Koji od sledecih iskaza o klaud skladistima podataka su tacni (oznaciti 2 tacna odgovora):
Correct Answer(s)
B. Zastita i replikovanje podataka je jedno od prednosti NAS skladista
D. DAS skladiste se direktno povezuje na uredjaj, bez koriscenja racunarske mreze
The correct answer is "Zastita i replikovanje podataka je jedno od prednosti NAS skladista" and "DAS skladiste se direktno povezuje na uredjaj, bez koriscenja racunarske mreze". The first statement states that data protection and replication is one of the advantages of NAS storage. NAS (Network Attached Storage) allows for centralized data storage and can provide data protection mechanisms such as RAID and backup solutions. The second statement states that DAS (Direct Attached Storage) is directly connected to the device without using a computer network. DAS storage is typically connected via USB, SATA, or other direct interfaces.
Redosled RAID implementacija po brzini (od najsporijeg do najbrzeg) je:
Correct Answer
The correct answer is RAID 1, RAID 5, RAID 0. This is because RAID 1 (mirroring) offers the slowest speed as it requires writing data to two drives simultaneously. RAID 5 (striping with parity) offers better speed as it distributes data and parity information across multiple drives. RAID 0 (striping without parity) offers the fastest speed as it splits data across multiple drives without any redundancy. Therefore, the correct order of RAID implementations from slowest to fastest is RAID 1, RAID 5, RAID 0.
Razlike izmedju RAID 0 i RAID 5 ogledaju se u sledecem (oznaciti 2 tacna odgovora):
Correct Answer(s)
C. RAID 5 zahteva povezivanje minimum tri ili vise fizickih diskova, dok dok je za konfigurisanje RAID 0 nivoa potrebno minimum dva diska
D. RAID 5 koristi parnost (eng. parity) u cilju postizanja otpornosti od otkaza
RAID 5 requires a minimum of three or more physical disks, while RAID 0 only requires a minimum of two disks. Additionally, RAID 5 uses parity to achieve fault tolerance, while RAID 0 does not.
Koji slojevi ISO/OSI referentnog modela odgovaraju aplikativnom sloju TCP/IP modela (oznaciti vise tacnih odgovora):
Correct Answer(s)
A. Aplikativni sloj
B. Sloj sesije
G. Sloj prezentacije
The correct answer is Aplikativni sloj, Sloj sesije, Sloj prezentacije. These layers correspond to the application layer, session layer, and presentation layer in the TCP/IP model. The application layer is responsible for providing network services to user applications, the session layer manages communication sessions between applications, and the presentation layer handles data formatting and encryption.
Ako se RAID 5 kreira od 5 diskova, gde je svaki disk kapaciteta 100 GB, efektivni skladisni prostor bice:
Correct Answer
B. 400 GB
When creating a RAID 5 with 5 disks, each with a capacity of 100 GB, the effective storage space will be 400 GB. In RAID 5, one disk is used for parity, which allows for data recovery in case of a disk failure. Therefore, the usable storage space is equal to the sum of the capacities of all the disks minus one disk for parity, resulting in 400 GB.
Sloj klaud skladista koji se uglavnom koristi za kreiranje rezervnih kopija drugih slojeva u literaturi se cesto naziva:
Correct Answer
E. Treci sloj
The correct answer is "Treci sloj" because it is commonly used as a backup layer for other layers in literature.
Servisi za automatizaciju su klijenti dostupni u formi (oznaciti 2 tacna odgovora):
Correct Answer(s)
E. API-ja
F. CLI-ja
The correct answer is API-ja and CLI-ja. These are two forms in which automation services are available to clients. API stands for Application Programming Interface, which allows different software applications to communicate with each other. CLI stands for Command Line Interface, which allows users to interact with a computer program or operating system by typing commands into a text-based interface. Both API and CLI provide ways for clients to automate tasks and access services programmatically.
