CPR/AED First Aid

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| By Tbanse
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 1 | Total Attempts: 980
Questions: 41 | Attempts: 980

CPR Quizzes & Trivia

Head Coaches

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Identify the correct order of step when caring for a victim who is bleeding externally

    • A.

      Apply direct pressure to the wound, apply a pressure bandage

    • B.

      Elevate the wound, apply direct pressure to the wound, apply a pressure bandage, then if necessary compress an artery at a pressure point

    • C.

      Compress an artery at a pressure point, apply direct pressure to the wound, then apply a pressure bandage

    • D.

      Apply direct pressure to the wound, elevate the wound, apply a pressure bandage

    Correct Answer
    A. Apply direct pressure to the wound, apply a pressure bandage
  • 2. 

    A friend collapses. As she regains consciousness she has difficulty speaking and one side of her face and body appear to be paralyzed. These signals leas you to believe your friend has-

    • A.

      A diabetic emergency

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Stroke
    The symptoms described, such as difficulty speaking and paralysis on one side of the face and body, are indicative of a stroke. A stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted, resulting in damage to brain cells. These symptoms are commonly associated with a stroke and require immediate medical attention. A diabetic emergency, seizure, or poisoning may present with different symptoms and would not typically cause the specific symptoms mentioned in the scenario.

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  • 3. 

    You are caring for a victim of and car accident. The Victim is complaining of pain in her abdomen, nausea, and extreme thirst.  She also has a pulse the is rapid and weak.  What condition might you suspect?

    • A.

      Internal Bleeding

    • B.

      External Bleeding

    • C.


    • D.

      Heart Attack

    Correct Answer
    A. Internal Bleeding
    Based on the symptoms described, such as pain in the abdomen, nausea, extreme thirst, rapid and weak pulse, it is likely that the victim is experiencing internal bleeding. These symptoms are commonly associated with internal bleeding, as the blood loss can lead to a drop in blood pressure and inadequate blood flow to vital organs. It is important to seek immediate medical attention in such cases, as internal bleeding can be life-threatening if not treated promptly.

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  • 4. 

    Minor Internal Bleeding can be cared for by?

    • A.

      Apply Gauze to the skin over the wound to slow the bleeding

    • B.

      Call 911 immediately

    • C.

      Apply ice to the injured area to help reduce pain and swelling

    • D.

      Compressing a pressure point between the injured area and the heart

    Correct Answer
    C. Apply ice to the injured area to help reduce pain and swelling
    Applying ice to the injured area can help reduce pain and swelling. This is because ice causes vasoconstriction, which narrows the blood vessels and reduces blood flow to the area. This can help minimize internal bleeding and prevent further damage. Ice also numbs the area, providing pain relief. However, it is important to note that if there is severe internal bleeding, it is necessary to seek immediate medical attention by calling 911. Applying gauze or compressing a pressure point may not be sufficient in such cases.

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  • 5. 

    Which is a signal of shock?

    • A.

      Calm quite reaction to surroundings

    • B.

      Skin the is dry and normal in color

    • C.

      Restlessness or irritability

    • D.

      A red rash

    Correct Answer
    C. Restlessness or irritability
    Restlessness or irritability can be a signal of shock because when the body goes into shock, it tries to compensate for the loss of blood flow and oxygen by releasing stress hormones. These hormones can cause the person to become restless or irritable as their body tries to cope with the shock. This reaction is a result of the body's fight-or-flight response and is a common symptom of shock.

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  • 6. 

    General care for shock may include

    • A.

      Cooling the victim to protect vital organs from injury

    • B.

      Leaving the victim to rest quietly so the victim can get better

    • C.

      Helping the victim rest as comfortably as possible

    • D.

      Elevating the head so the victim can see their surroundings better

    Correct Answer
    C. Helping the victim rest as comfortably as possible
    General care for shock may include helping the victim rest as comfortably as possible. This is because when a person is in shock, their body is not receiving enough oxygen and blood flow to vital organs. By ensuring that the victim is resting comfortably, it can help to reduce their stress and anxiety, which in turn can improve blood flow and aid in their recovery. Resting also allows the body to conserve energy and focus on healing itself.

