Tas berukuran besar atau kecil untuk membawa kamera disebut...
Correct Answer
C. Camera Case
A tas berukuran besar atau kecil untuk membawa kamera disebut Camera Case. This is because a camera case is specifically designed to carry and protect cameras, providing compartments and padding to keep the camera and its accessories safe during transportation. A brief case is typically used for carrying documents and other personal items, a garment bag is used for carrying clothes, and a val pack is not a commonly used term or item for carrying cameras.
Shoulder pack juga disebut sebagai...
Correct Answer
A. Haversack
A shoulder pack is also known as a haversack.
Karyawan yang bertugas membawa barang bawaan tamu adalah...
Correct Answer
A. Bell boy
A bell boy is a hotel employee who is responsible for carrying guests' luggage. They assist guests upon arrival and departure, ensuring their bags are transported to and from their rooms. This role requires physical strength and good customer service skills. The other options, such as waiters and room maids, do not typically have the duty of carrying guests' belongings.
Counter atau tempat bell captain bekerja adalah...
Correct Answer
D. Bell counter
A bell counter is the place where a bell captain works. This is the designated area where the bell captain receives and assists guests with their luggage and other needs. It is where guests can find assistance for storing their luggage or requesting bell services. The term "bell counter" is commonly used in the hospitality industry to refer to this specific area or station where the bell captain operates.
Formulir yang di gunakan oleh bellboy untuk mencatat barang – barang tamu yang ditanganinya yaitu...
Correct Answer
C. Bellboy Control Sheet
The correct answer is "Bellboy Control Sheet". This is the form used by bellboys to record the items they handle for guests. It allows them to keep track of the belongings and ensure they are returned to the rightful owners. The other options, such as "Bellboy Errand Card" and "Errand Control Sheet," do not specifically mention the role of bellboys or their responsibility for guest belongings. "Bell Captain" refers to a different position within a hotel.
Kartu yang tergantung di barang bawaan tamu disebut...
Correct Answer
A. Luggage Tag
A luggage tag is a card or label that is attached to a guest's baggage to identify the owner and provide information about the destination. It is used to prevent mix-ups and ensure that the luggage is delivered to the correct person. The other options, such as name tag, room tag, and bellboy tag, do not specifically refer to the card attached to a guest's baggage.
Porter adalah bagian dari Front Office Department yang bertugas terhadap...
Correct Answer
A. Guest baggage
Porter adalah bagian dari Front Office Department yang bertugas terhadap penanganan bagasi tamu. Tugas porter meliputi membantu tamu dalam membawa dan mengurus bagasi mereka, memastikan keamanan dan kebersihan bagasi, serta memberikan pelayanan yang ramah dan profesional kepada tamu terkait bagasi mereka.
Areal kerja porter adalah di....
Correct Answer
A. Airport
The correct answer is "Airport" because a porter's main area of work is typically at airports. They are responsible for assisting passengers with their luggage, providing directions, and ensuring a smooth and efficient check-in process. Porters can be found at various locations within the airport, such as baggage claim areas, check-in counters, and departure gates. Their primary role is to provide customer service and support to travelers, making their airport experience more convenient and comfortable.
Fungsi utama porter adalah...
Correct Answer
D. Semua jawaban benar
The correct answer is "Semua jawaban benar" which means "All answers are correct" in English. This suggests that the main function of a porter includes providing rooms, escorting guests to their rooms, and escorting guests to the counter. In other words, the porter is responsible for assisting guests with their accommodation needs and ensuring their comfort and convenience during their stay.
Barang bawaan tamu berupa tas / koper adalah....
Correct Answer
C. Trunk
The correct answer is "Trunk". In this context, "trunk" refers to a large, sturdy box or case used for storing and transporting belongings. It is commonly used to describe luggage or bags that are used by guests or travelers to carry their personal items. The other options, such as "travelling bag," "cock bag," and "camera case," do not accurately describe the type of bag or container typically used for this purpose.
Tas yang digunakan untuk menyimpan berbagai macam kosmetik....
Correct Answer
C. Vanity case
A vanity case is a type of bag that is specifically designed to store various cosmetics and beauty products. It typically has compartments and pockets to help organize and protect the items inside. This makes it a suitable option for storing and carrying different types of cosmetics. Trunk, handbag, and brief bag are not specifically designed for storing cosmetics, so they are not the correct answers.
Formulir yang digunakan porter untuk menulis tentang barang-barang bawaan tamu adalah
Correct Answer
A. Bell boy errand card
The correct answer is "Bell boy errand card". This is because a bell boy errand card is a form used by porters to write about the belongings of guests. It helps them keep track of the items they are responsible for and ensures that nothing is lost or misplaced.
Teknik yang salah menumpuk barang pada trolley adalah...
