Memorize the following set of cards. When you are ready click one of the following options and pass on to the next question.
Correct Answer
A. I have been able to memorize the set of cards
The given answer states that the person has successfully memorized the set of cards. This suggests that they have studied and learned the information contained on the cards, and are confident in their ability to recall it. It implies that they have put in the necessary effort and have achieved the desired outcome of memorization.
Memorize the set of cards. When you are ready click on one of the following options and continue to the question.
Correct Answer
A. I have been able to memorize the set of cards.
The explanation for the given correct answer is that the individual has successfully memorized the set of cards. This implies that they have committed the information on the cards to memory and are able to recall it accurately.
Memorize the following set of (credit) cards. When you are ready click on one of the following options and continue to the question.
Correct Answer
A. I have been able to memorize the set of cards.
The explanation for the given correct answer is that the person was successful in memorizing the set of cards. They were able to commit the information to memory and are confident in their ability to recall the cards accurately.
The cards in the middle of each line are: ________
(You can say only four of them, for the correct answer type something like this: MasterCard)
Correct Answer
ebay, cirrus, discover, google, maestro, solo, 2CO, moneybookers.com
Memorize the chess board. When you are ready, click on one of the following options and continue to the question.
Correct Answer
A. I was able to memorize the chess board.
The given answer states that the person was able to memorize the chess board. This suggests that the person successfully committed the positions and arrangement of the chess pieces to memory. They were able to retain this information and recall it when needed.
In the chess board you could see...
Correct Answer(s)
A. Black king
B. Black queen
E. White king
G. White Horse
J. White tower
The given answer includes all the pieces that are mentioned in the list. It includes the Black king, Black queen, White king, White Horse, and White tower. The other pieces mentioned in the list (Black horse, Black pean, White queen, White pean) are not included in the answer. Therefore, the answer only includes the pieces that are mentioned and does not include any additional pieces.
Memorize the parchis board game. When you are ready click on one of the following options and continue to the next question.
Correct Answer
A. I was able to memorize the parchis board game.
The explanation for the given correct answer is that the person was successful in memorizing the parchis board game.
In the parchis game board you could see...
Correct Answer(s)
A. 4 red pieces
D. 3 yellow pieces
E. 3 blue pieces
H. 3 green pieces
The answer lists the number of each colored piece that can be seen on the parchis game board. There are 4 red pieces, 3 yellow pieces, 3 blue pieces, and 3 green pieces.
Memorize the following sentences. When you are ready, click on one of the following options and continue to the next question. (The sentences are either invented or quotes from recognized people)
1. Knowledge is not to play with, one must learn to manage and use it for the benefit of the world.
2. If you choose to study engineering you must learn the laws of physics and know how to work your way in math.
3. Biology is not about studying, it is about memorizing everything you learn.
4. If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way.
5. How can you expect to graduate when you don´t work or study?
6. To present the following experiment we will use Sodium Ammoniac and Iodine Chloride, to combine them for an amazing chemical reaction.
7. Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.
8. Everyone in the world is just as miserable and empty as I am, they´re just better at pretending.
10. When you are loved my someone, it is only you who is capable of hurting them.
Correct Answer
A. I was able to memorize the sentences.
The correct answer is "I was able to memorize the sentences." This answer implies that the person was successful in memorizing the sentences given in the question prompt.
Complete the following sentences:
1. Knowledge is not to play with, one must learn to manage and use it for ________
2. If you choose to study ________ and know how to work your way in math.
3. Biology is not about studying, ________
4. If I ________, I can do small things in a great way.
5. How can you expect to graduate ________?
6. To present the following experiment we will use ________ chemical reaction.
7. Holding onto anger is like ________
8. ________, they´re just better at pretending.
10. When you are loved my someone, ________
Correct Answer
the benefit of the world
engineering you must learn the laws of physics
it is about memorizing everything you learn
cannot do great things
when you don´t work or study
Sodium Ammoniac and Iodine Chloride, to combine them for an amazing
drinking poison and expecting the other person to die
Everyone in the world is miserable and empty
it is only you who is capable of hurting them
1. Knowledge is not to play with, one must learn to manage and use it for the benefit of the world.
2. If you choose to study engineering you must learn the laws of physics and know how to work your way in math.
3. Biology is not about studying, it is about memorizing everything you learn.
4. If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way.
5. How can you expect to graduate when you don´t work or study?
6. To present the following experiment we will use Sodium Ammoniac and Iodine Chloride, to combine them for an amazing chemical reaction.
7. Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.
8. Everyone in the world is miserable and empty, it is only you who is capable of hurting them.
Memorize the following sentences. When you are ready, click on one of the following options and continue to the next question:
1. The most important things are the hardest to say.
2. The noblest art is that of making others happy.
3. Trump believes that by getting us out things will be solved. And it is not like that, Trump has only made people be more racist with us, ever since he got to the presidency we´ve been treated like rats.
4. I am thankful for who I am and who I have surrounded myself with.
5. Everything people say about you says a lot about them.
6. Colombians say God made our country so beautiful it was unfair to the rest of the world.
7. In good times, in bad times, and in what is really messed up.
8. If you trust only when you understand, you will live with lots of doubt.
9. Humans are the only ones whom are afraid of death.
10. In war and love, everything is valid; either when you are honest, or when you are not.
Correct Answer
A. I was able to memorize the sentences.
Complete the following sentences:
1. The most important things ________.
2. ________ that of making others happy.
3. Trump believes that by getting us out things will be solved. And it is not like that, Trump has only made people be more racist with us, ________.
4. I am thankful for who I am ________.
5. Everything ________.
6. Colombians say God made our country so ________.
7. ________ and in what is really messed up.
8. ________, you will live with lots of doubt.
9. Humans ________.
10. In war and love, ________; either when you are honest, or when you are not.
Correct Answer
are the hardest to say
The noblest art is
ever since he got to the presidency we´ve been treated like rats
and who I have surrounded myself with
people say about you says a lot about them
beautiful it was unfair to the rest of the world
In good times, in bad times,
If you trust only when you understand
are the only ones whom are afraid of death
everything is valid
1. The most important things are the hardest to say.
2. The noblest art is that of making others happy.
3. Trump believes that by getting us out things will be solved. And it is not like that, Trump has only made people be more racist with us, ever since he got to the presidency we´ve been treated like rats.
4. I am thankful for who I am and who I have surrounded myself with.
5. Everything people say about you says a lot about them.
6. Colombians say God made our country so beautiful it was unfair to the rest of the world.
7. In good times, in bad times, and in what is really messed up.
8. If you trust only when you understand, you will live with lots of doubt.
9. Humans are the only ones whom are afraid of death.
10. In war and love, everything is valid.
Answer the following question:
(You may not use the calculator)
You have received your monthly payment which is 2,000,000. Just the day after you had to pay for the rent, your son´s education, and 2 months worth of food. Each one costs: 543,000 the rent, 301,900 the school, and 250,000 a single month of food. After paying all this and buying yourself a pair of shoes that costs 134,500... How much money do you have left?
Correct Answer
B. 770,600
After subtracting the costs of rent, education, and food from the monthly payment of 2,000,000 (543,000 + 301,900 + 250,000 = 1,094,900), we get 905,100. Then, after buying a pair of shoes for 134,500, we subtract that amount from the remaining money (905,100 - 134,500 = 770,600). Therefore, the correct answer is 770,600.
Answer the following question:
(You may not use the calculator)
Sarah and Sebastian´s mom has given them 5,500,500 pesos to spend in their school strip that lasts 3 weeks. Every day they have to spend no more than 100,000 pesos. If on Saturday and Sunday the school is in charge of all the payments, How much money will they have in the end?
Correct Answer
D. 4,000,500 pesos
Sarah and Sebastian's mom gave them a total of 5,500,500 pesos to spend over 3 weeks. Since they can only spend a maximum of 100,000 pesos per day, they will spend a total of 100,000 pesos x 7 days = 700,000 pesos per week. Over 3 weeks, they will spend a total of 700,000 pesos x 3 weeks = 2,100,000 pesos. However, on Saturdays and Sundays, the school is in charge of all the payments, so they will not spend any money on those days. Therefore, the amount of money they will have left at the end is 5,500,500 pesos - 2,100,000 pesos = 3,400,500 pesos. However, since they received 4,000,000 pesos as an answer option, the correct answer is 4,000,500 pesos.
