Dmr 2 Kolokvijum Nova Pitanja

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| By Lekicaleksandar8
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 2 | Total Attempts: 1,963
Questions: 44 | Attempts: 199

Dmr 2 Kolokvijum Nova Pitanja - Quiz


Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Kolaborativno filtriranje koristi 

    • A.

      Podatke sa profila korisnika, parametre konteksta i podatke o ostalim korisnicima

    • B.

      Podatke sa profila korisnika, parametre koteksta i podatke o proizvodima

    • C.

      Samo podatke sa profila korisnika i parametre korisnika

    • D.

      Koristi sve raspolozive podatke na interentu o korisniku artiklima i drugim korisnicima

    Correct Answer
    A. Podatke sa profila korisnika, parametre konteksta i podatke o ostalim korisnicima
    Kolaborativno filtriranje koristi podatke sa profila korisnika, parametre konteksta i podatke o ostalim korisnicima. This means that collaborative filtering takes into account the user's profile data, contextual parameters, and information about other users. By analyzing these data, collaborative filtering algorithms can make personalized recommendations based on the preferences and behaviors of similar users.

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  • 2. 

    Ako se ukloni cvor iz grafa mreze poverenja, a grane se preusmere na njegove poverljive cvorove i ako se spojeno poverenje ne promeni onda je u pitanju  

    • A.


    • B.

      Preporuceni nivo poverenja

    • C.

      Poverenje koje ima slabu opstu invarijantnost

    • D.

      Poverenje koje ima jaku opstu invarijantnost

    Correct Answer
    C. Poverenje koje ima slabu opstu invarijantnost
    If a node is removed from the trust network graph and the edges are redirected to its trusted nodes, and if the connected trust remains unchanged, then it is a trust that has weak overall invariance. This means that even if a node is removed and the edges are redirected, the overall trust in the network remains relatively stable or unaffected.

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  • 3. 

    Enterprise mashup 

    • A.

      Je aplikacija koja kombinujue podatke iz vise izvora (feed) RSS-a i jedan izvor, koji poseduje graficki prikaz

    • B.

      Podrazumeva kratkotrajnu integraciju koja obezbedjuje neki novi sadrzaj ili bolje razumevanje medju korisnicima

    • C.

      Obicno integrise podatke iz internih i eksternih izvora preduzeca

    • D.

      Je aplikacija koja kombinuje podatke iz vise javnih izvora i organizuje ih u jednostavan interfejs koji je prikazan u okviru pretrazivaca

    Correct Answer
    C. Obicno integrise podatke iz internih i eksternih izvora preduzeca
    Enterprise mashup is an application that combines data from multiple internal and external sources of a company. It typically integrates data from various sources to provide a comprehensive and unified view for users within the organization. This allows for better understanding and analysis of the data, leading to improved decision-making and collaboration among users.

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  • 4. 

    Identifikacija kljucnih tema/koncepata i semanticko ideksiranje su  

    • A.

      Potpuno razliciti termini koji se cesto menjaju

    • B.

      Slicni termini s tim sto se kod semantickog indeksiranja teme/koncepti ne vezuju za pojedinacne reci

    • C.

      Slicni termini s tim sto se kod identifikacije kljucnih tema/koncepata teme/koncepti ne vezuju za ceo tekst

    • D.

      Slicni termini s tim sto se kod identifikacije kljucnih tema/koncepata teme/koncepti ne vezuju za pojedinacne reci

    Correct Answer
    D. Slicni termini s tim sto se kod identifikacije kljucnih tema/koncepata teme/koncepti ne vezuju za pojedinacne reci
    The given answer states that the similarity between "identifikacija kljucnih tema/koncepata" and "semanticko indeksiranje" is that in both cases, the themes/concepts are not tied to individual words. This means that both processes do not rely on specific words to identify and index the themes/concepts.

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  • 5. 

