Group Communication Trivia Questions!

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| By Sb0705
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Group Communication Trivia Questions! - Quiz

In every organization, there must be a proper way in which people can convey their messages to one another in the hierarchy. As a manager, it is important to ensure that employees do not feel like they cannot air out their opinions or feedback on certain issues. Test out what you understood about group communication in the seminar we just undertook by taking this test.

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Problem solving occurs when a group

    • A.

      A. reaches a conclusion.

    • B.

      B. passes judgment on an issue under consideration.

    • C.

      C. develops a plan for reducing or eliminating the harmful effects of a problem.

    • D.

      D. chooses among alternatives.

    • E.

      E. analyzes the history, causes, and effects of a problem.

    Correct Answer
    C. C. develops a plan for reducing or eliminating the harmful effects of a problem.
  • 2. 

    All of the following statements describe decision making in groups EXCEPT

    • A.

      A. Groups usually take less time to make a decision than an individual working alone.

    • B.

      B. A group generates more ideas than an individual working alone.

    • C.

      C. Groups generally produce better decisions than individuals.

    • D.

      D. all of the above

    • E.

      E. none of the above

    Correct Answer
    A. A. Groups usually take less time to make a decision than an individual working alone.
    This statement is incorrect because groups usually take more time to make a decision than an individual working alone. This is because group decision making involves discussions, debates, and consensus-building, which can take longer than an individual making a decision on their own.

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  • 3. 

     As a decision-making method, voting works best when

    • A.

      A. a group is not pressed for time.

    • B.

      B. an issue is highly controversial.

    • C.

      C. a group is small enough to make vote counting easy.

    • D.

      D. there is no other way to break a deadlock.

    • E.

      E. the group usually uses voting to make decisions.

    Correct Answer
    D. D. there is no other way to break a deadlock.
    Voting works best when there is no other way to break a deadlock. This suggests that voting is seen as a last resort option when all other methods of decision-making have failed. In situations where there is a stalemate or disagreement among the group, voting can be used as a fair and impartial way to determine the outcome. It allows each member to have a say and the majority vote is considered the final decision. However, it is important to note that voting may not be the most effective method in all situations, and factors such as time constraints, controversy, and group size can also impact its effectiveness.

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  • 4. 

    A company's recycling task force is composed of 15 members. If the task force makes decisions based on a consensus, how many members must be in favor of the group decision?

    • A.

      A. 5

    • B.

      B. 7

    • C.

      C. 8

    • D.

      D. 10

    • E.

      E. 15

    Correct Answer
    E. E. 15
    In order for the recycling task force to make decisions based on a consensus, all members must be in favor of the group decision. Therefore, all 15 members must be in favor of the decision for it to be considered a consensus.

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  • 5. 

    All of the following guidelines help a group achieve consensus EXCEPT

    • A.

      A. Get everyone involved in the discussion.

    • B.

      B. Welcome differences of opinion.

    • C.

      C. Listen carefully to other members.

    • D.

      D. Use techniques such as trading one decision for another.

    • E.

      E. Don't be stubborn and argue only for your own position.

    Correct Answer
    D. D. Use techniques such as trading one decision for another.
    Consensus is achieved through open discussion, listening to others, welcoming differences of opinion, and not being stubborn or argumentative. However, using techniques such as trading one decision for another does not necessarily contribute to achieving consensus. This suggests that this option is the exception among the given guidelines.

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  • 6. 

    What are the signs of a false consensus?

    • A.

      A. Every group member agrees to support a decision or action.

    • B.

      B. In order to avoid disagreement and conflict, group members agree on a common decision.

    • C.

      C. In order to achieve consensus, all group members take part in shaping a decision.

    • D.

      D. A decision is made that avoids a win/loss vote.

    • E.

      E. Consensus presents a united front to outsiders.

    Correct Answer
    B. B. In order to avoid disagreement and conflict, group members agree on a common decision.
  • 7. 

    There are 12 members in your group. How many members must be in favor of a proposal when deciding by authority rule?

    • A.

      A. 1

    • B.

      B. 6

    • C.

      C. 7

    • D.

      D. 10

    • E.

