Gateway B2 Unit 9 Use Of English + Reading

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| By Natalia_gulyaeva
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Quizzes Created: 67 | Total Attempts: 140,177
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Gateway B2 Unit 9 Use Of English + Reading - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

      What’s    top    of    your    technology    wish    list    and    why?    A    Gemma     It’s    an    interesting    question,    particularly    now    when    every    day    we    see    more    and    more    gadgets    in    the    shops    and    we    begin    to    wonder    how    far    technology    can    actually    advance.    For    me,    there’s    one    big    hurdle    science    needs    to    cross    and    I    shall    be    delighted    if    I’m    still    around    to    see    it    when    it    happens,    as    I’m    sure    it    will.    One    day,    I’m    sure    the    technology    will    exist    to    replicate    what    they’ve    been    doing    on    science-fiction    programmes    for    years:    the    ability    to    transport    a  person immediately    from    one    place    to    another.    This    amazing    ability    has    fascinated    people    for    centuries.    We’ve    read    stories    about    it    and    seen    films    where    transporting    is    a    basic    form    of    getting    from    A    to    B.    We’ve    even    seen    magic    shows    where    conjurors    try    every    trick    in    the    book    to    fool    us    into    believing    that    they    have    this    ability.    There’s    a    film    called    The    Prestige    about    two    magicians    from    Victorian    times    who    were    obsessed    by    this,    but    the    real    truth    is    that    it    has    never    been    done.    How    often    have    we    thought    how    useful    it    would    be    to    be    able    to    press    a    switch    and    travel    immediately    to    a    destination?    Imagine    –    no    more    problems    waiting    in    airports    or    squeezing    into    crowded    buses.    I    think    inventing    a    transporter    would    be    the    single    most    important    development    for    our    society.    It    would    completely    change    our    way    of    life.    All    the    airlines    would    be    out    of    business    for    a    start!    It    will    happen    –    the    question    is    when?         B    Quentin     Wow,    that’s    a    difficult    question.    Technology    is    moving    ahead    so    quickly    at    the    moment    that    it’s    difficult    to    know    what    gadgets    are    just    around    the    corner    and    which    aren’t    even    on    the    drawing    board.    Things    like    robots    and    computer    games    are    developing    all    the    time.    They’re    two    things    that    really    interest    me.    Robots    are    getting    smaller    and    cleverer    and    I    don’t    think    it    will    be    long    before    they    are    regularly    used    in    daily,    everyday    life    situations    rather    than    as    they    are    now,    mainly    in    industry.    I    can    see    them    helping    with    chores    around    the    house,    cooking,    cleaning    and    so    on.    I    know    some    robots    are    used    in    this    capacity    already,    but    it’s    only    the    very    rich    who    can    afford    the    luxury    and    I    think    they’re    still    a    bit    clumsy,    although    the    technology    is    improving    all    the    time.    But    apart    from    robot    development,    what    intrigues    me    is    how    far    the    developers    of    computer    games    will    go.        On    Star    Trek™,    that    incredible    sci-fi    series    of    the    70s    which    still    has    a    cult    following    today,    for    relaxation    the    crew    of    the    star    ship    go    to    the    ‘Holodeck’.    There    they    could    interact    with    holograms    from    different    historical    periods    in    situations    of    their    choice.    Now,    wouldn’t    that    be    a    great    form    of    entertainment?    Researchers    have    found    a    way    to    use    lasers,    mirrors    and    cameras    to    create    a    three-dimensional    interactive    hologram    that    is    safe    to    touch,    but    the    technology    is    still    very    much    in    its    infancy.    I    can’t    see    it    happening    soon    but    one    day,    who    knows?    That’s    definitely    at    the    top    of    my    technology    wish    list!     

  • 2. 

    Write your text here

  • 3. 