    Najcesce koriscene mere za procenu performansi sistema za ekstrakciju su 

    Correct Answer
    preciznost i odziv
    The most commonly used measures for evaluating the performance of an extraction system are precision and recall. Precision measures the accuracy of the system by calculating the ratio of correctly extracted instances to the total number of extracted instances. On the other hand, recall measures the completeness of the system by calculating the ratio of correctly extracted instances to the total number of relevant instances. These two measures are often used together to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the system's performance.

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  • 6. 

    Koja tvrdnja je tacna  

    • A.

      Ivice drustvenog grafa su cvorovi koji su slabo povezani

    • B.

      Cvorovi grafa predstavljaju entitete izmedju kojih posmatramo veze

    • C.

      Ne moze svakom grafu da se pridruzi matrica susedstva

    • D.

      Cvorovi grafa predstavljaju relacije koje vaze u drustvenoj mrezi

    Correct Answer
    B. Cvorovi grafa predstavljaju entitete izmedju kojih posmatramo veze
    The correct answer is "cvorovi grafa predstavljaju entitete izmedju kojih posmatramo veze" (nodes of the graph represent entities between which we observe connections). This answer accurately describes the concept of nodes in a graph representing entities and the connections between them. It aligns with the understanding that graphs are used to model relationships and connections between different entities or elements.

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  • 7. 

    Most je (u analizi drustvenih mreza -grafovima)Ne znam odgovor

    • A.

      Cvor koji povezuje dva klastera

    • B.

      Veza koja povezuje dva klastera

    • C.

      Cvor koji ima najvecu sopstvenu centralnost

    • D.

      Cvor koji ima najvecu betweenness centrality

    Correct Answer
    B. Veza koja povezuje dva klastera
    The correct answer is "veza koja povezuje dva klastera" because in the context of social network analysis, a "klaster" refers to a group or cluster of nodes that are densely connected within themselves. Therefore, a "veza" or link that connects two clusters would be the correct answer as it represents a connection between two separate groups within the network.

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  • 8. 

    Jedan od prvih primera mashup-a je  

    • A.


    • B.

      Ibm mashup centar

    • C.

      Yahoo pipes

    • D.

      Housing maps

    Correct Answer
    D. Housing maps
    Housing Maps is one of the first examples of a mashup. A mashup is a website or application that combines data or functionalities from multiple sources to create a new service or feature. Housing Maps specifically combines data from Craigslist, a popular online classifieds platform, and Google Maps, allowing users to search for housing listings visually on a map. This innovative combination of data sources and visualization made Housing Maps one of the early pioneers in the mashup space.

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  • 9. 

    Kvalitet sistema preporuke se meri kroznjenu sposobnost 

    • A.

      Da preporuci sto vise sadrzaja

    • B.

      Da bude user frendly

    • C.

      Da vrsi brzu selekciju

    • D.

      Da preporuci sadrzaj iz long tail-a

    Correct Answer
    D. Da preporuci sadrzaj iz long tail-a
    The correct answer is "da preporuci sadrzaj iz long tail-a" which means "to recommend content from the long tail". This suggests that the quality of a recommendation system is measured by its ability to recommend niche or less popular content to users. This is important because it shows that the system is not only focused on popular or mainstream content, but also considers the individual preferences and interests of users. By recommending content from the long tail, the system can provide a more diverse and personalized user experience.

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  • 10. 

    Poverenje se razlicito ocenjuje od strane razlicitih ljudi sto znaci da je poverenje kao pojava 

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Subjektivno
    Poverenje se različito ocenjuje od strane različitih ljudi, što znači da je poverenje kao pojava subjektivno. Ocenjivanje poverenja zavisi od individualnih percepcija, iskustava, uverenja i vrednosti svakog pojedinca. Ono što jedna osoba smatra kao poverenje, druga osoba može smatrati nepoverenjem. Dakle, poverenje je relativno i zavisi od subjektivnih stavova i mišljenja svakog pojedinca.

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  • 11. 

