Where does the word 'technology' come from?
Correct Answer
C. Techne
The word "technology" comes from the Greek word "techne," which means art, craft, or skill. It emphasizes the practical application of knowledge. While "technique," "techno," and "tech" are related terms, they do not directly correspond to the origin of the word "technology."
What does technology refer to?
Correct Answer
B. Technology
Technology refers to all the ways people use their inventions and discoveries to meet their needs and desires. It includes the practical application of scientific knowledge to create tools, machines, systems, and processes. It goes beyond physical devices and includes software, networks, and other intangible aspects.
What does 'educational technology' refer to?
Correct Answer
C. Education technology
Educational technology involves the use of technology in the education sector. This includes tools like computers, software, and online platforms to enhance learning experiences. It integrates technological tools with educational theory and pedagogy to improve teaching and learning.
What is the application of technology to educational institutions called?
Correct Answer
B. Technology in education
The term "technology in education" refers to the integration of technology into the operations of educational institutions. It is used to enhance teaching, learning, and administrative processes. This term includes using digital tools and multimedia for education and management.
What aspect of educational technology focuses on instructional processes?
Correct Answer
B. Instructional technology
Instructional technology focuses specifically on using technology to enhance the process of teaching and learning. It includes creating educational materials and tools designed to improve instructional methods and outcomes, differing from broader technology in education or management functions.
What is the use of learning technologies to reinforce and extend skills called?
Correct Answer
C. Technology integration
Technology integration refers to the practice of embedding digital tools and resources into the learning process to enhance skills development. It supports the introduction, reinforcement, and extension of knowledge and skills by using various forms of technology in education.
Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using technology for teaching and learning?
Correct Answer
D. Elimination of the need for teachers
While technology can enhance the teaching and learning process in various ways, it cannot replace the essential role of teachers. Teachers provide guidance, support, and feedback that are crucial for student learning and development. Technology can be a valuable tool for teachers, but it is not a substitute for their expertise and human interaction.
What is the focus of systematic instructional planning?
Correct Answer
B. Student
Systematic instructional planning centers on the needs of the student. It involves creating lesson plans and strategies tailored to meet students' learning styles, abilities, and needs. This focus ensures that the educational process is engaging, effective, and personalized.
What is a visual analogy that does not bear a detailed relationship to the elements it represents?
Correct Answer
B. Cone
The "cone of experiences" is a visual analogy that simplifies the representation of different learning experiences. The cone serves as a metaphor for how individuals interact with different levels of experience and knowledge. While it doesn't exactly replicate complex experiences, it provides a simplified model.
What are the two M's of the cone of experiences?
Correct Answer
C. Media & material
The two M's in the cone of experiences are "media" and "material." Media refers to tools and resources used to deliver information (e.g., books, videos), while material refers to the physical or tangible resources students interact with during learning experiences. These elements enhance the learning process.
What is the cone of experience?
Correct Answer
A. Cone of experience
The cone of experience is a visual model that categorizes different levels of experience based on their degree of abstraction. It helps to visualize and understand how educational experiences can range from direct, hands-on activities to abstract concepts. It does not focus on the difficulty level of the experiences but rather on their level of engagement and connection to real-life situations. This model emphasizes the progression from concrete to more abstract learning experiences.
What refers to firsthand experiences that serve as the foundation of our learning?
Correct Answer
A. Direct purposeful experiences
Direct purposeful experiences are those that individuals engage in firsthand, and they serve as the foundation for learning. These experiences are intentionally designed to provide specific learning outcomes, allowing individuals to make connections to real-life situations. By being actively involved in the learning process, learners are able to gain deeper understanding and develop critical thinking skills.
What refers to the use of representative models or mock-ups of reality to make real-life accessible to students' perceptions and understanding?
Correct Answer
B. Contrived experiences
Contrived experiences are artificially created or simulated experiences designed for educational purposes. These experiences are used to recreate real-life situations or phenomena in a controlled manner, allowing students to engage and understand complex concepts that may not be directly accessible. By using contrived experiences, educators can bridge the gap between theory and practice, making learning more practical and relevant.
What allows participation in a reconstructed experience, even though the original event is far removed from us in time?
Correct Answer
C. Dramatized experiences
Dramatized experiences are created to reconstruct historical events or situations, allowing participants to engage with an event that is distant in time. Through reenactment, performance, or storytelling, dramatized experiences immerse learners in an event or period, enabling them to better understand and emotionally connect with the subject. These experiences provide a deeper, more personal understanding of historical or conceptual content.
