Hvilken treningsmotstand ville du anbefalt for en trent person som hadde fokus på maksimal styrke?
Correct Answer
E. Minst 80%
For a trained person focusing on maximum strength, it is recommended to use a minimum training resistance of 80%. This means that the person should be lifting weights that are at least 80% of their one-repetition maximum (1RM). Training at this intensity level is necessary to challenge the muscles and stimulate the adaptations necessary for increasing maximum strength. Using a lower resistance percentage may not provide enough stimulus for significant strength gains.
Overordnet inndeling av idrettsskader inkluderer:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Akutte skader
B. Belastningsskader
The correct answer is Akutte skader and Belastningsskader. The given options are different types of sports injuries. Akutte skader refer to acute injuries that occur suddenly, such as fractures or sprains. Belastningsskader, on the other hand, are overuse injuries that develop over time due to repetitive strain on the body, such as tendinitis or stress fractures. These two categories cover a wide range of injuries that athletes may experience.
Dreiemomentet er produktet av:
Correct Answer
C. Kraft x arm
The correct answer is "Kraft x arm." This is because torque, or dreiemomentet in Norwegian, is the product of the force applied (kraft) and the distance from the pivot point (arm). Torque is a measure of the rotational force or turning effect.
Hvilket treningsprinsipp mener du figuren tilhører?
Correct Answer
F. Individualisering
Individualisering refers to tailoring a training program to meet the specific needs and goals of an individual. It involves considering factors such as the individual's fitness level, abilities, preferences, and any limitations or injuries they may have. By individualizing the training program, it can be more effective and help the individual achieve their desired results.
Av følgende fysiologiske parametre, hvilken er normalt den mest begrensende i forhold til prestasjon i utholdenhetsidretter?
Correct Answer
D. Størrelsen på slagvolumet
The size of stroke volume refers to the amount of blood pumped out of the heart with each contraction. In endurance sports, the most limiting factor is usually the amount of oxygen that can be delivered to the working muscles. Stroke volume plays a crucial role in delivering oxygen-rich blood to the muscles, so if the size of stroke volume is limited, it can restrict the amount of oxygen delivered, ultimately affecting performance in endurance sports.
Correct Answer(s)
C. Skyldes økning i antall sarkomerer i parallell (flere myofibriller)
E. Er avhengige av økt proteinsyntese
Hypertrofi er en økning i størrelsen på muskelfibrene, og det forekommer utelukkende i type 2 muskelfibre. Økningen i størrelsen skyldes en økning i antall sarkomerer i parallell, som betyr at det dannes flere myofibriller i muskelfibrene. Dette fører til en økning i muskelens tykkelse og volum. Hypertrofi forekommer i mindre grad enn hyperplasi, som er en økning i antall muskelfibre. For at hypertrofi skal skje, er det nødvendig med økt proteinsyntese i muskelfibrene.
Hvilket begrep (forkortelse) brukes for å betegne den bratte delen av kraftkurven?
Correct Answer
RFD is the correct answer because it stands for Rate of Force Development. Rate of Force Development refers to the speed at which an individual can generate force during a muscle contraction. It is commonly used in sports and exercise science to assess an individual's explosive strength and power.
Hvilken muskel har størt fysiologisk tverrsnitt?
Correct Answer
B. B
Hvilke av følgende er faktorer som begrenser vår maksimale styrke?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Antall muskelfibre
B. Biomekaniske forhold
C. Muskelens arkitektur
The factors that limit our maximum strength include the number of muscle fibers, biomechanical conditions, and the architecture of the muscles. These factors determine the overall capacity of our muscles to generate force and perform physical tasks. The number of muscle fibers affects the total force production, while biomechanical conditions and muscle architecture determine the efficiency and effectiveness of muscle contraction. Other factors such as heart minute volume, capillary density around muscle cells, and size and number of mitochondria may contribute to overall muscle function but may not directly limit our maximum strength.
"Grad av mobilisering i hver repetisjon" er definisjonen på?