Koji od sledecih iskaza o klaud skladistima podataka NISU tacni (oznaciti 2 tacna odgovora):
Correct Answer(s)
B. U objektnim implementacijama skladista, podaci (na primer fajlovi) se uparuju sa podacima aplikacija koje ta skladista koriste, i na taj nacin se kreiraju skladisni objekti (eng. storage object)
D. Kao jedna od prednosti NAS skladista navodi se balans podataka
The given answer states that in object-based implementations of storage, data (such as files) are matched with the data of the applications that use that storage, creating storage objects. This statement is incorrect because in object-based storage, data is organized and accessed based on unique identifiers rather than being paired with application data. Additionally, the answer mentions that one of the advantages of NAS storage is data balancing, which is also incorrect. NAS storage does not typically involve data balancing, as it is a file-level storage system.
Za oznacavanje glavnih funkcija alata za upravljnje klaud mrazom koristi se akronim:
Correct Answer
The correct answer is FCAPS. FCAPS is an acronym used to denote the main functions of cloud frost management tools. Each letter in FCAPS represents a different function: F stands for Fault management, C stands for Configuration management, A stands for Accounting management, P stands for Performance management, and S stands for Security management. These functions are crucial for effectively managing and maintaining cloud frost systems.
Klasicne VLAN mreze su mobilne:
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "NETACNO" which means "FALSE" in English. This suggests that classical VLAN networks are not mobile. VLANs (Virtual Local Area Networks) are used to logically divide a single physical network into multiple virtual networks. However, VLANs are not inherently mobile as they are typically configured on switches and do not move with devices or users. To provide mobility in a network, additional technologies such as VLAN tagging or dynamic VLAN assignment may be used.
Kada se koristi tehnologija prekoracenja skladista potrebno je voditi racuna kako ne bi doslo do:
Correct Answer
D. Izgladnjivanja virtuelnih masina
When using storage overcommitment technology, it is important to take care to avoid virtual machine starvation. This means ensuring that there is enough resources allocated to the virtual machines so that they do not run out of necessary resources and become starved.
Tehnologija dupleksiranja diskova je tolerantnija na otkaze od tehnologije preslikavanja diskova:
Correct Answer
The given statement is in Serbian and it translates to "Disk duplexing technology is more tolerant to failures than disk mirroring technology." The correct answer is "TACNO" which means "TRUE." This means that the statement is true and disk duplexing technology is indeed more tolerant to failures compared to disk mirroring technology.
U literaturi se najcesce navode dva nacina replikacije podataka:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Asinhrona replikacija
B. Sinhrona replikacija
The correct answer is Asinhrona replikacija, Sinhrona replikacija. These two methods of data replication are commonly mentioned in literature. Asinhrona replikacija refers to the asynchronous replication of data, where changes made to the primary database are not immediately reflected in the replica. On the other hand, Sinhrona replikacija is the synchronous replication of data, where changes made to the primary database are immediately propagated to the replica.
Funkcija koja omogucava virtuelnim masinama koje se izvrsavju iznad hipervizora da koriste vecu kolicinu RAM memorije od one koja je instalirana na fizickom serveru naziva se:
Correct Answer
C. Memory overcommitting
Memory overcommitting is a function that allows virtual machines running on top of a hypervisor to use more RAM than what is physically installed on the server. This is achieved by dynamically allocating memory resources to virtual machines based on their current usage and demands. By overcommitting memory, the hypervisor can optimize resource utilization and allow for more efficient allocation of memory among virtual machines.
Modeli implementacjie klaud okruzenja odgovaraju podeli klaud racunarstva prema:
Correct Answer
C. Modelu isporuke
The correct answer is "modelu isporuke" because the question is asking about the implementation models of cloud environment, and "modelu isporuke" refers to the delivery model of cloud computing services. This means that it is referring to how the cloud services are delivered to the users, such as through public cloud, private cloud, or hybrid cloud models. The other options mentioned in the question are not directly related to the implementation models of cloud environment.