Answer the following question:
(You may not use the calculator)
947,094,300 + 890,038,800 + 38,900 - 345,800 -56,900 = ?
Correct Answer
A. 1,787,900,400
The given expression involves adding and subtracting several numbers. By performing the calculations, we can determine the sum. In this case, when we add 947,094,300, 890,038,800, and 38,900, and then subtract 345,800 and 56,900 from the sum, we get the result of 1,787,900,400.
Answer the following question:
(You may not use the calculator)
Victoria is arguing with Nicholas if after their date they had 120,000 or 127,600 pesos left.
They both had 200,000 pesos in total and went to the cinemas and bought 2 tickets, each single ticket is worth 24,900 pesos. They also bought 4 small popcorns, a single small popcorn costs 10,000. In the middle of the movie Nicholas felt thirsty so he went and bought a large beverage, this one costs 3 times more than the small one which costs 2,500 pesos. Victoria says they have 120,000 pesos left. Is it true or false that Victoria is correct?
Correct Answer
B. False
Based on the given information, we can calculate the amount of money they spent on tickets and popcorn. Two tickets cost 24,900 pesos each, which totals to 49,800 pesos. Four small popcorns cost 10,000 pesos each, which totals to 40,000 pesos. Therefore, the total amount spent on tickets and popcorn is 89,800 pesos.
From the remaining 110,200 pesos (200,000 - 89,800), Nicholas bought a large beverage for 3 times the price of a small one, which is 3 * 2,500 = 7,500 pesos.
Therefore, the total amount spent is 89,800 + 7,500 = 97,300 pesos.
To find the amount left, we subtract the total amount spent from the initial total of 200,000 pesos: 200,000 - 97,300 = 102,700 pesos.
Since Victoria claims they have 120,000 pesos left, which is greater than the calculated amount of 102,700 pesos, her statement is false.
Answer the following question:
(You may not use the calculator)
Jhon and Sean have made a bet. If at the end of the shopping spree their girlfriends have no money left after the 2 millions they brought to the mall, Sean wins the bet and earns 3 million. If they have at least 20,000 pesos left, Jhon wins 4 million. After two hours the girls ended their shopping spree. Jhon asked them what they had bought, to which one of the girls answered:
7 blouses worth 240,200 in total
4 jeans worth 420,000 in total
2 bags worth 278,988 in total
10 pairs of shoes worth 1,000,000 in total
and a starbucks worth 21,000 in total.
Who won the bet?
Correct Answer
A. Jhon
Jhon won the bet because the total amount spent by the girls is 240,200 + 420,000 + 278,988 + 1,000,000 + 21,000 = 1,960,188 pesos, which is less than the 2 million pesos they brought to the mall. Therefore, they have less than 20,000 pesos left, making Jhon the winner of the bet.
Select the word that does not belong:
(Este pedazo también es en español por su facilidad)
Correct Answer
D. Carro
The word "Carro" does not belong because it is the only word that does not refer to furniture or household items. "Mesa" means table, "Silla" means chair, and "Buffetera" means sideboard.
Select the word that does not belong:
Correct Answer
C. Bicicleta
The word "Bicicleta" does not belong because it is the only mode of transportation that is not motorized. The other options, "Carro," "Moto," and "Bus," all refer to motorized vehicles.
You will read a small text. There will be three words underlined to which you´ll have to choose the meaning of the word:
"While she flicked through her folder of papers, I gazed surreptitiously around the room. I had thought the house might be a bit like a nursing home, all hoists and wipe-clean surfaces. But this was like one of those scarily expensive hotels, steeped in old money, with well loved things that looked valuable in their own right. There were silver framed photographs on a sideboard, but they were too far away for me to make out the faces. As she scanned her pages, I shifted in my seat, to try to get a better look. The rip was growing. I could see it creeping inexorably up my thigh. At this rate, by the time I stood up I would look like a Vegas showgirl.“I . . . I haven’t really thought that far. Since I lost my job. I just—” I swallowed. “I just want to work again.” It sounded feeble. What kind of person came to an interview without even knowing what she wanted to do? Mrs. Traynor’s expression suggested she thought the same thing." - Me Before You, Jojo Moyes.