Correct Answer
B. Treningsintensitet
"Grad av mobilisering i hver repetisjon" translates to "degree of mobilization in each repetition." This refers to the level of effort or intensity put into each repetition during training. Therefore, the correct answer is "Treningsintensitet" which translates to "training intensity."
Dersom du kunne manipulere med feste til M. biceps brachii, hvilken effekt vil det å flytte feste nærmere albueleddet medføre?
Correct Answer
B. Biceps vil skape et mindre dreiemoment og dermed løfte mindre i en biceps curl
Moving the attachment of the M. biceps brachii closer to the elbow joint would result in a smaller lever arm, which in turn would decrease the torque or rotational force produced by the muscle. This decrease in torque would lead to a decrease in the amount of weight that can be lifted in a biceps curl exercise.
Blodet forlater høyre ventrikkel via:
Correct Answer
C. Pulmonalarterien (lungearterien)
Hvilke av følgende fysiologiske endringer skjer ved utholdenhetstrening?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Økt antall mitokondrier
E. Økt slagvolum
G. Redusert hvilepuls
H. Økt mengde myoglobin
Endurance training leads to several physiological changes in the body. Increased number of mitochondria is one of the changes that occur during endurance training. Mitochondria are responsible for producing energy in the form of ATP, and having more mitochondria enhances the body's ability to generate energy aerobically. Increased stroke volume is another physiological change that occurs during endurance training. It refers to the amount of blood pumped out of the heart with each beat, and endurance training helps to strengthen the heart, allowing it to pump more blood with each beat. Reduced resting heart rate is also a result of endurance training, as the heart becomes more efficient in pumping blood, leading to a lower resting heart rate. Increased myoglobin levels also occur during endurance training, which helps in the transport and storage of oxygen in the muscles.
Hvilken muskel er best egnet for å utvikle høy kontraksjonshastighet?
Correct Answer
A. A
Hva om vi tar utgangspunkt i en "gjennomsnittlig" godt trent person som trener regelmessig over 3-5 måneders periode. Hva kan vi forvente av økning i muskelstyrke?
Correct Answer
B. 10%
Based on the given information, we can expect a 10% increase in muscle strength for a "moderately" well-trained person who consistently trains over a period of 3-5 months.
Hva er den mest vanlige fibertype-overgangen grunnet styrketrening?
Correct Answer
D. 2x -> 2a
The most common fibertype transition due to strength training is from type 2x to type 2a.
Hvilket organsystem har størst betydning for utvikling av høy RFD?
Correct Answer
B. Nervesystemet
The nervous system has the greatest significance in the development of high RFD (Rate of Force Development). RFD refers to how quickly an individual can generate force during muscle contractions. The nervous system plays a crucial role in coordinating and activating the muscles to produce force rapidly. It controls the recruitment and firing rate of motor units, which are responsible for muscle contractions. Therefore, a well-developed and efficient nervous system is essential for achieving high RFD.
Du skal veilede en person som ønsker å bygge muskler. Han/hun lurer på hvor mye han/hun kan forvente å øke i muskelmasse dersom han/hun trener regelmessig. Hva svarer du?
Correct Answer
F. Vanskelig å si, kommer an på flere faktorer
The correct answer is "Vanskelig å si, kommer an på flere faktorer" which means "Difficult to say, depends on several factors" in English. This is the most appropriate response because the amount of muscle mass that a person can expect to gain through regular training depends on various factors such as genetics, diet, training intensity, and consistency. It is not possible to provide a specific percentage without considering these individual factors.
For å få optimal utvikling av styrke, bør man ha en treningsfrekvens på:
Correct Answer
B. 2-3 ganger per uke
For optimal development of strength, it is recommended to have a training frequency of 2-3 times per week. This frequency allows for adequate rest and recovery between training sessions, which is essential for muscle growth and strength gains. Training too infrequently (less than once a week) may not provide enough stimulus for progress, while training too often (4-5 times per week or every day) can lead to overtraining and increased risk of injury. Therefore, a frequency of 2-3 times per week strikes a balance between providing enough stimulus for progress and allowing enough time for recovery.
