ACCESS este:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Un sistem de gestiune a bazelor de date relationale
The correct answer is "un sistem de gestiune a bazelor de date relationale, un SGBD". This is because ACCESS is a software program that is used as a relational database management system (SGBD) for organizing and managing databases. It allows users to create and manipulate tables, forms, queries, and reports in a relational database environment.
Care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt adevarate?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Access dispune de mecanisme pentru exportul datelor in Excel si/sau Word
B. Acces permite gasirea rapida a datelor legate intre ele
Access dispune de mecanisme pentru exportul datelor în Excel și/sau Word - Această afirmație este adevărată deoarece Access oferă opțiuni pentru exportul datelor în formatele Excel și Word, permițând utilizatorilor să transfere informațiile din baza de date în aceste aplicații.
Acces permite găsirea rapidă a datelor legate între ele - Această afirmație este adevărată deoarece Access are funcții de căutare și interogare care facilitează identificarea și accesarea rapidă a datelor legate între ele în baza de date.
Acces nu permite afișarea datelor sub formă de pagini web - Această afirmație este falsă deoarece Access oferă opțiuni pentru publicarea bazelor de date pe web, permițând afișarea datelor sub formă de pagini web.
In proiectele Access se pot organiza urmatoarele tipuri de obiecte:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Interogari
C. Rapoarte
In proiectele Access, se pot organiza interogari și rapoarte. Interogările sunt utilizate pentru a căuta și extrage informații din baza de date, în timp ce rapoartele sunt utilizate pentru a formata și afișa aceste informații într-un mod structurat și ușor de înțeles. Centralizatoarele electronice și meniurile nu sunt menționate ca tipuri de obiecte organizabile în proiectele Access în enunțul dat.
In proiectele Access se pot organiza urmatoarele tipuri de obiecte:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Pagini
B. Macrouri
In proiectele Access, se pot organiza pagini și macrouri ca obiecte. Paginile sunt utilizate pentru a crea interfețe de utilizator pentru bazele de date, unde utilizatorii pot introduce și vizualiza datele. Macrourile sunt utilizate pentru a automatiza acțiuni și operații în baza de date, cum ar fi deschiderea unui formular sau efectuarea unei interogări. Prin organizarea acestor obiecte în proiect, utilizatorii pot gestiona și accesa mai ușor diferitele funcționalități ale bazei de date.
In Access, la crearea tabelelor, pentru fiecare atribut trebuie precizat:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Numele
B. Tipul
C. Lungimea
When creating tables in Access, it is necessary to specify the name, type, and length for each attribute. Additionally, the location where the table will be saved may also need to be specified, depending on the specific requirements of the database management system.
In Access, sunt acceptate urmatoarele tipri de date:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Text
B. Memo
C. Numeric
The given answer lists the accepted data types in Access, which are text, memo, and numeric. These data types are commonly used to store different types of information in a database. "Text" is used for alphanumeric characters, "memo" is used for longer text or notes, and "numeric" is used for numerical values. "Vlookup" is not a valid data type in Access and therefore is not included in the answer.
In Access, sunt acceptate urmatoarele tipuri de date:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Date calendaristice
B. Memo
The correct answer includes two types of data accepted in Access: "date calendaristice" which refers to calendar dates, and "memo" which allows for storing large amounts of text. The other options mentioned, "numerologice" and "Hlookup", are not valid data types in Access.
In Access sunt acceptate urmatoarele tipuri de date:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Date/Time
C. Numeric
D. Lookup Wizard
The given answer is correct because in Access, these are the accepted types of data. "Date/Time" is used to store dates and times, "Numeric" is used to store numerical values, and "Lookup Wizard" is used to create a field that allows the user to choose a value from a list of predefined values.
In Access, extensia implicita a unei baze de date este
Correct Answer
A. .mdb
The correct answer is .mdb. In Access, the default file extension for a database is .mdb. This extension is used to identify and open Access database files. The .dbf extension is commonly used for dBASE database files, while the .xls extension is used for Excel spreadsheet files. However, in the context of Access, the .mdb extension is the correct answer for the default file extension.
In expresiile Access, cared intre urmatoarele contructii sunt corecte?
Correct Answer(s)
B. #12/122005#
The expressions "FEAA" and #12/122005# are correct in Access. "FEAA" is a valid string expression, while #12/122005# is a valid date expression. The other expressions, #31/312006# and "31/12/2005", are not valid because the date format is incorrect.