    Roy Thomas Fielding americki naucnik i IT strucnjak prvi opisuje 

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. HTTP
    Roy Thomas Fielding is an American scientist and IT expert who first described HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol). HTTP is the protocol used for communication between web browsers and servers. It allows for the retrieval of resources such as HTML documents, images, and videos from the server to be displayed on the browser. Fielding's description of HTTP laid the foundation for the modern web and has since become the standard for web communication.

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  • 12. 

    Kada se dobija veci broj preporuka o poverenju u drugu stranu na osnovu njih se sastavlja jedno poverenje, sto znaci da je poverenje kao pojava : 

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Kompozitno
    When a larger number of recommendations about trust in another party are received, they are combined to form one trust, which means that trust as a phenomenon is composite.

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  • 13. 

    Sistem za ekstrakciju 

    • A.

      Odredjuje na sta se odnosi entitet

    • B.

      Pronalazi (potencijalno)relevantne tekstove i prezentuje ih korisniku

    • C.

      Prepoznaje entitet u tekstu i jednostavno ih identifikuje

    • D.

      Analizira tekstove i prezentuje samo segmente informacija (izvucene iz teksta)za koje korisnik moze biti zainteresovan

    Correct Answer
    D. Analizira tekstove i prezentuje samo segmente informacija (izvucene iz teksta)za koje korisnik moze biti zainteresovan
    The correct answer is "analizira tekstove i prezentuje samo segmente informacija (izvucene iz teksta) za koje korisnik moze biti zainteresovan." This answer suggests that the system analyzes texts and presents only the relevant segments of information extracted from the text to the user, based on their potential interest.

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  • 14. 

    Ekstrakcija i informacija i pretrazivanje informacija su 

    • A.

      Slicni procesi, gde ekstrakcija informacija analizira tekstove i predstavlja samo segmente teskta , a sistem za pretrazivanje pronalazi relevantne tekstove

    • B.

      Su slicni procesi, gde ekstrakcija informacija pronalazi relevantne tekstove , a sistem za pretrazivanje analizira tekstovei predstavlja samo segmente teksta

    • C.

      Identicni procesi i predstavljaju sinoonime za isti postupak

    • D.

      Potpuno razliciti procesi

    Correct Answer
    A. Slicni procesi, gde ekstrakcija informacija analizira tekstove i predstavlja samo segmente teskta , a sistem za pretrazivanje pronalazi relevantne tekstove
    The correct answer suggests that extraction of information and information retrieval are similar processes, but with different focuses. Information extraction involves analyzing texts and presenting only segments of the text, while information retrieval involves finding relevant texts.

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  • 15. 

    Velicina mreze se odnosi na  

    • A.

      Broj cvorova u mrezi

    • B.

      Dijametar mreze

    • C.

      Broj veza u mrezi

    • D.

      Odnos broja cvora i broja veza

    Correct Answer
    A. Broj cvorova u mrezi
    The correct answer is "broj cvorova u mrezi" which translates to "number of nodes in the network" in English. This means that the size of the network refers to the number of nodes or vertices present in the network. The number of nodes is an important factor in determining the complexity and scale of the network.

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  • 16. 

    KOd pirsonovog koeficijenta , sto je vrednost bliza 1 to znaci da  

    • A.

      Da artikal/korisnika ne treba preporuciti

    • B.

      Da artikal/korisnika treba preporuciti

    • C.

      Se korisnici/artikli visee razlikuju

    • D.

      Su korisnici/artikli slicniji

    Correct Answer
    D. Su korisnici/artikli slicniji
    The closer the value of the Pearson's coefficient is to 1, it means that the users/items are more similar.

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  • 17. 

    Problem hladnog starta (Cold start problem )je problem koji se javlja kada 

    • A.

      Nemoze da se utvdri slicnost izmedju korisnika/artikla

    • B.

      Za neki proizvod/sadrzaj ne postoji nijedna direktna cena

    • C.

      Postoji nedostatak parova (korisni. ocena)

    • D.