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  • 7. 

    What is the 1st step you should take in caring for a victim with burns?

    • A.

      Check to see if the scene is safe

    • B.

      Call 911

    • C.

      Remove the victim from the source of the burn

    • D.

      Cool the burned area to stop buring

    Correct Answer
    A. Check to see if the scene is safe
    When caring for a victim with burns, the first step should be to check to see if the scene is safe. This is important to ensure that you, as the caregiver, are not at risk of getting injured or further harmed. It is crucial to assess the surroundings and make sure there are no ongoing dangers such as fire, chemical spills, or electrical hazards. By doing so, you can create a safe environment for both yourself and the victim, allowing you to provide the necessary care effectively.

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  • 8. 

    Chemical burn to the eye should be treated by?

    • A.

      Encourage the victim to blink and letting tears wash the chemical out of the eye

    • B.

      Cool wet compress over the eye

    • C.

      Giving no treatment instead call 911

    • D.

      Flush the eye with cool running water

    Correct Answer
    D. Flush the eye with cool running water
    Chemical burn to the eye should be treated by flushing the eye with cool running water. This is because flushing the eye helps to immediately remove the chemical from the eye and reduce the extent of damage caused by the burn. Cool running water is preferred as it can help to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation. It is important to flush the eye for a sufficient amount of time to ensure thorough removal of the chemical.

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  • 9. 

    In general you should elevate an injury above the heart unless:

    • A.

      Ice has been applied to the area to reduce swelling

    • B.

      There is no feeling in the extremity beyond the injury site

    • C.

      You suspect a fracture or dislocation unless if has been splinted

    • D.

      Victim has trouble walking or breathing

    Correct Answer
    B. There is no feeling in the extremity beyond the injury site
    If there is no feeling in the extremity beyond the injury site, it could indicate nerve damage or circulation impairment. Elevating the injury above the heart in this case may worsen the condition by further restricting blood flow. It is important to seek medical attention immediately to assess the extent of the injury and provide appropriate treatment.

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  • 10. 

    You think that Mary has sprained her knee.  You are applying a splint to that knee.  It should immobilize the...

    • A.

      Entire leg and foot

    • B.

      Knee only

    • C.

      Knee and bone below the knee

    • D.

      Knee and bones above and below the knee

    Correct Answer
    D. Knee and bones above and below the knee
    When applying a splint to a sprained knee, it is important to immobilize not only the knee but also the bones above and below the knee. This is because the splint needs to provide support and stability to the entire joint, ensuring that no further damage or movement occurs. By immobilizing the knee and the bones above and below it, the splint helps to prevent any additional strain or stress on the injured knee, allowing it to heal properly.

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  • 11. 

    Which of the following is the most important reason to check the see before approaching to help a victim?

    • A.

      Another responder may already be helping the vicitm

    • B.

      You might become a victim yourself if the scene is unsafe

    • C.

      You must know what happened to give proper first aid

    • D.

      The EMS call taker will want to know details about the scene

    Correct Answer
    B. You might become a victim yourself if the scene is unsafe
    Before approaching to help a victim, it is important to check the scene for safety because there is a possibility that the scene might be unsafe. By assessing the scene, you can determine if there are any potential hazards or dangers that could put yourself at risk. This is crucial in order to ensure your own safety and prevent any further harm.

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  • 12. 

    Which of the following is a mild reaction to a bite or sting?

    • A.

      Redness at the entry site

    • B.

      Redness throughout the body

    • C.

      Redness on one side of the body

    • D.

      Redness on the face

    Correct Answer
    A. Redness at the entry site
    A mild reaction to a bite or sting is typically characterized by redness at the entry site. This localized redness indicates a localized inflammatory response to the bite or sting. It is a common and expected reaction, and usually resolves on its own without any severe symptoms or complications.

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  • 13. 

    You should care for victims of substance abuse of misuse using the same general priniciples recommended for victims of-

    • A.


    • B.

      Any emergency

    • C.

      Life-threatening conditions

    • D.