      E. 12

    Correct Answer
    A. A. 1
    The authority rule suggests that only one member needs to be in favor of a proposal for it to be approved. This means that the decision-making power lies in the hands of a single individual, regardless of the total number of members in the group. Therefore, regardless of whether there are 12 members or any other number, only one member needs to be in favor of the proposal for it to be accepted.

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  • 8. 

    . A company's recycling task force gathered information on various recycling programs and met several times to choose which program would best suit the needs of the company. The group's recommendation was presented to the company's vice president of operations, who ultimately chose a program other than the one recommended by the task force. Which method of decision making was used in this situation?

    • A.

      A. authority rule

    • B.

      B. consensus

    • C.

      C. majority vote

    • D.

      D. minority rule

    • E.

      E. 2/3 vote

    Correct Answer
    A. A. authority rule
    The company's vice president of operations ultimately chose a program other than the one recommended by the task force. This indicates that the decision was made based on the authority of the vice president, who had the power to override the recommendation of the task force. The authority rule refers to a decision-making method where a single person or a small group of individuals with authority make the final decision without considering the input or recommendations of others. In this case, the vice president's decision overrides the recommendation of the task force, suggesting that the authority rule was used.

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  • 9. 

    "How many of our company employees hire a daycare provider to watch their children during the workday?" This group discussion question represents a question of

    • A.

      A. policy.

    • B.

      B. procedure.

    • C.

      C. fact.

    • D.

      D. conjecture.

    • E.

      E. value.

    Correct Answer
    C. C. fact.
    This question is asking for a specific number or statistic regarding the number of employees in the company who hire a daycare provider. It is not a question about company policies, procedures, opinions, or speculations. Therefore, the correct answer is c. fact.

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  • 10. 

    "Is it appropriate for parents to bring their children to work when they can't get a babysitter or their daycare center closes for a day?" This group discussion question represents a question of

    • A.

      A. policy.

    • B.

      B. procedure.

    • C.

      C. fact.

    • D.

      D. conjecture.

    • E.

      E. value.

    Correct Answer
    E. E. value.
    This group discussion question represents a question of value because it is asking for an opinion or judgment on whether it is appropriate for parents to bring their children to work in certain circumstances. The question is not seeking a factual answer or a specific policy or procedure, but rather exploring different perspectives and beliefs about what is considered appropriate in this situation.

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  • 11. 

    "How can the company assist employees with their childcare needs?" This group discussion question represents a question of

    • A.

      A. policy.

    • B.

      B. procedure.

    • C.

      C. fact.

    • D.

      D. conjecture.

    • E.

      E. value.

    Correct Answer
    A. A. policy.
    This question represents a question of policy because it is asking how the company can assist employees with their childcare needs, which is a matter of establishing guidelines and procedures to support employees in this area.

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  • 12. 

    . "Who will be the next student government president?" This discussion question represents a question of .

    • A.

      A. policy.

    • B.

      B. procedure

    • C.

      C. fact.

    • D.

      D. conjecture.

    • E.

      E. value.

    Correct Answer
    D. D. conjecture.
    This discussion question represents a question of conjecture because it is asking for speculation or prediction about who will become the next student government president. It does not ask for a factual answer or involve policy, procedure, or values.

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  • 13. 

    . A Congressional debate on a bill to increase penalties for fraud committed by business CEOs is a question of

    • A.

      A. fact.

    • B.

      B. value.

    • C.

      C. policy.

    • D.

      D. procedure.

    • E.

      E. conjecture.

    Correct Answer
    C. C. policy.
    This question is a question of policy because it is asking about a Congressional debate on a bill to increase penalties for fraud committed by business CEOs. This debate involves making decisions and implementing actions, which falls under the category of policy.

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  • 14. 

    . In their book, Decision Making Styles, Suzanne Scott and Reginald Bruce look at 5 decision-making styles. Group members who say "It just feels like the right thing to do" are most likely using the __________ decision-making style.

    • A.

      A. rational

    • B.

      B. intuitive

    • C.

      C. dependent

    • D.

      D. avoidant

    • E.