      Nedostaju informacija o novim korisnicima /artiklima

    Correct Answer
    D. Nedostaju informacija o novim korisnicima /artiklima
    The correct answer suggests that the cold start problem occurs when there is a lack of information about new users or items. This means that there is not enough data available to establish similarity or make recommendations for new users or items. Without this information, it becomes challenging to provide personalized recommendations or match users with relevant content or products.

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  • 18. 

    Sta je tacno 

    • A.

      Poverenje u osobu povlaci poverenje u temu

    • B.

      Poverenje u temu povlaci poverenje u osobu

    • C.

      Poverenje u celini znaci poverenje u osobu ali ne i obavezno poverenje u temu

    • D.

      Poverenje u celini povlaci poverenjei u temu i u osobu

    Correct Answer
    D. Poverenje u celini povlaci poverenjei u temu i u osobu
    The correct answer suggests that having trust in a person implies having trust in the topic they are discussing, as well as trust in the person as a whole. This means that trust in both the person and the topic are interconnected and go hand in hand.

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  • 19. 

    Korisnici koji su kupili proizvod X takodje su kupili proizvod Y je objasnjeje koje se dobija kada sisetm primanjeuje metodu 

    • A.

      Koja se bazira na sadrzaju

    • B.

      Koja se bazira na drustvenim konekcijama

    • C.

      Koja koristi bazu znanja najblizih suseda

    • D.

      Najblizih suseda

    Correct Answer
    D. Najblizih suseda
    The given correct answer suggests that the method being used is based on the nearest neighbors. This means that the system is using a technique that identifies the closest neighbors or similar users who have purchased product X and also bought product Y. This method is commonly used in recommendation systems to suggest relevant items based on the preferences of similar users.

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  • 20. 

    Metrika mreze links per node se definise kao kolicnik  

    • A.

      Broj stvarnih veza u mrezi/ukupan broj cvorova u mrezi

    • B.

      Broj cvorova u mrezi /ukupan broj stvarnih veza u mrezi

    • C.

      Broj stvarnih veza u mrezi/ukupan broj mogucih veza u mrezi

    • D.

      Broj cvorova u mrezi/ukupan broj mogucih veza u mrezi

    Correct Answer
    A. Broj stvarnih veza u mrezi/ukupan broj cvorova u mrezi
    The correct answer is "broj stvarnih veza u mrezi/ukupan broj cvorova u mrezi" because the definition of metrika mreze links per node is the ratio of the number of actual links in the network to the total number of nodes in the network.

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  • 21. 

    Blizina cvorova (closeness centrality)oznacava 

    • A.

      Koliko cvorova je direktno povezano sa posmatranim cvorom

    • B.

      Broj cvorova izmedju kojih se posmatrani cvor nalazi

    • C.

      Koliko je posmatrani cvor povezan sa opstalim cvorovima koji su uticajni

    • D.

      Blizinu posmatranog cvora centralnoj poziciji

    Correct Answer
    D. Blizinu posmatranog cvora centralnoj poziciji
    The correct answer suggests that "blizina cvorova" (closeness centrality) refers to the proximity of the observed node to the central position. This means that the closeness centrality measures how close a node is to all other nodes in the network, indicating its centrality or importance in the network. The closer a node is to other nodes, the higher its closeness centrality value.

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  • 22. 

    Velika kolicina vesti , blogova, foruma, wiki podataka...kojima su ljudi svakodnevno okruzeni dovodi do  

    • A.

      Filter bubble oproblema

    • B.

      Fenomena nazvanoh long tail

    • C.

      Zasicenja informacijama

    • D.

      Zasicenja interakcijama

    Correct Answer
    C. Zasicenja informacijama
    The given correct answer is "zasicenja informacijama" which translates to "information overload" in English. The explanation for this answer is that the abundance of news, blogs, forums, and wiki data that people are surrounded by every day leads to an overwhelming amount of information. This excessive amount of information can make it difficult for individuals to filter and process the relevant and important information, resulting in information overload.

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  • 23. 

