The Paragraph Quiz To Test Your Understanding

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| By Bmascarenas
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The Paragraph Quiz To Test Your Understanding - Quiz

Paragraphs are a writer's biggest tool. But, it is impactful, only if the reader is able to understand it and get its meaning. In this quiz, you are given some paragraphs. Read them and attempt some multiple-choice questions. The right answer will tell how good the writer was, in making his script easy to understand.

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    The main idea may appear at any place within each of the five paragraphs that follow. Choose the number of each main idea below. ___ 1. 1A character in a novel or a short story may be older or younger than you. 2The character may live on a farm, while you live in a city. 3The character may be living long ago—during the American Revolution, or in ancient Rome, or in the Middle Ages. 4The character may be male while you are female, white while you are black, rich while you are poor—or vice versa. 5Rarely do you meet a fictional character who is just like yourself, so when you read fiction, you must step outside the narrow boundaries of your own life.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    E. 5
    The main idea of this passage is that when reading fiction, you often encounter characters who are different from yourself in various ways, such as age, location, time period, gender, race, and socioeconomic status. The passage emphasizes the importance of stepping outside of your own life and experiencing different perspectives through literature.

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  • 2. 

    2. The main idea may appear at any place within each of the five paragraphs that follow. Choose the number of each main idea below. 1Behavior experts think there are two main reasons why some people experience stress when buying clothes for themselves. 2First, anxious shoppers often don’t like the look of their bodies, and trying on clothes (especially in front of mirrors) makes them confront what they’d rather not think about. 3Second, these people are sometimes unsure about what image they want to project (studious? sexy? respectable?), so it’s hard for them to make clothing choices without feeling frustrated.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. 1
    The main idea of the passage is that there are two main reasons why some people experience stress when buying clothes for themselves. The explanation goes on to describe these two reasons - the first being that anxious shoppers often dislike the look of their bodies and trying on clothes makes them confront this, and the second being that they are unsure about what image they want to project, making it difficult for them to make clothing choices without feeling frustrated. Therefore, the main idea is presented in the first sentence of the passage.

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  • 3. 

     The main idea may appear at any place within each of the five paragraphs that follow. Choose the number of each main idea below. 1Blocking out your feelings may seem like a good way to protect yourself at emotionally difficult times. 2But psychologists report that people who keep feelings locked inside are likely to run into trouble. 3First, unexpressed emotions only deepen and become even more troubling. 4Also, people with buried emotions often have a difficult time relating to others and are afraid of being hurt if they open up. 5In addition, those hidden feelings may eventually find a harmful way to get out. 6For example, people whose feelings are blocked off are more likely to have alcohol problems, attempt suicide, or try to hurt others.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    B. 2
    The main idea of the passage is that blocking out or suppressing emotions can lead to negative consequences. This is supported by the statement that people who keep feelings locked inside are likely to run into trouble. The subsequent paragraphs provide reasons for this, such as how unexpressed emotions deepen and become more troubling, how people with buried emotions struggle to relate to others and fear being hurt, and how hidden feelings can manifest in harmful ways like alcohol problems, suicide attempts, or hurting others. Therefore, the correct answer is 2, as it introduces the main idea of the passage.

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  • 4. 

     The main idea may appear at any place within each of the five paragraphs that follow. Choose the number of each main idea below. 1Few things are more boring than standing in line. 2Luckily, some ways have been found to make waiting in line more bearable. 3Airline personnel now use hand-held devices to look up customers’ information, scan or print boarding passes, and direct passengers to the appropriate area. 4One New York bank pays five dollars to any customer who has waited more than five minutes. 5Fast-food restaurants have found that timing the work of fast-food workers motivates crews to work more quickly, resulting in lines that move faster. 6Dividing tasks so that one person takes an order while another begins to prepare it also gets food to customers more quickly. 7In amusement parks, customers complain less when signs explain how long people can expect to wait. 8Also, live entertainment such as a magician or juggler cheers people waiting in long lines.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    B. 2
    The main idea of the passage is that there are various ways to make waiting in line more bearable. The author provides examples such as the use of hand-held devices by airline personnel, timing the work of fast-food workers, dividing tasks in fast-food restaurants, providing information about wait times in amusement parks, and offering live entertainment in long lines. Therefore, the correct answer is 2, as it summarizes the main idea of the passage.

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  • 5. 

    Fill in each blank with the appropriate transition word or words.  For Questions 5-9, the same options will appear.  Use each word only once. Francis Scott Key wrote “The Star-Spangled Banner” in 1814. 2(He took the melody from an eighteenth-century drinking song). 3Over a century ___________________, in 1931, the song was adopted as the national anthem by the United States Congress.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      In addition

    • E.


