One of those disasters that often ________ occurs/occur only in movies happened just as I got off the plane.
The phrase "one of those disasters" is treated as plural because it refers to the plural noun "disasters." Therefore, the verb should be "occur" to match the plural subject. Although "one" is singular, the emphasis is on the types of disasters, which are multiple. Hence, the correct sentence is: "One of those disasters that often occur only in movies happened just as I got off the plane."
The first author as well as the last two authors ________ (has/have) approved the proofs.
The phrase "as well as" always introduces parenthetical information, which one should not take into account when determining the singularity or plurality of the verb. Thus, the only subject that matters here is "the first author," which is singular. If we were to replace "as well as" with "and," we'd need to use "have."
Getting my paper accepted in Cell and seeing it in the finished journal ________ (was/were) the highlight of my career.
"Getting my paper accepted in Cell and seeing it in the finished journal” can be considered one idea, so it can take a singular verb. It would be equally acceptable to write, “Getting my paper accepted in Cell and seeing it in the finished journal were the highlights of my career,” but in that case the writer is thinking of these as two separate events. Consider also, “A carelessness and inattention to detail runs through her work.” The singular article “a” makes it clear that “carelessness and inattention to detail” is a singular idea.
Either the children or the parent ________ (has/have) to give in.
When two or more subjects are joined by "or," the verb must agree with the closest subject. Thus, we would have to write, "The parent or the children have to give in."
Not only the previously published papers but also the one under review ________ (were/was) called into question.
The verb agrees with the closer subject.
More than one of the authors ________ (has/have) received the Nobel Prize.
When a noun phrase contains more than one and a singular noun, the verb is normally singular: There is more than one way to skin a cat. ... When more than one is followed by of and a plural noun, the verb is plural: More than one of the paintings were stolen.
Ten dollars ________ (is/are) not enough to get me to jump in the Atlantic Ocean in February.
Some seemingly plural subjects can be singular in certain contexts. For example, "Physics is an interesting subject” but “The physics of this contraption baffle me."
Boston, along with all the New England cities, ________ (tend/tends) to get snow in January.
When commas set off a parenthetical element in a sentence, what lies between the commas has no effect on the verb. So we would write, “All New England cities, including Boston, tend to get snow in January.
Each of the editors ________ (want/wants) to accept the paper.
When "each" is the subject, as here, it is singular. When it modifies a plural subject, it’s plural. Thus, we would write "The editors each want to accept the paper." Now the subject is "editors" rather than "each."
A proportion of authors ________ (are/is) at the conference.
Even though "a proportion" is singular, the verb should agree with "authors," the object of the preposition ("of" is a preposition). However, if we use "the proportion" instead of "a proportion," then the verb should always be singular: "The proportion of authors at the conference is lower this year than last year."
Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children ________ (are/is) my favourite novel.
When used in sentences, the titles of books, plays, poems, movies, and so on are singular.
Politics ________ (are/is) an issue in R. K. Narayan’s The Man-eater of Malgudi.
Plural nouns that are singular in meaning
Some plural nouns take singular verbs, for example, athletics, economics, politics, news, mumps, and measles.
The majority of English majors ________ (reads/read) Conrad’s Heart of Darkness while at university.
Collective nouns
These are nouns that are singular in form, but plural in meaning.
Examples: band, minority, majority, class, community, dozen, family, public, team
When they act as one entity, use a singular verb.
When they do separate things, use a plural verb, BUT it is easier to reword the sentence. For example, write “the members of the team” instead of “the team.”
Each of Sylvia Plath’s “bee poems” ________ (use/uses) the theme of beekeeping to express aspects of the human condition.
single indefinite pronoun: e.g., anyone, anybody, each, either, none
They use singular verbs.
Both of the main characters in Waiting for Godot ________ (believes/ believe) Godot is the purpose of life.
plural indefinite pronouns: both, few, many, several - They use plural verbs.
All, any, most, and some depend on the situation. They can be either singular or plural.
Neither Edna’s neighbours nor her husband ________ (agrees/agree) with her decision.
If the subjects are joined by “nor” or “or,” the verb agrees with the closer subject (the last one)
Christie and Prin ________ (is/are) characters from Laurence’s The Diviners.
If the two subjects are joined by “and” the verb will be plural in most situations
exception: when the joined subjects are preceded by “every,” “no,” or “nothing”
The characters in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night ________ (lives/live) in a world that has been turned upside-down.
. When the subject and verb are separated
Find the subject and verb and make sure they agree.
Ignore the words in-between because they do not affect agreement.
Either the microphone or the speakers ________ (are/is) broken.
If joined by or / nor, then the subjects are not combined, so the verb must agree with whichever subject is closest to it.
Neither the teacher nor the students ________ (wants/want) to stay late.
If joined by or / nor, then the subjects are not combined, so the verb must agree with whichever subject is closest to it.
Either answer ________ (is/are) acceptable
The verb "is" agrees with the singular subject "Either answer," making it the correct answer choice. The verb "are" would be used if the subject were plural, such as "Both answers are acceptable." Therefore, "is" is the appropriate verb in this context.
Thirty years ________ (is/are) a long time.
Quantities of money, time and distance are considered singular.