      E. spontaneous

    Correct Answer
    B. B. intuitive
    Group members who say "It just feels like the right thing to do" are most likely using the intuitive decision-making style. This style relies on gut feelings, instincts, and emotions rather than logical analysis or extensive information gathering. It is characterized by making decisions based on personal experiences, values, and beliefs, often without fully understanding or being able to articulate the reasons behind the decision.

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  • 15. 

    . In their book, Decision Making Styles, Suzanne Scott and Reginald Bruce look at 5 decision-making styles. Groups members who say "If you think it's okay, then I'll do it" are most likely using the __________ decision-making style.

    • A.

      A. rational

    • B.

      B. intuitive

    • C.

      C. dependent

    • D.

      D. avoidant

    • E.

      E. spontaneous

    Correct Answer
    C. C. dependent
    The group members who say "If you think it's okay, then I'll do it" are most likely using the dependent decision-making style. This style indicates that they rely heavily on the opinions and decisions of others, showing a lack of independent thinking and decision-making capabilities. They tend to seek approval and guidance from others before making their own decisions.

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  • 16. 

    . In their book, Decision Making Styles, Suzanne Scott and Reginald Bruce look at 5 decision-making styles. Which of these styles is most like the Myers-Briggs's personality trait of thinker?

    • A.

      A. rational

    • B.

      B. intuitive

    • C.

      C. dependent

    • D.

      D. avoidant

    • E.

      E. spontaneous

    Correct Answer
    A. A. rational
    The Myers-Briggs personality trait of thinker is characterized by a logical and analytical approach to decision-making. The rational decision-making style aligns with this trait as it involves making decisions based on facts, evidence, and logical reasoning. This style prioritizes objectivity and rationality, which is similar to the thinker personality trait.

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  • 17. 

    All of the following benefits can result when a group uses structured problem-solving procedures effectively EXCEPT

    • A.

      A. increased time and effort.

    • B.

      B. balanced participation.

    • C.

      C. conflict resolution.

    • D.

      D. organization.

    • E.

      E. group empowerment.

    Correct Answer
    A. A. increased time and effort.
    When a group uses structured problem-solving procedures effectively, they can experience several benefits. Balanced participation means that everyone in the group has an equal opportunity to contribute and be heard, leading to better decision-making. Conflict resolution refers to the ability to address and resolve conflicts within the group, promoting a harmonious working environment. Organization refers to the systematic approach that helps the group stay focused and organized throughout the problem-solving process. Group empowerment means that individuals in the group feel empowered and confident in their abilities. However, increased time and effort is not a benefit but rather a potential drawback, as it suggests that the problem-solving process is taking longer and requiring more effort than necessary.

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  • 18. 

    Which of the following problem-solving procedures is based on John Dewey's Reflective Thinking Process?

    • A.

      A. the Standard Agenda

    • B.

      B. the Single Question Format

    • C.

      C. Nominal Group Technique

    • D.

      D. brainstorming

    • E.

      E. Functional Theory

    Correct Answer
    A. A. the Standard Agenda
    The Standard Agenda is a problem-solving procedure that is based on John Dewey's Reflective Thinking Process. This process involves a systematic approach to problem-solving, where individuals engage in critical thinking, reflection, and analysis of the problem before making a decision or taking action. The Standard Agenda follows a step-by-step process that includes identifying the problem, analyzing the problem, generating possible solutions, evaluating the solutions, and implementing the chosen solution. This aligns with Dewey's emphasis on reflective thinking and the importance of considering multiple perspectives and potential solutions before making a decision.

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  • 19. 

    All of the following steps are part of the Standard Agenda format for group problem solving EXCEPT

    • A.

      A. task clarification

    • B.

      B. establishment of procedure

    • C.

      C. problem identification

    • D.

      D. fact finding

    • E.

      E. solution suggestions

    Correct Answer
    B. B. establishment of procedure
    The Standard Agenda format for group problem solving includes several steps such as task clarification, problem identification, fact finding, and solution suggestions. However, the establishment of procedure is not part of this format. This step refers to the process of defining the specific rules, guidelines, and protocols that will be followed during the problem-solving session. While it is important to have a clear procedure in place for effective group problem solving, it is not included in the Standard Agenda format.

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  • 20. 

     The first 3 steps in the Standard Agenda format of group problem solving are

    • A.