What is the visual explanation of an important fact, idea, or process through the use of photographs, drawings, films, displays, or guided motions?
Correct Answer
D. Demosntrations
Demonstrations involve visually showing or presenting a concept or process to facilitate understanding. This can include using various visual aids such as photographs, drawings, films, or physical displays to convey an idea. Demonstrations help learners grasp complex concepts by visually illustrating important facts, thus making abstract or complex information more accessible and engaging.
What are excursions and visits conducted to observe an event that is unavailable within the classroom?
Correct Answer
A. Study trips
Study trips involve excursions or field visits where students are taken outside the classroom to observe real-life events, environments, or phenomena. These trips provide hands-on experiences and practical learning opportunities that are not available through traditional classroom activities. Study trips help bring learning to life by directly engaging students with the subject matter in its real-world context.
What refers to displays to be seen by spectators?
Correct Answer
B. Exhibits
Exhibits are displays or presentations designed to be seen by spectators, typically found in museums, galleries, or public spaces. They are created to showcase objects, artworks, or concepts in a visual and engaging way. Exhibits serve to educate, inform, and engage audiences, providing context and meaning through visual representation. Unlike study trips, exhibits are stationary and available for public viewing.
What can reconstruct the reality of the past so effectively that we are made to feel we are there?
Correct Answer
C. Televisions & motion pictures
Television and motion pictures have the ability to recreate past events or realities, bringing them to life through visual storytelling. By using cinematographic techniques, these media can transport viewers to a different time or place, allowing them to experience the events as though they are happening in real-time. This immersion creates a sense of connection to history and brings a deeper understanding of the past.
Which of the following is NOT a meaning of educational technology
Correct Answer
B. The body of systematized knowledge derived from educational facts.
Educational technology is not simply the body of knowledge derived from educational facts. It involves the application of technological tools and systems to enhance teaching and learning. It includes the use of digital platforms, instructional design, and integrating technology into classrooms to create engaging learning environments. The focus of educational technology is on the process of applying technology to solve problems in learning, rather than just accumulating knowledge.
What is the main difference between educational technology and technology in education?
Correct Answer
A. Education technology is the process while technology in education is the application of technology in education.
Educational technology focuses on the overarching process of using technology to enhance education, including design and integration. It is about understanding and improving how technology can be applied to solve educational challenges. On the other hand, technology in education refers specifically to the practical implementation of tools and technologies within educational settings, such as using software or devices in classrooms. The distinction lies in the broader scope of educational technology as a field of study and the more practical focus of technology in education.
Which of the following is NOT considered educational media?
Correct Answer
D. Ipod
An iPod, though capable of storing educational content, is primarily a portable music player and not specifically designed as educational media. In contrast, books, magazines, and newspapers are all established forms of educational media as they are regularly used for learning and information dissemination.
Which of the following is NOT typically associated with educational technology?
Correct Answer
C. Advance technology
Educational technology refers to the use of technology to enhance learning, which includes instructional technology, technology integration, and educational media. "Advanced technology," however, focuses more on the development of new technological tools and is not specifically associated with the practical use of technology in teaching and learning environments.
Which of the following is NOT considered part of educational technology?
Correct Answer
C. Traditional textbooks
Educational technology generally encompasses digital tools and resources that enhance and transform teaching and learning. While valuable, traditional textbooks lack the interactive and technologically-driven characteristics associated with modern educational technology.
The TV makes the learner a passive spectator, not an active participant in the drama of life.
Correct Answer
B. Bane
The statement refers to how TV can have a negative impact on learners by turning them into passive observers instead of encouraging active participation in real-life situations. Excessive TV watching can hinder critical thinking and personal engagement, which is why it is considered a bane.
The learner spends time surfing the internet for zombie games.
Correct Answer
B. Bane
Spending excessive time playing violent or distracting games, such as zombie games, can be harmful. It may reduce productivity, negatively impact mental health, and lead to isolation. Therefore, this behavior is seen as a "bane" because it hampers balanced learning and personal development.
Students are collaborating on their thesis projects using Google Docs.
Correct Answer
A. Boon
The use of Google Docs is a "boon" because it enables real-time collaboration, allowing students to work together on a thesis project from different locations. It enhances efficiency and communication while also providing a platform for easy access and document sharing.
Students are using Blogspot to express their thoughts on the impact of the internet on their studies.