    Correct Answer
    E. Later
    Francis Scott Key wrote "The Star-Spangled Banner" in 1814. He took the melody from an eighteenth-century drinking song. Over a century later, in 1931, the song was adopted as the national anthem by the United States Congress.

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  • 6. 

    Fill in each blank with the appropriate transition word or words.  For Questions 5-9, the same options will appear.  Use each word only once. 1Before reading your first assignment in a textbook, acquaint yourself with the format and content of the book. 2_____________________, read the table of contents. 3Next, skim the book, looking for ways the author organizes information and highlights important points.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      In addition

    • E.


    Correct Answer
    C. First
    The word "first" is the appropriate transition word to use in this context because it indicates the initial step or action that should be taken before reading the first assignment in a textbook. It suggests that becoming familiar with the format and content of the book should be the first thing to do.

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  • 7. 

    Fill in each blank with the appropriate transition word or words.  For Questions 5-9, the same options will appear.  Use each word only once. 1Birds make certain sounds to communicate with their young. 2They also make calls that signal the presence of food. 3_____________________, birds cry out alarms to warn their flock to take to the air.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      In addition

    • E.


    Correct Answer
    D. In addition
    Birds make certain sounds to communicate with their young. They also make calls that signal the presence of food. In addition, birds cry out alarms to warn their flock to take to the air.

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  • 8. 

    Fill in each blank with the appropriate transition word or words.  For Questions 5-9, the same options will appear.  Use each word only once. 1Leaders have several qualities. 2Surveys have found that most formal leaders are above average in height. 3________________________ common quality of leaders is enthusiasm.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      In addition

    • E.


    Correct Answer
    D. In addition
    The sentence is discussing the qualities of leaders, and it states that enthusiasm is a common quality. The transition phrase "in addition" is used to add on to the previous information and provide another quality that leaders possess.

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  • 9. 

    Fill in each blank with the appropriate transition word or words.  For Questions 5-9, the same options will appear.  Use each word only once. 1A well-known psychologist suggested that humans seek to satisfy a series of needs, including those for food, sleep, and spirituality. 2Higher-level needs can be fulfilled only ____________________ the more basic ones have been met.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      In addition

    • E.


    Correct Answer
    D. In addition
    Higher-level needs can be fulfilled only in addition the more basic ones have been met. This means that before one can focus on fulfilling higher-level needs, they must first ensure that their basic needs, such as food, sleep, and spirituality, are satisfied. In addition, satisfying basic needs is a prerequisite for addressing higher-level needs.

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  • 10. 

    Read the paragraph and answer that question that follows.  This paragraph will be used for Questions 10, 11 and 12 A. 1Some companies have found that praise can result in improvements in workers’ behavior. 2Emery Air Freight provides one such case. 3That company announced the goal of answering all customer inquiries within ninety minutes. 4Each customer- service representative was asked to record, on a log sheet, the time it took to answer each call. 5If an employee’s performance improved, he or she was praised by the supervisor. 6Those who didn’t improve performance were praised for their honesty and accuracy in filling out their log sheets. 7Then they were reminded of the ninety-minute goal. 8A few days of such feedback led to impressive results. 9Customer-service representatives were meeting the ninety-minute deadline 90 percent of the time. The main idea of the paragraph is expressed in

    • A.

      Sentence 1

    • B.

      Sentence 6

    • C.

      Sentence 7

    Correct Answer
    A. Sentence 1
    The main idea of the paragraph is expressed in Sentence 1 because it introduces the topic of companies finding that praise can result in improvements in workers' behavior. The rest of the paragraph provides an example of Emery Air Freight implementing this strategy and the positive results they achieved. Sentence 6 and Sentence 7 provide additional details and examples related to the main idea, but Sentence 1 is the most concise and direct statement of the main idea.

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  • 11. 

    This is the same paragraph as above. Answer that question that follows. A. 1Some companies have found that praise can result in improvements in workers’ behavior. 2Emery Air Freight provides one such case. 3That company announced the goal of answering all customer inquiries within ninety minutes. 4Each customer- service representative was asked to record, on a log sheet, the time it took to answer each call. 5If an employee’s performance improved, he or she was praised by the supervisor. 6Those who didn’t improve performance were praised for their honesty and accuracy in filling out their log sheets. 7Then they were reminded of the ninety-minute goal. 8A few days of such feedback led to impressive results. 9Customer-service representatives were meeting the ninety-minute deadline 90 percent of the time. The main pattern of organization of the selection is

    • A.

