In desenul alaturat este reprezentata schema exterioara de alimentare cu apa. Ce reprezinta reperul 3?
Reperul 3 reprezintă stația de tratare a apei.
Elementele de rezistenta asigura ..................... construcţiei.
The correct answer is "stabilitatea, stabilitate". This means that the resistance elements ensure the stability of the construction.
Tamplaria face parte din categoria elementelor de:
Correct Answer
C. Inchidere si compartimentare
Tamplaria face parte din categoria elementelor de inchidere si compartimentare. Aceasta se refera la toate componentele din lemn, PVC sau aluminiu care sunt utilizate pentru a inchide si separa spatiile interioare, cum ar fi usile, ferestrele, peretii despartitori etc. Aceste elemente sunt esentiale pentru a crea compartimente si a asigura intimitatea, siguranta si izolarea fonica si termica a unei cladiri.
................ este un proces de distrugere a metalelor datorită unor procese chimice, electrochimice sau microbiologice care se produc sub acţiunea mediului înconjurător.
Correct Answer
The given answer "Coroziunea, coroziunea, coroziune" is a repetition of the word "coroziune" three times. This suggests that the correct answer to the question is "coroziunea" (corrosion). The question is asking for the term that describes the process of metal deterioration due to chemical, electrochemical, or microbiological processes in the surrounding environment.
Scrieti denumirea elementului indicat de reperul 5.
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "planseu, planseul". Both "planseu" and "planseul" are acceptable forms of the word, with "planseu" being the singular form and "planseul" being the plural form. Therefore, either answer is correct depending on the context of the question.
Elementele de ……….. asigură protecţia, igiena şi estetica elementelor construcţiilor .
Correct Answer
de finisaje
The correct answer is "finisaj, finisaje, de finisaje". The sentence is discussing the elements that ensure the protection, hygiene, and aesthetics of the construction elements. The word "finisaj" means "finish" in Romanian, and it is used in its singular form in the sentence. The word "finisaje" is the plural form of "finisaj" and is used to indicate multiple finishes. The phrase "de finisaje" means "of finishes" and is used to describe the type or nature of the finishes. Together, these words convey the idea that finishes are responsible for providing protection, hygiene, and aesthetics to the construction elements.
Elementul indicat in imagine reprezinta………….
Correct Answer
izolatie hidrofuga
The element indicated in the image represents a waterproofing or water-resistant insulation material. This material is used to prevent the penetration of water or moisture into a structure, providing protection against water damage. It can be applied to various surfaces such as roofs, walls, or foundations to ensure a watertight barrier.
Tencuielile sunt elemente de finisaj .
Correct Answer
A. Adevarat
The statement "Tencuielile sunt elemente de finisaj" translates to "Plastering is a finishing element." This statement is true because tencuielile refers to the process of applying plaster or mortar to walls or surfaces to create a smooth and even finish. As a finishing element, plastering helps to enhance the appearance of the walls and provides a protective layer.
In schema alaturata sunt enumerate elementele de rezistenta, unul face parte din alta categorie. Identificati-l!
Correct Answer
In the given schema, the elements of resistance are listed, and one of them belongs to a different category. The correct answer is "ferestre" which means "windows" in English. This suggests that among the listed elements of resistance, windows do not belong to the same category as the others.
Pereţii de compartimentare se mai numesc şi pereţi portanţi.
Correct Answer
B. Fals
The statement is false because "pereţii de compartimentare" translates to "partition walls" in English, not "load-bearing walls." Therefore, the correct answer is false.
Infrastructura este partea cladirii aflata sub cota +0,00 si include :
Correct Answer
A. Fundatia , pereti subsol , planseu peste subsol.
The correct answer is "fundatia, pereti subsol, planseu peste subsol." This is because the question asks for the components of the infrastructure, which are the parts of a building located below the +0.00 level. The foundation, basement walls, and floor above the basement are all considered part of the infrastructure.
Numiti categoria din care fac parte elementele enumerate in schema:
Correct Answer
de finisaje
de finisaj
The elements listed in the schema belong to the category of "finisaj" because all the given options are variations or derivatives of the word "finisaj."
Casa a carei sectiune este reprezentata in imagine este invelita cu tigla metalica. Din ce categorie de elemente face parte invelitoarea?
Correct Answer
elemente de inchidere si compartimentare
elemente de inchidere
The correct answer is "elemente de inchidere si compartimentare, elemente de inchidere, inchidere". The question asks about the category of elements that the roof covering belongs to. The options provided are "elemente de inchidere si compartimentare" (closure and compartmentalization elements), "elemente de inchidere" (closure elements), and "inchidere" (closure). The correct answer includes all three options, indicating that the roof covering belongs to the category of closure and compartmentalization elements, as well as closure elements in general.
Împotriva zgomotelor, se prevăd izolaţii termice.
Correct Answer
B. Fals
The statement says "Thermal insulation is provided against noise." This statement is false because thermal insulation is not used to reduce noise, but rather to prevent heat transfer. Noise insulation, on the other hand, is used to reduce or block sound transmission. Therefore, the correct answer is false.
Statiile de epurare trateaza apele captate in vederea alimentarii cu apa a localitatilor
Correct Answer
B. Fals
The given statement is false. Water treatment plants, or "statiile de epurare," do not treat water for the purpose of supplying it to localities. Instead, they treat wastewater or sewage to remove pollutants and contaminants before releasing the treated water back into the environment. The water supplied to localities for drinking and other purposes usually comes from separate sources, such as reservoirs, wells, or rivers, and undergoes a different treatment process.
Instalatiile tehnico - sanitare includ instalatiile de canalizare.
Correct Answer
A. Adevarat
The statement is true because "instalatiile tehnico-sanitare" refers to the technical-sanitary installations, which includes the sewage system or the plumbing system. Therefore, the statement is correct in stating that "instalatiile tehnico-sanitare" include the sewage installations.