One of the eggs ________ (is/are) broken.
One of the eggs is broken. Of the eggs is a prepositional phrase. The subject one and the verb is are both singular.
Demonstrating effective continuous-monitoring programs ________ also helped leading institutions meet heightened regulatory expectations.
The verb following programs pertains not to that word but to demonstrating—it is the act of demonstrating, not the programs, that has provided the assistance referred to here, so has is the correct form of the verb: “Demonstrating effective continuous-monitoring programs has also helped leading institutions meet heightened regulatory expectations.”
Nearly one in three organizations ________ (spend/spends) less than one million dollars annually on compliance with the regulation.
In sentences such as this in which a phrase refers to a proportion of a whole in which the proportion is one, the verb should be singular: “Nearly one in three organizations spends less than one million dollars annually on compliance with the regulation.”
Implementing simplistic solutions based on symptomatic causes, or a single cause when there are multiple interacting causes, ________ (is/are) highly likely to end in failure and disappointment.
When two choices are presented as alternatives rather than as a combination, with or rather than and linking them, a singular verb is appropriate because it applies only to the first option: “Implementing simplistic solutions based on symptomatic causes, or a single cause when there are multiple interacting causes, is highly likely to end in failure and disappointment.”
The patchwork of federal and state regulations ________ left firms with great uncertainty about how to comply.
The verb applies to the subject patchwork, not to the phrase modifying the subject, so has, not have, is correct: “The patchwork of federal and state regulations has left firms with great uncertainty about how to comply.”
I feel that each of these skills ________ crucial for this job.
The subject of this sentence is each, not skills, so the associated verb must be singular: “I feel that each of these skills is crucial for this job.”
Most of the news ________ good.
(News- uncountable noun- Singular)
Most of the flowers ________ yellow.
Flowers plural
All of the pizza ________ (was/were) gone.
The correct answer is "was." In this sentence, the subject "All of the pizza" is singular, so the verb "was" agrees with it. "Were" would be used if the subject were plural, such as "All of the pizzas were gone."
All of the children ________ late.
The correct answer is "are, were" because both "are" and "were" are forms of the verb "to be" in the present and past tense respectively. In the sentence, "are" is used to indicate that the children are currently late, while "were" is used to indicate that the children were late in the past.
The man with the roses ________ (look/ looks) like your brother.
The man is the subject here which is singular.
The weather on the coast ________ (appear/appears) to be good this weekend.
The correct answer is "appears". In this sentence, the subject "weather" is singular, so it should be followed by the singular verb form "appears".
________ (Is/Are) each of the girls ready to leave?
The question is asking about the readiness of each individual girl, so the correct verb to use is "is." This is because "is" is the singular form of the verb "to be," which agrees with the singular subject "each girl."
Nobody in the class ________ the answer.
The correct answer is "has, knows." This is because the word "nobody" is a singular pronoun, which requires the singular form of the verb "has." Additionally, the word "knows" is used to indicate that nobody in the class possesses the knowledge of the answer.
All of the milk ________ (is/are) gone.
milk is an uncountable noun.
The teacher voted by students ________ traveling.
His knowledge of Maths and English ________ (aid/aids) him.
The correct answer is "aids" because it is the present tense form of the verb "aid" and agrees with the subject "knowledge". The sentence suggests that the person's knowledge of Maths and English helps or supports him in some way.
Some of the water ________ (is/are) gone.
Because water (singular) is an uncountable noun and uncountable noun always follows the singular verb.
Neither of the two lights ________ working.
Neither shows singularity. However, it is different in case of Neither – Nor.
Either the teacher or the students ________ responsible.
When there are two subjects in one sentence change the verb according to the closest subject.
Sumon, along with other teachers, ________ taking classes.
Remember this: Along with, Together with, as well as, in addition to, accompanied by.
Use the subject before all these words present in a sentence to change the verb.
Just 10 miles from these buildings ________ (stand/stands) a castle.
Inverted Sentence- Verb (stand/stands)+ Subject (a castle-singular)+ Object
A bouquet of yellow roses ________ beautiful.
A bouquet ( singular subject)
A pair of jeans ________ in the bathroom.
The correct answer for this question is "is, was" because it suggests that a pair of jeans currently exists in the bathroom and that it was there in the past. The use of "is" indicates the present tense, while "was" indicates the past tense.
My pants ________ torn.
The correct answer is "were" because it indicates that the pants were torn in the past. The word "are" would indicate that the pants are currently torn, which does not match the context of the sentence.
It is only Orko, not his classmates, who ________ (eat/ eats) lunch in the classroom.
The correct answer is "eats" because the subject of the sentence is "Orko" which is singular. Therefore, the verb should also be singular, which is "eats."
The family ________ (ride/rides) bikes together each day.
The correct answer is "rides, ride" because the subject "family" is considered a singular noun, so it should be followed by the singular verb "rides". However, the word "bikes" is plural, so it should be followed by the plural verb "ride". This ensures subject-verb agreement in the sentence.
The police ________ here.
The word "police" is a plural noun, referring to a group of law enforcement officers. Therefore, the correct verb forms to use with plural nouns are "are" and "were". "Are" is used in the present tense, while "were" is used in the past tense.