      A. problem identification, fact finding, solution evaluation and selection.

    • B.

      B. problem identification, task clarification, solution implementation.

    • C.

      C. task clarification, problem identification, fact finding.

    • D.

      D. fact finding, problem identification, task clarification.

    • E.

      E. fact finding, solution criteria, solution selection.

    Correct Answer
    C. C. task clarification, problem identification, fact finding.
    The correct answer is c. task clarification, problem identification, fact finding. In group problem solving, it is important to first clarify the task at hand to ensure everyone is on the same page and understands what needs to be done. Once the task is clarified, the group can then move on to identifying the problem or issue that needs to be addressed. After the problem is identified, the group can then engage in fact finding, gathering information and data related to the problem to better understand its causes and potential solutions.

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  • 21. 

    Getting bogged down in analyzing the problem is referred to as

    • A.

      A. groupthink.

    • B.

      B. conjecture.

    • C.

      C. consensus.

    • D.

      D. analysis paralysis.

    • E.

      E. fact finding.

    Correct Answer
    D. D. analysis paralysis.
    Analysis paralysis refers to the situation when someone becomes so overwhelmed with analyzing a problem that they are unable to make a decision or take any action. This can happen when someone gets stuck in a loop of overthinking, considering all possible options, and fearing making the wrong choice. As a result, they become paralyzed and unable to move forward. This term is often used to describe individuals or groups who spend excessive amounts of time analyzing a problem without actually taking any steps towards solving it.

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  • 22. 

    . In what way is Functional Theory different than the Standard Agenda method of problem solving?

    • A.

      A. Competent performance of each function is more important than performing the function in an exact order.

    • B.

      B. Functional Theory recognizes that group goals and unspoken assumptions can affect the choice of solutions.

    • C.

      C. Functional Theory emphasizes the group's ability to recognize and understand both the pros and cons when considering a solution.

    • D.

      D. Communication is the instrument used, with varying degrees of success, to reach decisions and generate solutions.

    • E.

      E. all of the above

    Correct Answer
    E. E. all of the above
    Functional Theory is different from the Standard Agenda method of problem solving in several ways. Firstly, in Functional Theory, competent performance of each function is considered more important than performing the function in an exact order. This means that the focus is on effectively fulfilling the necessary functions rather than strictly following a predetermined sequence. Secondly, Functional Theory recognizes that group goals and unspoken assumptions can influence the choice of solutions. This acknowledges the impact of collective objectives and underlying beliefs on the decision-making process. Lastly, Functional Theory emphasizes the group's ability to critically analyze both the advantages and disadvantages of potential solutions. This highlights the importance of considering the pros and cons before making a decision. Therefore, all of the above statements are true for Functional Theory.

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  • 23. 

     The Functional Theory approach to problem solving focuses on

    • A.

      A. giving group members a chance to hear and understand the opinions and needs of others.

    • B.

      B. planning and coordinating the many steps needed to carry out a solution or agreed-upon action.

    • C.

      C. allowing ideas to be generated by individuals working alone rather than emerging from group interaction.

    • D.

      D. generating as many ideas as possible in a short period of time.

    • E.

      E. preparation, competence, and communication.

    Correct Answer
    E. E. preparation, competence, and communication.
    The Functional Theory approach to problem solving focuses on preparation, competence, and communication. This means that in order to effectively solve a problem, individuals must be prepared by gathering relevant information and resources, possess the necessary skills and knowledge to address the problem, and effectively communicate and collaborate with others involved in the problem-solving process. This approach recognizes the importance of being well-prepared, competent, and having effective communication skills in order to successfully solve problems.

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  • 24. 

    . The first 3 steps in the Single Question Format for problem solving are

    • A.

      A. analyze the issues, identify the problem, identify possible solutions.

    • B.

      B. identify the problem, create a collaborative setting, analyze the issues.

    • C.

      C. create a collaborative setting, analyze the issues, identify the problem.

    • D.

      D. analyze the issues, identify possible solutions, answer the single questions.

    • E.