In Access o tabela poate fi creata folosind:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Modul de proiectare Design View
C. Asistentul Table Wizard
The correct answer is "modul de proiectare Design View, asistentul Table Wizard". In Access, a table can be created using the Design View mode or the Table Wizard assistant. In the Design View mode, users can define the structure of the table by specifying the field names, data types, and other properties. The Table Wizard, on the other hand, provides a step-by-step guide for creating a table by selecting pre-defined templates or importing data from external sources. Both methods offer different approaches to creating tables in Access.
In Acces, cheia primara poate fi:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Declarate de sistem
B. Declarata de catre utilizator
C. Artificiala
D. Naturala
The primary key in Access can be declared by the system, declared by the user, artificial, or natural. This means that Access allows for flexibility in defining the primary key for a table. The system can automatically generate a primary key, the user can manually declare a primary key, or the primary key can be a generated value (artificial) or a value that already exists in the data (natural).
In Acces, cheia primara poate fi:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Simpla
B. Compusa
The primary key in Access can be either simple or composite. A simple primary key consists of a single attribute, while a composite primary key is formed by combining multiple attributes. Therefore, the correct answer is that the primary key in Access can be both simple and composite.
In Access, modificarea structurii unei tabele inseamna:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Adaugarea de noi cimpuri
C. Stergerea unor cimpuri
E. Modificarea proprietatilor unor cimpuri
The correct answer is the addition of new fields, the deletion of some fields, and the modification of the properties of fields. In Access, modifying the structure of a table refers to making changes to the fields within the table. This can involve adding new fields to store additional information, deleting unnecessary fields, or modifying the properties of existing fields such as changing the data type or field size. These actions help in customizing the table structure to better fit the data needs and improve data management in Access.
In Access, declararea restricitiilor trebuie facuta:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Odata cu crearea tabelei
B. Inaintea incarcarii tabelei cu rticole
The correct answer is "odata cu crearea tabelei". In Access, when declaring restrictions, it is necessary to do it at the same time as creating the table. This means that the restrictions should be specified during the table creation process. It is important to define the restrictions before loading the table with articles, as it ensures that the data being loaded meets the specified restrictions.
In Acces declararea restrictiilor unei tabele presupune ca aceasta sa fie deschisa in modul:
Correct Answer
A. Design
The correct answer is "Design" because when declaring restrictions for a table in Access, it is necessary for the table to be open in Design mode. This mode allows users to make changes to the structure and properties of the table, including adding constraints and defining restrictions. "Open" mode simply allows users to view and edit the data in the table, while "View" mode only allows users to view the data without making any changes to the table's structure or properties.
In Access, cheia primara este naturala atunci cind este declarata:
Correct Answer
C. De utilizator prin alegerea unui atribut/grup de atribute din structura tabelei
The correct answer is "de utilizator prin alegerea unui atribut/grup de atribute din structura tabelei". This means that the primary key in Access is chosen by the user by selecting an attribute or a group of attributes from the table's structure. This allows the user to define a unique identifier for each record in the table, which is essential for maintaining data integrity and facilitating efficient data retrieval. The other options, "prin AutoNumber" and "de utilizator prin AutoNumber", refer to using an automatically generated number as the primary key, which is also a valid option in Access but not the correct answer in this case.
In proiectele Access se pot organiza urmatoarele tipuri de obiecte:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Formurale
B. Module
D. Tabele
In proiectele Access, se pot organiza următoarele tipuri de obiecte: formulare, module și tabele. Formularele sunt utilizate pentru a afișa și manipula datele într-un mod interactiv și personalizat. Modulele sunt utilizate pentru a scrie cod VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) pentru a extinde funcționalitatea aplicației. Tabelele sunt utilizate pentru a stoca datele într-un format structurat și relațional.
Access creeaza indecsi pentru:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Cheia primara
C. Cheia alternativa
D. Cheia naturala
Access creează indecși pentru cheia primară, cheia alternativă și cheia naturală. Acestea sunt toate tipuri de chei utilizate în bazele de date pentru a identifica și organiza înregistrările. Indecșii sunt creați pentru a accelera căutarea și filtrarea datelor într-o bază de date, ceea ce face interogările mai eficiente.
In Access, restrictia de integritate referentiala cere ca:
Correct Answer
B. Valorile cheii straine din tabela copil sa se regaseasa printre valorile cheii primare din tabela parinte
The correct answer is that the foreign key values in the child table should be found among the primary key values in the parent table. This is because referential integrity ensures that any value in the foreign key field of the child table must correspond to a value in the primary key field of the parent table. This ensures that the relationship between the two tables is maintained and prevents orphaned records in the child table.