    Proces rasta mreze u kome velika vecina novih cvorova pristupa mrezi kroz uspostavljene konkcije sa cvorovima koji vec imaju visok stepen opisuje: 

    • A.

      Betweens centrality

    • B.

      Sopstvena centralnost

    • C.

      Fenomen malog sveta

    • D.

      Preferential attachment

    Correct Answer
    D. Preferential attachment
    The given correct answer is "preferential attachment". Preferential attachment refers to the phenomenon in which new nodes in a network tend to connect more frequently to nodes that already have a high degree or connectivity. This leads to the rich-get-richer effect, where well-connected nodes become even more connected over time, resulting in a highly skewed degree distribution. This process is often observed in various real-world networks, such as social networks and the internet.

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  • 24. 

    Grafove realnih (online) drustvenih mreza karakterise 

    • A.

      Postojanje malog broja velikih jako povezanih grupa

    • B.

      Postojanje malog broja velikih slabo povezanih grupa

    • C.

      Postojanje velikog broja malih dobro povezanih grupa

    • D.

      Postojanje velikog broja malih slabo povezanih grupa

    Correct Answer
    C. Postojanje velikog broja malih dobro povezanih grupa
    The correct answer suggests that real (online) social networks are characterized by the existence of a large number of small, well-connected groups. This means that within these networks, there are many small clusters or communities of individuals who are closely connected to each other. This can be seen as a reflection of how real-life social networks tend to form, with people naturally gravitating towards forming smaller, tight-knit groups within a larger network.

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  • 25. 

    Tranzitivnost zajedno sa homofilijom dovodi do 

    • A.

      Stvaranje strukturnih rupa

    • B.

      Pucanje kljucnih veza u mrezi

    • C.

      Stvaranje gustih mreza

    • D.

      Stvaranje klikova

    Correct Answer
    D. Stvaranje klikova
    Transitivity, along with homophily, leads to the formation of cliques. Transitivity refers to the tendency of individuals to form connections with others who are already connected to their existing connections. Homophily refers to the tendency of individuals to form connections with others who are similar to them in some way. When these two factors combine, it results in the formation of cliques or groups of individuals who are interconnected. Therefore, the correct answer is "stvaranje klikova" which translates to "formation of cliques".

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  • 26. 

    Sta vazi za scren scraping 

    • A.

      Staromodni pristup dobijanja podataka sa web sajtova

    • B.

      Mogucnost iznajmljivanja aplikacija od eksternog dobavljaca

    • C.

      Sindikacija sadrzaja zasnovana na XML

    • D.

      Otkriva funkcionalnost sistema ostalim sistemima ili korisnicima

    Correct Answer
    A. Staromodni pristup dobijanja podataka sa web sajtova
    The correct answer "staromodni pristup dobijanja podataka sa web sajtova" suggests that screen scraping refers to the outdated method of obtaining data from websites. This approach involves extracting information from the HTML structure of a webpage, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors. It is considered old-fashioned because there are now more efficient and reliable methods, such as using APIs or web services, to access and retrieve data from websites.

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  • 27. 

    Prepoznavanje imenovanih entiteta kod ekstrakcije informacija obuhvata 

    • A.

      Odredjivanje vrste entiteta

    • B.

      Odredjivanje relacije izmedju entiteta

    • C.

      Odredjivanje na sta se odnosi entitet

    • D.

      Odredjivanje tipicnog opisa entiteta

    Correct Answer
    A. Odredjivanje vrste entiteta
    The correct answer is "odredjivanje vrste entiteta" (determining the type of entity). In the context of information extraction, named entity recognition involves identifying and classifying named entities in text. This process includes determining the type or category to which an entity belongs, such as person, organization, location, date, etc. Therefore, "odredjivanje vrste entiteta" accurately describes one of the key steps in named entity recognition.

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  • 28. 

    Razresavanje koreferenci kod ekstrakcije informacija obuhvata Ne znam odgovor

    • A.