      E. task clarification, fact finding, solution selection.

    Correct Answer
    B. B. identify the problem, create a collaborative setting, analyze the issues.
    The first 3 steps in the Single Question Format for problem solving are to identify the problem, create a collaborative setting, and analyze the issues. This sequence allows for a systematic approach to problem solving. First, identifying the problem helps to clearly define what needs to be addressed. Then, creating a collaborative setting encourages teamwork and open communication, which can lead to more effective problem solving. Finally, analyzing the issues involves examining the underlying causes and factors contributing to the problem, which is essential for developing appropriate solutions.

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  • 25. 

    Which of the following characteristics makes the Single Question Format different compared to the Standard Agenda?

    • A.

      A. It focuses on decision making and creativity.

    • B.

      B. It focuses on the competent performance of each problem-solving phase.

    • C.

      C. It focuses on task clarification solution implementation.

    • D.

      D. It focuses on goal clarity and cultivating a supportive communication climate.

    • E.

      E. It focuses on seeking consensus and avoiding false consensus.

    Correct Answer
    D. D. It focuses on goal clarity and cultivating a supportive communication climate.
    The Single Question Format in the Standard Agenda focuses on goal clarity and cultivating a supportive communication climate. This means that the format aims to ensure that the goals of the meeting or discussion are clear to all participants, and that the communication between participants is supportive and conducive to effective problem-solving. This is different from the other options, which focus on different aspects such as decision making, problem-solving phases, task clarification, solution implementation, and seeking consensus.

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  • 26. 

    All of the following answers represent basic stages in the development of group creativity EXCEPT

    • A.

      A. investigation.

    • B.

      B. imagination.

    • C.

      C. interpretation.

    • D.

      D. incubation.

    • E.

      E. insight.

    Correct Answer
    C. C. interpretation.
    The correct answer is c. interpretation. This is because interpretation is not considered a basic stage in the development of group creativity. The other stages listed, such as investigation, imagination, incubation, and insight, all play important roles in the creative process. Interpretation, on the other hand, is more closely associated with analyzing and understanding existing information or ideas, rather than generating new and innovative solutions.

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  • 27. 

    . Your group needs to come up with a discussion topic for a class assignment. The group works together, suggesting as many topics as possible. Members welcome all ideas and do not criticize the suggestions of other members. Which decision-making method is the group using?

    • A.

      A. the Functional Approach

    • B.

      B. the Single Question Format

    • C.

      C. brainstorming

    • D.

      D. consensus seeking

    • E.

      E. Nominal Group Technique

    Correct Answer
    C. C. brainstorming
    The group is using the brainstorming decision-making method. In brainstorming, members are encouraged to generate as many ideas as possible without any criticism or evaluation. This method promotes open and creative thinking, allowing all members to contribute their suggestions freely. It fosters a collaborative and inclusive environment where all ideas are welcomed and considered.

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  • 28. 

    All of the following are considered guidelines for effective brainstorming EXCEPT

    • A.

      A. Evaluate ideas only at the end.

    • B.

      B. Post the ideas for all to see.

    • C.

      C. Wait awhile for group members to think before starting the brainstorming.

    • D.

      D. Avoid combining ideas.

    • E.

      E. Do not praise other members' ideas as they're suggested.

    Correct Answer
    D. D. Avoid combining ideas.
    The correct answer is d. Avoid combining ideas. Combining ideas is actually encouraged during brainstorming as it can lead to new and innovative solutions. The purpose of brainstorming is to generate a large quantity of ideas and then evaluate and refine them later, so option a is not a guideline. Option b is a guideline as it promotes transparency and collaboration. Option c is a guideline as it allows individuals to gather their thoughts before contributing. Option e is not a guideline as praising other members' ideas can create a positive and supportive atmosphere.

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  • 29. 

    . _______________ was developed by Delbecq and Van de Ven as a way of maximizing participation in problem-solving and program-planning groups while minimizing some of the interpersonal problems associated with group interaction.

    • A.

      A. The Standard Agenda

    • B.

      B. Brainstorming

    • C.

      C. The DOT Method

    • D.

      D. Nominal Group Technique

    • E.