In Access, restrictia de integritate referentiala are urmatoarele consecinte:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Nu este permisa modificarea cheii primare din tabela parinte daca exista in tabela copil cel putin o inregistrare cu care este in legatura
B. Nu este permisa introducerea unei valori a cheii straine dacarespectiva valoare nu se regaseste ca si cheie primara in tabela parinte
The correct answer states that in Access, the referential integrity constraint has the following consequences:
1. The primary key in the parent table cannot be modified if there is at least one record in the child table that is linked to it.
2. A foreign key value cannot be inserted if the corresponding value is not present as a primary key in the parent table.
These consequences ensure that the relationships between tables are maintained and that data integrity is preserved.
In Access, optiunea Cascade Update Related Fields activata determina ca:
Correct Answer
A. La modificarea unei valori a cheii primare din tabela parinte sa se modifice in cascada toate cheile straine
din inregistrarile copil corespondente
When the "Cascade Update Related Fields" option is enabled in Access, it means that when a value of the primary key in the parent table is modified, all corresponding foreign keys in the child records will be updated in cascade. This ensures that any changes made to the primary key value in the parent table are reflected in the related child records.
In Access, care dintre urmatoarele enunturi sunt adevarate:
Correct Answer(s)
B. O tabela are o singura cheie primara
C. Intr-o tabela pot fi declarate mai multe restrictii la nivel de atribut
A tabela poate avea doar o singură cheie primară, ceea ce înseamnă că poate fi definită o singură coloană ca fiind cheie primară. În plus, într-o tabelă pot fi declarate mai multe restricții la nivel de atribut, ceea ce înseamnă că pot fi impuse mai multe reguli și restricții asupra valorilor introduse în coloanele respective.
In Access, optiunea Cascade Update Related Fields activata determina ca:
Correct Answer
A. La modificarea unei valori a cheii primare din tabela parinte sa se modifice in cascada toate cheile straine
din inregistrarile copil corespondente
When the "Cascade Update Related Fields" option is enabled in Access, it means that when a value of the primary key in the parent table is modified, all corresponding foreign keys in the child records will be updated in cascade. This ensures that any changes made to the primary key are reflected in the related records in the child table.
In Access, care dintre urmatoarele enunturi nu sunt adevarate?
Correct Answer(s)
B. Pentru modificarea structurii, o tabela trebuie deschisa in modul Open
C. Pentru actualizare, o tabela trebuie deschisa in modul Design
The correct answer is "pentru modificarea structurii, o tabela trebuie deschisa in modul Open, pentru actualizare, o tabela trebuie deschisa in modul Design". This means that in Access, to modify the structure of a table, it needs to be opened in Design mode, not in Open mode. Similarly, to update the data in a table, it needs to be opened in Open mode, not in Design mode.
In Access, care dintre urmatoarele enunturi sunt adevarate?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Adaugarea unui nou cimp inseamna modificarea structurii unei tabele
C. Adaugarea unei noi inregistrari inseamna actualizarea unei tabele
The correct answer is that "adaugarea unui nou cimp inseamna modificarea structurii unei tabele" (adding a new field means modifying the structure of a table) and "adaugarea unei noi inregistrari inseamna actualizarea unei tabele" (adding a new record means updating a table) are true statements. In Access, adding a new field to a table does indeed involve modifying the structure of the table, as it changes the columns or attributes that the table contains. Similarly, adding a new record to a table means updating the table with new data.
La vizualizarea continutului tabelelor Access:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Semnul + in dreptul unei inregistrari semnifica faptul ca aceasta este legata prin chei straine de inregistrari aflate in alte tabele
E. Semnul - in dreptul unei inregistrari semnifica faptul ca sunt afisate inregistrarile cu care acesta este in legatura
The correct answer is that the "+" sign next to a record signifies that it is linked through foreign keys to records in other tables, while the "-" sign next to a record signifies that the displayed records are related to it.
In Access, formularul este un instrument ce permite:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Accesarea si actualizarea datelor stocate in tabele
C. Introducere datelor in tabele
The correct answer is accessing and updating data stored in tables and entering data into tables. In Access, a form is a tool that allows users to interact with the data in tables. Users can access and update the data stored in tables through the form, as well as enter new data into the tables. Forms provide a user-friendly interface for managing and manipulating data in Access databases.
In Access, care dintre urmatoarele enunturi sunt adevarate?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Un formulat este legat de o structura de date de tip tabela
C. Intr-un formular, singura sectiune obligatorie este Detail
The correct answer is "un formulat este legat de o structura de date de tip tabela" which means "a form is linked to a table data structure". This statement is true because in Access, a form is typically created to display and interact with data from a table or query. The form is linked to the table through its record source property, allowing the user to view, add, edit, and delete records in the table through the form.