      Definition and example

    • B.

      Cause and effect

    • C.

      Comparison - contrast

    Correct Answer
    B. Cause and effect
    The paragraph describes a cause and effect relationship between praise and improvements in workers' behavior. It provides an example of Emery Air Freight, where employees were praised for improving their performance in answering customer inquiries. The paragraph explains that the praise resulted in impressive results, with customer-service representatives meeting the ninety-minute deadline 90 percent of the time. Therefore, the main pattern of organization in the selection is cause and effect.

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  • 12. 

    This is the same paragraph as above. Answer that question that follows. A. 1Some companies have found that praise can result in improvements in workers’ behavior. 2Emery Air Freight provides one such case. 3That company announced the goal of answering all customer inquiries within ninety minutes. 4Each customer- service representative was asked to record, on a log sheet, the time it took to answer each call. 5If an employee’s performance improved, he or she was praised by the supervisor. 6Those who didn’t improve performance were praised for their honesty and accuracy in filling out their log sheets. 7Then they were reminded of the ninety-minute goal. 8A few days of such feedback led to impressive results. 9Customer-service representatives were meeting the ninety-minute deadline 90 percent of the time. One word that signals the pattern of organization is _________________________.

    Correct Answer
    result in
    led to
    The word "result in" and "led to" indicate cause and effect, suggesting that the actions described in the paragraph (praising employees for improved performance and reminding them of the goal) had a positive outcome of meeting the ninety-minute deadline 90 percent of the time.

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  • 13. 

    Read the paragraph below and answer the question that follow.  This paragraph will also be used in question 14. 1In all but the smallest companies, more than one manager is needed to oversee the work of other employees. 2Companies usually form a management pyramid, with more managers at the bottom than at the top and each level having its own role to play. 3Top managers have the most power. 4An example is the chief executive officer (CEO), who sets goals and establishes company policies. 5Middle managers develop plans for carrying out the goals set by top management. 6Examples are plant managers and division managers. 7At the bottom of the pyramid are first-line managers, who oversee employees and also put into action the plans developed at higher levels. 8Positions at this level include foreman, department head, and office manager. The main idea of the selection is expressed in:

    • A.

      Sentence 2

    • B.

      Sentence 3

    • C.

      Sentence 8

    Correct Answer
    A. Sentence 2
    Sentence 2 expresses the main idea of the selection. It states that companies usually form a management pyramid, with more managers at the bottom than at the top and each level having its own role to play. This sentence provides an overview of the structure of management in companies, which is the main idea of the paragraph.

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  • 14. 

    Read the paragraph below and answer the question that follow.  This paragraph is the same as in Question 13 1In all but the smallest companies, more than one manager is needed to oversee the work of other employees. 2Companies usually form a management pyramid, with more managers at the bottom than at the top and each level having its own role to play. 3Top managers have the most power. 4An example is the chief executive officer (CEO), who sets goals and establishes company policies. 5Middle managers develop plans for carrying out the goals set by top management. 6Examples are plant managers and division managers. 7At the bottom of the pyramid are first-line managers, who oversee employees and also put into action the plans developed at higher levels. 8Positions at this level include foreman, department head, and office manager. The paragraph

    • A.

      Defines and illustrates types of managers in a typical company

    • B.

      Contrasts types of management pyramids

    • C.

      Explaines the effects of various company organizations

    Correct Answer
    A. Defines and illustrates types of managers in a typical company
    The paragraph provides a description of the different types of managers in a typical company. It explains that in larger companies, multiple managers are needed to oversee the work of other employees. It further elaborates on the management pyramid structure, with more managers at the bottom than at the top, and each level having its own role to play. The paragraph also provides examples of different types of managers at each level, such as the chief executive officer (CEO) at the top, middle managers like plant managers and division managers, and first-line managers at the bottom. Therefore, the paragraph defines and illustrates the types of managers in a typical company.

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  • 15. 

    After reading each passage in questions 15 - 18, put a check by the two inferences that are most firmly based on the given information. 1Up through the 1700s, many Europeans believed that a king’s touch could cure diseases. 2At his coronation in 1775, for example, King Louis the Sixteenth of France touched 2,400 of his ailing subjects.

    • A.

      The touch of a king truly has special healing power others do not have.

    • B.

      There had been other kings of France named Louis.

    • C.

      French coronations were public events.

    • D.

      The French suffered more illness than other Europeans.