      Psychiatric emergencies

    Correct Answer
    A. Poisoning
    Victims of substance abuse or misuse should be cared for using the same general principles recommended for victims of poisoning. This includes ensuring their safety by removing them from the source of the substance, assessing their vital signs and level of consciousness, providing first aid if necessary, and seeking medical help if needed. Substance abuse can have similar effects on the body as poisoning, such as impaired breathing, altered mental status, and organ damage, so it is important to approach their care in a similar manner.

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  • 14. 

    The first step you would take for a person suffering from a high body temperature

    • A.

      Place the victim in a tub of cold water

    • B.

      Remove them from the hot environment

    • C.

      Call 911

    • D.

      Give victim cold water to drink to lower body temperature

    Correct Answer
    B. Remove them from the hot environment
    The correct answer is to remove the person from the hot environment. This is because the high body temperature could be a result of heatstroke or heat exhaustion, which can be life-threatening. By removing the person from the hot environment, their body will have a chance to cool down. This can be done by taking them indoors or to a shaded area with proper ventilation. It is important to prioritize their safety and well-being by getting them out of the heat as quickly as possible.

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  • 15. 

    The steps you follow in an emergency are performed in the following order

    • A.

      Perform Initial assessment, size up the scene and summon EMS

    • B.

      Perform initial assessment, summon EMS and size up the scene

    • C.

      Size up the scene, perform initial assessment and summon EMS

    • D.

      Size up scene, summon EMS and perform initial assessment

    Correct Answer
    C. Size up the scene, perform initial assessment and summon EMS
    In an emergency, it is important to first size up the scene to assess the situation and identify any potential hazards or dangers. This allows for a better understanding of the overall situation and helps in determining the appropriate course of action. After sizing up the scene, the next step is to perform an initial assessment of the victim or victims to determine the severity of their injuries or condition. This helps in prioritizing the required medical interventions and providing necessary information to the EMS (Emergency Medical Services) when they arrive. Summoning EMS is the final step, as it ensures that professional medical help is on the way to provide further assistance and treatment.

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  • 16. 

    How can you best protect yourself from possible bloodborne pathogen transmission when providing care

    • A.

      Ask the victim first if he or she has any diseases

    • B.

      Wash hands before giving care

    • C.

      Use first aid supplies, like bandages and dressings, as barriers when in contact with the victim

    • D.

      Use personal protective equipment, such as gloves and breathing barriers

    Correct Answer
    D. Use personal protective equipment, such as gloves and breathing barriers
    When providing care, using personal protective equipment such as gloves and breathing barriers is the best way to protect oneself from possible bloodborne pathogen transmission. This equipment acts as a barrier between the caregiver and the victim's bodily fluids, reducing the risk of direct contact and potential transmission of pathogens. Washing hands before giving care is also important for general hygiene, but it may not provide sufficient protection against bloodborne pathogens. Asking the victim about their diseases and using first aid supplies as barriers can provide some protection but may not be as effective as using personal protective equipment.

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  • 17. 

    You come upon a scene where someone seems hurt.  Why should you size up the scene before approaching the victim?

    • A.

      To determine if the scene is safe

    • B.

      To determine what care to provide

    • C.

      To see if EMS is already providing care

    • D.

      To see if the victim really needs help

    Correct Answer
    A. To determine if the scene is safe
    Before approaching a hurt person, it is important to size up the scene to determine if it is safe. This is crucial for the rescuer's own safety as well as the safety of the victim. Assessing the scene allows one to identify any potential hazards or dangers that may pose a risk to themselves or the victim. By ensuring that the scene is safe, the rescuer can proceed with providing appropriate care without putting themselves or the victim in further danger.

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  • 18. 

    You are summoned to a store parking lot to help a man who has collapsed.  The victim appears to be unconscious. After sizing up the scene and determining the scene is safe, you should do what next?

    • A.

      Check for signs of life A,B,C's

    • B.

      Check the victim for consciousness

    • C.

      Provide CPR

    • D.

      Move the victim from the parking lot

    Correct Answer
    B. Check the victim for consciousness
    After ensuring the safety of the scene, the next step would be to check the victim for consciousness. This involves gently tapping or shaking the victim and asking if they are okay. If there is no response, it indicates that the victim is unconscious. This step is crucial in assessing the victim's condition and determining the appropriate course of action.