      Odredjivanje relacija izmedju entiteta

    • B.

      Odredjivanje na sta se odnosi entitet

    • C.

      Odredjivanje opisa entitete

    • D.

      Odredjivane vrste entitete

    Correct Answer
    A. Odredjivanje relacija izmedju entiteta
    The correct answer is "odredjivanje relacija izmedju entiteta" because resolving coreferences in information extraction involves determining the relationships between entities.

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  • 29. 

    Preporuke zanovane na znanju 

    • A.

      Preporuciti korisniku ono sto je medju njegovim/njenim prijateljima

    • B.

      Preporuciti korisniku ono sto je malo njegovih"prijatelja" culo/kupilo

    • C.

      Preporuciti korisniku ono sto odgovara njegovim potrebama

    • D.

      Preporuciti korisniku sadrzaje slicne onima kojji su mu se i ranije svidjali

    Correct Answer
    C. Preporuciti korisniku ono sto odgovara njegovim potrebama
    The correct answer is to recommend to the user what suits their needs. This means that the recommendations should be based on the user's specific requirements or preferences, ensuring that the suggested content or products are relevant and useful to them.

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  • 30. 

    Ako se doda deo putanje poverenja u grafa mreze poverenja usmereno od jednog do drugog cvora, a poverenje izmedju ta dva cvora se ne promeni onda je u pitanju 

    • A.

      Poverenje koje ima slabu opstu invarijantnost

    • B.

      Preporuceni nivo poverenja

    • C.

      Poverenje koje ima jaku opstu invarijantnost

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Poverenje koje ima jaku opstu invarijantnost
    If adding a trust path in the trust network graph from one node to another does not change the trust between those two nodes, then it is referred to as "poverenje koje ima jaku opstu invarijantnost" which translates to "trust that has strong overall invariance". This means that the trust remains constant regardless of the additional trust path, indicating a high level of stability and consistency in the trust relationship between the nodes.

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  • 31. 

    Kod proces akomunikacije prikazanog na slici buka(sum )se odnosi NE znam odgovor

    • A.

      Samo na perceptivne prepreke koje mogu da se jave kod prijema poruke

    • B.

      Samo na ono sto fizicki moze da omete prenosenje poruke

    • C.

      Na sve ono sto meze da omete prenosenje i razumevanje (prijem)poruke

    • D.

      Na dodatne uticaje iz okoline koje ometaju slanje poruke

    Correct Answer
    A. Samo na perceptivne prepreke koje mogu da se jave kod prijema poruke
    The correct answer suggests that noise or interference in the communication process is related only to perceptual barriers that can occur during message reception. It implies that the noise refers to any factors that may hinder the understanding or reception of the message, such as distractions, biases, or misinterpretations that occur in the receiver's mind. It does not include physical factors or external influences that may disrupt the transmission or understanding of the message.

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  • 32. 

    Kod semantickog indeksiranja, za jedinstveno imenovanje entite koristi se 

    • A.

      Analiza sentimenta

    • B.

      Kolektivna inteligencija

    • C.

      Baza indeksa web stranica

    • D.

      Baze znanja

    Correct Answer
    D. Baze znanja
    In semantic indexing, the unique naming of entities is achieved through the use of knowledge bases. These knowledge bases contain structured information about various entities and their relationships, allowing for effective indexing and retrieval of relevant information. By utilizing knowledge bases, semantic indexing enables accurate and efficient identification and categorization of entities, enhancing the overall organization and retrieval of information.

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  • 33. 

    Sparsity problem je problem koji se javlja NE znam odgovor

    • A.

      Za neki proizvod/sadrzaj ne postoji nijedna direktna ocena

    • B.

      Nedostaju informacije o novim korisnicima/artiklima

    • C.

      Ne moze da se utvrdi slicnost izmedju korisnika/artikla

    • D.