Correct Answer
D. Menumpuk dan meletakkan barang pecah belah dibagian atas
The correct answer is "Menumpuk dan meletakkan barang pecah belah dibagian atas." This is because fragile items should be placed on top to prevent them from being damaged or broken by the weight of other items. Placing them at the bottom could result in them being crushed or shattered.
Kemampuan Bellman dalam memberikan informasi produk-produk hotel dan mempengaruhi tamu untuk menggunakan atau membelinya adalah salah satu peranan sebagai...
Correct Answer
B. Sales person
The correct answer is "Sales person." Bellman's ability to provide information about hotel products and influence guests to use or buy them aligns with the role of a salesperson. They play a crucial role in promoting and selling hotel services and amenities to guests, ensuring a positive customer experience and generating revenue for the hotel.
Karena tidak semua tamu mempunyai pengalaman dengan kamar Hotel, apa yang dilakukan seorang bellman saat mengantarkan ke kamar tamu ..
Correct Answer
A. Explaining room facilities
When a bellman escorts a guest to their room, one of their responsibilities is to explain the room facilities to the guest. This is important because not all guests may be familiar with the amenities and features available in the hotel room. By explaining the room facilities, the bellman ensures that the guest is aware of and can make use of the various amenities provided for their comfort and convenience during their stay.
Jumlah dan kondisi barang tamu rombongan yang tiba dihitung dan diperiksa oleh beelman dan kemudian dilaporkan kepada ..
Correct Answer
A. Bell Captain
The bell captain is responsible for counting and inspecting the quantity and condition of the guests' belongings upon arrival. They then report this information to the appropriate person, which could be the tour leader, chief concierge, or supervisor.
Untuk memastikan kalau kamar yang akan dimasuki dalam keadaan kosong, Bellman harus memastikannya dengan cara ...
Correct Answer
C. Knocking the door
Bellman harus memastikan kalau kamar yang akan dimasukinya dalam keadaan kosong dengan cara mengetuk pintu. Dengan mengetuk pintu, Bellman dapat mendapatkan respons dari orang di dalam kamar untuk memastikan apakah kamar tersebut kosong atau tidak.
Pencatatan nomor taksi, nama taksi, waktu kedatangan , jumlah barang dan lain sebagainya dilakukan untuk tujuan..
Correct Answer
B. Keamanan
The recording of taxi numbers, taxi names, arrival times, quantity of goods, and other details is done for the purpose of ensuring safety. By keeping track of this information, it becomes easier to identify and address any security concerns or issues that may arise during the taxi service. This helps in maintaining a secure environment for both the passengers and the taxi drivers.
Kartu tanda penitipan barang milik tamu yang disimpan atau dititipkan di Luggage room adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. Luggage claim check
The correct answer is "Luggage claim check." A luggage claim check is a card or ticket given to a guest when they store or deposit their belongings in the luggage room. This claim check is used to identify and retrieve the guest's belongings later on. It is a common practice in hotels or other establishments where guests need to store their luggage securely.
Kemampuan Bellman dalam mengidentifikasi situasi yang sedang terjadi di Front Office area dan lalu lintas tamu adalah salah satu perannya sebagai ...
Correct Answer
A. Helper
Bellman's role as a helper involves his ability to identify the current situation in the Front Office area and the flow of guests. As a helper, Bellman assists guests with their luggage, provides directions, and offers any necessary information or assistance. He plays a supportive role in ensuring that guests have a pleasant and comfortable stay at the hotel.
Ketika tamu tiba pertama kali yang dilakukan Bellman adalah menyapa sesuai dengan waktunya dan menyebutkan nama tamu jika sudah dikenal. Istilah ini dikenal dengan...
Correct Answer
A. Greeting
The correct answer is "Greeting." When a guest arrives, the first thing the bellman does is greet them according to the time of day and mention their name if they are already known. This act of welcoming and acknowledging the guest is commonly referred to as a greeting.
Pencatatan nomor taksi, nama taksi, waktu kedatangan, jumlah barang dan lain sebagainya, dilakukan oleh ...
Correct Answer
A. Bell Captain
The correct answer is Bell Captain. A Bell Captain is responsible for recording taxi numbers, taxi names, arrival times, the number of items, and other details. They are usually found in hotels or resorts and are in charge of managing the bell staff and ensuring a smooth check-in and check-out process for guests.
Salah satu formulir yang dibutuhkan disection Porter adalah ..
Correct Answer
A. Luggage Tags
The correct answer is Luggage Tags. Salah satu formulir yang dibutuhkan dalam diseksi Porter adalah luggage tags. Luggage tags digunakan untuk menandai barang bawaan penumpang agar mudah diidentifikasi dan tidak tertukar dengan barang bawaan penumpang lainnya.