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  • 19. 

    You see a woman collapse in front of you what entering a building.  You size up the scene and then check the woman for consciousness, but she does not respond.  What should you do next?

    • A.

      Call, or have someone call 911

    • B.

      Check for signs of Life A, B, C's

    • C.

      Drive the woman to the hospital

    • D.

      Give 2 rescue breaths

    Correct Answer
    A. Call, or have someone call 911
    In this situation, the most appropriate action would be to call, or have someone call 911. This is because the woman has collapsed and is unresponsive, indicating a medical emergency. Calling for emergency medical assistance is crucial to ensure that professional help arrives as soon as possible to provide the necessary medical treatment. Checking for signs of life and performing rescue breaths may be necessary after calling 911, but the immediate priority is to alert emergency services. Driving the woman to the hospital is not recommended as it may delay necessary medical intervention.

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  • 20. 

    You respond to an emergency and find 4 victims.  Which one should you care for 1st?

    • A.

      Victim with minor burns

    • B.

      Victim who is bleeding lightly from his thigh

    • C.

      Victim who is complaining of abdominal cramps

    • D.

      Victim who is unconscious

    Correct Answer
    D. Victim who is unconscious
    The unconscious victim should be cared for first because they are in the most critical condition. Unconsciousness could indicate a serious head injury, severe internal bleeding, or a life-threatening condition. Immediate medical attention is required to assess and stabilize their condition. The other victims, although injured, are conscious and can potentially wait for medical assistance while the unconscious victim's condition is assessed and treated.

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  • 21. 

    You perform and initial assessment because?

    • A.

      It enables you to protect the victim and bystanders from dangers at the scene

    • B.

      It identifies conditions that are an immediate threat to life

    • C.

      It identifies the number of victims

    • D.

      It protects you from legal liabilities

    Correct Answer
    B. It identifies conditions that are an immediate threat to life
    Performing an initial assessment is important because it allows you to quickly identify any conditions that pose an immediate threat to the victim's life. This helps in prioritizing the necessary actions to be taken in order to protect the victim and provide appropriate care. By identifying and addressing these life-threatening conditions promptly, the chances of saving the victim's life are increased.

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  • 22. 

    The role of the professional rescuer in the EMS system is to-

    • A.

      Determine what help is needed and provide instructions to a lay responder before help arrives

    • B.

      Provide transitional care between a lay responders initial actions and care of EMS

    • C.

      Recognize and emergency and active EMS by calling 911

    • D.

      Serve as an extension of the emergency room physician

    Correct Answer
    B. Provide transitional care between a lay responders initial actions and care of EMS
    The role of the professional rescuer in the EMS system is to provide transitional care between a lay responder's initial actions and the care provided by EMS. This means that the professional rescuer is responsible for assessing the situation and the actions taken by the lay responder, and then taking over and providing more advanced care until EMS arrives. They bridge the gap between the initial response and the arrival of professional medical help, ensuring that the patient receives the necessary care during this critical time.

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  • 23. 

    Signs and symptoms of respiratory distress include

    • A.

      Excessive thirst

    • B.

      Skin that is yellow in color

    • C.

      Sneezing itchy watery eyes

    • D.

      Gurgling, wheezing, and or high pitched noises

    Correct Answer
    D. Gurgling, wheezing, and or high pitched noises
    The signs and symptoms mentioned in the question are all related to respiratory distress. Excessive thirst and skin that is yellow in color are not typical signs of respiratory distress, while sneezing, itchy watery eyes, and gurgling, wheezing, and high pitched noises are commonly associated with respiratory distress. Therefore, the correct answer is gurgling, wheezing, and or high pitched noises.

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  • 24. 

    Chest compressions for an adult should be performed at a rate of

    • A.

      60 compressions a minute

    • B.

      100 compressions a minute

    • C.

      130 compressions a minute

    • D.