"Den største kraften vi klarer å utvikle ved langsomme bevegelser eller isometriske aksjoner" er definisjonen på?
Correct Answer
A. Maksimal styrke
The given correct answer, "Maksimal styrke," refers to the definition of the greatest force we can develop during slow movements or isometric actions. This means that maximal strength is the ability to exert the highest amount of force possible in a given movement or action. It is different from explosive strength, which involves quick and powerful movements, and endurance strength, which involves sustaining force over a longer period of time. Static muscle work refers to holding a position without movement, and eccentric strength refers to the ability to resist force while lengthening the muscle.
Hvilke adaptasjoner skjer i muskelfibrene ved regelmessig utholdenhetstrening?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Økt konsentrasjon av aerobe enzymer
B. Økt antall mitokondrier
C. Økt størrelse på mitokondrier
Regelmessig utholdenhetstrening fører til adaptasjoner i muskelfibrene. Økt konsentrasjon av aerobe enzymer betyr at musklene blir bedre i stand til å bruke oksygen for energiproduksjon. Økt antall mitokondrier og størrelsen på mitokondrier øker musklenes evne til å produsere energi. Endring i fibertype fra type 1 til 2a refererer til en endring i muskelfibrenes egenskaper, som gjør dem bedre egnet til utholdenhetsaktiviteter. Redusert konsentrasjon av myoglobin er ikke en adaptasjon som skjer ved regelmessig utholdenhetstrening.
Hvilke alternativer er korrekte når det gjelder anbefalinger for trening av muskulær utholdenhet for trente personer?
Correct Answer(s)
A. 20-60% av 1RM
D. >15 repetisjoner
The correct answer options for training muscular endurance for trained individuals are 20-60% of 1RM and >15 repetitions. This means that the recommended weight lifted should be between 20-60% of the individual's one-repetition maximum (1RM), and the number of repetitions should be more than 15. This combination of moderate weight and high repetitions helps to improve muscular endurance without causing excessive fatigue or muscle damage.
De vanligste akutte skulderskadene inkluderer:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Brudd i kragebein
B. Luksasjon i acromiclavikulærleddet
C. Fremre luksasjoner (skulder ut av ledd)
The given answer includes the most common acute shoulder injuries, which are clavicle fractures, dislocation of the acromioclavicular joint, and anterior dislocations (shoulder out of joint). These injuries are commonly seen in cases of trauma or accidents involving the shoulder. Other injuries mentioned, such as posttraumatic instability, impingement syndrome, and rotator cuff injuries, may also occur but are not as common as the ones listed in the answer.
Ved bedre utholdenhet kan man observere følgende endringer i hjertefrekvens (HF):
Correct Answer(s)
B. Lavere HF i hvile
C. Lavere HF ved submaksimale belastninger
With improved endurance, one can observe a decrease in heart rate (HF) at rest and during submaximal exertion. This is because the heart becomes more efficient at pumping blood, allowing it to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the muscles more effectively. As a result, the heart does not need to work as hard, leading to a lower heart rate at rest and during submaximal exercise.
Når er reliabiliteten høy i testing av styrke?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Når resultatet blir det samme når en test gjentas flere ganger
B. Knyttes til valg av testøvelser, erfaring med å trene øvelsen og testlederen
C. Tester er reliable når testledere benytter samme protokoll og kommer til samme resultat på samme test
Reliability in testing of strength is high when the same result is obtained when the test is repeated multiple times. It is also influenced by factors such as the choice of test exercises, experience with training the exercise, and the test leader. Additionally, tests are considered reliable when test leaders use the same protocol and achieve the same result on the same test.
Når er tester valide?