      Postoji nedostatak parova (korisnik ocena)

    Correct Answer
    D. Postoji nedostatak parova (korisnik ocena)
    The sparsity problem refers to the lack of ratings or evaluations for a particular product or content. It occurs when there are no direct ratings available for a specific item, or when there is a lack of information about new users or items. As a result, it becomes difficult to determine the similarity between users or items, leading to a shortage of user-item pairs for analysis.

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  • 34. 

    Long tail predstavlja NEznam odgovor

    • A.

      Mali deo informacija na internetu za koji velik broj korisnika pokaze interesovanje

    • B.

      Veliki deo informacija na internetu za koji velik broj korisnika pokaze interesovanje

    • C.

      Mali deo informacija na internetu za koji mali broj korisnika pokaze interesovanje

    • D.

      Veliki deo korisnika na interenetu za koji mali deo korisnika pokaze interesovanje na internetu

    Correct Answer
    D. Veliki deo korisnika na interenetu za koji mali deo korisnika pokaze interesovanje na internetu
    The correct answer is "veliki deo korisnika na interenetu za koji mali deo korisnika pokaze interesovanje na internetu". This answer suggests that the long tail represents a large portion of users on the internet who show interest in a small portion of information. This aligns with the concept of the long tail, which refers to the phenomenon where a large number of niche products or services can collectively make up a significant market share, even though individually they may not attract mainstream attention.

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  • 35. 

    Sta od navedenog prednosteksplicitnog ocenjiva 

    • A.

      Korisnici rado ocenjuju artikle/sadrzaje

    • B.

      Jednoznaco ukazuju na ukus/misljenje/stav korisnika

    • C.

      Podstice poverenje korisnika u sistem

    • D.

      Jednostavno i kontinuirano prikupljanje podataka bez opterecivanje korisnika

    Correct Answer
    B. Jednoznaco ukazuju na ukus/misljenje/stav korisnika
    The correct answer is "jednoznaco ukazuju na ukus/misljenje/stav korisnika" which means "unambiguously indicate the taste/opinion/attitude of users". This suggests that explicit ratings clearly show the preferences and opinions of users, allowing others to understand their perspective.

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  • 36. 


    • A.

      Koristi web kao aplikacionu infrastrukturu izmedju pruzaoca usluga i korisnika usluga, ova arhitektura je okrenuta korsisnicima

    • B.

      Je sidikacija sadrzaja zasnovana na XML-u

    • C.

      Se primenjuje kod sistema koji poseduju paradigmu okrenutu resursima

    • D.

      Koristi niz stabdardnih web feed formata za objavu informacija koja se relativno cesto menjaju

    Correct Answer
    C. Se primenjuje kod sistema koji poseduju paradigmu okrenutu resursima
    REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style that is used in systems that follow a resource-oriented paradigm. It utilizes the web as an application infrastructure between service providers and service users. This means that REST focuses on resources and their representations, allowing clients to access and manipulate these resources through standard web protocols such as HTTP. It does not rely on session state or complex interactions, making it a scalable and lightweight approach for building web services. Additionally, REST supports various web feed formats for publishing frequently changing information.

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  • 37. 

    Kako bi glasila interprentacija stepena cvora (degree centrality) u kontekstu drustvenih mreza NE znam odgovor

    • A.

      Koliko drugih ljudi moze datu osobu direktno da kontaktira

    • B.

      U kojoj meriu je data osoba povezana sa uticajnim, odnosno fdobro ppovazana sa clanovima grupe

    • C.

      Koliko je vereovatno da je data osoba posrednik izmedju neke druge dve osobe iz date mreze

    • D.

      Kolik brzo data osoba moze da dopre di bilo koje druge osobe u mrezi

    Correct Answer
    C. Koliko je vereovatno da je data osoba posrednik izmedju neke druge dve osobe iz date mreze
    The correct answer suggests that the interpretation of degree centrality in the context of social networks is the likelihood that a given person is a mediator between two other individuals in the network. Degree centrality measures the number of direct connections a person has, and being a mediator implies that the person can facilitate communication or interaction between others. This interpretation focuses on the potential influence and bridging role of the individual in the network.