      Less than 90 compressions a minute

    Correct Answer
    B. 100 compressions a minute
    Chest compressions for an adult should be performed at a rate of 100 compressions a minute. This rate ensures that the heart is being effectively pumped and increases the chances of restoring blood circulation. Compressing at a rate of 60 compressions a minute may not be fast enough to provide adequate blood flow, while compressing at a rate of 130 compressions a minute may be too fast and reduce the effectiveness of each compression. A rate of less than 90 compressions a minute would also be too slow and may not provide sufficient blood circulation.

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  • 25. 

    A child begins to choke there is no air exchange  you should

    • A.

      Check the childs pulse and then give back blows and abdominal thrusts

    • B.

      Give 30 chest compressions followed by 2 rescue breaths

    • C.

      Try to give 2 rescue breaths

    • D.

      Stand behind the child and give back blows followed by abdominal thrusts

    Correct Answer
    D. Stand behind the child and give back blows followed by abdominal thrusts
    When a child begins to choke and there is no air exchange, the correct response is to stand behind the child and give back blows followed by abdominal thrusts. This technique helps to dislodge the object blocking the airway by creating pressure that can force it out. Checking the child's pulse is not necessary in this situation as the priority is to clear the airway obstruction. Giving chest compressions followed by rescue breaths is the correct response for a child who is not breathing and has no pulse, but in this case, the child is choking and there is still some air exchange. Trying to give rescue breaths alone may not be effective in removing the obstruction.

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  • 26. 

    Where do you place your hands to give abdominal thrusts on a choking victim?

    • A.

      In the middle of the abdomen just above the navel

    • B.

      In the middle of the abdomen just below the navel

    • C.

      On the navel

    • D.

      On the rib cage

    Correct Answer
    A. In the middle of the abdomen just above the navel
    To give abdominal thrusts on a choking victim, you should place your hands in the middle of the abdomen just above the navel. This is the correct position for performing the Heimlich maneuver, a technique used to dislodge an obstruction from the airway. Placing your hands in this location allows for effective upward pressure on the diaphragm, which helps to expel the trapped object and restore normal breathing.

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  • 27. 

    The rate for Adult rescue breathing is?

    • A.

      1 breath every 5 seconds

    • B.

      1 breath every 3 seconds

    • C.

      2 breaths every 5 seconds

    • D.

      2 breaths every 4 seconds

    Correct Answer
    A. 1 breath every 5 seconds
    The rate for adult rescue breathing is one breath every 5 seconds. This rate allows for enough time to deliver an effective breath while also allowing for proper chest recoil and ventilation. It ensures that the person administering rescue breaths does not overexert themselves and maintains a steady and consistent flow of oxygen to the patient.

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  • 28. 

    The rate for Child and infant rescue breathing is?

    • A.

      1 breath every 4 seconds

    • B.

      1 breath every 5 seconds

    • C.

      2 breaths every 5 seconds

    • D.

      1 breath every 3 seconds

    Correct Answer
    D. 1 breath every 3 seconds
    The correct answer is 1 breath every 3 seconds. During child and infant rescue breathing, it is recommended to give 1 breath every 3 seconds. This ensures an adequate oxygen supply to the child or infant and helps maintain their respiratory function. Providing breaths at this rate helps to prevent hypoxia and maintain proper ventilation.

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  • 29. 

    To determine if a person is breathing

    • A.

      Check for a pulse

    • B.

      Look for movement and look listen and feel for breathing for no more than 10 seconds

    • C.

      Look in the victims mouth for 10 seconds

    • D.

      Press the ribs and feel for resistance

    Correct Answer
    B. Look for movement and look listen and feel for breathing for no more than 10 seconds
    The correct answer is to look for movement and look, listen, and feel for breathing for no more than 10 seconds. This is the most effective way to determine if a person is breathing. By observing for movement and listening and feeling for breathing, you can quickly assess if the person is breathing or not. It is important to do this for no more than 10 seconds to ensure prompt action can be taken if the person is not breathing. Checking for a pulse, looking in the victim's mouth, and pressing the ribs are not reliable methods for determining if a person is breathing.

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  • 30. 

    Cycles of CPR for a Child and infant single rescuer is

    • A.

      30 compressions and 2 breaths

    • B.