Correct Answer
A. Tester er valide når egenskapen som testes, har stor relevans for prestasjonen man ønsker å forbedre
A test is considered valid when the property being tested is highly relevant to the performance one wishes to improve. This means that the test accurately measures what it is intended to measure and provides meaningful results that can be used to make improvements.
Faktorer som øker det metabolske stresset på muskulatur under trening er:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Antall repetisjoner/grad av utmattelse
C. Pauselengde
D. Blodtilførsel
F. Tid på hver kontraksjon
The factors that increase metabolic stress on muscles during training are the number of repetitions/degree of fatigue, rest period length, blood supply, and time on each contraction. These factors contribute to the intensity and duration of the exercise, leading to increased metabolic demands on the muscles.
Regelmessig utholdenhetstrening fører til følgende adaptasjoner i hjertet:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Økt blodtilførsel i hjertet
D. Tykkere hjertemuskel, spesielt i venstre hjertekammer
Regular endurance training leads to increased blood supply to the heart and thickening of the heart muscle, especially in the left ventricle. This is because regular exercise improves the efficiency of the heart by increasing its capacity to pump blood and deliver oxygen to the muscles. Increased blood supply helps to improve overall cardiovascular function and can reduce the risk of heart disease. The thickening of the heart muscle is a natural adaptation to the increased workload placed on the heart during exercise.
Regelmessig utholdenhetstrening gir følgende adaptasjoner i blodårene
Correct Answer(s)
A. Bedre elastisitet
C. Økt antall kapillærer rundt fibertype 1 og 2a
D. Redusert åreforkalkning
Regular endurance training leads to improved elasticity in the blood vessels, an increased number of capillaries around fiber types 1 and 2a, and reduced atherosclerosis.
Hva bestemmer kvaliteten på en styrketest?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Kvalitet
D. Sensitivitet
E. Reliabilitet
The quality of a strength test is determined by its validity, sensitivity, and reliability. Validity refers to whether the test measures what it is intended to measure. Sensitivity refers to the ability of the test to accurately detect changes or differences in strength. Reliability refers to the consistency and repeatability of the test results. Therefore, all three factors, namely quality, sensitivity, and reliability, contribute to determining the overall effectiveness and accuracy of a strength test.
Hva er metabolsk stress?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Blodtilførsel
B. Antall repetisjoner/grad av utmattelse
D. Tid på hver kontraksjon
E. Pauselengde
Hvilke hormoner stimulerer muskelen til å vokse?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Testosteron
D. Insulin
Testosteron, GH/IGF-I, and Insulin are hormones that stimulate muscle growth. Testosteron is an androgen hormone that plays a crucial role in muscle protein synthesis and muscle hypertrophy. GH/IGF-I (Growth Hormone/Insulin-like Growth Factor-I) is a hormone that promotes muscle growth by stimulating protein synthesis and cell proliferation. Insulin is an anabolic hormone that helps transport glucose and amino acids into muscle cells, promoting muscle growth and repair. These hormones work together to regulate muscle growth and play important roles in muscle development and maintenance.
Hva er mekanisk drag?
Correct Answer(s)
B. Tid, med drag
D. Motstand
Mekanisk drag refers to the resistance or force experienced by an object when it moves through a fluid or medium. In this context, "tid, med drag" can be understood as the time it takes for an object to move through a fluid or medium while experiencing drag. "Motstand" translates to resistance, which is closely related to the concept of drag. Therefore, both "tid, med drag" and "motstand" are relevant to the concept of mekanisk drag.
For å få gode mål på enkeltmusklers egenskaper, bør testøvelser av muskelstyrke ideelt:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Være lett reproduserbare
C. Ikke forstyrres av at resten av kroppen er fiksert
D. Være enkle og involvere få ledd
To obtain good measurements of individual muscle characteristics, it is ideal for strength testing exercises to be easily reproducible, not be disturbed by the rest of the body being fixed, and involve few joints. These conditions ensure that the measurements taken are consistent and accurate, without interference from other factors. Additionally, simple exercises that involve fewer joints make it easier to isolate and target specific muscles for testing.