In Access, care dintre urmatoarele enunturi sunt adevarate?
Correct Answer
B. Poate fi creat cite un formular pentru fiecare tabela componenta a unei baze de date
In Access, it is true that a form can be created for each component table in a database. This means that for every table in a database, a separate form can be created to interact with the data in that table. This allows for more flexibility and customization in the user interface of the database.
Prin interogarile Access pot fi obtinute informatii:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Din una sau mai multe tabele
C. Pe baza unor criterii stabilite de utilizator
D. Preluate din cimpurile tabelelor si/sau rezultate din expresii calculate
The correct answer is "din una sau mai multe tabele, pe baza unor criterii stabilite de utilizator, preluate din cimpurile tabelelor si/sau rezultate din expresii calculate." This means that with Access queries, information can be obtained from one or more tables, based on user-defined criteria, and can include data from the fields of the tables or calculated expressions.
In interogarile Access:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Se pot realiza calcule la nivelul grupurilor de inregistrari
C. Pentru realizarea de calcule, se folosesc functii agregat
In Access queries, calculations can be performed at the group level of records. This means that calculations can be done for each group of records based on a specific criteria or field. To perform these calculations, aggregate functions are used. Aggregate functions in Access, such as SUM, AVG, COUNT, etc., allow you to calculate values based on groups of records rather than individual records. These functions can be used to calculate totals, averages, counts, and other summary statistics for each group of records in a query.
In Access, raportul:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Este construit pe baza datelor din tabele
B. Reprezinta ansamblu de informatii obtinute, conform cerintelor utilizatorului
D. Poate fi obtinut si la imprimanta
The correct answer is that a report in Access is built based on data from tables, represents a collection of information obtained according to the user's requirements, and can be obtained both on the printer and in other formats.
In rapoartele Access:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Inregistrarilepot fi rupate si ordonate
B. Sectiunile de antet si sfirsit nu sunt obligatorii
C. Sectiunea Detail contine valorile cimpurilor din baza de date si a expresiilor calculate ce vor forma o linie cu dte
D. Sectiunea Page Footer poate contine expresii ce vor fi calculate la executia raportului
The answer states that in Access reports, records can be broken and ordered, the header and footer sections are not mandatory, the detail section contains the values of the fields from the database and calculated expressions that will form a line with data, and the page footer section can contain expressions that will be calculated during the execution of the report.
In access, care dintre urmatoarele enunturi sunt adevarate?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Intr-un raport pot fi extrase date dintr-o singura tabela
D. Un raport este un obiect care face parte dintr-un proiect Access
The explanation for the given correct answer is that in Access, it is true that data can be extracted from a single table in a report. This means that a report can display information from one specific table in the database. Additionally, it is also true that a report is an object that is part of an Access project. This means that a report is a separate entity within an Access project and can be created, modified, and managed independently.
In Access:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Pentru scrierea de proceduri, se foloseste VBA
C. O procedura contine un set de instructiuni care realizeaza o anumita sarcina
The correct answer is "pentru scrierea de proceduri, se foloseste VBA" because in Access, VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) is the programming language used for writing procedures. A procedure is a set of instructions that performs a specific task.
In procedurile Access, se folosesc:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Cuvinte rezervate ale mediului VBA
C. Variabile
D. Valori
The correct answer is "cuvinte rezervate ale mediului VBA, variabile, valori". In Access procedures, users can use reserved keywords specific to the VBA environment, as well as variables and values. These reserved keywords are predefined by the VBA environment and have specific meanings and functions within the programming language. Variables are used to store and manipulate data, while values represent specific data that can be assigned to variables or used in calculations.
In procedurile Access, care dintre urmatoarele enunturi sunt adevarate?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Subrutinele nu returneaza o valoare
C. Functiile procedurale returneaza o valoare
The given correct answer states that subroutines do not return a value, while procedural functions do return a value. This is accurate because subroutines in Access are used to perform a series of actions or tasks without returning a result, whereas procedural functions are designed to return a value based on the input parameters. Additionally, the other options mentioned in the question, such as subroutines referring to Excel macros and procedural functions not containing VBA instructions, are not relevant to the behavior of subroutines and procedural functions in Access.
In cadrul unui formular pot sa para maxim:
Correct Answer
A. 5 sectiuni de lucru
The maximum number of sections that can appear in a form is 5.