RAID nivo koji predstavlja prosirenje RAID 5 implementcije je:
Correct Answer
RAID 6 is the correct answer because it is an extension of RAID 5 implementation. RAID 6 uses double parity, which means it can tolerate the failure of two drives simultaneously, whereas RAID 5 can only tolerate the failure of one drive. This additional level of redundancy in RAID 6 provides increased data protection and fault tolerance.
Plan migracije na klaud sastoji se iz sledecih delova (oznaciti 2 tacna odgovora):
Correct Answer(s)
A. Postavljanje realnog vremenskog okvira za sprovodjenje migracije
C. Dokumentovanje i pracenje procedura
The correct answer is "postavljanje realnog vremenskog okvira za sprovodjenje migracije" and "dokumentovanje i pracenje procedura". These two options are essential parts of a cloud migration plan. "Postavljanje realnog vremenskog okvira za sprovodjenje migracije" refers to setting a realistic timeline for the migration process, ensuring that it can be completed within a given timeframe. "Dokumentovanje i pracenje procedura" involves documenting and monitoring the procedures involved in the migration, ensuring that they are followed correctly and any issues can be identified and resolved.
Dodavanje klaud skladista gde se kapacitet skladista dinamicki povecava tokom koriscenja naziva se:
Correct Answer
B. Tanko dodavanje
Princip "sacuvaj i preusmeri" koristi:
Correct Answer
D. Asinhrona replikacija
The correct answer is "Asinhrona replikacija". Asinhrona replikacija se odnosi na proces replikacije podataka u kojem se promene na izvornom serveru ne moraju odmah preneti na ciljni server. Umesto toga, promene se prenose u određenim vremenskim intervalima ili kada se određeni uslovi ispune. Ovo omogućava veću fleksibilnost i smanjuje opterećenje na mreži.
Sporazum o nivou koriscenja usluga izmedju klaud klijenta i klaud provajdera ima akronim:
Correct Answer
The correct answer is SLA. SLA stands for Service Level Agreement, which is a contract between a cloud client and a cloud provider that defines the level of service expected by the client. It outlines the responsibilities of both parties, including performance metrics, uptime guarantees, and penalties for non-compliance. The SLA ensures that the client's requirements are met and provides a basis for measuring and managing the quality of service provided by the cloud provider.
Dve implementacije RAID 1 tehnologije koje se njacesce navode u literaturi su (oznaciti 2 odgovora):
Correct Answer(s)
B. Preslikavanje diskova
F. Dupleksiranje diskova
Preslikavanje diskova i dupleksiranje diskova su dvije implementacije RAID 1 tehnologije koje se često navode u literaturi. Preslikavanje diskova se odnosi na stvaranje identičnih kopija podataka na različitim diskovima, dok se dupleksiranje diskova odnosi na istovremeno pisanje podataka na dva diska. Ove implementacije osiguravaju visoku razinu pouzdanosti i otpornosti na kvarove, jer se podaci mogu čitati s drugog diska ako jedan disk prestane raditi.
Dodavanje klaud skladista gde se u trenutku kreiranja virtuelnog volumena, na virtuelni volumen alocira ukupni zeljeni kapacitet sa diska fizickog servera naziva se:
Correct Answer
B. Debelo dodavanje
Debelo dodavanje se odnosi na proces dodavanja klaud skladišta gde se, prilikom kreiranja virtuelnog volumena, alocira ukupni željeni kapacitet sa diska fizičkog servera. Ova metoda omogućava da se odmah rezerviše sav kapacitet koji je potreban za virtuelni volumen, bez obzira na to koliko će se stvarno koristiti. Ovo je suprotno od tankog dodavanja, gde se kapacitet dodaje samo kada je stvarno potreban. Debelo dodavanje se koristi kada je potrebno rezervisati fiksni kapacitet za virtuelni volumen unapred.