Menangani kedatangan, keberangkatan, barang-barang tamu dan merespon permintaan atas belldesk, serta tamu yang menginginkan perpindahan kamar termasuk dalam ...
Correct Answer
A. Jasa poter
The correct answer is Jasa poter. Jasa poter refers to the service provided by porters in handling the arrival and departure of guests, handling their luggage, and responding to requests at the bell desk. They also assist guests who wish to transfer rooms.
Lembar atau formulir pengawasan yang digunakan oleh Bell Captian untuk mencatat kegiatan Bellboy selama penanganan barang tamu, pengertian dari ...
Correct Answer
A. Bell boy control sheet
The correct answer is "Bell boy control sheet". This is a form or sheet used by the Bell Captain to record the activities of the Bellboy during guest luggage handling. It helps to keep track of the tasks performed by the Bellboy and ensures efficient management of guest belongings. Other options such as "Bell boy list" may refer to a simple list of Bellboys, "Luggage tag" is a tag attached to guest luggage for identification, and "Bell boy card" could refer to a card carried by the Bellboy for identification purposes.
Salah satu prosedur mengeluarkan barang bawaan tamu
Correct Answer
B. Menyapa, menawarkan bantuan dan memperhatikan setiap barang yang dibawa dengan sebaik-baiknya
The correct answer is "Menyapa, menawarkan bantuan dan memperhatikan setiap barang yang dibawa dengan sebaik-baiknya" because it shows proper hospitality and attentiveness towards the guest's belongings. By greeting the guest, offering assistance, and carefully observing their belongings, the hotel staff can ensure a positive guest experience and prevent any mishandling or loss of the guest's belongings.
Salah satu jenis trolley Bellboy...
Correct Answer
A. Luggage troley
The correct answer is "Luggage troley." A luggage trolley is a type of trolley that is used by bellboys or hotel staff to transport guests' luggage. It typically has wheels and a handle for easy maneuverability and may also have straps or hooks to secure the luggage in place. This type of trolley is specifically designed for carrying luggage, making it the most appropriate option among the given choices.
Penanganan yang baik dapat menekan Cost. Bila tidak hati-hati kerusakan barang yang terjadi akan menjadi tanmggungjawab Hotel, adalah arti dari
Correct Answer
D. Limiting expense
Limiting expense refers to the practice of minimizing costs or expenditures. In the given context, it suggests that good handling can help reduce costs. If not careful, any damages to the goods will be the responsibility of the hotel, implying that limiting expenses is important to avoid additional financial burdens.
Untuk keamanan barang ketika tamu tiba maupun meninggalkan Hotel, bellman harus melakukan koordinasi dalam menjaganya. Khususnya untuk barang tamu rombongan yang berjumlah banyak. Koordinasi harus dilakukan antar bellman dengan...
Correct Answer
A. Doorman, Valet, Security
The correct answer is Doorman, Valet, Security. The explanation for this answer is that in order to ensure the security of guests' belongings when they arrive or leave the hotel, the bellman needs to coordinate with the doorman, valet, and security staff. The doorman is responsible for greeting and assisting guests, while the valet handles parking and retrieving guests' vehicles. The security staff is essential for maintaining the safety and security of the hotel premises and guests' belongings. Therefore, the coordination between the bellman, doorman, valet, and security is crucial for the security of guests' belongings.
Konfirmasi yang dilakukan Bellman kepada kasir pada saat tamu mau meninggalkan hotel adalah mengenai ...
Correct Answer
A. Jumlah barang
Bellman melakukan konfirmasi kepada kasir mengenai jumlah barang yang dimiliki oleh tamu sebelum tamu meninggalkan hotel.
Kereta yang digunakan oleh bell boy untuk membawa barang bawaan tamu disebut...
Correct Answer
A. Room maid trolley
The correct answer is "Room maid trolley" because it is the type of cart used by bell boys to transport guests' belongings. This cart is specifically designed for room maids to efficiently move luggage and other items from one place to another within a hotel or resort.
Setelah menyelesaikan tugasnya, bell boy akan mengisi...
Correct Answer
A. Luggage room book
Setelah menyelesaikan tugasnya, bell boy akan mengisi Luggage room book. Ini adalah buku yang digunakan untuk mencatat dan melacak semua barang bawaan tamu yang disimpan di ruang bagasi. Dengan mengisi buku ini, bell boy dapat memastikan bahwa semua barang bawaan tamu telah disimpan dengan benar dan dapat ditemukan kembali jika dibutuhkan.
Errand card yang diserahkan kepada bell captain akan dicatat dalam...