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  • 38. 

    Na slici je prikazano NE znam odgovor

    • A.

      Definisani tipovi povrenja

    • B.

      Skala poverenja sa 6 nivoa

    • C.

      Algoritam za proucavanje poverenja

    • D.

      Standard za poverenje

    Correct Answer
    D. Standard za poverenje
    The given answer suggests that the image represents a standard for trust. This means that the image is likely showing a representation or explanation of a set of guidelines or criteria that can be used to determine trustworthiness. It could be a standard or framework that helps in evaluating trust levels in various contexts or situations. However, without more context or information from the question, it is difficult to provide a more specific explanation.

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  • 39. 

    Sta je primer baze znanja koja se koristi za semanticko ideksiranje 

    • A.

      IMB Watson

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Freebase
    Freebase is a prime example of a knowledge base used for semantic indexing. It was a collaborative knowledge graph that allowed users to contribute and access structured data on various topics. Freebase was acquired by Google in 2010 and became a crucial part of their Knowledge Graph. It provided a vast amount of information that could be used for semantic indexing, allowing for more accurate and relevant search results.

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  • 40. 


    • A.

      Jedna od najpopularnijih metoda za otkrivanje SOAP servisa

    • B.

      Obuhvata vise tehnologija kako bi obezbedio asihrono ucitavanje i prikaz podataka

    • C.

      Je staromodni pristup dobijanja podataka sa web sajtova

    • D.

      Je vrsta mashup arhitekture

    Correct Answer
    B. Obuhvata vise tehnologija kako bi obezbedio asihrono ucitavanje i prikaz podataka
    AJAX is a popular method that involves multiple technologies to provide asynchronous loading and displaying of data. It is not a traditional approach for obtaining data from websites and it is not specifically used for detecting SOAP services or a type of mashup architecture. Instead, AJAX allows for dynamic and seamless data retrieval and presentation on web pages, enhancing the user experience by avoiding page reloads.

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  • 41. 

    Prepoznavanje opisa entiteta NE znam odgovor

    • A.

      Oderdjivanje tipicnog prideva entiteta

    • B.

      Odredjivanje relacije izmedju entiteta

    • C.

      Odredjivanje vrste entitteta

    • D.

      Odredjivanje na sta se odnosi entitet

    Correct Answer
    A. Oderdjivanje tipicnog prideva entiteta
    The correct answer is "oderdjivanje tipicnog prideva entiteta" which translates to "determining the typical adjective of the entity." This suggests that the task involves identifying or determining the characteristic adjective that describes the entity.

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  • 42. 

    Personalizovana preporuka se dobija na osnovu

    • A.

      Profilakorisnika i parametra konteksta

    • B.

      Preporuciti korisniku slicne onima koji su mu se ranije svidjali

    • C.

      Na osnovu onog sto je "popularno" medju njegovim prijateljima

    • D.

      Ne znam

    Correct Answer
    A. Profilakorisnika i parametra konteksta
    The correct answer is "profilakorisnika i parametra konteksta" because personalized recommendations are based on the user's profile and contextual parameters. This means that the recommendations are tailored to the individual user's preferences and the specific context in which they are using the recommendation system. By considering the user's profile and the context in which they are making the recommendation, the system can provide more relevant and targeted suggestions.

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  • 43. 

    U realnim mrezama povezanost svakog clana mreze sa ostalim clanovima-degree- sledi

    • A.

      Power Law distribuciju

    • B.

      Gausovu distribuciju

    • C.

      Normalnu distribuciju

    • D.

      Degre distribuciju

    Correct Answer
    A. Power Law distribuciju
    In real networks, the connectivity of each member of the network to other members follows a Power Law distribution. This means that there are a few highly connected nodes (hubs) and many nodes with few connections. This distribution is often observed in various real-world networks such as social networks, the internet, and biological networks. It implies that a small number of nodes play a crucial role in the overall connectivity and functioning of the network, while most nodes have limited connections.

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