      E. Single Question Format

    Correct Answer
    D. D. Nominal Group Technique
    The Nominal Group Technique was developed by Delbecq and Van de Ven as a way to maximize participation in problem-solving and program-planning groups while minimizing interpersonal problems. This technique involves individuals generating ideas independently, sharing them with the group, and then discussing and evaluating the ideas collectively. It allows for equal participation and ensures that everyone's ideas are considered, without the dominance of certain individuals or the fear of criticism that can occur in traditional group interactions.

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  • 30. 

    During Phase 1 (Idea Generation) of Nominal Group Technique,

    • A.

      A. members explain their support or nonsupport for each item.

    • B.

      B. members, in turn, present one idea from their privately written list.

    • C.

      C. members discuss the merits of each idea before voting occurs.

    Correct Answer
    B. B. members, in turn, present one idea from their privately written list.
    During Phase 1 of Nominal Group Technique, members take turns presenting one idea from their privately written list. This allows each member to contribute their ideas without interruption or influence from others. By presenting their ideas one at a time, it ensures that all ideas are given equal consideration and prevents dominant individuals from overshadowing the group. This phase focuses on generating a wide range of ideas and encouraging participation from all members.

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  • 31. 

    Researchers investigating the usefulness of brainstorming and Nominal Group Technique conclude that Nominal Group Technique (NGT) works better for generating ideas for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

    • A.

      A. waiting to speak in brainstorming may disrupt the thinking process.

    • B.

      B. members in brainstorming sessions produce fewer ideas than NGT groups.

    • C.

      C. members who fear evaluation may not be willing to contribute ideas.

    • D.

      D. members who make more contributions in brainstorming may earn high status and influence.

    • E.

      E. members may loaf and let others do all the thinking and talking.

    Correct Answer
    B. B. members in brainstorming sessions produce fewer ideas than NGT groups.
    The researchers concluded that the Nominal Group Technique (NGT) works better for generating ideas for all of the given reasons except for the fact that members in brainstorming sessions produce fewer ideas than NGT groups. This means that the other reasons listed, such as the disruption of the thinking process in brainstorming due to waiting to speak, the reluctance of members to contribute ideas due to fear of evaluation, the potential for high status and influence for members who make more contributions in brainstorming, and the possibility of members loafing and not actively participating, all contribute to the superiority of NGT in generating ideas compared to brainstorming.

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  • 32. 

    Consider using the Decreasing Options Technique (DOT) when

    • A.

      A. the group is small, with no more than 7 members.

    • B.

      B. members cannot generate many ideas or solutions.

    • C.

      C. the group wants to hear from expert and influential members.

    • D.

      D. the group wants to ensure equal opportunities for input by all members.

    • E.

      E. the group has plenty of time to discuss multiple or controversial ideas.

    Correct Answer
    D. D. the group wants to ensure equal opportunities for input by all members.
    The Decreasing Options Technique (DOT) is a useful strategy to ensure equal opportunities for input by all members of a group. This technique involves presenting a limited number of options or ideas to the group, gradually decreasing the number of options through discussion and elimination. By using DOT, each member of the group has an opportunity to contribute and participate in the decision-making process. This technique can be particularly effective when the group wants to ensure that all voices are heard and that no member dominates the conversation.

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  • 33. 

    The major advantage and reason for using the DOT method is that it                                                           

    • A.

      A. focuses on preparation, competence, and communication functions.

    • B.

      B. requires members to analyze questions of fact, value, conjecture, and policy.

    • C.

      C. helps reduce and refine a large number of suggestions into a manageable number of ideas.

    • D.

      D. relies on the creativity of all members.

    • E.

      E. helps avoid negative evaluation and criticism of ideas and solutions.

    Correct Answer
    C. C. helps reduce and refine a large number of suggestions into a manageable number of ideas.
    The DOT method helps reduce and refine a large number of suggestions into a manageable number of ideas. This means that it assists in streamlining the brainstorming process by narrowing down the options and selecting the most feasible and effective ideas.

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  • 34. 

    . Which is the correct order of the four steps in the Decreasing Options Technique?

    • A.

      A. generate ideas, post ideas, sort ideas, dot ideas

    • B.

      B. dot ideas, sort ideas, post ideas, generate ideas

    • C.

      C. generate ideas, post ideas, dot ideas, sort ideas

    • D.

