Setting refers to...
Correct Answer
D. All the above answers
Setting means everything, time, place, circumstances, the writing style (tone) and the mood the story gives to the reader.
The setting can be given in 2 differerent ways by an author in a story.
Correct Answer
C. Yes realistically & impressionistically
The setting in a story can be described realistically where the details are clear and resemble real life or impressionistically where the reader is given an impression based on the mood, feeling and senses.
Which situation is an example of irony?
Correct Answer
B. You buy a large dog and call him tiny
Only the second answer is an example of Irony. The first and last answers are just normal situations which can happen to anybody and the third one is a coincidence.
The setting can sometimes foreshadow events. Explain.
Correct Answer
A. The setting can suggest what will happen later on
Don't forget that the setting in a story can give us clues about what might happen later on in a story. In 'To Build a Fire' for example, the story begins by saying how cold and gray the sky was and how there was no sun in the morning. The author also used the word 'pall' to describe the sky. Those were all hints that something bad would be taking place later on in the story.
What is symbolism?
Correct Answer
A. When you use something to represent an idea or feeling
There are many examples of concrete objects representing ideas or concepts. A white dove or bird is a symbol for peace for example.
In 'To Build A Fire', the setting was important because...
Correct Answer
B. The protagonist's survival depended on the setting
The setting (weather) was extremely important in this story and the weather is what moved the plot forward.
How would you describe the protagonist in 'To Build a Fire'?
Correct Answer
D. All the above answers
Even though he wasn't very smart, he was still determined though because he didn't give up and tried to survive until the very end.
Who can we consider as the antagonist in 'To Build a Fire'?
Correct Answer
A. The weather
The man was the protagonist and the weather can be considered as the antagonist as he struggled against it to survive.
What's the opposite of realism?
Correct Answer
C. Fantasy
Realism is when you have events that mimic real life.
Fantasy is when the imagination takes over and you end up with stories with magic and fictional characters. The setting usually is not in this world.
In 'A Sound of Thunder' what happens to the protagonist at the end?
Correct Answer
A. Travis kills Eckels
The sound of thunder written at the end of the story is actually the sound of the shot from the rifle killing Eckels. The author doesn't tell you that directly though, he leaves it to your imagination.
When Eckels travelled back in time, why did Travis tell him not to touch anything there?
Correct Answer
C. Because he could change the future
This goes back to the butterfly effect which says that any change in the past will create change in the future. So Travis (the Safari Guide) tells Eckels not to touch anything when they go back to the past so that he doesn't change the future.
In 'A Sound of Thunder' we have an example of the butterfly effect.
Correct Answer
A. True
There is a clear example of the butterfly effect in 'A Sound of Thunder' because at the end of the story, we learn that the present has changed after Eckels accidentally changed the past (when he stepped and killed the butterfly).
Setting is not important in 'A Sound of Thunder'.
Correct Answer
B. False
Setting is extremely important in this story because it's all about time travel and going to different places. Without the setting, this story would not be the same.
In stories, colours can be used as symbols for feelings.
Correct Answer
A. True
Colors such as red, black and gray can be used to show negative emotions and blue, white and pink can be used to show happy feelings. If I say 'my dad's red eyes stared at me' you can tell that my dad was angry.
Naturalism (in stories) is a kind of realism.
Correct Answer
A. True
Naturalism is a kind of realism which states that things happen in stories because of people's qualities and characteristics. For example a stupid person is not likely to survive if he travels to an abandoned place because he wasn't smart enough to prepare for the journey in the first place. So because of his characteristics, his fate is death.
Color (when it comes to meaning) is culture specific.
Correct Answer
A. True
Different cultures assign different meanings to the same colors. Black in the Arab world for example is used for sad occasions but in Japan it is used for happy events.
What mistake or mistakes did the man make in 'To Build a Fire'?
Correct Answer
E. All the above
All the above answers lead the man to his terrible end. If he was a bit smarter, he would have been more careful and more prepared and would have had a better chance at surviving.
Why does the author repeatedly mention how cold it was in 'To Build a Fire'?
Correct Answer
A. To give the reader a sense of how cold it was
Just as the author in 'Jack and the Beanstalk' used and he climbed and he climbed.... to emphasize the size of the beanstalk, the author in 'To Build a Fire' had to do the same to show and remind the reader of the setting and how terribly cold it was. The man's survival depended on the weather as it was the main factor moving the plot forward.
The tree in 'To Build a Fire' is evil for extinguishing (destroying) the fire the man had built under it.
Correct Answer
B. False
The tree is not evil as it has no emotions. The tree (and nature for that matter) doesn't care whether the man lives or dies. The man is just not smart enough to survive by himself. If he was smarter, he wouldn't have built the fire under the tree (full of snow) in the first place.
Which example below shows us the extreme cold in 'To Build a Fire'?
Correct Answer
C. He kept his food under his clothes
The author tells us that the man kept his food next to his skin under his clothes so that the food doesn't freeze. This example shows us the tremendous cold of the Alaskan weather.