      15 compressions and 2 breaths

    • C.

      5 compressions and 1 breath

    • D.

      20 compressions and 1 breath

    Correct Answer
    A. 30 compressions and 2 breaths
    The correct answer is 30 compressions and 2 breaths. This is the recommended cycle for performing CPR on a child or infant when there is only one rescuer. It involves delivering 30 chest compressions followed by 2 rescue breaths. This cycle helps to maintain blood circulation and provide oxygen to the child or infant's body.

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  • 31. 

    Cycles of CPR for 2 person rescuer child and infant

    • A.

      10 compressions and 2 breaths

    • B.

      15 compressions and 2 breaths

    • C.

      20 compressions and 3 breaths

    • D.

      30 compressions and 2 breaths

    Correct Answer
    B. 15 compressions and 2 breaths
    The correct answer is 15 compressions and 2 breaths. This cycle of CPR is recommended for a 2-person rescuer performing CPR on a child or an infant. It involves 15 compressions followed by 2 breaths. This cycle allows for effective chest compressions to circulate blood and oxygen to the vital organs, while also providing necessary oxygen through breaths. It strikes a balance between compressions and breaths, ensuring proper oxygenation and circulation during CPR.

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  • 32. 

    Early Defibrillation can-

    • A.

      Increase the number of cardiac arrest victims being saved

    • B.

      Increase the amount of oxygen circulated to the blood

    • C.

      Reduce the need for EMS

    • D.

      Result in more effective CPR

    Correct Answer
    A. Increase the number of cardiac arrest victims being saved
    Early defibrillation can increase the number of cardiac arrest victims being saved. When a person experiences cardiac arrest, their heart stops beating effectively and they require immediate intervention. Defibrillation is the process of delivering an electric shock to the heart to restore its normal rhythm. By providing defibrillation early, before emergency medical services arrive, the chances of successfully restarting the heart and saving the person's life are significantly increased. This is because early defibrillation can prevent further damage to the heart and brain, improving the overall outcome for the victim.

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  • 33. 

    An abnormal heart rhythm characterized by totally disorganized electrical activity that results on the inablility of the heart to pump blood is

    • A.


    • B.

      Normal Sinus Rhythm

    • C.

      Ventricular Fibrillation

    • D.

      Ventricular Tachycardia

    Correct Answer
    C. Ventricular Fibrillation
    Ventricular fibrillation is an abnormal heart rhythm characterized by totally disorganized electrical activity in the heart. This chaotic electrical activity causes the ventricles (the lower chambers of the heart) to quiver instead of contracting effectively, which leads to the inability of the heart to pump blood. It is a life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical intervention, such as defibrillation, to restore a normal heart rhythm and prevent cardiac arrest.

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  • 34. 

    An electrical shock delivered to the heart to correct and certain abnormal heart rhythm is know as

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Defibrillation
    Defibrillation is the correct answer because it involves delivering an electrical shock to the heart in order to restore a normal heart rhythm. Asystole refers to the absence of any heart activity, diastole is the relaxation phase of the heart, and fibrillation is an abnormal heart rhythm characterized by rapid and irregular contractions. Therefore, defibrillation is the only option that accurately describes the process of correcting an abnormal heart rhythm through electrical shock.

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  • 35. 

    After you have attached the pads to a victim you should

    • A.

      Check for the absence of movement, breathing, and a pulse

    • B.

      Deliver a shock if indicated by the AED

    • C.

      Plug in the connector to the AED if necessary

    • D.

      Wipe the victims chest dry

    Correct Answer
    C. Plug in the connector to the AED if necessary
    After attaching the pads to a victim, it is important to plug in the connector to the AED if necessary. This step ensures that the AED is properly connected to the pads and ready to analyze the victim's heart rhythm. By plugging in the connector, the AED can accurately assess the need for a shock and deliver it if indicated. This step is crucial in providing timely and effective treatment to the victim in a cardiac emergency.

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  • 36. 

    The pads on an AED should be placed on an adult-

    • A.

      On the lower left side of the chest and the lower right side

    • B.

      On the upper left side and the lower right side

    • C.