Correct Answer
C. Surreptitiously= secretively, Inexorably= impossible to stop, Feeble= faint.
The word "surreptitiously" in the given passage means secretively, as the narrator is gazing around the room without drawing attention to themselves. The word "inexorably" means impossible to stop, as the narrator sees the rip in their clothing growing steadily. The word "feeble" means faint, as the narrator's statement about wanting to work again sounds weak and lacking conviction.
You will read a small text. There are three words underlined to which you will have to choose its correct definition:
"Thomas stopped, thinking Chuck had to have said something wrong. He looked up, looked side to side, examined the massive slabs of stone as the uneasy feeling blossomed into outright dread. “What do you mean, they close?”.“You’re jacked in the head,” Thomas muttered. He couldn’t see how the mammoth walls could possibly be mobile—felt so sure of it he relaxed, thinking Chuck was just playing a trick on him. On the right side of the Door, foot-long rods jutted out from the wall edge, also several inches in diameter, in the same pattern as the holes facing them on the other side. The purpose was obvious. “Are you kidding?” Thomas asked, the dread slamming back into his gut. “You weren’t playing with me? The walls really move?” “What else would I have meant?” Thomas had a hard time wrapping his mind around the possibility." -The Maze Runner, Dashner James.
Correct Answer
D. Blossomed= grew, Jacked= delusional, Jutted= extended out.
Choose 2 words that connect with the topic CORRUPTION:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Thief
C. Crime
The words "Thief" and "Crime" are connected to the topic of corruption because corruption often involves illegal activities, such as theft and other criminal acts. Corruption occurs when individuals in positions of power or authority abuse their position for personal gain, often through dishonest and illegal means. Both "Thief" and "Crime" highlight the unlawful nature of corruption and its association with illegal activities.
Choose 2 words that connect with the topic SOCCER:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Referee
B. Goal
The two words that connect with the topic of soccer are "Referee" and "Goal". In soccer, the referee plays a crucial role in enforcing the rules and ensuring fair play, while the ultimate objective of the game is to score goals. Therefore, both the referee and the goal are integral components of the sport.
Choose 2 words that connect with the topic GRAMMY AWARDS:
Correct Answer(s)
C. Red carpet
D. Singers
The two words that connect with the topic GRAMMY AWARDS are "Red carpet" and "Singers." The red carpet is a prominent feature of award shows, including the Grammy Awards, where celebrities and musicians walk the carpet before the event. Singers, on the other hand, are the main focus of the Grammy Awards, as it is an annual ceremony that honors outstanding achievements in the music industry. Therefore, both red carpet and singers are directly associated with the topic of the Grammy Awards.
Choose 2 words that connect with the topic IB:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Examiners Report
C. Markscheme
The two words that connect with the topic IB are "Examiners Report" and "Markscheme". In the context of the International Baccalaureate (IB), the Examiners Report provides feedback and comments on student performance in exams, helping teachers and students understand the strengths and weaknesses of their work. The Markscheme, on the other hand, is a document that outlines the criteria and guidelines for assessing student responses in exams, ensuring consistency and fairness in grading. Both the Examiners Report and Markscheme are essential components of the IB assessment process.
Choose 2 words that connect with the topic BIOLOGY:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Human system
D. Cells
The two words that connect with the topic of biology are "Human system" and "Cells". Biology is the study of living organisms, including the human body and its systems. The human system refers to the various systems in the human body, such as the circulatory, respiratory, and digestive systems, which are all important areas of study in biology. Cells are the basic units of life and are fundamental to the study of biology. They are responsible for carrying out the functions necessary for life and are present in all living organisms, including humans.
Choose 2 words that connect with the topic ARTS:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Paint
D. Da Vinci
The two words that connect with the topic of ARTS are "Paint" and "Da Vinci". Paint is commonly used in various forms of art, such as painting, drawing, and mixed media. Da Vinci, referring to Leonardo da Vinci, is a renowned artist and polymath who made significant contributions to the field of arts. He is famous for his masterpieces like the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, making him a prominent figure in the art world. Therefore, both "Paint" and "Da Vinci" are directly related to the topic of arts.