    Most of us take it for granted that we will be able to (1) ……………………… to the Internet on a daily basis, but for millions of people (2) ……………………… live in the developing world, this is still a dream. The lowest levels of access to the Internet are in sub-Saharan Africa, but there are many other places that are still unable to take advantage of its social and economic benefits. The main problems are cost and a lack of infrastructure. In some countries, old regulations, monopolies and political issues are contributing to the slow development of the Internet. And yet in places (3) ……………………… the Internet has been allowed to take hold, there have been significant benefits in terms of online government, health, education and commerce. Conventional wired internet is expensive but (4) ……………………… technology offers a promising solution. For a start, it’s practical. In some areas with environmental obstacles, such as rainforests or glaciers, it’s impossible to lay cables. It’s also tamper-proof, (5) ……………………… is important in poor countries where copper or wire is a valuable commodity. When access is made possible, the most popular use of the Internet is to communicate using voice or e-mail and families that have been scattered by the need to find work can see each other via (6) ……………………… . Cost is a major barrier in poor countries, but many innovative projects are helping to set (7) ……………………… computers and internet connections around the globe. Shared access can help to bring down prices, but power supply can be an issue in remote areas. How do you plug your computer in if there’s no electricity? The answer is pedal power. No need to  remember (8) ……………………… recharge your laptop – just get on your bike! Countries where people have a low level of literacy and skills may need more persuasion to use the Internet. They will not be interested in websites whose content is irrelevant or in a language they can’t understand. But all the evidence shows that access to the Internet speeds up  evelopment in poorer countries and is an investment worth making.

  • 4. 

    Complete the text with one word in each gap.  Most of us take it for granted that we will be able to (1) ……………………… to the Internet on a daily basis, but

    The sentence is talking about the ability to access the Internet on a daily basis. The word "connect" fits perfectly in the sentence as it means to establish a connection or link to the Internet.

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  • 5. 

    ... basis, but for millions of people (2) ……………………… live in the developing world, this is still a dream.

    The word "who" is the correct answer because it is used to refer to the millions of people mentioned in the previous sentence. It is a pronoun that is commonly used to introduce a relative clause and is used to refer to a person or people. In this case, "who" is used to indicate that the dream of having access to clean water on a daily basis is still not a reality for millions of people living in the developing world.

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  • 6. 

    And yet in places (3) ……………………… the Internet has been allowed to take hold, there have been significant benefits in terms of online government, health, education and commerce.

    The word "where" is the correct answer because it is used to indicate the specific places mentioned in the sentence where the Internet has been allowed to take hold. The sentence suggests that in these places, there have been significant benefits in areas such as online government, health, education, and commerce.

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  • 7. 

    Conventional wired internet is expensive but (4) ……………………… technology offers a promising solution.

    Conventional wired internet is costly, but wireless technology offers a promising solution. Wireless internet allows users to connect to the internet without the need for physical cables, making it more convenient and flexible. It also eliminates the need for expensive infrastructure and installation costs associated with wired internet. With wireless technology, users can access the internet from anywhere within the range of a wireless network, providing a cost-effective and efficient alternative to traditional wired internet.

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  • 8. 

    It’s also tamper-proof, (5) ……………………… is important in poor countries where copper or wire is a valuable commodity.

    The word "which" is the correct answer because it refers to the previous statement about the item being tamper-proof. The use of "which" indicates that the tamper-proof feature is important in poor countries where copper or wire is valuable.

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  • 9. 

    When access is made possible, the most popular use of the Internet is to communicate using voice or e-mail and families that have been scattered by the need to find work can see each other via (6) ……………………… .

    When access is made possible, the most popular use of the Internet is to communicate using voice or e-mail and families that have been scattered by the need to find work can see each other via webcam.

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  • 10. 

    Cost is a major barrier in poor countries, but many innovative projects are helping to set (7) ……………………… computers and internet connections around the globe.

    The word "up" fits logically in the blank space because it completes the phrase "set up," which means to establish or install. The sentence suggests that innovative projects are helping to overcome the cost barrier by setting up computers and internet connections in poor countries.

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  • 11. 

    No need to remember (8) ……………………… recharge your laptop – just get on your bike!

    The word "to" in this context indicates a purpose or reason. The sentence suggests that instead of needing to remember to recharge your laptop, you can simply get on your bike. The word "to" connects the action of getting on your bike with the purpose of not needing to remember to recharge your laptop.

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  • 12. 

    Are these statements True (T), False (F) or is the information Not Mentioned (NM)? Gemma believes that significant scientific progress in this field will happen in her lifetime.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    A. T
    The given statement suggests that Gemma believes that significant scientific progress will occur in her lifetime. This indicates that Gemma has a positive outlook and optimism about the advancements in this field.

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  • 13. 

    The desire to be able to ‘transport’ has come about because of recent science fiction films and stories.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    B. F
    The statement suggests that the desire to be able to 'transport' has not come about because of recent science fiction films and stories.

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  • 14. 

    Scientists have started investigating the possibilities of ‘transporting’ people.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    C. NM
    The question is incomplete and not readable, so it is not possible to generate an explanation.

    Rate this question:

  • 15. 

    Some interesting new inventions may already be in development.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    A. T
    The statement suggests that there are interesting new inventions that are currently being developed.

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  • 16. 

