correct Answer
    B. To protect South Carolina from the Spanish and the French
    Georgia was created as a buffer colony to protect South Carolina from the Spanish and the French. The British government wanted to establish a colony that would act as a barrier between its valuable colony of South Carolina and the Spanish-controlled territory in Florida. By creating Georgia, the British hoped to prevent any potential attacks from the Spanish and the French, ensuring the safety and security of South Carolina. This strategic decision was driven by the need to safeguard British interests in the region and maintain control over the valuable resources and trade routes in the area.

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  • 35. 

    Philanthropists were vital for success in Georgia

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    Philanthropists, who are individuals or organizations that donate money, resources, or time to support charitable causes, played a crucial role in the success of Georgia. Their contributions helped fund various initiatives and projects that aimed to improve the state's economy, education system, healthcare, and overall well-being of its residents. Without the support of philanthropists, it would have been challenging for Georgia to achieve its goals and make significant progress in various areas.

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  • 36. 

    What kind of place did Georgia provide in the New world?

    • A.

      A debtors haven

    • B.

      A protestant haven

    • C.

      A catholic haven

    Correct Answer
    A. A debtors haven
    Georgia provided a haven for debtors in the New world. This means that it was a place where people who owed money could go to escape their debts and start fresh. The establishment of Georgia as a colony was intended to provide a second chance for individuals burdened by debt and give them an opportunity to rebuild their lives. This was a unique aspect of Georgia compared to other colonies in the New world, which were primarily founded for economic or religious reasons.

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  • 37. 

    Protestant Dominance came to success with the succession of who to the throne:

    • A.

      Queen Elizabeth the I

    • B.

      King James I

    • C.

      King Henry the VIII

    Correct Answer
    A. Queen Elizabeth the I
    Queen Elizabeth I's succession to the throne led to the success of Protestant Dominance. During her reign, Elizabeth implemented policies that favored the Protestant Church and established England as a Protestant nation. She repealed laws that supported Catholicism, restored Protestant worship, and established the Church of England as the official state religion. Elizabeth's reign also saw the defeat of the Spanish Armada, which further solidified England's Protestant identity and dominance. Therefore, Queen Elizabeth I's succession to the throne was a pivotal moment in the rise of Protestantism in England.

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