Når utvikler muskelen størst kraft?
Correct Answer
A. I den eksentriske fasen
During the eccentric phase, the muscle is lengthening while still generating force. This phase occurs when the muscle is resisting an external force that is greater than the force being produced by the muscle. This is when the muscle is able to generate the greatest amount of force, as it is working against a resistance. In contrast, during the concentric phase, the muscle is shortening while generating force, and during the isometric phase, the muscle is contracting without changing length, resulting in less force production.
I hvilken stilling utvikler muskelen mest kraft?
Correct Answer
B. Når den er i mellomstilling
The muscle develops the most force when it is in the middle position. This is because the muscle fibers are optimally aligned and can generate the maximum amount of tension. When the muscle is maximally shortened or maximally stretched, the force production decreases as the muscle fibers are not in the optimal position to generate force efficiently. Therefore, the middle position allows for the greatest force development.
Hva er definisjonen på momentarm?
Correct Answer
C. Den korteste avstanden fra kraftens virkelinje og til omdreiningsaksen
Momentarm er definert som den korteste avstanden fra kraftens virkelinje til omdreiningsaksen.
Hva er riktig i forhold til punktforbrenning?
Correct Answer
A. Myten om at man kan slanke vekk fett der man ønsker, ved å trene de musklene som ligger nært opp til fettet, burde etter hvert være avlivet
The correct answer states that the myth of being able to slim down fat in specific areas by exercising the muscles closest to the fat should be debunked. This means that targeting specific muscles near the fat does not result in localized fat loss.
På hvilke måter kan styrketrening påvirke energiforbruket i energibalansen?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Akutt energiforbruk
B. Etterforbrenning
C. Økt basalstoffskifte
Styrketrening kan påvirke energiforbruket på flere måter. Akutt energiforbruk refererer til den umiddelbare energien som brukes under selve treningen. Etterforbrenning er en effekt av styrketrening der kroppen fortsetter å forbrenne ekstra kalorier i timene etter treningen for å reparere og gjenoppbygge musklene. Økt basalstoffskifte er en annen langsiktig effekt av styrketrening, der muskelmasse øker og dermed øker kroppens totale energiforbruk i hvile. Redusert basalstoffskifte og redusert hvilepuls er ikke direkte påvirkninger av styrketrening på energiforbruket.
Hva betyr etterforbrenning? Og hva er det avhengige av?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Jo mer muskelmasse som trenes, jo kraftigere forbrenning
C. At hvilestoffskifte er økt i en periode etter en treningsøkt
D. Intensiteten og varigheten på treningsøkten
The correct answer states that the more muscle mass is trained, the stronger the metabolism becomes, and that resting metabolism is increased for a period after a workout. Additionally, the intensity and duration of the training session also affect metabolism. These factors contribute to an increase in post-exercise calorie burning, known as afterburn or excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC).
Innenfor styrketrening er treningsvolum:
Correct Answer
B. Repetisjoner x serier x treningsmotstand
Hva er "utført arbeid per tidsenhet" definisjonen av?
Correct Answer
D. Treningsintensitet
"Utført arbeid per tidsenhet" er definisjonen av treningsintensitet. Treningsintensitet refererer til hvor hardt og anstrengende en treningsøkt er, og måles vanligvis ved hjelp av faktorer som puls, oksygenforbruk og belastning. Dette begrepet fokuserer på hvor mye energi som blir brukt i løpet av en bestemt tidsperiode, og er en viktig faktor for å oppnå ønskede treningsresultater.
Innenfor utholdenhetstrening er treningsmengde:
Correct Answer
A. Treningsintensitet x treningstid
The correct answer is "Treningsintensitet x treningstid" because the term "treningsmengde" refers to the volume or amount of training. In endurance training, the volume is determined by the intensity of the exercise (treningsintensitet) multiplied by the duration or time spent exercising (treningstid). This equation calculates the total workload or training volume for endurance training.