Programele VBA sunt numite proceduri si sunt grupate in:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Subrutine
C. Functii procedurale
VBA programs are divided into two main groups: subroutines and procedural functions. Subroutines are a type of procedure that performs a specific task or set of tasks, but does not return a value. On the other hand, procedural functions are also procedures, but they do return a value after performing a specific task or calculation. Therefore, the correct answer includes both subroutines and procedural functions as the two main groups of VBA procedures.
O functie procedurala VBA se refera la instructiuni cuprinse intre:
Correct Answer
C. Function..... End function
A procedural VBA function refers to instructions enclosed between "Function" and "End function". This is the correct answer because in VBA, a function is a block of code that performs a specific task and returns a value. The "Function" keyword is used to define the start of a function, and the "End function" keyword is used to mark the end of the function.
Formularea "orice procedura cuprinde un set de instructiuni care indeplinesc o anumita sarcina este":
Correct Answer
B. Corecta
The statement "orice procedura cuprinde un set de instructiuni care indeplinesc o anumita sarcina" is correct. It means that every procedure includes a set of instructions that fulfill a specific task. This statement accurately describes the nature of procedures, as they are designed to carry out specific actions or tasks by following a predefined set of instructions. Therefore, the answer "corecta" is the correct choice.
In Access, bazele de date organizeaza:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Tabele care includ date primare
B. Tabele care contin liste de valori
The correct answer is that databases in Access organize tables that include primary data and tables that contain lists of values. This means that Access allows users to create tables that store important data and tables that store reference values or options for data entry. These tables can be linked together using relationships to create a comprehensive database system.
In Access, care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt adevarate?
Correct Answer(s)
B. Ole Object este un tip de date care permite stocarea documentelor Word, a foilor de calcul Exccel et.
C. Currency este un tip de date conceput pentru a obtine rezultate precise in calculele cu banii
The statement "Ole Object este un tip de date care permite stocarea documentelor Word, a foilor de calcul Exccel et." is true because an Ole Object data type in Access allows for the storage of documents from other applications, such as Word or Excel.
The statement "Currency este un tip de date conceput pentru a obtine rezultate precise in calculele cu banii" is also true because the Currency data type in Access is specifically designed for accurate calculations involving money.
In Access, AutoNumber:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Este o varianta speciala a datelor de tip Numeric
B. Este recomandat in procedura de stabilire a cheii primare
AutoNumber in Access is a special variant of Numeric data type that is recommended for establishing primary keys. It does not accept NULL values.
In Access:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Se creeaza indecsi, pentru fiecare tip de cheie primara sau alternativa
C. Pentru atributul cheie primara proprietatea Indexed este setata pe YES (No Duplicates)
In Access, indexes are created for each type of primary or alternative key. For the primary key attribute, the Indexed property is set to YES with the option of No Duplicates, ensuring that each value in the primary key is unique. This helps in maintaining data integrity and efficient retrieval of data. Similarly, for foreign key attributes, the Indexed property is also set to YES with the option of No Duplicates to ensure referential integrity.
In Access, modificare structurii unei tabele inseamna:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Adaugarea unor noi atribute
D. Modificarea numelui, tipului si/sau lungimii atributelor
The correct answer is "adaugarea unor noi atribute, modificarea numelui, tipului si/sau lungimii atributelor." In Access, modifying the structure of a table refers to adding new attributes (columns), as well as changing the name, data type, or length of existing attributes. This allows for flexibility in organizing and managing data within the table.
In Access, tipul de date Memo se foloseste cind datele ce urmeaza a fi introduse:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Au mai multe de 255 aractere
B. Nu sunt structurate
The correct answer is "au mai multe de 255 aractere, nu sunt structurate." In Access, the Memo data type is used when the data to be entered has more than 255 characters and is unstructured. This data type allows for the storage of large amounts of text and is commonly used for notes, descriptions, or comments where the length of the text exceeds the limit of other data types like Text.
In Access, formatul pentr date calendaristice:
Correct Answer
A. Este ales de utilizator dintr-o lista prestabilita
The correct answer is "este ales de utilizator dintr-o lista prestabilita". In Access, the format for calendar dates is chosen by the user from a predefined list of formats. This means that the user can select the format that best suits their needs from a range of options provided by Access.
In Access, tabelele sunt organizate in:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Baze de date ierarhice
C. Baze de date relationale
D. Fisiere .mdb
The correct answer is baze de date ierarhice, baze de date relationale, fisiere .mdb. This is because in Access, tables are organized in hierarchical database structures, relational databases, and .mdb files. Hierarchical databases organize data in a tree-like structure, where each record has a parent and child relationship. Relational databases organize data into tables with relationships between them. And .mdb files are the file format used by Access to store databases.