Correct Answer
A. Boon
Blogging on platforms like Blogspot is a "boon" because it allows students to share their ideas and reflect on topics such as the impact of the internet. It encourages critical thinking, writing skills, and engagement with an online community, making it a valuable educational tool.
An example of a learning activity that a teacher can choose, depending on instructional objectives, lesson content, and student readiness, is discussion.
Correct Answer
A. True
Discussion is an effective learning activity because it promotes engagement, critical thinking, and interaction among students. Teachers can choose this method based on the specific needs of the lesson and the students, fostering deeper understanding and collaboration.
Examples of learning resources for instructional use include textbooks, workbooks, and computers.
Correct Answer
A. True
Textbooks, workbooks, and computers are essential learning resources commonly used in classrooms. Textbooks and workbooks provide structured content and exercises, while computers offer access to digital resources, interactive tools, and online platforms that enhance learning.
In systematized instruction, should the teacher be the center since they are the ones to facilitate?
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement is false because in systematized instruction, the focus should not solely be on the teacher as the center. Effective instruction should consider various factors, including the students, the curriculum, and the learning environment. Teachers facilitate the learning process, but they are not necessarily the central figure. The learner, the materials, and the learning context are all integral parts of the instructional process, and the teacher’s role is to support these elements.
Is defining the objective always the first step to consider in systematized instruction?
Correct Answer
A. True
Defining the objective is typically the first step in creating a systematized instruction plan. Clear objectives provide direction and purpose for the lesson, guiding both the teacher and the students toward the desired outcomes. Without a well-defined objective, instruction can become unfocused, making it difficult to measure the success of the lesson. Objectives align instructional strategies with the specific skills and knowledge that need to be developed.
Should the teacher always evaluate after each instruction in a systematized approach?
Correct Answer
A. True
In systematized instruction, continuous evaluation after each lesson helps ensure that learning objectives are met. It allows teachers to assess students' understanding and provides an opportunity to make necessary adjustments for future lessons. While not every lesson may require formal evaluation, informal checks for understanding help maintain effective teaching and learning processes. Evaluation also aids in identifying areas that need improvement, ensuring a more personalized approach to instruction.
Based on the cone of experiences, are verbal symbols the most effective strategy for teaching?
Correct Answer
B. False
The cone of experiences, developed by Edgar Dale, suggests that more effective teaching strategies involve direct, hands-on experiences, such as demonstrations, physical activities, and visual aids. Verbal symbols, such as lectures and spoken words, are at the top of the cone, meaning they are more abstract and less impactful in terms of retention and learning. The more concrete and interactive the learning experience, the better the retention and understanding.
Are direct purposeful experiences the weakest strategy for teaching according to the cone of experiences?
Correct Answer
B. False
According to the cone of experiences, direct purposeful experiences are among the strongest strategies for teaching. These involve active, hands-on learning where students are fully engaged in the learning process. This type of learning is more effective than passive learning methods like listening to lectures or reading texts, as it allows students to experience and apply concepts directly, leading to deeper understanding and better retention.
Is the cone of experience arranged according to the degree of difficulty and not by abstraction?
Correct Answer
B. False
The cone of experience is actually arranged according to the degree of abstraction. At the bottom of the cone, experiences are more concrete (e.g., direct experiences), while at the top, they are more abstract (e.g., verbal symbols, lectures). This hierarchy shows that more abstract forms of learning are less effective for retaining information compared to concrete experiences, which are more interactive and tangible.
Does Bruner’s three-tiered model of learning follow this order: Enactive, Iconic, and Symbolic?
Correct Answer
A. True
Bruner’s three-tiered model of learning indeed follows this order: Enactive (learning through action), Iconic (learning through images and visual representations), and Symbolic (learning through abstract symbols such as language or mathematical notation). This progression allows learners to build on concrete experiences (Enactive) and then move toward more abstract forms of understanding (Iconic and Symbolic).
Was the cone of experience developed by Jerome S. Bruner?
Correct Answer
B. False
The cone of experience was developed by Edgar Dale, not Jerome S. Bruner. Dale’s cone of experience visualizes different levels of experience and how they relate to retention. The model emphasizes the importance of active, hands-on learning in comparison to more passive learning methods like listening or reading. Bruner is known for his contributions to cognitive learning theories but did not create the cone of experience.
Which of the following is NOT an objective of Educational Technology 1?
Correct Answer
D. To engage learners on IT-related skills
Educational Technology 1 focuses on foundational concepts in educational technology, including the planning, design, and evaluation of learning technology. While it covers the use of technology in education, the primary focus is not specifically to teach IT-related skills. The course is more concerned with using technology effectively in instructional contexts rather than training students on specific IT skills.