    Researchers are trying to reproduce the recreation activities seen on a popular TV programme.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    C. NM
  • 17. 

    A commercial version of the ‘Holodeck’ is too far-fetched to ever happen.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    B. F
    The statement "A commercial version of the 'Holodeck' is too far-fetched to ever happen" is false. This means that a commercial version of the 'Holodeck' is not too far-fetched and could potentially happen in the future. The 'Holodeck' is a fictional technology from the TV show Star Trek that creates realistic virtual reality environments. While it may seem like a distant possibility, advancements in virtual reality technology are constantly being made, and it is not unreasonable to think that a commercial version of the 'Holodeck' could be developed in the future.

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  • 18. 

    Read the article again. Match the sentence beginnings with the correct sentence endings. There is one extra ending.    Magicians use all their powers of deception in an attempt ...

    • A.

      Is at an early stage of development.

    • B.

      Tricking us that they can already do this.

    • C.

      Is what fascinates the second blogger.

    • D.

      Within the means of the wealthy.

    • E.

      In imagined form in a popular TV series.

    • F.

      Significant lifestyle changes.

    • G.

      To persuade us that they can transport a person instantly.

    Correct Answer
    G. To persuade us that they can transport a person instantly.
    Magicians use all their powers of deception to persuade us that they can transport a person instantly.

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  • 19. 

    This form of transportation would result in ...

    • A.

      Is at an early stage of development.

    • B.

      Tricking us that they can already do this.

    • C.

      Is what fascinates the second blogger.

    • D.

      Within the means of the wealthy.

    • E.

      In imagined form in a popular TV series.

    • F.

      Significant lifestyle changes.

    • G.

      To persuade us that they can transport a person instantly.

    Correct Answer
    F. Significant lifestyle changes.
    The correct answer suggests that this form of transportation would require significant lifestyle changes. This implies that the transportation method being discussed would not be easily integrated into current lifestyles and would require individuals to make significant adjustments in order to use it.

    Rate this question:

  • 20. 

    Domestic robots are currently only ...

    • A.

      Is at an early stage of development.

    • B.

      Tricking us that they can already do this.

    • C.

      Is what fascinates the second blogger.

    • D.

      Within the means of the wealthy.

    • E.

      In imagined form in a popular TV series.

    • F.

      Significant lifestyle changes.

    • G.

      To persuade us that they can transport a person instantly.

    Correct Answer
    D. Within the means of the wealthy.
    The correct answer suggests that domestic robots are currently only affordable for wealthy individuals. This implies that the cost of domestic robots is still high and not accessible to the general population.

    Rate this question:

  • 21. 

    The potential evolution of computer games ...

    • A.

      Is at an early stage of development.

    • B.

      Tricking us that they can already do this.

    • C.

      Is what fascinates the second blogger.

    • D.

      Within the means of the wealthy.

    • E.

      In imagined form in a popular TV series.

    • F.

      Significant lifestyle changes.

    • G.

      To persuade us that they can transport a person instantly.

    Correct Answer
    C. Is what fascinates the second blogger.
    The correct answer is "is what fascinates the second blogger." This answer is supported by the phrase "what fascinates" in the question stem. It suggests that the second blogger finds the potential evolution of computer games fascinating. The other answer choices do not align with this interpretation.

    Rate this question:

  • 22. 

    The technology has previously existed ...

    • A.

      Is at an early stage of development.

    • B.

      Tricking us that they can already do this.

    • C.

      Is what fascinates the second blogger.

    • D.

      Within the means of the wealthy.

    • E.

      In imagined form in a popular TV series.

    • F.

      Significant lifestyle changes.

    • G.

      To persuade us that they can transport a person instantly.

    Correct Answer
    E. In imagined form in a popular TV series.
    The correct answer is "in imagined form in a popular TV series." This answer suggests that the technology being referred to is not currently available in reality, but rather exists only in the fictional world of a popular TV series.

    Rate this question:

  • 23. 

    At present, interactive hologram technology ...

    • A.

      Is at an early stage of development.

    • B.

      Tricking us that they can already do this.

    • C.

      Is what fascinates the second blogger.

    • D.

      Within the means of the wealthy.

    • E.

      In imagined form in a popular TV series.

    • F.

      Significant lifestyle changes.

    • G.

      To persuade us that they can transport a person instantly.

    Correct Answer
    A. Is at an early stage of development.
    The correct answer is "is at an early stage of development." This answer suggests that interactive hologram technology is currently in the early phases of its development. It implies that the technology is not yet fully developed or widely accessible.

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  • May 18, 2018
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