Funkcija koja omogucava hipervizoru da preuzme trenutno neiskoriscenu memoriju od virtuelne masine koja se izvrsava iznad njega naziva se:
Correct Answer
D. Memory ballooning
Memory ballooning is a function that allows the hypervisor to reclaim unused memory from a virtual machine that is running on top of it. This technique involves inflating or "ballooning" a balloon driver inside the guest operating system, which requests the guest to release some of its memory back to the hypervisor. By reclaiming unused memory, the hypervisor can allocate it to other virtual machines or use it for other purposes, improving overall system efficiency and resource utilization.
Klaud skladiste podataka se dodeljuje uredjaju koji ce skladiste koristiti najcesce u formi volumena:
Correct Answer
The given statement is "Klaud skladiste podataka se dodeljuje uredjaju koji ce skladiste koristiti najcesce u formi volumena" which translates to "Cloud storage is assigned to the device that will use the storage most often in the form of volume." The correct answer is "TACNO" which means "TRUE." This suggests that the statement is accurate and cloud storage is indeed assigned to the device that will use it most frequently based on volume.
RAID koji se implementira primenom striping tehnologije na RAID 5 volumenima naziva se:
Correct Answer
E. RAID 5+0
RAID 5+0 is the correct answer because it refers to a RAID configuration that combines the striping technology of RAID 0 with the fault tolerance of RAID 5. In this configuration, data is striped across multiple disks for improved performance, and parity information is distributed across all disks for redundancy. This combination provides both speed and data protection, making it a suitable choice for applications that require high performance and fault tolerance.
Prilikom izvrsavanja migracije na klaud, upravljanje promenama je (oznaciti 2 tacna odgovora):
Correct Answer(s)
C. Deo plana migracije
D. Proces pomocu koga se upravlja svim tekucim nadogradnjama, popravkama i konfiguracijama klaud servisa
The correct answer is "deo plana migracije, proces pomocu koga se upravlja svim tekucim nadogradnjama, popravkama i konfiguracijama klaud servisa". This answer states that change management is a part of the migration plan and it involves managing ongoing upgrades, repairs, and configurations of cloud services.
Aplikacije se sa jedne na drugu fizicku masinu najcesce migriraju zajedno sa skladistem podataka
Correct Answer
Applications are often migrated from one physical machine to another along with the data storage. This means that when an application is moved to a new physical machine, the data associated with that application is also transferred to the new machine. This ensures that all the necessary data is available on the new machine for the application to function properly.
Dokle god dva diska u preslikanom skupu ostane operativan u RAID 1+0 implementaciji, sistem ce nastaviti da funkcionise:
Correct Answer
In RAID 1+0 implementation, also known as RAID 10, data is mirrored and striped across multiple disks. This means that if one disk fails, the system can still function because the data is replicated on another disk. However, if two disks fail simultaneously, the system will not be able to continue functioning because there will be no redundant copies of the data available. Therefore, the statement "NETACNO" (incorrect) is the correct answer.
Koje od sledecih tvrdnji o protokolima su netacne (oznaciti 3 odgovora):
Correct Answer(s)
A. DNS protokol koristi samo UDP port 53
C. DHCP klijent koristi UDP port 67
E. LDAP koristi UDP port 389
The given answer is correct because it correctly identifies three incorrect statements about protocols. DNS protocol does not only use UDP port 53, but it can also use TCP port 53. DHCP client does use UDP port 67, and LDAP does use UDP port 389. Therefore, the statements that DNS protocol only uses UDP port 53, DHCP client uses TCP port 67, and LDAP uses TCP port 389 are all incorrect.
Tokom izvrsavanja migracije na klaud, Odbor za reviziju promena preuzima odgovornost za upravljanje rizicima i daje odgovore na sledeca pitanja (izbaciti 3 uljeza):
Correct Answer(s)
D. Kakvi su budzeti potrebni za implementiranje promene po kategorijama klaud opreme?
E. Kog vendora klaud servisa je potrebno izabrati?
F. Koje servere i koju opremu je tokom implementiranja promene potrebno zameniti?
The correct answer is: kakvi su budzeti potrebni za implementiranje promene po kategorijama klaud opreme?,kog vendora klaud servisa je potrebno izabrati?,koje servere i koju opremu je tokom implementiranja promene potrebno zameniti?