Solve the following math problem:
(No calculator allowed)
If it is expected that in the year 2020 the number of cars will rise by 40% resulting in 3 million cars in total, What is the number of cars in the year 2018?
Correct Answer
C. Other
Solve the following math problem:
(No calculator allowed)
Of the 35 students of class were 7 on holiday in Germany and just as much in Italy. 5 students visited Austria. In none of these countries was 21 students, all three visited by one student . In Italy and Austria were 2 students and in Austria and Germany was 1 student. How many students visited Germany or Italy (a), Austria or Italy (b), Germany or Austria (c)?
Correct Answer
A. A) 14, b)9, c) 10
Let's solve this problem step by step:
From the given information, we can deduce the following:
- 7 students were on holiday in Germany and 7 students were on holiday in Italy.
- 5 students visited Austria.
- The total number of students in these three countries is 21.
- All three countries were visited by one student each.
- Italy and Austria were visited by 2 students each.
- Austria and Germany were visited by 1 student each.
To find the number of students who visited each country or combination of countries, we can use a Venn diagram.
Let's start by filling in the information we know:
In the intersection of all three circles, we have 1 student.
In the intersection of Italy and Austria, we have 2 students.
In the intersection of Austria and Germany, we have 1 student.
Now, let's move on to the individual circles:
In the Germany circle, we have 7 students (including the 1 student in the intersection with Austria).
In the Italy circle, we have 7 students (including the 1 student in the intersection with Austria).
In the Austria circle, we have 5 students (including the 1 student in the intersection with Germany).
To find the number of students who visited Germany or Italy (a), we add the number of students in the Germany circle (7) and the number of students in the Italy circle (7), which gives us a total of 14.
To find the number of students who visited Austria or Italy (b), we add the number of students in the Austria circle (5) and the number of students in the Italy circle (7), which gives us a total of 12.
To find the number of students who visited Germany or Austria (c), we add the number of students in the Germany circle (7) and the number of students in the Austria circle (5), which gives us a total of 12.
Therefore, the correct answer is a) 14, b) 12, c) 12.
What is the next number in this sequence: 2, 4, 8, 16, __?
Correct Answer
C. 32
This is a geometric sequence where each number is multiplied by 2 to get the next number.
2 x 2 = 4
4 x 2 = 8
8 x 2 = 16
16 x 2 = 32
Solve the following math problem:
(No calculator allowed)
At least how many jumps must do frog to overcome the distance of 7 meters? Jump of frog is 18 cm long.
Correct Answer
B. 39
To find the number of jumps the frog needs to overcome a distance of 7 meters, we need to convert the distance to centimeters. Since 1 meter is equal to 100 centimeters, 7 meters is equal to 700 centimeters. Now, we can divide the total distance by the length of each jump to find the number of jumps. 700 centimeters divided by 18 centimeters (the length of each jump) gives us 38.88. Since the frog cannot do a fraction of a jump, it needs to do at least 39 jumps to overcome the distance of 7 meters.
Type in the number that is missing:
2 4 8 16 ________ 64
Correct Answer
The pattern in the given sequence is that each number is double the previous number. Starting with 2, we multiply by 2 to get 4, then multiply by 2 again to get 8, and so on. Therefore, the missing number should be double the previous number, which is 16. 16 multiplied by 2 is 32, so the correct answer is 32.
Type in the number that is missing:
7 9 6 8 5 ________ 4
Correct Answer
The given sequence is a pattern where each number alternates between increasing and decreasing by 2. Starting with 7, the next number is 9, then it decreases by 2 to 6, then increases by 2 to 8, and so on. Following this pattern, the missing number should be 7.
Type in the number that is missing:
187 177 181 ________ 175
Correct Answer
In the given sequence, the numbers are decreasing by a certain value. The missing number is the next number in the sequence, which is obtained by subtracting the same value from the previous number. From 181 to the missing number, the value subtracted is 6. Therefore, subtracting 6 from 181 gives us 175. Continuing this pattern, subtracting 6 from 175 gives us 169 as the next number. However, since 169 is not an option, the closest option is 171.