Correct Answer
B. Errand control sheet
The correct answer is "Errand control sheet". An errand control sheet is a document used to record and track the errands or tasks assigned to the bell captain. It helps in keeping a record of the tasks assigned to the bell captain, ensuring that all tasks are completed efficiently and on time. The errand control sheet acts as a reference for both the bell captain and the management to monitor the progress of the tasks and ensure smooth operations.
Formulir yang digunakan bell captain untuk mencatat waktu menurunkan barang disebut...
Correct Answer
B. Baggage claim check
The correct answer is "Baggage claim check." A baggage claim check is a form used by a bell captain to record the time when luggage is dropped off. This allows the bell captain to keep track of the luggage and ensure it is delivered to the correct room or location. The other options, such as baggage tag, luggage room book, and errand control sheet, do not specifically refer to the form used by a bell captain to record the time of dropping off luggage.
Bagian concierge yang melakukan pelayanan pokok terhadap barang bawaan tamu disebut...
Correct Answer
A. Porter
The correct answer is Porter. A porter is a member of the concierge staff who is responsible for providing essential services to guests' luggage. They assist with carrying and transporting luggage to and from guest rooms, as well as handling any other related tasks or requests.
Jenis barang bawaan tamu berupa kotak dari karton untuk membawa barang yang mudah rusak, pecah atau berbau disebut...
Correct Answer
B. Package
The correct answer is "Package". A package is a box made of cardboard used to carry fragile, breakable, or smelly items. It is a suitable term to describe the type of container mentioned in the question.
Pada tamu rombongan, yang akan mengecek dan menghitung kelengkapan perlengkapan semua barang bawaan milik rombongan adalah
Correct Answer
B. Bell captain dan tour leader
The bell captain and tour leader are responsible for checking and counting the completeness of the belongings of the group. They ensure that all the items brought by the group are accounted for and nothing is left behind.
Bell captain bertugas menyiapkan laporan...
Correct Answer
A. Luggage room book
The correct answer is "Luggage room book". The bell captain's duty is to prepare a report or keep a record of the luggage in the luggage room. This book would contain information about the luggage that is stored in the room, including details such as the owner's name, room number, and any special instructions. It helps the bell captain to keep track of the luggage and ensure that it is properly managed and delivered to the guests when needed.
Berikut ini yang bukan merupakan petugas concierge...
Correct Answer
C. Car jockey
A car jockey is not a type of concierge because their primary responsibility is to park and retrieve cars for guests, rather than providing general assistance and information like a concierge would. A porter, room attendant, and doorgirl are all examples of roles that are typically associated with the duties of a concierge.
Petugas yang menangani penitipan barang tamu untuk sementara disebut...
Correct Answer
D. Cloakroom attendent
A cloakroom attendant is responsible for temporarily storing guests' belongings, such as coats, bags, and personal items. They ensure that these items are kept safe and secure until the guests are ready to retrieve them. This role is commonly found in hotels, restaurants, theaters, and other public venues. The other options mentioned, such as food and beverage attendant, linen attendant, and laundry attendant, are not directly related to the task of handling temporary storage of guests' belongings.
Baggage tag berisi informasi mengenai... dan ..
Correct Answer
A. Jumlah koper atau barang bawaan dan tanggal serta jam kedatangan
Baggage tag berisi informasi mengenai jumlah koper atau barang bawaan yang dibawa oleh penumpang serta tanggal dan jam kedatangan.
Baggage tag akan dipasang pada...
Correct Answer
C. Barang bawaan
The baggage tag is used to identify and track luggage during travel. It is typically attached to the handle or strap of the suitcase or bag. Therefore, the correct answer is "barang bawaan" which translates to "luggage" or "baggage" in English.
Errand card yang telah diisi oleh bellboy akan dilaporkan kepada...
Correct Answer
A. Bell captain
The correct answer is Bell captain. The reason for this is that the errand card, which is filled out by the bellboy, will be reported to the bell captain. The bell captain is responsible for overseeing the bellboys and ensuring that all tasks and errands are carried out efficiently. They act as a supervisor for the bellboys and are the appropriate person to receive the report about the filled errand card.
Gudang tempat menyimpan koper dan barang bawaan lain titipan tamu disebut...
Correct Answer
A. Luggage room
The correct answer is "Luggage room" because it refers to a place where guests can store their suitcases and other belongings. This term is commonly used in hotels or other accommodations to provide a secure area for guests to store their luggage during their stay.
Luggage down time dibuat oleh...
Correct Answer
A. Bell captain
The correct answer is Bell captain. A bell captain is responsible for handling and organizing luggage for guests in hotels. They oversee the transportation of luggage to and from guest rooms, as well as storage and retrieval. They ensure that guests' luggage is handled efficiently and safely. Therefore, it makes sense that the luggage down time is created by the bell captain.