Den relative motstanden i treningsøvelsen er gitt som:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Prosent av den største motstanden vi greier å overvinne i én dynamisk repetisjon (% av 1 RM)
C. Den største motstanden vi klarer et gitt antall reps med før utmattelse
The correct answer is "Prosent av den største motstanden vi greier å overvinne i én dynamisk repetisjon (% av 1 RM)" and "Den største motstanden vi klarer et gitt antall reps med før utmattelse." These options accurately describe the relative resistance in the exercise. The first option refers to the percentage of the maximum resistance that can be overcome in one dynamic repetition, while the second option refers to the maximum resistance that can be managed for a given number of repetitions before exhaustion. Both options provide a measure of the relative resistance in the exercise.
Aerob utholdenhet defineres som:
Correct Answer
A. Organismens evne til å arbeide ved hjelp av aerobe energiprosesser i musklene
Aerob utholdenhet refers to the organism's ability to work using aerobic energy processes in the muscles. This means that the organism can sustain physical activity for a longer duration by efficiently utilizing oxygen to produce energy. Anaerobic energy processes, on the other hand, do not require oxygen and are used for short bursts of intense activity. Therefore, the correct answer is that aerobic energy processes are involved in aerobic endurance.
Anaerob utholdenhet defineres som:
Correct Answer
B. Organismens evne til å arbeide ved hjelp av anaerobe energiprosesser i musklene
Anaerob utholdenhet refers to the organism's ability to work using anaerobic energy processes in the muscles. This means that the organism can perform activities without relying on oxygen for energy production. Anaerobic energy processes involve the breakdown of glucose in the absence of oxygen, resulting in the production of energy and lactic acid. This type of endurance is important for short, intense bursts of activity, such as sprinting or weightlifting.
Hva kalles melkesyresystemet?
Correct Answer
A. Anaerob laktasid
The correct answer is "Anaerob laktasid". This refers to the lactate system, which is a metabolic pathway that produces energy in the absence of oxygen. During intense exercise, when oxygen supply is limited, the body relies on the anaerobic lactic acid system to produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate) for energy. This system involves the breakdown of glucose to produce lactate, which can then be used as a fuel source.
Hva kalles det umiddelbare systemet?
Correct Answer
B. Anaerob alaktasid
The immediate system is called anaerobic alactic. This system relies on stored ATP and creatine phosphate to provide energy for short bursts of intense activity, such as lifting heavy weights or sprinting. It does not produce lactic acid as a byproduct, unlike the anaerobic lactic system which is used for longer, less intense activities. Aerobic metabolism of glycogen and fat occurs when the body has enough oxygen available to produce energy over an extended period of time.
Hva er forskjellen på aerobe og anaerobe energisystemer?
Correct Answer(s)
A. De aerobe systemene bruker O2, mens de anaerobe systemene bruker ikke O2
D. Forskjellige muskelfibertyper
The correct answer states that the aerobic energy systems use O2, while the anaerobic energy systems do not use O2. Additionally, it states that the two systems involve different types of muscle fibers. This explanation highlights the key differences between the aerobic and anaerobic energy systems, emphasizing the role of oxygen and the distinction in muscle fiber types.
Hvilke energisystemer gjenoppbygger ATP?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Anaerob laktasid (melkesyresystemet)
B. Anaerob alaktasid (det umiddelbare systemet)
C. Aerob omsetning av glykogen (oksidering av glykogen)
D. Aerob omsetning av fett (oksidering av fett)
The correct answer is a combination of all the options given. ATP is regenerated through different energy systems depending on the intensity and duration of the activity. The anaerobic lactic system (also known as the lactate system) is used for high-intensity activities lasting a short time. The anaerobic alactic system (also known as the immediate system) is used for very short, intense bursts of activity. The aerobic metabolism of glycogen (oxidation of glycogen) is used for longer-duration, lower-intensity activities. Lastly, the aerobic metabolism of fat (oxidation of fat) is used for low-intensity, long-duration activities.