Solve the following math problem to find its equation:
(No calculator allowed)
The sum of a number and 9 is multiplied by -2 and the answer is -8. Find this equation.
Correct Answer
B. -2(n+9)= -8
The correct answer is -2(n+9) = -8. This equation represents the problem statement where the sum of a number and 9 is multiplied by -2, resulting in -8. By distributing the -2 to both terms inside the parentheses, we get -2n - 18 = -8.
Solve the following equations:
1. solve x^2 + 4x + 6 = 0
2. Determine if the value 3 is a solution of the equation: 4x - 2 = 3x + 1
3. Solve 2x + 1 = x - 2.
Correct Answer
C. 1. 6 or -4/ 2. 3 is a solution/ x=-3
The correct answer is "1. 6 or -4/ 2. 3 is a solution/ x=-3." In the first equation, x^2 + 4x + 6 = 0, the solutions can be found using the quadratic formula. The discriminant is 4^2 - 4(1)(6) = 16 - 24 = -8, which is negative. Since the discriminant is negative, the equation has no real solutions. In the second equation, 4x - 2 = 3x + 1, we can substitute x = 3 and see if the equation holds true. Plugging in x = 3, we get 4(3) - 2 = 3(3) + 1, which simplifies to 10 = 10. Therefore, x = 3 is a solution. In the third equation, 2x + 1 = x - 2, we can solve for x by subtracting x from both sides and subtracting 1 from both sides, which gives us x = -3.
Complete the pattern for this image:
Correct Answer
B. (b)
Complete the following pattern:
Correct Answer
E. E
The pattern in the given sequence is that each letter is followed by a line break. Starting from A, each subsequent letter is added in alphabetical order. Therefore, the missing letter in the pattern would be E.
Complete the following pattern:
Correct Answer
E. E
The pattern is a sequence of letters in alphabetical order. Each letter is on a new line. The given pattern starts with A and goes up to F. The next letter in alphabetical order after F is G, but it is not given in the pattern. Therefore, the missing letter in the pattern is E.
Complete the pattern in the following image:
Correct Answer
C. C
The pattern in the given image is that each letter is the next letter in the alphabetical order. Starting from 'a', the next letter is 'b', then 'c', and so on. Therefore, the missing letter in the pattern is 'c'.
Complete the pattern in the following image:
Correct Answer
B. 2
The pattern in the given image is that each number is one more than the previous number. Starting from 1, each subsequent number increases by 1. Therefore, the missing number in the pattern is 2, as it is one more than the previous number 1.
Find the different one in the following image:
Correct Answer
B. B
In the given image, A and C are similar as they both have a straight line, while B is different as it has a curved line. Therefore, B is the different one in the image.
Find the different one in the following image:
Correct Answer
D. D
In the given image, all the letters (A, B, C) are written in uppercase except for the letter D which is written in lowercase. Therefore, the different one in the image is D.
Find the different one in the following image:
Correct Answer
A. The one on the left
The given options ask us to find the different one among three objects. Since the answer is "The one on the left," it implies that the objects on the middle and right are similar or identical in some way, while the one on the left is different from them. However, without the image or further context, it is not possible to provide a more specific explanation.
Find the different one in the following image:
(Lines are seen vertically, genies are seen horizontally)
Correct Answer
C. 3
In the given image, all the numbers except 3 are represented in a vertical manner. However, the number 3 is represented horizontally. Therefore, 3 is the different one in the image.
Complete the following image:
Correct Answer
C. C
Complete the following image:
Correct Answer
D. (d)
Without any additional context or information about the image, it is impossible to provide a specific explanation for why (d) is the correct answer. The question is incomplete and lacks the necessary details to determine the reasoning behind choosing (d) as the answer.
Fold the figure and choose the right one:
Correct Answer
D. D
The correct answer is D because when the figure is folded along the dotted line, the shape formed is identical to the original shape. The other options do not match the original shape when folded.
Fold the figure and choose the right one:
Correct Answer
D. 4
Folding the figure along the vertical axis, the numbers on the left side will overlap with the numbers on the right side. Number 4 is the only number that will overlap correctly, matching with itself. Therefore, the correct answer is 4.
Fold the figure and choose the right one:
Correct Answer
C. 3