Diagram nasadenia sa používa na modelovanieVyberte aspoň jednu odpoveď.
Correct Answer(s)
B. Komunikáciu uzlov, na ktorých sú nasadené jednotlivé komponenty (artefakty)
C. Okolia implementácie systému
D. Topológie hardvéru, na ktorom modelovaný systém beží
The diagram of deployment is used to model the communication between nodes where individual components (artifacts) are deployed, the environment of the system implementation, and the hardware topology on which the modeled system runs.
Vzťah, závislosť <<use>> vyjadruje vzťah medziVyberte aspoň jednu odpoveď.
Correct Answer
C. Dvoma komponentami
The correct answer is "dvoma komponentami". This answer choice states that the relationship expressed by the keyword "use" is between two components. This suggests that the "use" relationship is not limited to a specific type of component or a specific relationship with other elements such as classes or packages.
Medzi jednotlivými prípadmi použitia v diagrame prípadov použitia môžu byť vzťahy:Vyberte aspoň jednu odpoveď.
Correct Answer(s)
A. Vzťah rozšírenia
B. Generalizácie
C. Vzťah vkladania
The relationships that can exist between individual use cases in a use case diagram are extension, generalization, and inclusion. The extension relationship represents a use case that extends or adds functionality to another use case. The generalization relationship represents a specialized use case that inherits behavior from a more general use case. The inclusion relationship represents a use case that includes or calls another use case as a part of its behavior. The communication association is not a valid relationship between use cases.
Pri vývoji jednotlivých prípadov použitiaVyberte aspoň jednu odpoveď.
Correct Answer(s)
A. Najprv vyvíjame tie, ku ktorým smeruje šípka
D. Najprv vyvíjame vkladané prípady použitia
The correct answer is "najprv vyvíjame tie, ku ktorým smeruje šípka" and "najprv vyvíjame vkladané prípady použitia". This means that we first develop the use cases that are being referenced or included by other use cases. This approach ensures that the dependent use cases are well-defined and can be properly integrated into the overall system. By developing these use cases first, we can also identify any potential issues or dependencies early on in the development process.
Ktoré z nasledujúcich tvrdení je pravdivéVyberte aspoň jednu odpoveď.
Correct Answer(s)
B. Komponent je vymeniteľný, nahraditeľný za iný, ktorý ponúka rovnaké rozhrania
C. Komponent je časť systému
The correct answer states that a component is replaceable and can be substituted with another component that offers the same interfaces. It also states that a component is a part of a system.
Akcie v sekvencii chovania súVyberte aspoň jednu odpoveď.
Correct Answer
C. činnosti, ktoré vykonáva systém
The correct answer is "činnosti, ktoré vykonáva systém". This is because the question is asking about "akcie v sekvencii chovania" which translates to "actions in a sequence of behavior". The word "systém" means "system" in English, so the correct answer is referring to the actions performed by the system.
Vzťah rozširovania prípadov použitia je vzťahom medzi základným a rozšíreným prípadom použitia, pri ktoromVyberte aspoň jednu odpoveď.
Correct Answer(s)
A. šípka smeruje smerom k základnému prípadu použitia
D. Rozšírený prípad použitia zväčšuje, rozširuje základný prípad použitia
The correct answer is that the arrow points towards the basic use case, and the extended use case expands and extends the basic use case.
Jeden prípad použitiaVyberte aspoň jednu odpoveď.
Correct Answer(s)
A. Môže mať 3 body rozšírenia
B. Nemusí mať bod rozšírenia
The given answer states that a use case may have 3 extension points, meaning that it can have multiple points where additional functionality can be added. Additionally, it states that a use case may not have any extension points at all. This suggests that the presence of extension points is optional for a use case.
Chybou pri tvorbe modelu prípadov použitia je, akVyberte aspoň jednu odpoveď.
Correct Answer(s)
B. V modeli chýbajú prípady použitia
D. Je model implementačne závislý
The correct answer is that the use cases are missing from the model and the model is implementation-dependent. This means that the model does not include all the necessary scenarios or actions that users may perform, and it is also tied to the specific implementation details rather than being independent and flexible.
Diagram nasadenia používame, keď potrebujeme modelovať nasadenieVyberte aspoň jednu odpoveď.
Correct Answer(s)
A. Klient - server systémov
B. Plne distribuovaných systémov
The given answer options include "klient - server systémov" (client-server systems) and "plne distribuovaných systémov" (fully distributed systems). These options are both valid explanations for when we would use a deployment diagram. A deployment diagram is used to model the deployment of a system, including the distribution of components and their interactions. Both client-server systems and fully distributed systems involve the deployment of components across multiple nodes or machines, making them suitable scenarios for using a deployment diagram. The third option, "systémov určených štandardne pre jeden počítač, komunikujúcich so štandardnými zariadeniami (klávesnica, monitor)" (systems typically designed for a single computer, communicating with standard devices such as a keyboard and monitor), does not involve the kind of distributed deployment that a deployment diagram is typically used for.
Prípady použitia modelujeme preto, aby smeVyberte aspoň jednu odpoveď.
Correct Answer(s)
A. Zapojili používateľa do počiatočnej analýzy problému
C. Zvýšili šance na úspešnosť
The correct answer is "zapojili používateľa do počiatočnej analýzy problému" and "zvýšili šance na úspešnosť". This is because by involving the user in the initial analysis of the problem, we can gain valuable insights and ensure that the solution meets their needs effectively. This increases the chances of success as it allows for a more user-centric approach and reduces the risk of developing a solution that does not address the actual problem.