The committee for change review takes responsibility for managing risks and providing answers to specific questions during the cloud migration process. These questions include identifying the organizational units involved in implementing the change, determining the budget required for implementing the change based on cloud equipment categories, selecting the cloud service vendor, and identifying the servers and equipment that need to be replaced during the change implementation.
Termin koji se koristi za oznacavanje nacina skrivanja informacija koje se cuvaju u klaud okruzenju je:
Correct Answer
B. Zavaravanje
The correct answer is "Zavaravanje." This term refers to the practice of concealing information stored in a cloud environment. It involves misleading or confusing potential attackers by implementing various security measures and techniques to protect the data.
Cilj visokog nivoa dostupnosti klaud resursa najcesce se ostvaruje upotrebom redudantnih sistema koji koriste dva radna rezima (oznaciti dva odgovora):
Correct Answer(s)
A. Aktivan/u pripravnoti
E. Aktivan/aktivan
The correct answer is "aktivan/u pripravnoti, aktivan/aktivan." High availability of cloud resources is achieved by using redundant systems that operate in two modes: active/standby and active/active. In the active/standby mode, one system is actively serving requests while the other is on standby, ready to take over in case of failure. In the active/active mode, both systems are actively serving requests simultaneously, distributing the workload between them. This redundancy ensures continuous availability of resources even in the event of a failure.
Koji od sledecih iskaza je tacan:
Correct Answer
C. Volumen za skladistenje moze da se klonira i replikuje na druge klaud regione kreiranjem novih instanci virtuelnih masina, ili klonirani volumen moze da se cuva u formi rezervne kopije ili snimka sistema (eng. snapshot) za potrebe oporavka od katastrofa
The correct answer states that storage volume can be cloned and replicated to other cloud regions by creating new instances of virtual machines. Additionally, the cloned volume can be stored as a backup or snapshot for disaster recovery purposes.
Za IP adresiranje korporativnih uredjaja na klaudu ne koriste se blokovi privatni, nerutabilnih IP adresa koji su definisani u dokumentu RFC 1918.
Correct Answer
The given statement is incorrect. For IP addressing of corporate devices in the cloud, private, non-routable IP address blocks defined in RFC 1918 are used.
Jedan od principa koji povecava verovatnocu da ce migracija sistema i opreme na klaudu biti uspesno sprovedena je:
Correct Answer
D. Prvo migrirati manje sisteme, a zatim migraciju sprovoditi inkrementalno tokom vremena
The correct answer suggests that one of the principles to increase the likelihood of a successful migration of systems and equipment to the cloud is to first migrate smaller systems and then gradually migrate larger systems over time. This approach allows for a more manageable and controlled migration process, minimizing potential risks and ensuring that the migration is carried out smoothly. By starting with smaller systems, any issues or challenges can be addressed and resolved before moving on to larger and more critical systems. Incrementally migrating systems over time also allows for adjustments and optimizations based on business needs and requirements.
Sloj klaud skladista koji se koristi za podatke koji nemaju visoke zahteve u pogledu brzine pisanja i upisivanja i za podatke kojima se ne pristupa cesto, u literaturi se cesto naziva:
Correct Answer
E. Drugi sloj
The correct answer is "Drugi sloj" because the question is asking for the term commonly used in literature to refer to a storage layer that is used for data with low requirements for read and write speed and data that is not frequently accessed. "Drugi sloj" translates to "second layer" in English, indicating that it is the second level of storage in a multi-tiered storage architecture.
Koje od sledecih tvrdnji o protokolima su netacne (oznaciti 2 odgovora):
Correct Answer(s)
A. DNS protokol koristi samo TCP port 53
E. DHCP server koristi TCP port 67
The given correct answer states that DNS protocol uses only TCP port 53 and DHCP server uses TCP port 67. This means that DNS protocol can also use UDP port 53 and DHCP server primarily uses UDP port 67 for communication.