      D. post ideas, generate ideas, dot ideas, sort ideas

    • E.

      E. post ideas, generate ideas, sort ideas, dot ideas

    Correct Answer
    A. A. generate ideas, post ideas, sort ideas, dot ideas
    The correct order of the four steps in the Decreasing Options Technique is to first generate ideas, then post the ideas, sort the ideas, and finally dot the ideas. This order ensures that ideas are brainstormed first, then shared with others, organized or categorized, and finally evaluated or marked for further consideration. Option a. (generate ideas, post ideas, sort ideas, dot ideas) follows this correct order.

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  • 35. 

    Lee Towe presents 4 sources of action that guide how we solve problems. Which source does Towe describe as "We have developed a new way to do it"?

    • A.

      A. inertia

    • B.

      B. instruction

    • C.

      C. imitation

    • D.

      D. innovation

    • E.

      E. investigation

    Correct Answer
    D. D. innovation
    Towe describes "We have developed a new way to do it" as the source of action called innovation. This means that when faced with a problem, we come up with new and creative solutions or approaches to solve it. This involves thinking outside the box and developing novel methods or ideas that may not have been used before.

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  • 36. 

    One of the reasons groups are often reluctant to think creatively is that they have preconceived notions about what can and can't be done. In such cases, your group may want to try the _____________ method of enhancing creativity.

    • A.

      A. control judgment

    • B.

      B. ask "what if?"

    • C.

      C. encourage innovation

    • D.

      D. use metaphors

    • E.

      E. use imitation

    Correct Answer
    B. B. ask "what if?"
    When a group has preconceived notions about what can and can't be done, they may be resistant to thinking creatively. Asking "what if?" encourages them to break free from their preconceived notions and consider alternative possibilities. This method prompts the group to explore new ideas and think outside the box, ultimately enhancing their creativity.

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  • 37. 

    . There are several problem-solving realities that can prevent a group from working effectively and ethically. For example, if members resist or dismiss information that doesn't mesh with their personal inclinations and attitudes, what problem-solving reality may impair group effectiveness?

    • A.

      A. politics

    • B.

      B. pre-existing preferences

    • C.

      C. power

    • D.

      D. procedural paralysis

    • E.

      E. polychronics

    Correct Answer
    B. B. pre-existing preferences
    If members resist or dismiss information that doesn't align with their personal inclinations and attitudes, it indicates that they have pre-existing preferences. These pre-existing preferences can prevent the group from working effectively and ethically because members may not be open to considering alternative perspectives or solutions. This can hinder the group's ability to problem-solve and make informed decisions based on objective information.

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  • 38. 

    There are several problem-solving realities that can prevent a group from working effectively and ethically. For example, a strong and stubborn leader can lead group members off on tangents and irrelevant discussions that have nothing to do with the group's goal. In this particular case, ____________ will likely affect the outcome of every decision and problem the group confronts.

    • A.

      A. politics

    • B.

      B. pre-existing preferences

    • C.

      C. power

    • D.

      D. procedural paralysis

    • E.

      E. polychronics

    Correct Answer
    C. C. power
    In this particular case, power will likely affect the outcome of every decision and problem the group confronts. This is because a strong and stubborn leader can use their power to lead group members off on tangents and irrelevant discussions that have nothing to do with the group's goal. The leader's power can overshadow the input and opinions of other group members, leading to ineffective and unethical decision-making.

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  • 39. 

    There are several problem-solving realities that can prevent a group from working effectively and ethically. For example, a member may side with a group leader into order to gain the leader's attention and backing. In this particular case, ____________ will likely affect the outcome of every decision and problem the group confronts.

    • A.

      A. politics

    • B.

      B. pre-existing preferences

    • C.

      C. power

    • D.

      D. procedural paralysis

    • E.

      E. polychronics

    Correct Answer
    A. A. politics
    In this particular case, politics will likely affect the outcome of every decision and problem the group confronts. This means that the dynamics of power, influence, and personal interests within the group will play a significant role in shaping the group's decisions and actions. Members may engage in political behaviors such as forming alliances, manipulating information, or engaging in power struggles, which can hinder effective and ethical problem-solving.

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  • Mar 21, 2023
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