      On the upper left side and the upper right side

    • D.

      On the upper right side and the lower left side

    Correct Answer
    D. On the upper right side and the lower left side
    The pads on an AED should be placed on the upper right side and the lower left side of an adult's chest. This placement ensures that the pads are positioned correctly to deliver an effective shock to the heart. Placing the pads on the upper left side and the lower right side or on the lower left side and the lower right side would not provide optimal contact with the heart.

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  • 37. 

    To determine if an AED is needed you should

    • A.

      Deliver a shock if prompted

    • B.

      Look for movement, and check for breathing and a pulse

    • C.

      Place the pads on the chest

    • D.

      Tell others to stand clear

    Correct Answer
    B. Look for movement, and check for breathing and a pulse
    To determine if an AED is needed, it is important to assess the patient's condition. Looking for movement helps determine if the person is conscious or unconscious. Checking for breathing and a pulse helps determine if the person's heart is functioning and if immediate CPR or defibrillation is required. This step is crucial in deciding whether to use an AED or not. Placing the pads on the chest and telling others to stand clear are subsequent steps that should be taken if the person is unresponsive and not breathing.

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  • 38. 

    It is important to have everyone stand clear before using and AED to deliver a shock because

    • A.

      An AED will not deliver and shock to the victim

    • B.

      Individuals can be injured by the shock

    • C.

      The AED will not analyze unless you stand clear

    • D.

      The pads could become loose

    Correct Answer
    B. Individuals can be injured by the shock
    It is important to have everyone stand clear before using an AED to deliver a shock because individuals can be injured by the shock. The electrical shock delivered by an AED can be potentially harmful to anyone in contact with the victim or the AED. To ensure the safety of everyone involved, it is crucial to make sure that no one is in contact with the victim or the AED when the shock is being administered. This precaution minimizes the risk of injury to bystanders and allows the AED to effectively deliver the necessary treatment.

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  • 39. 

    If the AED displays a no shock advised message after analysis you should

    • A.

      Continue CPR until if analyzes again

    • B.

      Immediately reanalyze the rhythm

    • C.

      Recheck pad placement

    • D.

      Reset AED by turning it off for 10 seconds

    Correct Answer
    A. Continue CPR until if analyzes again
    If the AED displays a "no shock advised" message after analysis, it means that the AED has determined that a shock is not necessary to restore the person's heart rhythm. In this case, it is important to continue performing CPR until the AED analyzes the rhythm again. This is because the person still requires chest compressions and rescue breaths to maintain circulation and oxygenation until further assessment is made by the AED.

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  • 40. 

    Which of the following is true about defibrillation?

    • A.

      It is more likely to be effective if CPR is withheld

    • B.

      It is used to restart a heart with no electrical activity

    • C.

      It is intended to briefly disrupt abnormal heart rhythms

    • D.

      It is not a commonly seen heart rhythm

    Correct Answer
    C. It is intended to briefly disrupt abnormal heart rhythms
    Defibrillation is a medical procedure that involves delivering an electric shock to the heart in order to restore its normal rhythm. It is used to treat abnormal heart rhythms, such as ventricular fibrillation or pulseless ventricular tachycardia, which can be life-threatening. The electric shock delivered during defibrillation is intended to briefly disrupt these abnormal rhythms and allow the heart to reestablish its normal electrical activity. Therefore, the statement that defibrillation is intended to briefly disrupt abnormal heart rhythms is true.

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  • 41. 

    Correct hand placement for CPR is for child and adult

    • A.

      One hand on the chin and two fingers on the center of the chest

    • B.

      One hand of the forehead and one on the center of the chest

    • C.

      Two hands on the center of the abdomen

    • D.

      Two hands on the center of the chest

    Correct Answer
    D. Two hands on the center of the chest
    The correct hand placement for CPR for both a child and an adult is to use two hands and place them on the center of the chest. This allows for effective compression of the chest and helps to circulate blood to the vital organs. Placing one hand on the forehead or abdomen, or using only one hand on the chest, would not provide sufficient pressure to perform effective CPR.

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  • Mar 20, 2023
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  • Apr 06, 2009
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