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. There had been other kings of France named Louis.
    C. French coronations were public events.
    The passage mentions that King Louis the Sixteenth of France touched 2,400 of his ailing subjects at his coronation in 1775. From this information, it can be inferred that there had been other kings of France named Louis, as the mention of "the Sixteenth" implies that there were previous kings with the same name. Additionally, it can be inferred that French coronations were public events, as the passage mentions the specific event of King Louis the Sixteenth's coronation where he touched his ailing subjects.

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  • 16. 

    1Experts have blamed caffeine for bone loss among older women. 2But a university study of 138 older women found that caffeine had no such effect. 3In that study, women who drank more than five cups of coffee a day had the same bone density as women who got little caffeine.

    • A.

      Bone loss among older women is not a problem

    • B.

      The experts who blamed caffeine for bone loss may be wrong.

    • C.

      Caffeine causes healthy bones.

    • D.

      Some older women have experienced bone loss.

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. The experts who blamed caffeine for bone loss may be wrong.
    D. Some older women have experienced bone loss.
    The given correct answer suggests that the experts who blamed caffeine for bone loss among older women may be wrong. This is supported by the university study mentioned in the passage, which found that caffeine had no such effect on bone density in older women. Therefore, it is possible that the previous claims made by experts were incorrect. Additionally, the answer also suggests that some older women have experienced bone loss, indicating that bone loss is still a problem among this demographic, but it may not be directly caused by caffeine.

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  • 17. 

    1According to one joke, scientists are now using lawyers instead of rats in laboratory experiments. 2There are three reasons for this change. 3For one thing, there are more lawyers than rats. 4For another, the scientists become less emotionally attached to the lawyers. 5And finally, certain things are so disgusting that rats won’t do them.

    • A.

      A lawyer must have made up this joke.

    • B.

      Some people feel there are too many lawyers

    • C.

      Lawyers have the reputation for being willing to do anything.

    • D.

      Scientists have the reputation of socializing with lawyers.

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Some people feel there are too many lawyers
    C. Lawyers have the reputation for being willing to do anything.
    The correct answer is "Some people feel there are too many lawyers" and "Lawyers have the reputation for being willing to do anything." This can be inferred from the joke where scientists are using lawyers instead of rats in laboratory experiments because there are more lawyers than rats and because certain things are so disgusting that rats won't do them. This implies that there is an abundance of lawyers and that they are willing to do anything, which aligns with the given answer choices.

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  • 18. 

    1Although lie detector tests are based on a sound principle, they are not always accurate. 2The test is based on the fact that people become emotionally “stirred up” when they lie. 3The lie detector can sense physical changes that accompany such emotional responses. 4But an innocent person may react emotionally to a key question. 5Thus, he or she appears to be lying when actually telling the truth. 6And criminals who lie often may feel no guilt about anything. 7They can therefore tell huge lies without showing the slightest emotional ripple on the lie detector. 8Without an emotional response, there are no physical responses to detect.

    • A.

      Criminals never feel any guilt about their crimes.

    • B.

      Lie detector tests are not foolproof.

    • C.

      Anyone can easily fool the lie-detector machine.

    • D.

      An emotional response by an innocent person may register as a lie on a lie detector.

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Lie detector tests are not foolproof.
    D. An emotional response by an innocent person may register as a lie on a lie detector.
    Lie detector tests are not foolproof because an innocent person may react emotionally to a key question, making them appear to be lying even when they are telling the truth. This explanation is supported by the statement in the passage that "an innocent person may react emotionally to a key question" and "thus, he or she appears to be lying when actually telling the truth." Therefore, the answer that lie detector tests are not foolproof is correct.

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  • 19. 

    Choose the general idea that best covers the specific ideas. Remember that the correct general idea will not be too narrow or too broad. It will describe what the specific ideas have in common. Specific ideas: horror, shame, disgust, fear The general idea is

    • A.


    • B.

      Calm emotions

    • C.

      Unpleasant emotions

    Correct Answer
    C. Unpleasant emotions
    The specific ideas mentioned - horror, shame, disgust, and fear - all fall under the category of unpleasant emotions. These emotions are generally negative and can cause discomfort or distress.

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  • 20. 

    Choose the general idea that best covers the specific ideas. Remember that the correct general idea will not be too narrow or too broad. It will describe what the specific ideas have in common. Specific ideas: infant, toddler, grade schooler, teenager The general idea is

    • A.


    • B.

      Stages of life

    • C.