Who is the proponent of the Cone of Experience?
Correct Answer
A. Edgar Dale
Edgar Dale is the creator of the Cone of Experience, which illustrates the different levels of learning experiences, from direct, concrete experiences to more abstract forms such as lectures and readings. This model emphasizes that learners retain more information when they are actively engaged in concrete, hands-on activities.
Is the younger generation of teachers admittedly better than older generations when it comes to using the most recent technology, such as computers?
Correct Answer
A. True
It is often true that the younger generation of teachers is more adept at using recent technologies, such as computers, due to their exposure to technology from an early age. They tend to be more comfortable and familiar with digital tools and integrate them into their teaching practices more readily than older generations, who may have had to learn new technologies later in their careers. However, this generalization may not apply universally.
In education, when is technology banned?
Correct Answer
B. When the learner surfs the internet for pornography and games.
Technology is typically banned in educational settings when it is used inappropriately, such as for accessing pornography and games. This misuse distracts students and interferes with the educational process. While technology itself can be a powerful educational tool, its misuse necessitates restrictions to maintain a safe and focused learning environment.
Are Direct Experiences firsthand experiences that serve as the foundation for learning, with Indirect Experiences being the opposite, also known as Vicarious Experiences?
Correct Answer
A. True
Direct experiences involve firsthand encounters, providing immediate learning and understanding. Indirect or vicarious experiences, on the other hand, occur through observing or hearing about others' experiences. Both play essential roles in learning, with direct experiences offering deeper personal engagement and indirect experiences offering broader perspectives.
Is it highly recommended that a learner proceeds from the ENACTIVE to the SYMBOLIC, then to the ICONIC?
Correct Answer
B. False
The correct sequence in Bruner's theory is ENACTIVE → ICONIC → SYMBOLIC. The enactive stage involves hands-on learning, iconic uses visual representation, and symbolic involves abstract symbols like language. The progression should follow this order, moving from concrete experiences to more abstract forms of understanding.
Which of the following describes the action of preparing yourself for a lesson by knowing the objectives, what to expect from the class, and the materials to use?
Correct Answer
A. Prepare Yourself
"Prepare Yourself" means the teacher ensures clarity on lesson objectives, materials, and expectations. This is essential for delivering a structured, organized, and effective lesson. Proper preparation enables the teacher to stay confident and focused, creating an environment conducive to learning.
Which action involves setting class expectations, providing guide questions, and motivating students?
Correct Answer
B. Prepare Your Students
Preparing students involves helping them understand what is expected and motivating them to engage with the material. By providing guidance and expectations, teachers help students align their focus and get ready for the learning experience. This stage ensures that students are mentally and emotionally prepared for the lesson.
Which of the following is NOT an example of Direct Purposeful Experiences?
Correct Answer
C. Reading books and novels
Direct purposeful experiences involve activities that are hands-on and purposeful in achieving specific goals, like tasting ice cream or playing badminton. Reading books and novels, while valuable for learning, is often more passive and not considered a direct experience because it lacks physical interaction or immediate practical application.
Which of the following are edited copies of reality used as substitutes when it is not practical to use the original in the classroom?
Correct Answer
B. Contrived experiences
Contrived experiences are artificial simulations or representations created to mimic real-world experiences in the classroom. These are often used when direct experiences are impractical due to limitations in time, space, or resources. Examples include role-playing, simulated scenarios, or models used to enhance learning.
Which of the following refers to the art of conveying a story through bodily movements only?
Correct Answer
D. Pantomime
Pantomime is a performance art where the story is told through bodily movements, gestures, and facial expressions, without spoken words. This form of storytelling is a powerful non-verbal means of communication, emphasizing physical expression to convey emotions, actions, and narratives.
Which of the following is considered the brain of the computer?
Correct Answer
D. Central Processing Unit
The CPU is referred to as the brain of the computer because it executes instructions and performs all calculations necessary for processing data. It coordinates the activities of all other components in the system, controlling input and output and making decisions based on the program being run.
Which of the following is NOT considered an educational benefit of conducting a field trip?
Correct Answer
C. It is costly to prepare and organize.
While field trips offer numerous educational benefits, including making learning more concrete, expanding students' experiences beyond the classroom, and fostering curiosity, the statement about cost is not a benefit. Costs are a logistical challenge rather than a positive aspect of field trips.