      Stages of youth

    Correct Answer
    C. Stages of youth
    The specific ideas mentioned in the question - infant, toddler, grade schooler, teenager - all refer to different stages of youth. The general idea that best covers these specific ideas is "stages of youth". This general idea encompasses all the mentioned specific ideas and describes the commonality between them, which is the different stages of life that individuals go through during their youth.

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  • 21. 

    Choose the general idea that best covers the specific ideas. Remember that the correct general idea will not be too narrow or too broad. It will describe what the specific ideas have in common. Specific ideas: lose weight, quit smoking, cut down on fats, eat more fiber The general idea is

    • A.

      Ways to cure illnesses

    • B.

      Ways to become healthier

    • C.

      Ways to become richer

    Correct Answer
    B. Ways to become healthier
    The specific ideas of losing weight, quitting smoking, cutting down on fats, and eating more fiber all relate to improving one's health. Therefore, the correct general idea that best covers these specific ideas is "ways to become healthier."

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  • 22. 

    The following group is made up of four sentences with an unstated main idea. Choose the answer that best states the implied main idea.
    1. Many college students budget their time poorly and thus often feel anxious about unfinished tasks.
    2. Students may feel so much pressure to do well that they work constantly, allowing little time for rest or recreation.
    3. Cramped and crowded dormitories can be noisy and unpleasant.
    4. Students may feel great pressure to act in certain ways in order to be accepted by a particular group.
    ___ The unstated main idea of these sentences is:

    • A.

      It is important for students to allow sufficient time for rest and relaxation.

    • B.

      College can be a very stressful experience.

    • C.

      Some college students care more about social acceptance than their own standards.

    • D.

      Learning to budget one's time is an essential part of succeeding in college.

    Correct Answer
    B. College can be a very stressful experience.
    The sentences in the group discuss various sources of stress and pressure that college students may experience, such as poor time management, constant work, unpleasant living conditions, and the pressure to conform to social expectations. The implied main idea is that college can be a very stressful experience for students.

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  • 23. 

    In the following group of sentences, one statement is the point and the others are support for the point.  Choose the point.

    • A.

      Ravi arrived at work a half hour late because of a huge traffic jam.

    • B.

      A pen leaked ink on Ravi's new shirt just before he had to go to a meeting with his boss.

    • C.

      Ravi slipped and fell in the middle of the hallway in front of his co-workers

    • D.

      Ravi is having a bad day.

    Correct Answer
    D. Ravi is having a bad day.
    The point of the group of sentences is that Ravi is having a bad day. This is supported by the statements about him arriving late to work due to a traffic jam, having ink leaked on his new shirt, and slipping and falling in front of his co-workers. All of these events contribute to the overall idea that Ravi is having a series of unfortunate events, indicating a bad day.

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  • 24. 

    In the following group of sentences, one statement is the point and the others are support for the point.  Choose the point.

    • A.

      Millions of bacteria live and breed on human skin.

    • B.

      Tiny mites live in people's hair and on their beds, feeding on dead skin.

    • C.

      The human body is home to many different creatures.

    • D.

      Microscopic work-like creatures live in the eyelashes of most people, enjoying the warmth and safety of the human eye.

    Correct Answer
    C. The human body is home to many different creatures.
    The correct answer is "The human body is home to many different creatures." because this statement encompasses and summarizes the information provided in the other sentences. The first sentence mentions bacteria living on human skin, the second sentence mentions mites living on hair and beds, and the fourth sentence mentions microscopic creatures living in eyelashes. All of these examples support the idea that the human body houses various types of creatures.

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  • 25. 

    Read the three items of supporting evidence below. Then write the letter of the point that is most logically supported by that evidence.
    • Many small movie theaters have closed because they could not compete with the large new multiplexes with many screens.
    • Small corner bookshops have lost the battle with huge new bookstores.
    • Neighborhood hardware stores have been forced out of business by giant “home and garden” warehouse centers.
    Which of the following conclusions is best supported by all the evidence above?

    • A.

      People enjoy the personal connection at small, local stores.

    • B.

      Bigger bookstores have more books to offer than small bookstores.

    • C.

      In recent years, very large businesses have forced many small ones to close.

    • D.

      Some small theaters have managed to stay open by charging very low priced tickets.

    Correct Answer
    C. In recent years, very large businesses have forced many small ones to close.
    The evidence provided in the three items supports the conclusion that in recent years, very large businesses have forced many small ones to close. This is evident from the examples given of small movie theaters, small corner bookshops, and neighborhood hardware stores, all of which have been unable to compete with larger counterparts and have been forced out of business.

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